relating to improving the quality and
efficiency of health care. |
SECTION 1.01. (a)
The legislature finds that it would |
benefit the State of Texas to: |
(1) explore
innovative health care delivery and |
payment models to improve quality and
efficiency of health care in |
this state; |
(2) improve
health care transparency; |
(3) give
health care providers the flexibility to |
collaborate and innovate to improve the
quality and efficiency of |
health care; and |
(4) create
incentives to improve quality and |
efficiency of health care. |
(b) The
legislature intends to exempt from antitrust laws |
and provide immunity from federal
antitrust laws through the state |
action doctrine a health care
collaborative certified under Chapter |
848, Insurance Code, as added by
Article 3 of this Act, and that |
collaborative's negotiations of
contracts with payors. The |
legislature does not intend or
authorize any person or entity to |
engage in activities or to conspire to
engage in activities that |
would constitute per se violations of
federal antitrust laws. |
SECTION 2.01. Title
12, Health and Safety Code, is amended |
by adding Chapter 1002 to read as
follows: |
Sec. 1002.001. DEFINITIONS.
In this chapter: |
(1) "Board"
means the board of directors of the Texas |
Institute of Health Care Quality and
Efficiency established under |
this chapter. |
(2) "Commission"
means the Health and Human Services |
Commission. |
(3) "Department"
means the Department of State Health |
Services. |
(4) "Executive
commissioner" means the executive |
commissioner of the Health and Human
Services Commission. |
(5) "Health
care collaborative" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 848.001,
Insurance Code. |
(6) "Institute"
means the Texas Institute of Health |
Care Quality and Efficiency
established under this chapter. |
(7) "Potentially
preventable admission" means an |
admission of a person to a hospital
or long-term care facility that |
could reasonably have been prevented
if care and treatment had been |
provided by a health care provider
in accordance with accepted |
standards of care. |
(8) "Potentially
preventable ancillary service" means |
a health care service provided or
ordered by a health care provider |
to supplement or support the
evaluation or treatment of a patient, |
including a diagnostic test,
laboratory test, therapy service, or |
radiology service, that is not
reasonably necessary for the |
provision of quality health care or
treatment. |
(9) "Potentially
preventable complication" means a |
harmful event or negative outcome
with respect to a person, |
including an infection or surgical
complication, that: |
(A) occurs
after the person's admission to a |
hospital or long-term care
facility; |
(B) results
from the care or treatment provided |
or the lack of care during the
hospital or long-term care facility |
stay rather than from a natural
progression of an underlying |
disease; and |
(C) could
reasonably have been prevented if care |
and treatment had been provided in
accordance with accepted |
standards of care. |
(10) "Potentially
preventable event" means a |
potentially preventable admission, a
potentially preventable |
ancillary service, a potentially
preventable complication, a |
potentially preventable hospital
emergency room visit, a |
potentially preventable readmission,
or a combination of those |
events. |
(11) "Potentially
preventable hospital emergency room |
visit" means treatment of a person
in a hospital emergency room for |
a condition that does not require
emergency medical attention |
because the condition could be
treated by a health care provider in |
a nonemergency setting. |
(12) "Potentially
preventable readmission" means a |
return hospitalization of a person
within a period specified by the |
commission that results from
deficiencies in the care or treatment |
provided to the person during a
previous hospital stay or from |
deficiencies in post-hospital
discharge follow-up. The term does |
not include a hospital readmission
necessitated by the occurrence |
of unrelated events after the
discharge. The term includes the |
readmission of a person to a
hospital for: |
(A) the
same condition or procedure for which the |
person was previously
admitted; |
(B) an
infection or other complication resulting |
from care previously
provided; |
(C) a
condition or procedure that indicates that |
a surgical intervention performed
during a previous admission was |
unsuccessful in achieving the
anticipated outcome; or |
(D) another
condition or procedure of a similar |
nature, as determined by the
executive commissioner. |
Sec. 1002.002. ESTABLISHMENT;
PURPOSE. The Texas Institute |
of Health Care Quality and
Efficiency is established to improve |
health care quality, accountability,
and cost containment in this |
state by encouraging health care
provider collaboration, effective |
health care delivery models, and
coordination of health care |
services. |
1002.003-1002.050 reserved for expansion] |
Sec. 1002.051. APPLICATION
OF SUNSET ACT. The institute is |
subject to Chapter 325, Government
Code. Unless continued in |
existence as provided by that
chapter, the institute is abolished |
and this chapter expires September
1, 2017. |
Sec. 1002.052. COMPOSITION
institute is governed by a board of
15 directors appointed as |
follows: |
(1) five
members appointed by the governor; |
(2) five
members appointed by the governor from a list |
of candidates prepared by the
speaker of the house of |
representatives; and |
(3) five
members appointed by the lieutenant governor. |
(b) The
following ex officio, nonvoting members also serve |
on the board: |
(1) the
commissioner of the department; |
(2) the
executive commissioner; |
(3) the
commissioner of insurance; |
(4) the
executive director of the Employees Retirement |
System of Texas; |
(5) the
executive director of the Teacher Retirement |
System of Texas; |
(6) the
state Medicaid director of the Health and |
Human Services Commission;
and |
(7) a
representative from each state agency or system |
of higher education that purchases
or provides health care |
services, as determined by the
governor. |
(c) The
governor and lieutenant governor shall appoint as |
board members health care providers,
payors, consumers, and health |
care quality experts or persons who
possess expertise in any other |
area the governor or lieutenant
governor finds necessary for the |
successful operation of the
institute. |
Sec. 1002.053. TERMS
OF OFFICE. (a) Appointed members
of |
the board serve two-year terms
ending January 31 of each |
odd-numbered year. |
(b) Board
members may serve consecutive terms. |
SUPPORT. (a) The institute
is administratively attached to the
commission. |
(b) The
commission shall coordinate administrative |
responsibilities with the institute
to streamline and integrate the |
institute's administrative
operations and avoid unnecessary |
duplication of effort and
costs. |
Sec. 1002.055. EXPENSES.
