82R5239 BPG-D
  By: Geren H.R. No. 2119
         WHEREAS, A life made rich through joyous times and meaningful
  accomplishments drew to a close with the passing of longtime Fort
  Worth resident Colonel Philip J. Kuhl on February 8, 2010, at the
  age of 95; and
         WHEREAS, The son of Charles and Mildred Kuhl, Phil Kuhl was
  born in Astoria, Illinois, on September 27, 1914, and grew up in the
  central Illinois community of Galesburg; he worked in his father's
  prominent retail specialty shop until he headed off to Knox
  College, where he earned his bachelor's degree in mathematics and
  was a competitive swimmer and a member of Phi Delta Theta, Scabbard &
  Blade, and ROTC; and
         WHEREAS, Colonel Kuhl joined the Army Air Corps as the shadow
  of war loomed; he received his wings from the Air Corps Advanced
  Flying School, Attack Division, at Kelly and Randolph Air Force
  Bases in San Antonio and went on to command B-17 and B-24 bombers in
  the Pacific Theater; during the Battle of Coral Sea, he was forced
  to ditch his plane in the ocean, and he strove heroically to save
  the lives of his crew; he was awarded the Silver Star, the Legion of
  Merit, and the Purple Heart, among other decorations; and
         WHEREAS, After World War II ended, Colonel Kuhl continued his
  career as a command pilot and mastered jet flight; he graduated from
  the Air Force Institute of Technology and the Armed Forces Staff
  College and rose to become a full colonel, with such
  responsibilities as directing procurement, production, and
  logistics for the USAF Air Materiel Command; his leadership skills
  took him to the Pentagon, as well as Wright-Patterson AFB and
  numerous strategic air bases around the world; and
         WHEREAS, While stationed in New England in 1949, Colonel Kuhl
  met the love of his life, Barbara Dunn; they married the following
  year in her hometown of Boston and later became the parents of two
  children, John and Pam; the family moved to Fort Worth after Colonel
  Kuhl retired from military service, and he was employed in the
  aerospace industry before engaging in the real estate business with
  his wife; and
         WHEREAS, This charming, witty, and multitalented gentleman
  enjoyed a host of outdoor activities, including hunting, fishing,
  and waterskiing, and was equally interested in music and scholarly
  pursuits; clever and inquisitive, he liked to figure out how things
  worked and could fix them when they stopped, and he learned how to
  build radios and computers and to make wine, beer, and even maple
  syrup; in addition, he took care of countless cherished pets
  through the years; and
         WHEREAS, Above all, Phil Kuhl was devoted to his wife and
  family; an exemplary member of the Greatest Generation, he inspired
  all who were privileged to know him by embracing life boldly and
  holding his loved ones ever close in his heart; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Colonel Philip
  J. Kuhl and extend sincere condolences to the members of his
  family: to his wife, Barbara Kuhl; to his son, Philip John Kuhl,
  Jr.; to his daughter, Pamela Kuhl-Linscomb, and her husband, Daniel
  J. Linscomb; and to his other relatives and friends; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Colonel
  Philip J. Kuhl.