82R26901 JGH-D
  By: Gonzales of Hidalgo H.R. No. 1961
         WHEREAS, Veteran peace officer Rolando Castaneda was sworn in
  as the new chief of the Edinburg Police Department on May 2, 2011;
         WHEREAS, A native of Laredo, Chief Castaneda graduated from
  Tuloso Midway High School in Corpus Christi; answering his nation's
  call to duty, he served as a military police officer and
  intelligence analyst in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1974 to 1976; and
         WHEREAS, Chief Castaneda began his law enforcement career in
  1978 as a member of the Texas Highway Patrol in Rio Grande City; he
  then served in Bishop as a Department of Public Safety trooper, and
  from 1981 to 1992, he was a trooper in Port Isabel, where he served
  with the specialized narcotics service unit as a sergeant and an
  investigator; along the way, he earned his bachelor's degree in
  criminal justice from Pan American University at Brownsville; and
         WHEREAS, In 1995, Chief Castaneda joined the Texas Rangers
  Division at the rank of sergeant and in 2008, he earned promotion to
  lieutenant; in addition, he served as the division's chief hostage
  negotiator; among the many areas in which he has gained experience
  over the years are traffic law, criminal law, crime scene search and
  evidence collection, SWAT training, and interrogation techniques,
  and he is a licensed master peace officer; and
         WHEREAS, Chief Castaneda's 30 years in the field, combined
  with his considerable expertise and reputation for dedication and
  integrity, promise to greatly benefit the citizens of Edinburg, and
  it is indeed fitting to honor him as he embarks on this exciting new
  chapter of his career; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Rolando Castaneda on his
  appointment as the chief of the Edinburg Police Department and
  extend to him sincere best wishes for success as he undertakes this
  vital role; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Chief Castaneda as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.