82R32349 BPG-D
  By: Smithee H.R. No. 2788
         WHEREAS, There are no words that can diminish the pain caused
  by a young life cut short, but all those who shared in the love and
  friendship of Connor James Lyons of Amarillo treasure their
  memories of this special young man, who died on May 8, 2011, at the
  age of 19; and
         WHEREAS, The son of Rosario and Bill Lyons, Mr. Lyons was born
  in Amarillo on July 16, 1991; he was raised in Amarillo and Bushland
  and attended Tascosa High School and Amarillo College; a tremendous
  soccer fan, he began playing with the Amarillo Soccer Association
  and High Plains Drifters after his fourth birthday; he joined the
  Tascosa Rebels soccer team as a high school freshman, started at
  central midfield as a junior, and was named captain his senior year;
  in addition, he played indoor soccer with Kids, Inc., for many
  seasons; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Lyons was such a determined competitor that he
  once played a club match with a broken foot; after he began cancer
  treatments, he continued to attend every match he could;
  compassionate and wise beyond his years, he volunteered at Camp
  Alphie assisting children with cancer, and he was a lifelong member
  of Faith Baptist Church; his strong character and upbeat
  personality endeared him to a host of friends; and
         WHEREAS, Although his time with us was far too brief, Connor
  Lyons brought great joy into the lives of innumerable people, and
  his faith and devotion will remain a source of profound inspiration
  to those he has left behind; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the memory of Connor James Lyons
  and extend sincere condolences to the members of his family: to his
  parents, Bill and Rosario Lyons; to his sister, Chriselda Reyes; to
  his nephew, Laken; to his grandparents, Carolyn and Terry Ahlborn
  and Eustacia Gabaldon; and to his many other relatives and friends;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Connor
  James Lyons.