By: Estes S.B. No. 590
  relating to retainage under certain construction contracts.
         SECTION 1.  Section 53.053(e), Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (e)  A claim for retainage accrues on the last day of the
  month in which all work called for by the contract between the owner
  and the original contractor has been completed, finally settled,
  terminated, or abandoned.
         SECTION 2.  Section 53.056(d), Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d)  Except as provided by Section 53.057, to [To] authorize
  the owner to withhold funds under Subchapter D, the notice to the
  owner must state that if the claim remains unpaid, the owner may be
  personally liable and the owner's property may be subjected to a
  lien unless:
               (1)  the owner withholds payments from the contractor
  for payment of the claim; or
               (2)  the claim is otherwise paid or settled.
         SECTION 3.  Sections 53.057(a), (b), and (e), Property Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A claimant may give notice under this section instead of
  or in addition to notice under Section 53.056 or 53.252 if the
  claimant is to labor, furnish labor or materials, or specially
  fabricate materials, or has labored, furnished labor or materials,
  or specially fabricated materials, under an agreement with an
  original contractor or a subcontractor providing for retainage.
         (b)  The claimant must give notice that the claimant may have
  a lien claim for retainage to the owner or reputed owner [notice of
  the retainage agreement] not later than the 25th [15th] day after
  the date:
               (1)  the work under the original contract is completed;
               (2)  the original contract is terminated; or
               (3)  the original contractor abandons performance
  under the contract [of the second month following the delivery of
  materials or the performance of labor by the claimant that first
  occurs after the claimant has agreed to the contractual retainage.
  If the agreement is with a subcontractor, the claimant must also
  give notice within that time to the original contractor].
         (e)  If a claimant gives notice under this section [and
  Section 53.055 or, if the claim relates to a residential
  construction project, under this section and Section 53.252], the
  claimant is not required to give any other notice as to the
  retainage before the date the notice under Section 53.055 is
         SECTION 4.  Section 53.081(c), Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  If notice is sent under Section 53.057, the owner may
  withhold funds by retaining funds under Subchapter E for the period
  required under Section 53.082 [immediately on receipt of a copy of
  the claimant's affidavit prepared in accordance with Sections
  53.052 through 53.055].
         SECTION 5.  Section 53.103, Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 53.103.  LIEN ON RETAINED FUNDS. A claimant has a lien
  on the retained funds if the claimant:
               (1)  sends the notices required by this chapter in the
  time and manner required; and
               (2)  files an affidavit claiming a lien in the period
  required under Section 53.052 [not later than the 30th day after the
  earlier of the date:
                     [(A)  the work is completed;
                     [(B)  the original contract is terminated; or
                     [(C)     the original contractor abandons
  performance under the original contract].
         SECTION 6.  Section 53.106, Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 53.106.  AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLETION. (a)  An owner may
  file with the county clerk of the county in which the property is
  located an affidavit of completion. The affidavit must contain:
               (1)  the name and address of the owner;
               (2)  the name and address of the original contractor;
               (3)  a description, legally sufficient for
  identification, of the real property on which the improvements are
               (4)  a description of the improvements furnished under
  the original contract;
               (5)  a statement that the improvements under the
  original contract have been completed and the date of completion;
               (6)  a conspicuous statement that a claimant may not
  have a lien on retained funds unless the claimant:
                     (A)  complies with the notice requirement under
  Section 53.057 not later than the 25th day after the date of
  completion of the original contract; and
                     (B)  files a lien affidavit not later than the
  15th day after the fourth calendar month after the date of
  completion of the original contract [files the affidavit claiming a
  lien not later than the 30th day after the date of completion].
         (b)  A copy of the affidavit must be sent by certified or
  registered mail to the original contractor not later than the date
  the affidavit is filed and to each claimant who sends a notice of
  lien liability to the owner under Section 53.056, 53.057, 53.058,
  53.252, or 53.253 not later than the date the affidavit is filed or
  the fifth [10th] day after the date the owner receives the notice of
  lien liability, whichever is later.
         (c)  A copy of the affidavit must also be sent to each person
  who furnishes labor or materials for the property and who furnishes
  the owner with a written request for the copy. The owner must
  furnish the copy to the person not later than the date the affidavit
  is filed or the fifth [10th] day after the date the request is
  received, whichever is later.
