H.R. No. 2020
         BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State of
  Texas, 82nd Legislature, Regular Session, 2011, That House Rule 13,
  Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House Rule 13,
  Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee appointed to
  resolve the differences on Senate Bill 14 (requirements to vote,
  including presenting proof of identification; providing criminal
  penalties), to consider and take action on the following matters:
         (1)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
  the committee to change text not in disagreement in proposed
  SECTION 11 of the bill, in added Section 63.0012(a), Election Code,
  to read as follows:
         (a)  An election officer shall distribute written notice of
  the identification that will be required for voting beginning with
  elections held after January 1, 2012, and information on obtaining
  identification without a fee under Chapter 521A, Transportation
  Code, to each voter who, when offering to vote, presents a form of
  identification that will not be sufficient for acceptance as a
  voter under this chapter beginning with those elections.
         Explanation: This change is necessary to update the
  cross-reference to reflect the addition of Chapter 521A,
  Transportation Code.
         (2)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
  the committee to change text not in disagreement in proposed
  SECTION 14 of the bill, in amended Section 63.0101(1), Election
  Code, to read as follows:
               (1)  a driver's license, election identification
  certificate, or personal identification card issued to the person
  by the Department of Public Safety that has not [or a similar
  document issued to the person by an agency of another state,
  regardless of whether the license or card has] expired or that
  expired no earlier than 60 days before the date of presentation;
         Explanation: This change is necessary to update the list of
  acceptable forms of identification to reflect the addition of
  election identification certificates in Chapter 521A,
  Transportation Code.
         (3)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
  the committee to change text not in disagreement in proposed
  SECTION 17 of the bill, in added Section 65.054(b)(2)(B), Election
  Code, to read as follows:
                     (B)  notwithstanding Chapter 110, Civil Practice
  and Remedies Code, executes an affidavit under penalty of perjury
  that states the voter has a religious objection to being
  photographed and the voter has consistently refused to be
  photographed for any governmental purpose from the time the voter
  has held this belief; or
         Explanation: This change is necessary to clarify the
  religious objection exception to the requirement that a voter have
  photo identification to vote.
         (4)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
  the committee to change text not in disagreement in proposed
  SECTION 18 of the bill, in added Section 65.0541(a), Election Code,
  to read as follows:
         (a)  A voter who is accepted for provisional voting under
  Section 63.011 because the voter does not meet the identification
  requirements of Section 63.001(b) may, not later than the sixth day
  after the date of the election:
               (1)  present a form of identification described by
  Section 63.0101 to the voter registrar for examination; or
               (2)  execute an affidavit described by Section
  65.054(b)(2)(B) or (C) in the presence of the voter registrar.
         Explanation: This change is necessary to update the
  cross-reference to reflect the addition of Section
  65.054(b)(2)(C), Election Code.
         (5)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(4), is suspended to permit
  the committee to add text on a matter not included in either version
  of the bill by adding the following new SECTION to the bill:
         SECTION 20.  Subtitle B, Title 7, Transportation Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 521A to read as follows:
  The department shall issue an election identification certificate
  to a person who states that the person is obtaining the certificate
  for the purpose of satisfying Section 63.001(b), Election Code, and
  does not have another form of identification described by Section
  63.0101, Election Code, and:
               (1)  who is a registered voter in this state and
  presents a valid voter registration certificate; or
               (2)  who is eligible for registration under Section
  13.001, Election Code, and submits a registration application to
  the department.
         (b)  The department may not collect a fee for an election
  identification certificate or a duplicate election identification
  certificate issued under this section.
         (c)  An election identification certificate may not be used
  or accepted as a personal identification certificate.
         (d)  An election officer may not deny the holder of an
  election identification certificate the ability to vote because the
  holder has an election identification certificate rather than a
  driver's license or personal identification certificate issued
  under this subtitle.
         (e)  An election identification certificate must be similar
  in form to, but distinguishable in color from, a driver's license
  and a personal identification certificate.  The department may
  cooperate with the secretary of state in developing the form and
  appearance of an election identification certificate.
         (f)  The department may require each applicant for an
  original or renewal election identification certificate to furnish
  to the department the information required by Section 521.142.
         (g)  The department may cancel and require surrender of an
  election identification certificate after determining that the
  holder was not entitled to the certificate or gave incorrect or
  incomplete information in the application for the certificate.
         (h)  A certificate expires on a date specified by the
  department, except that a certificate issued to a person 70 years of
  age or older does not expire.
         Explanation:  This addition is necessary to provide election
  identification certificates to certain voters without charge to
  enable those voters to meet the photo identification requirements
  for voting.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 2020 was adopted by the House on May
  16, 2011, by the following vote:  Yeas 99, Nays 45, 1 present, not
  Chief Clerk of the House