Members of the board serve |
without compensation but, subject to
the availability of |
appropriated funds, may receive
reimbursement for actual and |
necessary expenses incurred in
attending meetings of the board. |
Sec. 1002.056. OFFICER;
governor shall designate a member of
the board as presiding officer |
to serve in that capacity at the
pleasure of the governor. |
(b) Any
board member or a member of a committee formed by the |
board with direct interest,
personally or through an employer, in a |
matter before the board shall
abstain from deliberations and |
actions on the matter in which the
conflict of interest arises and |
shall further abstain on any vote on
the matter, and may not |
otherwise participate in a decision
on the matter. |
(c) Each
board member shall file a conflict of interest |
statement and a statement of
ownership interests with the board to |
ensure disclosure of all existing
and potential personal interests |
related to board business. |
Sec. 1002.057. PROHIBITION
EMPLOYMENT. The board may not
compensate, employ, or contract with |
any individual who serves as a
member of the board of any other |
governmental body, including any
agency, council, or committee, in |
this state. |
Sec. 1002.058. MEETINGS.
(a) The board may meet as often
as necessary, but shall meet at
least once each calendar quarter. |
(b) The
board shall develop and implement policies that |
provide the public with a reasonable
opportunity to appear before |
the board and to speak on any issue
under the authority of the |
institute. |
Sec. 1002.059. BOARD
MEMBER IMMUNITY. (a) A board member |
may not be held civilly liable for
an act performed, or omission |
made, in good faith in the
performance of the member's powers and |
duties under this chapter. |
(b) A
cause of action does not arise against a member of the |
board for an act or omission
described by Subsection (a). |
Sec. 1002.060. PRIVACY
OF INFORMATION. (a) Protected |
health information and individually
identifiable health |
information collected, assembled, or
maintained by the institute is |
confidential and is not subject to
disclosure under Chapter 552, |
Government Code. |
(b) The
institute shall comply with all state and federal |
laws and rules relating to the
protection, confidentiality, and |
transmission of health information,
including the Health Insurance |
Portability and Accountability Act
of 1996 (Pub. L. No. 104-191) |
and rules adopted under that Act, 42
U.S.C. Section 290dd-2, and 42 |
C.F.R. Part 2. |
(c) The
commission, department, or institute or an officer |
or employee of the commission,
department, or institute, including |
a board member, may not disclose any
information that is |
confidential under this
section. |
(d) Information,
documents, and records that are |
confidential as provided by this
section are not subject to |
subpoena or discovery and may not be
introduced into evidence in any |
civil or criminal
proceeding. |
(e) An
officer or employee of the commission, department, or |
institute, including a board member,
may not be examined in a civil, |
criminal, special, or other
proceeding as to information that is |
confidential under this
section. |
Sec. 1002.061. FUNDING.
(a) The institute may be funded |
through the General Appropriations
Act and may request, accept, and |
use gifts and grants as necessary to
implement its functions. |
(b) The
institute may participate in other |
revenue-generating activity that is
consistent with the |
institute's purposes. |
(c) Each
state agency represented on the board as a |
nonvoting member shall provide funds
to support the institute and |
implement this chapter. The
commission shall establish a funding |
formula to determine the level of
support each state agency is |
required to provide. |
1002.062-1002.100 reserved for expansion] |
Sec. 1002.101. GENERAL
POWERS AND DUTIES. The institute |
shall: |
(1) improve
quality and efficiency of health care |
delivery by: |
(A) providing
a forum for payors and providers to |
discuss and implement initiatives
that promote the use of best |
practices, increase health care
provider collaboration, improve |
health care outcomes, and contain
health care costs; |
(B) researching,
developing, supporting, and |
promoting strategies to improve the
quality and efficiency of |
health care in this state; |
(C) determining
the outcome measures that are the |
most effective measures of quality
and efficiency, such as the |
incidence of potentially preventable
events; and |
(D) creating
a state plan for improving the |
quality and efficiency of health
care services; |
(2) improve
reporting, consolidation, and |
transparency of health care
information; and |
(3) make
recommendations for and provide support for |
innovative health care collaborative
payment and delivery systems |
under Chapter 848, Insurance
Code. |
Sec. 1002.102. GOALS
The institute shall study and develop |
recommendations to improve the
quality and efficiency of health |
care delivery in this state,
including: |
(1) quality-based
payment systems that align payment |
incentives with high-quality,
cost-effective health care; |
(2) alternative
health care delivery systems that |
promote health care coordination and
provider collaboration; and |
(3) quality
of care and efficiency outcome |
measurements that are effective
measures of prevention, wellness, |
coordination, provider
collaboration, and cost-effective health |
care. |
(b) The
institute shall study and develop recommendations |
for measuring quality of care and
efficiency across: |
(1) all
state employee and state retiree benefit |
plans; |
(2) employee
and retiree benefit plans provided |
through the Teacher Retirement
System of Texas; |
(3) the
state medical assistance program under Chapter |
32, Human Resources Code;
and |
(4) the
child health plan under Chapter 62, Health and |
Safety Code. |
(c) Using
the studies described by Subsections (a) and (b), |
the institute shall develop a
statewide plan for quality and |
efficiency of the delivery of health
care. |
1002.103-1002.150 reserved for expansion] |
Sec. 1002.151. INSTITUTE
SYSTEMS. (a) The institute shall
study alternative payment and
delivery systems and determine which |
models are appropriate for
certification as a health care |
collaborative under Chapter 848,
Insurance Code. |
(b) The
institute shall make recommendations for the |
eligibility requirements for initial
and continuing certification |
as a health care collaborative, such
as recommendations concerning |
how a collaborative will: |
(1) improve
health care provider collaboration and |
coordination of services; |
(2) improve
quality of care; and |
(3) contain
health care costs. |
(c) The
institute shall recommend methods to evaluate a |
health care collaborative's
effectiveness, including methods to |
evaluate: |
(1) the
efficiency and effectiveness of |
cost-containment methods used by the
collaborative; |
(2) the
quality of care; |
(3) health
care provider collaboration and |
coordination; |
(4) the
protection of patients; and |
(5) patient
satisfaction. |
1002.152-1002.200 reserved for expansion] |
Sec. 1002.201. HEALTH
(a) With the assistance of the
department, the |
institute shall complete an
assessment of all health-related data |
collected by the state and how the
public and health care providers |
benefit from this information,
including health care cost and |
quality information. |
(b) The
institute shall develop a plan: |
(1) for
consolidating reports of health-related data |
from various sources to reduce
administrative costs to the state |
and reduce the administrative burden
to health care providers; |
(2) for
improving health care transparency to the |
public and health care providers by
making information available in |
