82R1472 CAS-D
  By: Nelson S.B. No. 225
  relating to including in public school campus improvement plans and
  in local school health advisory council reports to school district
  boards of trustees certain goals and objectives or information in
  order to promote improved student health.
         SECTION 1.  Section 11.253(d), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d)  Each campus improvement plan must:
               (1)  assess the academic achievement for each student
  in the school using the student achievement indicator system as
  described by Section 39.053;
               (2)  set the campus performance objectives based on the
  student achievement indicator system, including objectives for
  special needs populations, including students in special education
  programs under Subchapter A, Chapter 29;
               (3)  identify how the campus goals will be met for each
               (4)  determine the resources needed to implement the
               (5)  identify staff needed to implement the plan;
               (6)  set timelines for reaching the goals;
               (7)  measure progress toward the performance
  objectives periodically to ensure that the plan is resulting in
  academic improvement;
               (8)  include goals and methods for violence prevention
  and intervention on campus;
               (9)  provide for a program to encourage parental
  involvement at the campus; [and]
               (10)  if the campus is an elementary, middle, or junior
  high school, set goals and objectives for the coordinated health
  program at the campus based on:
                     (A)  student fitness assessment data, including
  any data from research-based assessments such as the school health
  index assessment and planning tool created by the federal Centers
  for Disease Control and Prevention;
                     (B)  student academic performance data;
                     (C)  student attendance rates;
                     (D)  the percentage of students who are
  educationally disadvantaged;
                     (E)  the use and success of any method to ensure
  that students participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity
  as required by Section 28.002(l); and
                     (F)  any other indicator recommended by the local
  school health advisory council; and
               (11)  include goals and objectives to ensure campus
  compliance with the Texas Public School Nutrition Policy under
  Subchapter A, Chapter 26, Title 4, Texas Administrative Code.
         SECTION 2.  Section 28.004(m), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (m)  In addition to performing other duties, the local school
  health advisory council shall submit to the board of trustees, at
  least annually, a written report that includes:
               (1)  any council recommendation concerning the school
  district's health education curriculum and instruction or related
  matters that the council has not previously submitted to the board;
               (2)  any suggested modification to a council
  recommendation previously submitted to the board; [and]
               (3)  a detailed explanation of the council's activities
  during the period between the date of the current report and the
  date of the last prior written report; and
               (4)  for each district elementary, middle, or junior
  high school campus, a detailed explanation of the extent and manner
  of the campus's compliance with:
                     (A)  the requirement under Section 11.253(d)(10)
  for the campus to set, in the campus improvement plan, goals and
  objectives for the coordinated health program at the campus; and
                     (B)  the district's requirements, in accordance
  with Section 28.002(l), concerning student participation in
  moderate to vigorous physical activity.
         SECTION 3.  This Act applies beginning with the 2011-2012
  school year.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.