82R26308 JGH-D
  By: Zedler H.R. No. 1794
         WHEREAS, Arlington Municipal Airport has been named the 2011
  Reliever Airport of the Year by the Aviation Division of the Texas
  Department of Transportation; and
         WHEREAS, Reliever airports are designated by the Federal
  Aviation Administration to reduce congestion at larger commercial
  airports and to provide community access to general aviation; each
  year, TxDOT's Aviation Division honors a Texas reliever airport for
  supporting local economic development, as well as community events
  and activities, and for improving and expanding its aviation
  facilities; and
         WHEREAS, Operating 24 hours a day, Arlington Municipal
  Airport provides a secure and reliable destination for corporate
  and private aviation in the Dallas-Fort Worth area; the airport
  employs nearly 800 full-time staffers with a $30.1 million payroll
  and generates $93.3 million in revenue from general aviation users
  and on-site spending; it is also home to 22 businesses; and
         WHEREAS, The airport has recently opened a new terminal
  building, and in partnership with TxDOT, it has initiated
  construction projects to enhance the facility's lighting, approach
  aids, and air traffic control tower radar; and
         WHEREAS, In recent years, the airport's jet operations have
  grown by 40 percent annually, thanks in part to the new Dallas
  Cowboys stadium, and the facility has also experienced increases in
  cargo and charter operations; the airport has hosted visitors for
  25 major events in the past year, including the Major League
  Baseball championships, the Cotton Bowl, the World Series, and
  Super Bowl XLV; and
         WHEREAS, Four days before the 2011 Super Bowl, air traffic in
  North Texas was virtually shut down by an ice storm, but because of
  15 months of careful planning and then around-the-clock efforts by
  the airport's staff, Arlington Municipal Airport reopened within 24
  hours and stayed open, despite continuing bad weather; and
         WHEREAS, The airport's ability to meet such challenges, its
  high standard of service, its potential for expansion and growth,
  and its many contributions to the local economy make Arlington
  Municipal Airport a truly fitting choice for this prestigious
  award; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Arlington Municipal Airport on
  being named the 2011 Reliever Airport of the Year by the Texas
  Department of Transportation Aviation Division and extend to the
  airport's management and staff sincere best wishes for continued
  success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Arlington Municipal Airport as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.