82R25440 MGR-D
  By: Button H.R. No. 1977
         WHEREAS, The 51st Biennial National Convention of the Chinese
  American Citizens Alliance is taking place in Houston from July 27
  through July 30, 2011; and
         WHEREAS, Originally formed in San Francisco in 1895 as the
  Native Sons of the Golden State, the organization was renamed the
  Chinese American Citizens Alliance 20 years later; since its
  inception, the alliance has fought discrimination against and
  disenfranchisement of Chinese Americans, while also hosting
  activities to support the community, such as socials, tournaments,
  and other gatherings; and
         WHEREAS, Organized into lodges in cities around the country,
  the alliance offers programs and services to seniors and the needy
  and fosters the educational and personal development of young
  people through scholarships, essay and art contests, and sports
  teams; and
         WHEREAS, The 2011 convention, with the theme "Our Commitment:
  Our Future, Our Legacy," is being hosted by the Houston Lodge of the
  alliance, which is ably led by local chair and president Dorothy
  Chow; and
         WHEREAS, Members of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance
  are carrying on the important work begun by their organization's
  founders more than a century ago, and their steadfast commitment to
  charity, patriotism, legal rights, equal opportunity, and the
  general welfare is indeed worthy of commendation; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 51st Biennial National
  Convention of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance and extend to
  all those gathered in Houston sincere best wishes for a meaningful
  and memorable event; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the Chinese American Citizens Alliance as an
  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.