the most effective format;
and |
(3) for
enhancing existing health-related information |
available to health care providers
and the public, including |
provider reporting of additional
information not currently |
required to be reported under
existing law, to improve quality of |
care. |
Sec. 1002.202. ALL
institute shall study the
feasibility and desirability of |
establishing a centralized database
for health care claims |
information across all
payors. |
(b) The
institute shall consult with the department and the |
Texas Department of Insurance to
develop a plan to establish the |
centralized claims database
described by Subsection (a). |
SECTION 2.02. Chapter
109, Health and Safety Code, is |
repealed. |
SECTION 2.03. On
the effective date of this Act: |
(1) the
Texas Health Care Policy Council established |
under Chapter 109, Health and Safety
Code, is abolished; and |
(2) any
unexpended and unobligated balance of money |
appropriated by the legislature to the
Texas Health Care Policy |
Council established under Chapter 109,
Health and Safety Code, as |
it existed immediately before the
effective date of this Act, is |
transferred to the Texas Institute of
Health Care Quality and |
Efficiency created by Chapter 1002,
Health and Safety Code, as |
added by this Act. |
SECTION 2.04. The
governor and lieutenant governor shall |
appoint voting members of the board of
directors of the Texas |
Institute of Health Care Quality and
Efficiency under Section |
1002.052, Health and Safety Code, as
added by this Act, as soon as |
practicable after the effective date of
this Act. |
SECTION 2.05. (a)
Not later than December 1, 2012, the |
Texas Institute of Health Care Quality
and Efficiency shall submit |
a report regarding improved health care
reporting to the governor, |
the lieutenant governor, the speaker of
the house of |
representatives, and the chairs of the
appropriate standing |
committees of the legislature
outlining: |
(1) the
initial assessment conducted under Section |
1002.201(a), Health and Safety Code, as
added by this Act; |
(2) the
plans initially developed under Section |
1002.201(b), Health and Safety Code, as
added by this Act; |
(3) the
changes in existing law that would be |
necessary to implement the assessment
and plans described by |
Subdivisions (1) and (2) of this
subsection; and |
(4) the
cost implications to state agencies to |
implement the assessment and plans
described by Subdivisions (1) |
and (2) of this subsection. |
(b) Not
later than December 1, 2012, the Texas Institute of |
Health Care Quality and Efficiency
shall submit a report regarding |
an all payor claims database to the
governor, the lieutenant |
governor, the speaker of the house of
representatives, and the |
chairs of the appropriate standing
committees of the legislature |
outlining: |
(1) the
feasibility and desirability of establishing a |
centralized database for health care
claims; |
(2) the
initial plan developed under Section |
1002.202(b), Health and Safety Code, as
added by this Act; |
(3) the
changes in existing law that would be |
necessary to implement the plan
described by Subdivision (2) of |
this subsection; and |
(4) the
cost implications to state agencies to |
implement the plan described by
Subdivision (2) of this subsection. |
SECTION 3.01. Subtitle
C, Title 6, Insurance Code, is |
amended by adding Chapter 848 to read
as follows: |
Sec. 848.001. DEFINITIONS.
In this chapter: |
(1) "Affiliate"
means a person who controls, is |
controlled by, or is under common
control with one or more other |
persons. |
(2) "Health
care collaborative" means an |
organization: |
(A) consisting
of participating physicians or |
health care providers, or entities
contracting on behalf of |
participating physicians or health
care providers, that is |
organized within a formal legal
structure to provide or arrange to |
provide health care services;
and |
(B) capable
of receiving and distributing |
payments to participating physicians
or health care providers. |
(3) "Health
care services" means services provided by |
a physician or health care provider
to prevent, alleviate, cure, or |
heal human illness or injury.
The term includes: |
(A) pharmaceutical
services; |
(B) medical,
chiropractic, or dental care; and |
(C) hospitalization. |
(4) "Health
care provider" means any person, |
partnership, professional
association, corporation, facility, or |
institution licensed, certified,
registered, or chartered by this |
state to provide health care
services. The term includes a hospital |
but does not include a
physician. |
(5) "Health
maintenance organization" means an |
organization operating under Chapter
843. |
(6) "Hospital"
means a general or special hospital, |
including a public or private
institution licensed under Chapter |
241 or 577, Health and Safety
Code. |
(7) "Institute"
means the Texas Institute of Health |
Care Quality and Efficiency
established under Chapter 1002, Health |
and Safety Code. |
(8) "Physician"
means: |
(A) an
individual licensed to practice medicine |
in this state; |
(B) a
professional association organized under |
the Texas Professional Association
Act (Article 1528f, Vernon's |
Texas Civil Statutes) or the Texas
Professional Association Law by |
an individual or group of
individuals licensed to practice medicine |
in this state; |
(C) a
partnership or limited liability |
partnership formed by a group of
individuals licensed to practice |
medicine in this state; |
(D) a
nonprofit health corporation certified |
under Section 162.001, Occupations
Code; |
(E) a
company formed by a group of individuals |
licensed to practice medicine in
this state under the Texas Limited |
Liability Company Act (Article
1528n, Vernon's Texas Civil |
Statutes) or the Texas Professional
Limited Liability Company Law; |
or |
(F) an
organization wholly owned and controlled |
by individuals licensed to practice
medicine in this state. |
(9) "Potentially
preventable event" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 1002.001, Health
and Safety Code. |
Sec. 848.002. USE
COLLABORATIVE. A health care
collaborative that is not an insurer |
or health maintenance organization
may not use in its name, |
contracts, or literature: |
(1) the
following words or initials: |
(A) "insurance"; |
(B) "casualty"; |
(C) "surety"; |
(D) "mutual"; |
(E) "health
maintenance organization"; or |
(F) "HMO";
or |
(2) any
other words or initials that are: |
(A) descriptive
of the insurance, casualty, |
surety, or health maintenance
organization business; or |
(B) deceptively
similar to the name or |
description of an insurer, surety
corporation, or health |
maintenance organization engaging in
business in this state. |
organization may not arrange for or
provide health care services to |
enrollees on a prepaid or indemnity
basis through health insurance |
or a health benefit plan, including
a health care plan, as defined |
by Section 843.002, unless the
organization holds the appropriate |
certificate of authority issued
under: |
(1) Chapter
841; |
(2) Chapter
842; |
(3) Chapter
843; or |
(4) Chapter
883. |
848.004-848.050 reserved for expansion] |
Sec. 848.051. OPERATION
health care collaborative certified
under this chapter may provide |
or arrange to provide health care
services under a contract with a |
governmental or private
entity. |
Sec. 848.052. CERTIFICATE
organization may not organize or
operate a health care |
collaborative in this state unless
the organization holds a |
certificate of authority issued
under this chapter. |
(b) An
organization may not use the term "health care |
collaborative" in its name,
contracts, or literature unless the |
organization holds a certificate of
authority issued under this |
chapter. |
Sec. 848.053. EXCEPTIONS.
