relating to a suspension of the imposition of certain fees under |
certain conditions. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter E, Chapter 404, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 404.074 to read as follows: |
ACCOUNTS; SUSPENSION OF FEES. (a) In this section, "fee" means an |
amount required to be paid in exchange for a service or other |
benefit or as part of a regulatory system. The term includes an |
amount charged in exchange for a direct personal benefit, such as an |
amount charged to engage in a regulated occupation or activity, to |
enter a state park, museum, or other facility, or for the issuance |
of specialty license plates. The term does not include a tax |
imposed under the Tax Code or other law. |
(b) This section applies only to an account in the general |
revenue fund: |
(1) the revenue credited to which is dedicated only by |
statute to a particular purpose or entity; and |
(2) a portion of the revenue of which in excess of |
amounts appropriated by the General Appropriations Act or other law |
would, through the application of Section 403.095(b) or a successor |
law providing that certain dedicated revenue is available for |
general governmental purposes, be available for those purposes and |
considered available for the purpose of certification under Section |
403.121. |
(c) On the date amounts credited during a state fiscal |
biennium to an account to which this section applies equal at least |
110 percent of the total amounts appropriated by the General |
Appropriations Act and other law for that biennium, the comptroller |
shall: |
(1) identify each person who collects or remits |
revenue credited to that account; and |
(2) notify each person identified under Subdivision |
(1) in writing that: |
(A) the credited amounts exceed the |
appropriations for the biennium; and |
(B) the imposition of the portion of the fee from |
which the revenue credited to the account is derived that the person |
would otherwise collect or remit to the comptroller is suspended |
during the period beginning on a date stated in the notice. |
(d) The date on which the suspension period described by |
Subsection (c)(2)(B) begins must be the first day of a calendar |
month and may not be later than the 45th day after the date the |
notice is sent. The period ends on a date determined by the |
comptroller after considering the account balance necessary to |
cover appropriations from the account to which the suspended fee |
would be deposited. |
(e) Notwithstanding any other law, including a law under |
which a fee is otherwise imposed, the imposition of the portion of a |
fee that is the subject of a notice required by Subsection (c) is |
suspended for the period specified in the notice. A person who |
receives the notice may not impose or collect the portion of the fee |
that is the subject of the notice during the specified period but |
shall remit to the comptroller in accordance with applicable law: |
(1) all fees collected before the beginning of the |
period that have not been remitted; and |
(2) delinquent fees that were imposed and became due |
before the beginning of the period but are collected during the |
period. |
(f) The suspension of the imposition of a fee under |
Subsection (e) does not affect the availability of or access to the |
benefit or service, or operation of the regulatory system, with |
respect to which the fee would be imposed if not suspended. |
(g) The comptroller shall maintain in a conspicuous |
location on the comptroller's Internet website a current list of |
fees the imposition of which are suspended under this section. The |
list must: |
(1) contain information that clearly identifies each |
suspended fee; and |
(2) specify the suspension period for each of those |
fees. |
(h) The comptroller by rule shall establish procedures by |
which a person who pays a fee that was imposed on the person in |
violation of Subsection (e) may request a refund of the amount paid. |
The comptroller shall determine whether the fee was imposed in |
violation of Subsection (e). |
(i) If the comptroller determines through procedures |
established under Subsection (h) that a fee was imposed on the |
person requesting a refund in violation of Subsection (e), the |
comptroller shall refund the amount of the fee paid. A person |
aggrieved by a determination of the comptroller under those |
procedures may appeal that determination. The appeal is a |
contested case under Chapter 2001. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |