82R23105 MMS-D
  By: Anderson of McLennan H.R. No. 1946
         WHEREAS, The "First Things First" Juneteenth Kick Off
  Celebration, an event designed to encourage members of the African
  American and Hispanic communities to make their health a personal
  priority, is being held in Waco on June 18, 2011; and
         WHEREAS, "First Things First" is being sponsored by the
  Empowerment Driven by Knowledge Coalition, whose motto is
  "Rebuilding Communities One Family at a Time," and by KWBT radio
  station; organizers hope to educate attendees specifically about
  diabetes, stroke, and prostate cancer, three of the leading causes
  of death among minority populations; and
         WHEREAS, African American and Hispanic adults are twice as
  likely as non-Hispanic white adults to have been diagnosed with
  diabetes; the prevalence of the disease among Latino adults is
  estimated at 30 percent, with perhaps as many as half of those
  affected not knowing that they have the condition; a major health
  threat, diabetes can lead to such serious complications as stroke,
  heart disease, and kidney failure; and
         WHEREAS, Stroke is the third-leading cause of death among
  African Americans and the fourth-leading cause of death among
  Hispanics; in addition, both African Americans and Latinos suffer
  strokes at an earlier age, on average, than non-Hispanic whites;
  among Latinos, that age is 67, as opposed to 80 among non-Hispanic
  whites; African Americans are twice as likely to die from stroke as
  white adults and are more likely to become disabled by stroke if
  they survive; and
         WHEREAS, Prostate cancer, the second most common cancer
  diagnosed among men, affects African Americans at twice the rate
  that it affects white males; while Mexican American men are less
  likely to develop the disease than non-Hispanic whites, they are
  more likely to die from it; and
         WHEREAS, By informing African American and Latino citizens
  about the dangers of these illnesses and the risk factors
  associated with them, the sponsors of "First Things First" are
  performing an invaluable public service, one whose benefits may
  extend far into the future; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the "First Things First" Juneteenth
  Kick Off Celebration and express appreciation to all those
  responsible for bringing this outstanding event to fruition.