By: Shapiro S.B. No. 570
  relating to beginning teacher induction and mentoring programs for
  public schools.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 21, Education Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter N to read as follows:
         Sec. 21.651.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Beginning teacher" means a classroom teacher who:
                     (A)  has less than two complete years of
  experience teaching the subject or grade level to which the teacher
  is assigned; or
                     (B)  has less than three complete years of
  experience teaching the subject or grade level to which the teacher
  is assigned and is identified as in need of assistance under an
  appraisal system developed under Section 21.351 or 21.352.
               (2)  "Program" means the beginning teacher induction
  and mentoring program established under this subchapter.
  PROGRAM. (a)  To enable establishment of sustainable
  district-wide high-quality beginning teacher induction and
  mentoring, the commissioner by rule shall establish a beginning
  teacher induction and mentoring program under which school
  districts may participate in accordance with local plans approved
  by the commissioner that are based on guidelines adopted under this
  subchapter.  A participating district receives program grants from
  the agency from funds appropriated to the agency for the purpose of
  planning for and providing high-quality induction and mentoring to
  beginning teachers in the manner provided by this subchapter.  A
  district is not required to participate in the program, but each
  district may ensure that beginning teachers have access to
  high-quality induction and mentoring consistent with the
  guidelines established under Section 21.653(a).
         (b)  In establishing the program, the commissioner, in
  consultation with the committee established under Subsection (c),
  shall, not later than January 1, 2012, adopt program guidelines in
  accordance with Section 21.653(a), and the commissioner shall, not
  later than January 1, 2012, adopt program guidelines in accordance
  with Section 21.653(b) for a school district to follow in
  developing a local plan.
         (c)  To assist the commissioner in developing program
  guidelines under Section 21.653(a), the commissioner shall appoint
  a committee of interested persons, including agency staff,
  education policy makers, representatives of educator preparation
  programs and educator associations, and educators who work with
  beginning teachers under beginning teacher induction programs, as
  determined appropriate by the commissioner.
         (d)  In adopting rules under this section, the commissioner
  shall provide for participating school districts to receive
  technical assistance and planning and program guidance.
         Sec. 21.653.  PROGRAM GUIDELINES. (a)  The program
  guidelines must establish quality indicators for each of the
  following required components of the program:
               (1)  research-based program standards, including:
                     (A)  assigning a district-level coordinator to
  administer the program at the district level;
                     (B)  establishing a local advisory committee of
  teachers and other educators to assist in implementing the program
  in the school district;
                     (C)  establishing district administrative policy
  roles and responsibilities for persons involved in the program;
                     (D)  establishing, for each beginning teacher in
  the program, a support team composed of:
                           (i)  the campus principal or the beginning
  teacher's appraiser;
                           (ii)  an educator preparation program field
  supervisor; and
                           (iii)  the beginning teacher's mentor
  provided by the district;
                     (E)  requiring each beginning teacher and that
  teacher's support team members described by Paragraph (D) to meet
  at least three times each school year; and
                     (F)  providing training for support team members
  described by Paragraph (D);
               (2)  mentoring standards to ensure high-quality
  mentoring, including:
                     (A)  requiring each district to assign a mentor
  teacher to each beginning teacher;
                     (B)  requiring each teacher who is assigned as a
  mentor to:
                           (i)  have at least three complete years of
  teaching experience with a superior record of assisting students,
  as a whole, in achieving improvement in student performance;
                           (ii)  teach the same subject or grade level,
  as applicable, as the beginning teacher the mentor teacher is
                           (iii)  teach in the same school as the
  beginning teacher the mentor teacher is mentoring, to the extent
  practicable; and
                           (iv)  complete a research-based mentoring
  and induction training program approved by the commissioner and
  provided by the district;
                     (C)  providing for release time from classroom
  instruction duties for the mentor teacher, as applicable, and the
  beginning teacher the mentor teacher is mentoring in order to meet,
  conduct observations, and engage in other activities focused on
  enhancing the student achievement of the beginning teacher's
                     (D)  providing, to the extent practicable, for
  common planning time for the mentor teacher and the beginning
  teacher the mentor teacher is mentoring;
                     (E)  limiting the assignment to two beginning
  teachers for each mentor teacher who is a classroom teacher; and
                     (F)  providing for stipends for mentor teachers;
               (3)  performance standards aligned with the criteria
  for the recommended appraisal process adopted by the commissioner
  under Section 21.351;
               (4)  ongoing professional development requirements,
  including required training for:
                     (A)  participating program administrators
  regarding successful implementation and administration of the
  program; and
                     (B)  participating school administrators, mentor
  teachers, and beginning teachers;
               (5)  standards-based formative assessments; and
               (6)  provisions for partnership and collaboration,
  including consistent and regular collaboration between
  participating districts and appropriate educator preparation
         (b)  The commissioner shall adopt guidelines for funding the
  program, including requiring a participating school district to
  provide matching funds in an amount determined by the commissioner.
         Sec. 21.654.  LOCAL PLANS. (a)  A district-level committee
  for a school district that intends to participate in the program,
  such as the district-level planning and decision-making committee
  established under Subchapter F, Chapter 11, shall, beginning
  January 1, 2012, develop a local beginning teacher induction and
  mentoring plan for the district.  The local plan may provide for
  participation in the program by all campuses in the district or only
  those campuses selected by the district-level committee.  A local
  plan that does not provide for participation in the program by all
  campuses in the district must include an analysis and timeline for
  future district-wide implementation.
         (b)  A majority of classroom teachers assigned to a campus
  that is proposed for selection to participate in the program must
  approve participation to be included in the local plan.
         (c)  A school district must submit a local plan to the agency
  for approval.  The plan must be submitted together with evidence of
  significant teacher involvement in the development of the plan.
         (d)  The agency may approve only a local plan that meets
  program guidelines adopted under Section 21.653.
         (e)  The agency may approve a local plan for implementation
  beginning with the 2012-2013 school year.
         Sec. 21.6541.  PROGRAM EVALUATION. (a)  The commissioner
               (1)  provide for the periodic evaluation of the program
  during the school year by surveying program participants and by any
  other means determined by the commissioner; and
               (2)  not later than December 1, 2014, prepare and
  deliver to each member of the legislature a report describing the
  results of the program conducted under this subchapter, including
  the results of the evaluations conducted in accordance with
  Subdivision (1).
         (b)  This section expires January 1, 2015.
  MENTORING PROGRAM. Any beginning teacher induction and mentoring
  program adopted by a district may include the following components:
               (1)  research-based program standards;
               (2)  mentoring standards to ensure high-quality
               (3)  performance standards aligned with the criteria
  for the recommended appraisal process adopted by the commissioner
  under Section 21.351;
               (4)  ongoing professional development requirements;
               (5)  standards-based formative assessments; and
               (6)  provisions for partnership and collaboration,
  including consistent and regular collaboration between the
  district and educator preparation programs.
         Sec. 21.656.  RULES. The commissioner shall adopt rules as
  necessary to administer this subchapter.
         SECTION 2.  Section 21.458, Education Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.