(a) An organization is not
required to obtain a certificate of
authority under this chapter if |
the organization holds an
appropriate certificate of authority |
issued under another chapter of this
code. |
(b) An
organization is not required to obtain a certificate |
of authority under this chapter to
the extent that the organization |
provides health care services only
under contract with: |
(1) the
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as |
a health care collaborative under
the Medicare shared savings |
program (42 U.S.C. Section 1395jjj);
or |
(2) the
Health and Human Services Commission under |
Chapter 531, Government
Code. |
Sec. 848.054. CERTIFICATE
APPLICATION. (a) An organization |
may apply to the commissioner for
and obtain a certificate of |
authority to organize and operate a
health care collaborative. |
(b) An
application for a certificate of authority must: |
(1) comply
with all rules adopted by the commissioner; |
and |
(2) be
verified by the applicant or an officer or other |
authorized representative of the
applicant. |
(c) An
application for a certificate of authority is |
confidential and is not subject to
disclosure under Chapter 552, |
Government Code. |
Sec. 848.055. REQUIREMENTS
The commissioner shall issue a
certificate of authority on payment |
of the application fee prescribed by
Section 848.152 if the |
commissioner is satisfied
that: |
(1) the
applicant meets the requirements of Section |
848.054; |
(2) with
respect to health care services to be |
provided, the applicant: |
(A) has
demonstrated the willingness and |
potential ability to ensure that the
health care services will be |
provided in a manner that: |
(i) increases
collaboration among health |
care providers and integrates health
care services; |
(ii) promotes
quality-based health care |
outcomes, patient engagement, and
coordination of services; |
(iii) reduces
the occurrence of potentially |
preventable events; and |
(iv) contains
health care costs; |
(B) has
processes to develop, compile, evaluate, |
and report statistics relating to
the quality and cost of health |
care services, the pattern of
utilization of services, and |
availability and accessibility of
services; and |
(C) has
processes to address complaints made by |
patients receiving services provided
through the organization; and |
(3) the
applicant is in compliance with all rules |
adopted by the commissioner under
Section 848.151. |
Sec. 848.056. DENIAL
(a) The commissioner may not issue
a |
certificate of authority if the
commissioner determines that: |
(1) the
applicant's proposed plan of operation does |
not meet the requirements of Section
848.055; |
(2) the
applicant's proposed health care collaborative |
is likely to reduce competition in
any market for physician, |
hospital, or ancillary health care
services due to: |
(A) the
size of the health care collaborative; or |
(B) the
composition of the collaborative, |
including the distribution of
physicians by specialty within the |
collaborative in relation to the
number of competing health care |
providers in the health care
collaborative's geographic market; or |
(3) the
applicant's proposed health care collaborative |
is likely to possess market power
sufficient to raise rates above |
competitive levels. |
(b) The
commissioner may revoke a health care |
collaborative's certificate of
authority as provided by Section |
848.201 if the commissioner
determines that a change in the health |
care collaborative's market, or a
change in the size or composition |
of the health care collaborative,
has occurred that is likely to |
result in reduced competition, as
described by Subsection (a)(2), |
or market power sufficient to raise
rates above competitive levels, |
as described by Subsection
(a)(3). |
(c) If
the commissioner denies an application for a |
certificate of authority under
Subsection (a), the commissioner |
shall notify the applicant that the
plan is deficient and specify |
the deficiencies. |
848.057-848.100 reserved for expansion] |
Sec. 848.101. PROVIDING
health care collaborative may
provide or arrange for health care |
services through contracts with
physicians and health care |
providers or with entities
contracting on behalf of participating |
physicians and health care
providers. |
Sec. 848.102. INSURANCE,
REIMBURSEMENT. A health care
collaborative may contract with an |
insurer authorized to engage in
business in this state to provide |
insurance, reinsurance,
indemnification, or reimbursement against |
the cost of health care and medical
care services provided by the |
health care collaborative. |
Sec. 848.103. PAYMENT
(a) A health care
collaborative may: |
(1) contract
for and accept payments from a |
governmental or private entity for
all or part of the cost of |
services provided or arranged for by
the health care collaborative; |
and |
(2) distribute
payments to participating physicians |
and health care providers. |
(b) Notwithstanding
Section 164.052(a)(13) or (17) or |
165.156, Occupations Code, a health
care collaborative may contract |
for, receive, allocate, and
distribute payments for health care |
services provided by a physician or
health care provider |
participating within the
organization. |
Sec. 848.104. CONTRACTS
SERVICES. A health care
collaborative may contract with any |
person, including an affiliated
entity, to perform administrative, |
management, or any other required
functions on behalf of the health |
care collaborative. |
Sec. 848.105. CORPORATION,
POWERS. A health care collaborative
has all powers of a |
partnership, association,
corporation, or limited liability |
company, including a professional
association or corporation, as |
appropriate under the organizational
documents of the health care |
collaborative, that are not in
conflict with this chapter or other |
applicable law. |
Sec. 848.106. QUALITY
(a) A health care
collaborative shall establish policies to |
improve the quality and control the
cost of health care services |
provided by participating physicians
and health care providers that |
are consistent with prevailing
professionally recognized standards |
of medical practice. The policies
must include standards and |
procedures relating to: |
(1) the
selection and credentialing of participating |
physicians and health care
providers; |
(2) the
development, implementation, and monitoring |
of evidence-based best practices and
other processes to improve the |
quality and control the cost of
health care services provided by |
participating physicians and health
care providers, including |
practices or processes to reduce the
occurrence of potentially |
preventable events; and |
(3) the
development, implementation, and monitoring |
of processes to improve patient
engagement and coordination of |
health care services provided by
participating physicians and |
health care providers. |
(b) The
governing body of a health care collaborative shall |
establish a procedure for the
periodic review of quality |
improvement and cost control
measures. |
Sec. 848.107. COMPLAINT
SYSTEM. A health care |
collaborative shall implement and
maintain a complaint system that |
provides reasonable procedures to
resolve an oral or written |
complaint initiated by a complainant
concerning health care |
services provided by participating
physicians or health care |
providers. The complaint system must
include a process for the |
notice and appeal of a
complaint. |
Sec. 848.108. FINANCIAL
care collaborative shall maintain
reserves in an amount determined |
by commissioner rule to be adequate
for the liabilities and risks |
assumed by the health care
collaborative, as computed in accordance |
with accepted standards, practices,
and procedures relating to the |
liabilities and risks for which the
reserves are maintained, |
including known and unknown
components and anticipated expenses of |
providing health care
services. |
Sec. 848.109. VALIDITY
operations and trade practices of |
a health care collaborative that are
consistent with the provisions |
of this chapter, the rules adopted
under this chapter, and |
applicable federal antitrust laws
are presumed to be consistent |
with Chapter 15, Business &
Commerce Code, or any other applicable |
provision of law. |
848.110-848.150 reserved for expansion] |
Sec. 848.151. RULES.
