82R17994 JH-D
  By: Anderson of McLennan H.R. No. 1554
         WHEREAS, The Midway Independent School District in McLennan
  County paid tribute to three outstanding employees by naming them
  as recipients of the Extra Mile Award; and
         WHEREAS, This commendation honors individuals who benefit
  students and further the mission of Midway ISD schools by going
  above and beyond the call of duty in the course of their work; and
         WHEREAS, Award winner Randall Dossey has served as a
  carpenter for the district for almost 14 years; in that time, he has
  impressed faculty and staff with the meticulous care and innovative
  approach that he devotes to his construction and maintenance
  projects; and
         WHEREAS, Carolyn Meyer was selected as an Extra Mile honoree
  for her exemplary efforts as the district's pregnancy education
  parenting coordinator; known for her willingness to lend assistance
  at any hour of the day or night, she has been a valuable mentor and
  supporter to numerous students who are adjusting to life as a parent
  while also continuing their studies; and
         WHEREAS, A veteran district employee with 34 years of
  experience, Judy Padgett has worked as a bus driver and special
  education teacher assistant for Midway ISD; for nearly three
  decades of her tenure, she has been assigned to the Middle School
  Life Skills Program, and her know-how and concern for the young
  people in her care play an important part in making the classes a
  success; and
         WHEREAS, Bringing exceptional dedication to their
  responsibilities, these admirable individuals are playing an
  integral role in the daily lives of Midway ISD students, and they
  are indeed deserving of special recognition; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Randall Dossey, Carolyn Meyer, and
  Judy Padgett on their receipt of the Midway Independent School
  District Extra Mile Award and extend to them sincere best wishes for
  continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the award winners as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.