82R25209 JNC-D
  By: Nash H.R. No. 1756
         WHEREAS, Words cannot adequately express the sorrow felt at
  the loss of U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant Jeremy D. Smith of Arlington,
  who died in Afghanistan on April 6, 2011, at the age of 26; and
         WHEREAS, Assigned to the 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment,
  4th Marine Division, Staff Sergeant Smith was killed while bravely
  serving his country in Helmand Province; and
         WHEREAS, Born on March 9, 1985, to Jerry and Sandra Smith,
  Jeremy Smith grew up in Arlington, where he was a member of the
  football team at Martin High School; after graduating in 2003, he
  joined the Marine Corps, later extending his enlistment to complete
  his third tour of duty in Iraq; his plans for the future included
  training fellow Marines as a member of the Texas Marine Reserves;
         WHEREAS, Staff Sergeant Smith was recognized for his skill
  and dedication to duty, earning two Navy Achievement Medals, the
  Purple Heart, and the Combat Action Ribbon; in all of his endeavors,
  he was blessed with the support of his wife, Rachel, whom he married
  on May 2, 2009, at a ceremony held at the home of his mother; and
         WHEREAS, Our state and nation are fortunate to have men and
  women whose loyalty inspires them to serve our country, yet the
  tragic death of this brave man is a sobering reminder of the cost of
  war; Staff Sergeant Jeremy Smith embodied the highest ideals of the
  U.S. armed forces, and those who knew and loved him will forever
  carry him close in their hearts; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of U.S. Marine Staff
  Sergeant Jeremy D. Smith and extend deepest sympathy to the members
  of his family: to his wife, Rachel Whipp Smith; to his mother,
  Sandra Smith; to his father, Jerry Smith; to his sister, Shayda
  Heath, and her husband, Nathan; to his brother, Tyler Smith; to his
  niece, Lilly; to his nephew, Greyson; to his grandmothers,
  Elizabeth Smith and Vereana Allen; and to his other relatives and
  many friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of U.S. Marine
  Staff Sergeant Jeremy D. Smith.