82R22381 JH-D
  By: Burkett H.R. No. 1424
         WHEREAS, Residents and community leaders from Balch Springs
  are gathering at the State Capitol on April 19, 2011, to take part
  in Balch Springs Day, and this occasion provides a welcome
  opportunity to honor the history and achievements of this notable
  North Texas community; and
         WHEREAS, The city traces its history to the 1870s, when John
  Balch, who had fought for the independence of Texas at the Battle of
  San Jacinto and other engagements, settled in the area with his
  family; his land contained a permanent spring that became a
  gathering place for nearby residents, and the settlement that took
  shape over the following decades was named for him and this vital
  water source; and
         WHEREAS, Balch Springs was incorporated in 1953, when few
  more than 3,000 people lived there; the population rose in the
  decades that followed, with an increasing number of manufacturing
  companies and other businesses opening their doors; and
         WHEREAS, Today, this bustling city is home to nearly 24,000
  people and serves as a southeastern gateway to the Metroplex; it
  offers convenient access to the surrounding area as well as to major
  interstate and international transportation routes, and its
  location, combined with its forward-looking civic leadership and
  productive workforce, has attracted numerous companies, including
  a number of firms in the telecommunications industry; and
         WHEREAS, Quality of life is another factor in the city's
  growth, and numerous residents have been drawn by its thriving
  community atmosphere, highly regarded schools, and myriad options
  for housing, entertainment, and recreation; and
         WHEREAS, Offering a mixture of small-town charm and big-city
  convenience, Balch Springs is a great place to live, work, and
  conduct business, and its many contributions to the Lone Star State
  deserve to be honored and celebrated; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize April 19, 2011, as Balch Springs Day
  at the State Capitol and extend to the visiting delegation sincere
  best wishes for a productive and enjoyable time in Austin.