The commissioner in consultation with |
the institute may adopt reasonable
rules as necessary and proper |
to: |
(1) improve
the quality and efficiency of health care |
delivery by a health care
collaborative; |
(2) facilitate
the creation of innovative health care |
collaborative payment systems;
and |
(3) implement
the requirements of this chapter. |
Sec. 848.152. FEES.
(a) The commissioner
shall, within |
the limits prescribed by this
section, prescribe the fees to be |
charged under this
section. |
(b) Fees
collected under this section shall be deposited to |
the credit of the Texas Department
of Insurance operating account. |
(c) A
health care collaborative shall pay to the |
commissioner: |
(1) an
application fee in an amount not to exceed $750 |
for filing and review of its
original application for a certificate |
of authority; and |
(2) an
annual fee in an amount not to exceed $750 for |
renewal of the certificate of
authority. |
(d) A
health care collaborative shall pay to the |
commissioner a fee in an amount
assessed by the commissioner and |
paid in accordance with rules
adopted by the commissioner for the |
expenses of an examination under
Section 848.154 that: |
(1) are
incurred by the commissioner or under the |
commissioner's authority;
and |
(2) are
directly attributable to that examination, |
including the actual salaries and
expenses of the examiners |
directly attributable to that
examination, as determined under |
rules adopted by the
commissioner. |
Sec. 848.153. ANNUAL
REPORT. (a) Not later than March 1 of
each year, a health care
collaborative shall file with the |
commissioner a report covering the
preceding calendar year. |
(b) The
report shall: |
(1) be
verified by at least two principal officers; |
(2) be
in a form prescribed by the commissioner; and |
(3) include: |
(A) a
financial statement of the health care |
collaborative, including its balance
sheet and receipts and |
disbursements for the preceding
calendar year, certified by an |
independent public accountant;
and |
(B) a
statement of: |
(i) the
service area of the health care |
collaborative; |
(ii) the
number and types of physicians and |
health care providers participating
within the health care |
collaborative; |
(iii) an
evaluation of the quality and cost |
of health care services provided by
the health care collaborative; |
and |
(iv) an
evaluation of the health care |
collaborative's processes to promote
evidence-based medicine, |
patient engagement, and coordination
of health care services |
provided by the
organization. |
(c) An
annual report filed with the commissioner under this |
section is confidential and is not
subject to disclosure under |
Chapter 552, Government
Code. |
Sec. 848.154. EXAMINATIONS.
(a) The commissioner may |
examine the financial affairs and
operations of any health care |
collaborative or applicant for a
certificate of authority under |
this chapter. |
(b) A
health care collaborative shall make its books and |
records relating to its financial
affairs and operations available |
for an examination by the
commissioner. |
(c) On
request of the commissioner, a health care |
collaborative shall provide to the
commissioner: |
(1) a
copy of any contract, agreement, or other |
arrangement between the health care
collaborative and a physician |
or health care provider;
and |
(2) a
general description of the fee arrangements |
between the health care
collaborative and the physician or health |
care provider. |
(d) Documentation
provided to the commissioner under this |
section is confidential and is not
subject to disclosure under |
Chapter 552, Government
Code. |
848.155-848.200 reserved for expansion] |
Sec. 848.201. ENFORCEMENT
ACTIONS. (a) After notice and |
opportunity for a hearing, the
commissioner may: |
(1) suspend
or revoke a certificate of authority |
issued to a health care
collaborative under this chapter; |
(2) impose
sanctions under Chapter 82; |
(3) issue
a cease and desist order under Chapter 83; or |
(4) impose
administrative penalties under Chapter 84. |
(b) The
commissioner may take an enforcement action listed |
in Subsection (a) against a health
care collaborative if the |
commissioner finds that the health
care collaborative: |
(1) is
operating in a manner that is: |
(A) significantly
contrary to its basic |
organizational documents;
or |
(B) contrary
to the manner described in and |
reasonably inferred from other
information submitted under Section |
848.055; |
(2) does
not meet the requirements of Section 848.055; |
(3) cannot
fulfill its obligation to provide health |
care services as required under its
contracts with governmental or |
private entities; |
(4) does
not meet the financial reserve requirements |
described by Section
848.108; |
(5) has
not implemented the complaint system required |
by Section 848.107 in a manner to
resolve reasonably valid |
complaints; |
(6) has
advertised or merchandised its services in an |
untrue, misrepresentative,
misleading, deceptive, or unfair manner |
or a person on behalf of the health
care collaborative has |
advertised or merchandised the
health care collaborative's |
services in an untrue,
misrepresentative, misleading, deceptive, |
or untrue manner; |
(7) has
not complied substantially with this chapter |
or a rule adopted under this
chapter; or |
(8) has
not taken corrective action the commissioner |
considers necessary to correct a
failure to comply with this |
chapter, any applicable provision of
this code, or any applicable |
rule or order of the commissioner
not later than the 30th day after |
the date of notice of the failure or
within any longer period |
specified in the notice and
determined by the commissioner to be |
reasonable. |
Sec. 848.202. OPERATIONS
AUTHORITY. (a) During the period a
certificate of authority of a health
care collaborative is |
suspended, the health care
collaborative may not: |
(1) enter
into a new contract with a governmental or |
private entity; or |
(2) advertise
or solicit in any way. |
(b) After
a certificate of authority of a health care |
collaborative is revoked, the health
care collaborative: |
(1) shall
proceed, immediately following the |
effective date of the order of
revocation, to conclude its affairs; |
(2) may
not conduct further business except as |
essential to the orderly conclusion
of its affairs; and |
(3) may
not advertise or solicit in any way. |
(c) Notwithstanding
Subsection (b), the commissioner may, |
by written order, permit the further
operation of the health care |
collaborative to the extent that the
commissioner finds necessary |
to serve the best interest of
governmental or private entities that |
have entered into contracts with the
health care collaborative. |
Sec. 848.203. INJUNCTIONS.
