82R25724 BPG-D
  By: Madden H.R. No. 1806
         WHEREAS, Collin County lost an admired civic leader with the
  passing of Joseph Allen Hill on January 15, 2011, at the age of 84;
         WHEREAS, Born in Gordonsville, Virginia, on March 18, 1926,
  Joe Hill was the son of Picollia Dade Hill and Robert A. Hill; he
  graduated from Orange County High School and served his country in
  the Navy Reserve for two years; after earning his bachelor's degree
  in chemistry from Clark University, he worked as a chemist for
  General Electric in Schenectady, New York, for 13 years and won
  numerous awards for product and company improvements; he went on to
  join the Xerox Corporation in Rochester, New York, before
  transferring to the Dallas area; over the course of a distinguished
  tenure spanning three decades with the company, he also worked in
  California for a year; and
         WHEREAS, Deeply committed to his community, Mr. Hill gave
  generously of his time and talents to benefit the elderly; he
  organized and led the Senior Coalition, which was instrumental in
  the construction of the Plano Senior Center, conducting petition
  drives and advocating for the center at innumerable meetings; he
  served as president of the advisory council for the center and as
  co-chair of its capital improvements program, and he frequently
  gave seniors rides to the center, drove them to appointments, and
  helped them in myriad ways; in addition, he took photos of almost
  every event at the center and assisted with daily bread donations;
  he further served on the boards of the Collin County Committee on
  Aging, the Plano Community Home, and the Maurice Barnett Geriatric
  Wellness Center, and he organized the Collin County White House
  Conference on Aging; and
         WHEREAS, This dynamic Texan was a member of Volunteers in
  Plano, the Martin Luther King Community Center, and the Dallas
  Independent School District's Safety and Excel programs; moreover,
  he was a member of the Collin County Black Chamber of Commerce and
  the Plano Chamber of Commerce and served as a consultant for both;
  the recipient of numerous accolades, he was named Plano Man of the
  Year and Plano Volunteer of the Year, and he was accorded the Andre
  Davidson Spirit of Volunteerism Award, the Plano Senior Coalition
  Award, and the Plano Community Forum Award, among other honors; and
         WHEREAS, A man of many interests, Mr. Hill enjoyed
  photography, track, and baseball, and he was a member of the semipro
  baseball team the Troy Haymakers; and
         WHEREAS, Joe Hill made a positive difference in countless
  lives through his tremendous kindness, and his contributions to his
  community will continue to resonate in the years to come; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Joseph Allen Hill and
  extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife,
  Kay; to his daughter, Cheryl; to his sons, Mark, Mike, and Ronald;
  to his grandchildren, Aja, Shahn, and Markus; to his
  brother-in-law, David Walker; and to his many other relatives and
  friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Joseph
  Allen Hill.