82R28280 MGR-D
  By: Reynolds H.R. No. 2103
         WHEREAS, The city of Richmond has greatly benefited from the
  public service of the Honorable Hilmar Moore, who has enjoyed a
  remarkable tenure of nearly 62 years leading the community; and
         WHEREAS, Believed to be the longest-serving mayor in the
  nation, Hilmar Moore first took office on September 22, 1949, when
  he was appointed to fill an unexpired two-year term, and he has been
  returned to his post by the voters in every election since that
  time; he modestly credits his success through the years to hiring
  excellent city managers and staff, although area residents would
  attest to his effective leadership and outgoing personality as
  figuring prominently in his notable administration; and
         WHEREAS, Mayor Moore is a fifth-generation Texan whose
  ancestors were among the Old Three Hundred settlers brought into
  the state by Stephen F. Austin; a life member of the Sons of the
  Republic of Texas, he comes by his interest in politics naturally as
  the grandson of a former U.S. congressman and the son of a former
  Richmond mayor and Fort Bend County judge; he also runs his family's
  cattle business that has been in operation since 1822; and
         WHEREAS, Hilmar Moore enrolled at The University of Texas
  School of Law in the early 1940s, but he left in 1942 to join the
  U.S. Army Air Corps; he became an aircraft navigator and was based
  in Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands, where he served with the
  Fourth Sea Rescue Squadron and earned many medals and
  commendations; and
         WHEREAS, After the war, he returned to Richmond and worked in
  land titles and abstracts, land leasing, and the cattle industry
  and eventually became a leader in a number of ranching and beef
  production organizations; he has served as the chair of the Beef
  Industry Council, as president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle
  Raisers Association, on the executive committee of the National
  Cattlemen's Beef Association, on the board of Santa Gertrudis
  Breeders International, and as a charter member of the American
  Quarter Horse Association; moreover, he has received awards from
  the Texas Brahman Association and Texas Tech University, which
  recognized him for his career in ranching with the highest honor
  bestowed in the beef industry; he has also been a director of the
  King Ranch since 1993; and
         WHEREAS, Active in state affairs and higher education as
  well, Hilmar Moore distinguished himself as chair of the Texas
  Department of Human Resources from 1977 to 1981, and he has been a
  part of numerous foundations and committees supporting Texas
  colleges and universities, including the UT System's Chancellor's
  Council; and
         WHEREAS, He married Hallie Peareson during World War II and
  the couple enjoyed many rewarding years together and had three
  sons, Hilmar, Phillip, and Jack, before Mrs. Moore's passing;
  fortunate to find love a second time, he married Evalyn Wendt in
  1984; and
         WHEREAS, Each day, public servants improve the quality of
  life for their fellow citizens in innumerable ways, and the ongoing
  efforts of Hilmar Moore continue to help make Richmond a great place
  to call home; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor Mayor Hilmar Moore of Richmond for his
  exceptional public service and extend to him sincere best wishes
  for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mayor Moore as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.