If the commissioner believes |
that a health care collaborative or
another person is violating or |
has violated this chapter or a rule
adopted under this chapter, the |
attorney general at the request of
the commissioner may bring an |
action in a Travis County district
court to enjoin the violation and |
obtain other relief the court
considers appropriate. |
SECTION 3.02. Section
74.001(a)(12)(A), Civil Practice and |
Remedies Code, is amended to read as
follows: |
(A) "Health
care provider" means any person, |
partnership, professional association,
corporation, facility, or |
institution duly licensed, certified,
registered, or chartered by |
the State of Texas to provide health
care, including: |
(i) a
registered nurse; |
(ii) a
dentist; |
(iii) a
podiatrist; |
(iv) a
pharmacist; |
(v) a
chiropractor; |
(vi) an
optometrist; [or] |
(vii) a
health care institution; or |
(viii) a
health care collaborative |
certified under Chapter 848,
Insurance Code. |
SECTION 3.03. Subchapter
O, Chapter 285, Health and Safety |
Code, is amended by adding Section
285.303 to read as follows: |
(a) A hospital
district created under general or special law may |
form and sponsor a nonprofit health
care collaborative that is |
certified under Chapter 848,
Insurance Code. |
(b) The
governing body of the hospital district shall |
appoint the board of the health care
collaborative formed under |
this section. |
(c) The
hospital district may contribute money to or solicit |
money for the health care
collaborative. If the district |
contributes money to or solicits
money for the health care |
collaborative, the district shall
establish procedures and |
controls sufficient to ensure that
the money is used by the health |
care collaborative for public
purposes. |
SECTION 3.04. Section
102.005, Occupations Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
102.001 does not apply to: |
(1) a
licensed insurer; |
(2) a
governmental entity, including: |
(A) an
intergovernmental risk pool established |
under Chapter 172, Local Government
Code; and |
(B) a
system as defined by Section 1601.003, |
Insurance Code; |
(3) a
group hospital service corporation; [or] |
(4) a
health maintenance organization that |
reimburses, provides, offers to
provide, or administers hospital, |
medical, dental, or other
health-related benefits under a health |
benefits plan for which it is the
payor; or |
(5) a
health care collaborative certified under |
Chapter 848, Insurance
Code. |
SECTION 3.05. Section
151.002(a)(5), Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(5) "Health
care entity" means: |
(A) a
hospital licensed under Chapter 241 or 577, |
Health and Safety Code; |
(B) an
entity, including a health maintenance |
organization, group medical practice,
nursing home, health science |
center, university medical school,
hospital district, hospital |
authority, or other health care
facility, that: |
(i) provides
or pays for medical care or |
health care services; and |
(ii) follows
a formal peer review process |
to further quality medical care or
health care; |
(C) a
professional society or association of |
physicians, or a committee of such a
society or association, that |
follows a formal peer review process to
further quality medical |
care or health care; [or] |
(D) an
organization established by a |
professional society or association of
physicians, hospitals, or |
both, that: |
(i) collects
and verifies the authenticity |
of documents and other information
concerning the qualifications, |
competence, or performance of licensed
health care professionals; |
and |
(ii) acts
as a health care facility's agent |
under the Health Care Quality
Improvement Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. |
Section 11101 et seq.); or |
(E) a
health care collaborative certified under |
Chapter 848, Insurance
Code. |
SECTION 3.06. Not
later than April 1, 2012, the |
commissioner of insurance and the board
of directors of the Texas |
Institute of Health Care Quality and
Efficiency shall adopt rules |
as necessary to implement this
article. |
SECTION 4.01. Subchapter
A, Chapter 311, Health and Safety |
Code, is amended by adding Section
311.004 to read as follows: |
Sec. 311.004. STANDARDIZED
SYSTEM. (a) In
this section: |
(1) "Department"
means the Department of State Health |
Services. |
(2) "Hospital"
means a general or special hospital as |
defined by Section 241.003.
