By: Van de Putte, West S.B. No. 594
  relating to certain procedures applicable to electronic
  prescriptions for Schedule II controlled substances.
         SECTION 1.  Subsections (b), (c), (d-1), (e) through (h),
  and (k), Section 481.074, Health and Safety Code, are amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  Except in an emergency as defined by rule of the
  director or as provided by Subsection (o) or Section 481.075(j) or
  (m), a person may not dispense or administer a controlled substance
  listed in Schedule II without a [the] written prescription of a
  practitioner on an official prescription form or without an
  electronic prescription that meets the requirements of and is
  completed by the practitioner in accordance with Section 481.075.  
  In an emergency, a person may dispense or administer a controlled
  substance listed in Schedule II on the oral or telephonically
  communicated prescription of a practitioner.  The person who
  administers or dispenses the substance shall:
               (1)  if the person is a prescribing practitioner or a
  pharmacist, promptly comply with Subsection (c); or
               (2)  if the person is not a prescribing practitioner or
  a pharmacist, promptly write the oral or telephonically
  communicated prescription and include in the written record of the
  prescription the name, address, department registration number,
  and Federal Drug Enforcement Administration number of the
  prescribing practitioner, all information required to be provided
  by a practitioner under Section 481.075(e)(1), and all information
  required to be provided by a dispensing pharmacist under Section
         (c)  Not later than the seventh day after the date a
  prescribing practitioner authorizes an emergency oral or
  telephonically communicated prescription, the prescribing
  practitioner shall cause a written or electronic prescription,
  completed in the manner required by Section 481.075, to be
  delivered [in person or mailed] to the dispensing pharmacist at the
  pharmacy where the prescription was dispensed. A written
  prescription may be delivered in person or by mail.  The envelope of
  a prescription delivered by mail must be postmarked not later than
  the seventh day after the date the prescription was authorized. On
  receipt of a written [the] prescription, the dispensing pharmacy
  shall file the transcription of the telephonically communicated
  prescription and the pharmacy copy and shall send information to
  the director as required by Section 481.075. On receipt of an
  electronic prescription, the pharmacist shall annotate the
  electronic prescription record with the original authorization and
  date of the emergency oral or telephonically communicated
         (d-1)  Notwithstanding Subsection (d), a prescribing
  practitioner may issue multiple prescriptions authorizing the
  patient to receive a total of up to a 90-day supply of a Schedule II
  controlled substance if:
               (1)  each separate prescription is issued for a
  legitimate medical purpose by a prescribing practitioner acting in
  the usual course of professional practice;
               (2)  the prescribing practitioner provides [written]
  instructions on each prescription to be filled at a later date
  indicating the earliest date on which a pharmacy may fill each
               (3)  the prescribing practitioner concludes that
  providing the patient with multiple prescriptions in this manner
  does not create an undue risk of diversion or abuse; and
               (4)  the issuance of multiple prescriptions complies
  with other applicable state and federal laws.
         (e)  The partial filling of a prescription for a controlled
  substance listed in Schedule II is permissible, if the pharmacist
  is unable to supply the full quantity called for in a written or
  electronic prescription or emergency oral prescription and the
  pharmacist makes a notation of the quantity supplied on the face of
  the written prescription, on the [or] written record of the
  emergency oral prescription, or in the electronic prescription
  record. The remaining portion of the prescription may be filled
  within 72 hours of the first partial filling; however, if the
  remaining portion is not or cannot be filled within the 72-hour
  period, the pharmacist shall so notify the prescribing individual
  practitioner. No further quantity may be supplied beyond 72 hours
  without a new prescription.
         (f)  A prescription for a Schedule II controlled substance
  [written] for a patient in a long-term care facility (LTCF) or for a
  patient with a medical diagnosis documenting a terminal illness may
  be filled in partial quantities to include individual dosage units.
