82R20430 JBA-D
  By: Howard of Travis H.R. No. 1371
         WHEREAS, The students of Steiner Ranch Elementary School in
  Austin raised more than $12,500 for their fellow students in
  Bolivia as part of the school's 2011 Students Helping Students, Pay
  It Forward project; and
         WHEREAS, Donations for this worthy endeavor came from
  individual students, many of whom contributed money they had
  received for their birthdays or other occasions, as well as from
  community-wide efforts, including sales of baked goods, lemonade,
  and snow cones; among the other fund-raisers were a movie night
  benefit and a student birthday party in which guests were
  encouraged to donate to the project in lieu of gifts; and
         WHEREAS, The money collected will go to help schoolchildren
  in Marquina, a poor village near the city of Cochabamba; the 110
  students there have no desks and few books, and they also lack clean
  water and medical care; the efforts of the kindergarten through
  fifth-grade classes at Steiner Ranch Elementary will help to
  provide the deserving Bolivian boys and girls with a new school
  building, a medical clinic, and a clean water source, as well as
  books and toys; and
         WHEREAS, The young Texans attending Steiner Ranch Elementary
  have distinguished themselves through their generosity and
  dedication, and they are indeed deserving of recognition for their
  commitment to the greater good; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the students of Steiner Ranch Elementary
  School for their outstanding efforts in behalf of the 2011 Students
  Helping Students, Pay It Forward project and extend to them sincere
  best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the school as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.