The term includes a hospital |
maintained or operated by this
state. |
(b) The
department shall coordinate with hospitals to |
develop a statewide standardized
patient risk identification |
system under which a patient with a
specific medical risk may be |
readily identified through the use
of a system that communicates to |
hospital personnel the existence of
that risk. The executive |
commissioner of the Health and Human
Services Commission shall |
appoint an ad hoc committee of
hospital representatives to assist |
the department in developing the
statewide system. |
(c) The
department shall require each hospital to implement |
and enforce the statewide
standardized patient risk identification |
system developed under Subsection
(b) unless the department |
authorizes an exemption for the
reason stated in Subsection (d). |
(d) The
department may exempt from the statewide |
standardized patient risk
identification system a hospital that |
seeks to adopt another patient risk
identification methodology |
supported by evidence-based
protocols for the practice of medicine. |
(e) The
department shall modify the statewide standardized |
patient risk identification system
in accordance with |
evidence-based medicine as
necessary. |
(f) The
executive commissioner of the Health and Human |
Services Commission may adopt rules
to implement this section. |
SECTION 5.01. Section
98.001, Health and Safety Code, as |
added by Chapter 359 (S.B. 288), Acts
of the 80th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2007, is amended by
adding Subdivision (10-a) to |
read as follows: |
(10-a) "Potentially
preventable complication" and |
"potentially preventable
readmission" have the meanings assigned |
by Section 1002.001, Health and
Safety Code. |
SECTION 5.02. Section
98.102(c), Health and Safety Code, as |
added by Chapter 359 (S.B. 288), Acts
of the 80th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2007, is amended to
read as follows: |
(c) The
data reported by health care facilities to the |
department must contain sufficient
patient identifying information |
to: |
(1) avoid
duplicate submission of records; |
(2) allow
the department to verify the accuracy and |
completeness of the data reported;
and |
(3) for
data reported under Section 98.103 [or |
98.104], allow the department to
risk adjust the facilities' |
infection rates. |
SECTION 5.03. Section
98.103, Health and Safety Code, as |
added by Chapter 359 (S.B. 288), Acts
of the 80th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2007, is amended by
amending Subsection (b) and |
adding Subsection (d-1) to read as
follows: |
(b) A
pediatric and adolescent hospital shall report the |
incidence of surgical site infections,
including the causative |
pathogen if the infection is
laboratory-confirmed, occurring in the |
following procedures to the
department: |
(1) cardiac
procedures, excluding thoracic cardiac |
procedures; |
(2) ventricular
[ventriculoperitoneal] shunt |
procedures; and |
(3) spinal
surgery with instrumentation. |
(d-1) The
executive commissioner by rule may designate the |
federal Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention's National |
Healthcare Safety Network, or its
successor, to receive reports of |
health care-associated infections
from health care facilities on |
behalf of the department.
A health care facility must file a report |
required in accordance with a
designation made under this |
subsection in accordance with the
National Healthcare Safety |
Network's definitions, methods,
requirements, and procedures. A |
health care facility shall authorize
the department to have access |
to facility-specific data contained
in a report filed with the |
National Healthcare Safety Network
in accordance with a designation |
made under this
subsection. |
SECTION 5.04. Section
98.1045, Health and Safety Code, as |
added by Chapter 359 (S.B. 288), Acts
of the 80th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2007, is amended by
adding Subsection (c) to read |
as follows: |
(c) The
executive commissioner by rule may designate an |
agency of the United States
Department of Health and Human Services |
to receive reports of preventable
adverse events by health care |
facilities on behalf of the
department. A health care facility |
shall authorize the department to
have access to facility-specific |
data contained in a report made in
accordance with a designation |
made under this
subsection. |
SECTION 5.05. Subchapter
C, Chapter 98, Health and Safety |
Code, as added by Chapter 359 (S.B.
288), Acts of the 80th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, is
amended by adding Sections |
98.1046 and 98.1047 to read as
follows: |
Sec. 98.1046. PUBLIC
(a) In consultation with the
Texas Institute of Health Care
Quality and Efficiency under Chapter |
1002, the department shall publicly
report outcomes for potentially |
preventable complications and
potentially preventable readmissions |
for hospitals. |
(b) The
department shall make the reports compiled under |
Subsection (a) available to the
public on the department's Internet |
website. |
Sec. 98.1047. STUDIES
The department shall study which |
adverse health conditions commonly
occur in long-term care |
facilities and, of those health
conditions, which are potentially |
preventable. |
(b) The
department shall develop recommendations for |
reporting adverse health conditions
identified under Subsection |
(a). |
SECTION 5.06. Section
98.105, Health and Safety Code, as |
added by Chapter 359 (S.B. 288), Acts
of the 80th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2007, is amended to
read as follows: |
Sec. 98.105. REPORTING
recommendations of the advisory panel,
the executive commissioner |
by rule may modify in accordance with
this chapter the list of |
procedures that are reportable under
Section 98.103 [or 98.104]. |
The modifications must be based on
changes in reporting guidelines |
and in definitions established by the
federal Centers for Disease |
Control and Prevention. |
SECTION 5.07. Sections
98.106(a) and (b), Health and Safety |
Code, as added by Chapter 359 (S.B.
288), Acts of the 80th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, are
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The
department shall compile and make available to the |
public a summary, by health care
facility, of: |
(1) the
infections reported by facilities under |
Section [Sections] 98.103
[and 98.104]; and |
(2) the
preventable adverse events reported by |
facilities under Section 98.1045. |
(b) Information
included in the departmental summary with |
respect to infections reported by
facilities under Section |
[Sections] 98.103 [and
98.104] must be risk adjusted and include a |
comparison of the risk-adjusted
infection rates for each health |
care facility in this state that is
required to submit a report |
under Section [Sections]
98.103 [and 98.104]. |
SECTION 5.08. Subchapter
C, Chapter 98, Health and Safety |
Code, as added by Chapter 359 (S.B.
