82R25040 JH-D
  By: Branch H.R. No. 1975
         WHEREAS, It is essential for the future prosperity of the
  Lone Star State that more young Texans pursue higher education and
  develop the knowledge and skills necessary to compete in today's
  global economy; and
         WHEREAS, Generation TX is an innovative program sponsored by
  the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board that seeks to
  establish a culture of college and career readiness in Texas public
  schools and to promote the idea that postsecondary studies are a
  realistic goal for all students in the state; and
         WHEREAS, This community-based initiative assists students by
  providing detailed guidance on how to further their education and
  by outlining the processes of applying for admission and financial
  aid; in addition, the program is intended to raise awareness of the
  Texas College and Career Readiness Standards that are being
  implemented in public schools and to build support for those
  measures; and
         WHEREAS, GenTX.org, the official website of Generation TX,
  connects students in a fun and informative online community and
  serves as a resource center that clarifies the steps that students
  need to take to pursue their studies beyond high school; and
         WHEREAS, GenTX Day is being observed on May 20, 2011, to draw
  attention to the Generation TX initiative and to celebrate and
  congratulate students in the state, especially the graduating class
  of 2011; to help commemorate GenTX Day, all residents of the Lone
  Star State are asked to wear their favorite college T-shirt to show
  their support for higher education; and
         WHEREAS, A postsecondary education offers many benefits,
  including broader opportunities, a more rewarding career path,
  pride of achievement, and the ability to attain a better standard of
  living, and the celebration of GenTX Day will help young Texans to
  better appreciate the actions they can take to prepare themselves
  for the challenges and opportunities of the future; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize May 20, 2011, as GenTX Day and commend
  Generation TX for helping students and their families become better
  informed about college and career education.