82R24660 JBA-D
  By: Patrick H.R. No. 1662
         WHEREAS, For the past year, the Texas Armed Services
  Scholarship Program has assisted a distinguished group of students
  in pursuing their college educations, and the cadets who are part of
  this initiative are to be congratulated for being chosen for this
  notable honor; and
         WHEREAS, The program provides financial aid to men and women
  who are seeking postsecondary education and who have committed to
  serving their state or country; in addition to encouraging
  individuals to devote themselves to military service, the Texas
  Armed Services Scholarships promote participation in Reserve
  Officers' Training Corps programs at the state's institutions of
  higher education; and
         WHEREAS, Recipients of the scholarships are appointed by the
  governor, lieutenant governor, and members of the Texas Senate and
  House of Representatives; each cadet is authorized to receive up to
  $15,000 annually through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
  Board over four years of study; and
         WHEREAS, In order to qualify for the award, a student must
  enroll in an ROTC program while in college and enter into an
  agreement to become a member of the Texas Army National Guard or the
  Texas Air Force National Guard for four years or to become a
  commissioned officer in any branch of the armed services of the
  United States; they must also meet a number of academic
  requirements while in high school, including maintaining a grade
  point average of 3.0 or higher, achieving a college-readiness score
  on the SAT or ACT, and ranking in the top one-third of their
  graduating class; and
         WHEREAS, These noteworthy young Texans have dedicated
  themselves to serving their fellow citizens while working toward
  their professional goals, and they may indeed look with
  anticipation and optimism toward the challenges and opportunities
  that lie ahead; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the cadets of the Texas Armed Services
  Scholarship Program and extend to them sincere best wishes for
  continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the cadets as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.