         (d)  Except as provided by this subsection, an affidavit
  filed under this section on or before the fifth [10th] day after the
  date of completion of the improvements is prima facie evidence of
  the date the work under the original contract is completed for
  purposes of this subchapter and Section 53.057. If the affidavit is
  filed after the fifth [10th] day after the date of completion, the
  date of completion for purposes of this subchapter and Section
  53.057 is the date the affidavit is filed. This subsection does not
  apply to a person to whom the affidavit was not sent as required by
  this section.
         SECTION 7.  Sections 53.107(a), (b), (c), and (d), Property
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Not later than the fifth [10th] day after the date an
  original contract is terminated or the original contractor abandons
  performance under the original contract, the owner shall give
  notice to each subcontractor who, before the date of termination or
  abandonment, has:
               (1)  given notice to the owner as provided by Section
  53.056, 53.057, or 53.058; or
               (2)  sent to the owner by certified or registered mail a
  written request for notice of termination or abandonment.
         (b)  The notice must contain:
               (1)  the name and address of the owner;
               (2)  the name and address of the original contractor;
               (3)  a description, legally sufficient for
  identification, of the real property on which the improvements are
               (4)  a general description of the improvements agreed
  to be furnished under the original contract;
               (5)  a statement that the original contract has been
  terminated or that performance under the contract has been
               (6)  the date of the termination or abandonment; and
               (7)  a conspicuous statement that a claimant may not
  have a lien on the retained funds unless the claimant:
                     (A)  complies with the notice requirement in
  Section 53.057 not later than the 25th day after the date the
  original contract is terminated or abandoned; and
                     (B)  files an affidavit claiming a lien not later
  than the 15th [30th] day of the fourth month after the date of the
  termination or abandonment.
         (c)  A notice sent in compliance with this section on or
  before the fifth [10th] day after the date of termination or
  abandonment is prima facie evidence of the date the original
  contract was terminated or work was abandoned for purposes of this
         (d)  A subcontractor to whom an owner fails to send notice
  under this section is not required to comply with Section 53.057 to
  claim contractual retainage and may claim a lien by filing a lien
  affidavit as prescribed by Section 53.052 [who fails to file a lien
  affidavit in the time prescribed by Section 53.103(2) has a lien to
  the extent authorized under this subchapter if:
               [(1)     the subcontractor otherwise complies with this
  chapter; and
               [(2)     the owner did not provide the subcontractor
  notice as required by this section].
         SECTION 8.  Subchapter E, Chapter 53, Property Code, is
  amended by adding Section 53.108 to read as follows:
  CLAIM. (a)  Not later than the fifth day after the date of
  completion, an owner shall send by certified mail, return receipt
  requested, or registered mail a notice of completion to:
               (1)  the original contractor;
               (2)  any person who provides a notice under Section
  53.056, 53.057, 53.058, 53.252, or 53.253; and
               (3)  any person who furnished labor or provided
  materials for the improvement and requests a copy of the notice of
         (b)  The notice must contain:
               (1)  the name and address of the owner;
               (2)  the name and address of the original contractor;
               (3)  a description, legally sufficient for
  identification, of the real property on which the improvements are
               (4)  a description of the improvements furnished under
  the original contract;
               (5)  a statement that the improvements under the
  original contract have been completed; and
               (6)  the date of completion.
         (c)  A notice sent in compliance with this section is prima
  facie evidence under Sections 53.053(e) and 53.057 of the date the
  work under the original contract was completed.
         (d)  An owner who sends a copy of an affidavit of completion
  as prescribed by Section 53.106 satisfies the requirements of this
         (e)  A subcontractor to whom an owner fails to send notice
  under this section is not required to comply with Section 53.057 to
  claim contractual retainage and may claim a lien by filing a lien
  affidavit as prescribed by Section 53.052.
         SECTION 9.  Section 53.057(c), Property Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 10.  Chapter 53, Property Code, as amended by this
  Act, applies only to an original contract entered into on or after
  the effective date of this Act and any lien arising under that
  contract. An original contract entered into before the effective
  date of this Act, and any lien arising under that contract, is
  governed by the law in effect immediately before the effective date
  of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 11.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.