  If there is any question about whether a patient may be classified
  as having a terminal illness, the pharmacist must contact the
  practitioner before partially filling the prescription. Both the
  pharmacist and the practitioner have a corresponding
  responsibility to assure that the controlled substance is for a
  terminally ill patient. The pharmacist must record the
  prescription on an official prescription form or in the electronic
  prescription record and must indicate on the official prescription
  form or in the electronic prescription record whether the patient
  is "terminally ill" or an "LTCF patient."  A prescription that is
  partially filled and does not contain the notation "terminally ill"
  or "LTCF patient" is considered to have been filled in violation of
  this chapter. For each partial filling, the dispensing pharmacist
  shall record on the back of the official prescription form or in the
  electronic prescription record the date of the partial filling, the
  quantity dispensed, the remaining quantity authorized to be
  dispensed, and the identification of the dispensing pharmacist.
  Before any subsequent partial filling, the pharmacist must
  determine that the additional partial filling is necessary. The
  total quantity of Schedule II controlled substances dispensed in
  all partial fillings may not exceed the total quantity prescribed.
  Schedule II prescriptions for patients in a long-term care facility
  or patients with a medical diagnosis documenting a terminal illness
  are valid for a period not to exceed 60 days following the issue
  date unless sooner terminated by discontinuance of the medication.
         (g)  A person may not dispense a controlled substance in
  Schedule III or IV that is a prescription drug under the Federal
  Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. Section 301 et seq.) without
  a written, electronic, oral, or telephonically [or electronically]
  communicated prescription of a practitioner defined by Section
  481.002(39)(A) or (D), except that the practitioner may dispense
  the substance directly to an ultimate user.  A prescription for a
  controlled substance listed in Schedule III or IV may not be filled
  or refilled later than six months after the date on which the
  prescription is issued and may not be refilled more than five times,
  unless the prescription is renewed by the practitioner.  A
  prescription under this subsection must comply with other
  applicable state and federal laws.
         (h)  A pharmacist may dispense a controlled substance listed
  in Schedule III, IV, or V under a written, electronic, oral, or
  telephonically [or electronically] communicated prescription
  issued by a practitioner defined by Section 481.002(39)(C) and only
  if the pharmacist determines that the prescription was issued for a
  valid medical purpose and in the course of professional practice.  A
  prescription issued under this subsection may not be filled or
  refilled later than six months after the date the prescription is
  issued and may not be refilled more than five times, unless the
  prescription is renewed by the practitioner.
         (k)  A prescription for a controlled substance must show:
               (1)  the quantity of the substance prescribed:
                     (A)  numerically, followed by the number written
  as a word, if the prescription is written; [or]
                     (B)  numerically, if the prescription is
  electronic; or
                     (C)  if the prescription is communicated orally or
  telephonically, as transcribed by the receiving pharmacist;
               (2)  the date of issue;
               (2-a)  if the prescription is issued for a Schedule II
  controlled substance to be filled at a later date under Subsection
  (d-1), the earliest date on which a pharmacy may fill the
               (3)  the name, address, and date of birth or age of the
  patient or, if the controlled substance is prescribed for an
  animal, the species of the animal and the name and address of its
               (4)  the name and strength of the controlled substance
               (5)  the directions for use of the controlled
               (6)  the intended use of the substance prescribed
  unless the practitioner determines the furnishing of this
  information is not in the best interest of the patient;
               (7)  the [legibly printed or stamped] name, address,
  Federal Drug Enforcement Administration registration number, and
  telephone number of the practitioner at the practitioner's usual
  place of business, which must be legibly printed or stamped on a
  written prescription;
               (8)  if the prescription is handwritten, the signature
  of the prescribing practitioner; and
               (9)  if the prescribing practitioner is licensed in
  this state, the practitioner's department registration number.
         SECTION 2.  Subsections (a), (e), and (g) through (j),
  Section 481.075, Health and Safety Code, are amended to read as
         (a)  A practitioner who prescribes a controlled substance
  listed in Schedule II shall, except as provided by rule adopted
  under Section 481.0761, record the prescription on an official
  prescription form or in an electronic prescription that includes
  the information required by this section.