288), Acts of the 80th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, is
amended by adding Section |
98.1065 to read as follows: |
Sec. 98.1065. INCENTIVES;
The department, in consultation with the Texas
Institute of Health Care Quality and
Efficiency, shall develop a |
recognition program to recognize
exemplary health care providers |
and health care facilities for
superior quality of health care. |
(b) The
department may: |
(1) make
available to the public the list of exemplary |
providers and facilities recognized
under this section; and |
(2) authorize
the providers or facilities to use the |
receipt of the recognition in their
advertising materials. |
(c) The
executive commissioner of the Health and Human |
Services Commission may adopt rules
to implement this section. |
SECTION 5.09. Section
98.108, Health and Safety Code, as |
added by Chapter 359 (S.B. 288), Acts
of the 80th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2007, is amended to
read as follows: |
Sec. 98.108. FREQUENCY
OF REPORTING. In consultation with |
the advisory panel, the executive
commissioner by rule shall |
establish the frequency of reporting by
health care facilities |
required under Sections 98.103[,
98.104,] and 98.1045. Facilities |
may not be required to report more
frequently than monthly |
[quarterly]. |
SECTION 5.10. Section
98.110, Health and Safety Code, as |
added by Chapter 359 (S.B. 288), Acts
of the 80th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2007, is amended to
read as follows: |
Sec. 98.110. DISCLOSURE
Notwithstanding any other law, the
department may disclose |
information reported by health care
facilities under Section |
98.103[, 98.104,] or 98.1045 to
other programs within the |
department, to the Health and Human
Services Commission, [and] to |
other health and human services
agencies, as defined by Section |
531.001, Government Code, and to the
federal Centers for Disease |
Control and Prevention for
public health research or analysis |
purposes only, provided that the
research or analysis relates to |
health care-associated infections or
preventable adverse events. |
The privilege and confidentiality
provisions contained in this |
chapter apply to such
disclosures. |
(b) If
the executive commissioner designates an agency of |
the United States Department of
Health and Human Services to |
receive reports of health
care-associated infections or |
preventable adverse events, that
agency may use the information |
submitted for purposes allowed by
federal law. |
SECTION 5.11. Section
98.104, Health and Safety Code, as |
added by Chapter 359 (S.B. 288), Acts
of the 80th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2007, is
repealed. |
SECTION 6.01. Section
108.002, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by adding Subdivisions (4-a)
and (8-a) and amending |
Subdivision (7) to read as
follows: |
(4-a) "Commission" means
the Health and Human Services |
Commission. |
(7) "Department" means
the [Texas] Department of State |
Health Services. |
(8-a) "Executive
commissioner" means the executive |
commissioner of the Health and Human
Services Commission. |
SECTION 6.02. Chapter
108, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by adding Section 108.0026 to
read as follows: |
Sec. 108.0026. TRANSFER
(a) The powers
and duties of the Texas Health Care Information |
Council under this chapter were
transferred to the Department of |
State Health Services in accordance
with Section 1.19, Chapter 198 |
(H.B. 2292), Acts of the 78th
Legislature, Regular Session, 2003. |
(b) In
this chapter or other law, a reference to the Texas |
Health Care Information Council
means the Department of State |
Health Services. |
SECTION 6.03. Section
108.009(h), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(h) The
department [council] shall coordinate data |
collection with the data submission
formats used by hospitals and |
other providers. The
department [council] shall accept data in the |
format developed by the American
National Standards Institute |
[National Uniform Billing Committee
(Uniform Hospital Billing Form |
UB 92) and HCFA-1500] or
its successor [their successors] or other |
nationally [universally]
accepted standardized forms that |
hospitals and other providers use for
other complementary purposes. |
SECTION 6.04. Section
108.013, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by amending Subsections (a),
(b), (c), (d), (g), (i), and |
(j) and adding Subsections (k), (l),
(m), and (n) to read as |
follows: |
(a) The
data received by the department under this chapter |
[council] shall be used by the
department and commission [council] |
for the benefit of the public.
Subject to specific limitations |
established by this chapter and
executive commissioner [council] |
rule, the department
[council] shall make determinations on |
requests for information in favor of
access. |
(b) The
executive commissioner [council] by rule shall |
designate the characters to be used as
uniform patient identifiers. |
The basis for assignment of the
characters and the manner in which |
the characters are assigned are
confidential. |
(c) Unless
specifically authorized by this chapter, the |
department [council] may
not release and a person or entity may not |
gain access to any data obtained
under this chapter: |
(1) that
could reasonably be expected to reveal the |
identity of a patient; |
(2) that
could reasonably be expected to reveal the |
identity of a physician; |
(3) disclosing
provider discounts or differentials |
between payments and billed
charges; |
(4) relating
to actual payments to an identified |
provider made by a payer; or |
(5) submitted
to the department [council] in a uniform |
submission format that is not included
in the public use data set |
established under Sections 108.006(f)
and (g), except in accordance |
with Section 108.0135. |
(d) Except
as provided by this section, all [All] data |
collected and used by the department
[and the council] under this |
chapter is subject to the
confidentiality provisions and criminal |
penalties of: |
(1) Section
311.037; |
(2) Section
81.103; and |
(3) Section
159.002, Occupations Code. |
(g) Unless
specifically authorized by this chapter, the |
department [The council]
may not release data elements in a manner |
that will reveal the identity of a
patient. The department |
[council] may not release data
elements in a manner that will reveal |
the identity of a physician. |
(i) Notwithstanding
any other law and except as provided by |
this section, the [council
and the] department may not provide |
information made confidential by this
section to any other agency |
of this state. |
(j) The
executive commissioner [council] shall by rule[,
with the assistance of the advisory
committee under Section |
108.003(g)(5),] develop and
implement a mechanism to comply with |
Subsections (c)(1) and (2). |
(k) The
department may disclose data collected under this |
chapter that is not included in
public use data to any department or |
commission program if the disclosure
is reviewed and approved by |
the institutional review board under
Section 108.0135. |
(l) Confidential
data collected under this chapter that is |
disclosed to a department or
commission program remains subject to |
the confidentiality provisions of
this chapter and other applicable |
law. The department shall identify
the confidential data that is |
disclosed to a program under
Subsection (k). The program shall |
maintain the confidentiality of the
disclosed confidential data. |
(m) The
following provisions do not apply to the disclosure |
of data to a department or
commission program: |
(1) Section
81.103; |
(2) Sections
108.010(g) and (h); |
(3) Sections
108.011(e) and (f); |
(4) Section
311.037; and |
(5) Section
159.002, Occupations Code. |
(n) Nothing
in this section authorizes the disclosure of |
physician identifying
data. |
SECTION 6.05. Section
108.0135, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 108.0135. INSTITUTIONAL
[PANEL]. (a) The
department [council] shall establish an |
institutional [a
scientific] review board [panel] to review and |
approve requests for access to data
not contained in [information |
other than] public use data. The
members of the institutional |
review board must [panel
shall] have experience and expertise in |
ethics, patient confidentiality, and
health care data. |
(b) To
assist the institutional review board [panel] in |
determining whether to approve a
request for information, the |
executive commissioner
[council] shall adopt rules similar to the |
federal Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services' [Health Care |
Financing Administration's]
guidelines on releasing data. |
(c) A
request for information other than public use data |
must be made on the form
prescribed [created] by the department |
[council]. |
(d) Any
approval to release information under this section |
must require that the
confidentiality provisions of this chapter be |
maintained and that any subsequent
use of the information conform |
to the confidentiality provisions of
this chapter. |
SECTION 6.06. Sections
108.002(5) and (18), 108.0025, and |
108.009(c), Health and Safety Code, are
repealed. |
SECTION 7.01. This
Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |