82R28998 BPG-D
  By: Paxton H.R. No. 2113
         WHEREAS, The McKinney Police Department 9-1-1 dispatchers
  have received the 2011 Team 9-1-1 Award of Merit from the Commission
  on State Emergency Communications; and
         WHEREAS, In granting this noteworthy honor, the CSEC
  recognized the exceptional performance of the McKinney 9-1-1 call
  takers on the morning of August 17, 2010; dispatch personnel
  observed a large cloud of black smoke outside their building and
  discovered that a truck was burning in the police department's
  public parking lot; when police officers and firefighters
  responded, the dispatchers heard loud pops and saw windows
  shattering; and
         WHEREAS, Their office building was taking gunfire, but the
  dispatchers continued to process all of the phone calls and routine
  radio traffic in the communications center while handling this
  major incident as it unfolded around them; two dispatchers and
  officers who had been walking in the front courtyard were trapped
  under fire from a suspect with an assault rifle and the building was
  locked down; the dispatchers were brought to safety, and after an
  exchange of gunfire, the sniper was found dead; fortunately, no one
  else was injured; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout this ordeal, the dispatchers worked
  diligently to protect the safety of firefighters, officers, two of
  their fellow dispatchers, and members of the public; the
  award-winning McKinney emergency call takers include
  communications supervisor Sammye Cotton, CTO Andrew Griffin,
  trainee Mayra Garcia, CTO Lindy Amedee, trainee Monica Wright,
  specialist Danielle Decoudreaux, specialist Shantel Lorance,
  specialist Shannon Moran, trainee Matthew Jones, trainee Bridget
  Muniz, and trainee Amy Daniel; the teamwork and professionalism of
  this dedicated crew contributed immeasurably to the positive
  resolution of a dangerous situation, and its members' courage,
  composure, and dedication indeed merit special recognition; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the McKinney Police Department
  9-1-1 dispatchers on their receipt of the 2011 Team 9-1-1 Award of
  Merit from the Commission on State Emergency Communications and
  commend them for their outstanding service; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the dispatchers as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.