82R18372 BPG-D
  By: Howard of Travis H.R. No. 1134
         WHEREAS, Austin Ballroom Dancers is marking its 30th
  anniversary on April 16 with a special dance featuring the Nash
  Hernandez Orchestra; and
         WHEREAS, Formed by 36 individuals who relished the social,
  noncompetitive aspects of ballroom dancing, the nonprofit
  organization first met on January 19, 1981; the popularity of
  weekly Saturday night dances soon led to the hosting of lessons for
  members of the community; just a year after its launch, ABD
  partnered with radio station KTXZ-AM to host a Valentine's tea
  dance featuring the famed Glenn Miller Orchestra; and
         WHEREAS, The Hancock Recreation Center became the permanent
  location for ABD classes, which are open to all ages; today, ABD
  offers instruction in a full range of ballroom dances, including
  multiple varieties of swing dancing, Latin styles such as mambo,
  salsa, cha-cha, and tango, and such favorites as the quickstep,
  foxtrot, and Viennese waltz, and the current membership is about
  150; and
         WHEREAS, Social dancing improves the cardiovascular system,
  muscle tone, flexibility, strength, and balance, while providing
  participants with a wonderful opportunity to relax and enjoy the
  company of others; over the past three decades, Austin Ballroom
  Dancers has allowed countless Texans to participate in this
  rewarding activity, and an anniversary provides a fitting
  opportunity to recognize ABD for the benefits it brings to the
  Austin community; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the members of Austin Ballroom
  Dancers on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of their
  organization and extend to them sincere best wishes for a memorable
  celebration; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Austin Ballroom Dancers as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.