         (e)  Each official prescription form or electronic
  prescription used to prescribe a Schedule II controlled substance
  must contain:
               (1)  information provided by the prescribing
  practitioner, including:
                     (A)  the date the prescription is issued
                     (B)  the controlled substance prescribed;
                     (C)  the quantity of controlled substance
  prescribed, shown:
                           (i)  numerically, followed by the number
  written as a word, if the prescription is written; or
                           (ii)  numerically, if the prescription is
                     (D)  the intended use of the controlled substance
  or the diagnosis for which it is prescribed and the instructions for
  use of the substance;
                     (E)  the practitioner's name, address, department
  registration number, and Federal Drug Enforcement Administration
                     (F)  the name, address, and date of birth or age of
  the person for whom the controlled substance is prescribed; and
                     (G)  if the prescription is issued to be filled at
  a later date under Section 481.074(d-1), the earliest date on which
  a pharmacy may fill the prescription;
               (2)  information provided by the dispensing
  pharmacist, including the date the prescription is filled; and
               (3)  for a written prescription, the signatures of the
  prescribing practitioner and the dispensing pharmacist or for an
  electronic prescription, the prescribing practitioner's electronic
  signature or other secure method of validation authorized by
  federal law.
         (g)  Except for an oral prescription prescribed under
  Section 481.074(b), the prescribing practitioner shall:
               (1)  legibly fill in, or direct a designated agent to
  legibly fill in, on the official prescription form or in the
  electronic prescription, each item of information required to be
  provided by the prescribing practitioner under Subsection (e)(1),
  unless the practitioner determines that:
                     (A)  under rule adopted by the director for this
  purpose, it is unnecessary for the practitioner or the
  practitioner's agent to provide the patient identification number;
                     (B)  it is not in the best interest of the patient
  for the practitioner or practitioner's agent to provide information
  regarding the intended use of the controlled substance or the
  diagnosis for which it is prescribed; and
               (2)  sign the official prescription form and give the
  form to the person authorized to receive the prescription or, in the
  case of an electronic prescription, electronically sign or validate
  the electronic prescription as authorized by federal law and
  transmit the prescription to the dispensing pharmacy.
         (h)  In the case of an oral prescription prescribed under
  Section 481.074(b), the prescribing practitioner shall give the
  dispensing pharmacy the information needed to complete the official
  prescription form or electronic prescription record.
         (i)  Each dispensing pharmacist shall:
               (1)  fill in on the official prescription form or note
  in the electronic prescription record each item of information
  given orally to the dispensing pharmacy under Subsection (h) and[,]
  the date the prescription is filled, and:
                     (A)  for a written prescription, fill in the
  dispensing pharmacist's signature; or
                     (B)  for an electronic prescription,
  appropriately record the identity of the dispensing pharmacist in
  the electronic prescription record;
               (2)  retain with the records of the pharmacy for at
  least two years:
                     (A)  the official prescription form or the
  electronic prescription record, as applicable; and
                     (B)  the name or other patient identification
  required by Section 481.074(m) or (n); and
               (3)  send all information required by the director,
  including any information required to complete an official
  prescription form or electronic prescription record, to the
  director by electronic transfer or another form approved by the
  director not later than the 15th day after the last day of the month
  in which the prescription is completely filled.
         (j)  A medication order written for a patient who is admitted
  to a hospital at the time the medication order is written and filled
  is not required to be on an official prescription [a] form or in an
  electronic prescription record that meets the requirements of this
         SECTION 3.  Subsection (d), Section 481.0761, Health and
  Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (d)  The director by rule shall authorize a practitioner to
  determine whether it is necessary to obtain a particular patient
  identification number and to provide that number on the official
  prescription form or in the electronic prescription record.
         SECTION 4.  Section 552.118, Government Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  INFORMATION [FORM]. Information is excepted from the requirements
  of Section 552.021 if it is:
               (1)  information on or derived from an official
  prescription form or electronic prescription record filed with the
  director of the Department of Public Safety under Section 481.075,
  Health and Safety Code; or
               (2)  other information collected under Section 481.075
  of that code.
         SECTION 5.  Subsection (c), Section 157.059, Occupations
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (c)  The physician may not delegate:
               (1)  the use of a prescription sticker or the use or
  issuance of an official prescription form; or
               (2)  the authority to issue an electronic prescription
  under Section 481.075, Health and Safety Code.
         SECTION 6.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
  to the issuance of a prescription on or after the effective date of
  this Act. The issuance of a prescription before the effective date
  of this Act is covered by the law in effect when the prescription
  was issued, and the former law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.