82R22940 SMH-F
  By: Carona S.B. No. 762
  Substitute the following for S.B. No. 762:  No.
  relating to the transfer of an ad valorem tax lien; providing for
  the imposition of an administrative penalty.
         SECTION 1.  Section 32.06, Tax Code, is amended by amending
  Subsections (a-3), (f-3), and (j) and adding Subsections (e-1) and
  (e-2) to read as follows:
         (a-3)  If the property owner has executed an authorization
  under Subsection (a-2)(2)(B) consenting to a transfer of the tax
  liens for both the taxes on the property that are not delinquent and
  taxes on the property that are delinquent, the collector's
  certification under Subsection (b) may be [collector shall certify]
  in one document [the transfer of the liens for all the taxes].
         (e-1)  A transferee of a tax lien may not charge a fee for any
  expenses arising after closing, including collection costs, except
               (1)  interest expressly authorized under this section;
               (2)  the fees for filing the release of the tax lien
  under Subsection (b);
               (3)  the fee for providing a payoff statement under
  Subsection (f-3);
               (4)  the fee for providing information regarding the
  current balance owed by the property owner under Subsection (g);
               (5)  the fees expressly authorized under Section
  351.0021, Finance Code.
         (e-2)  The contract between the property owner and the
  transferee may provide for interest for default, in addition to the
  interest permitted under Subsection (e), if any part of the
  installment remains unpaid after the 10th day after the date the
  installment is due, including Sundays and holidays. The additional
  interest may not exceed five cents for each $1 of a scheduled
         (f-3)  Notwithstanding any contractual agreement with the
  property owner, the transferee of a tax lien must provide the payoff
  information required by this section to the greatest extent
  permitted by 15 U.S.C. Section 6802 and 12 C.F.R. Part 216. The
  payoff statement must meet the requirements of a payoff statement
  defined by Section 12.017, Property Code. A transferee may charge a
  reasonable fee for a payoff statement that is requested after an
  initial payoff statement is provided. However, a transferee is not
  required to release payoff information pursuant to a notice under
  Subsection (f-1) unless the notice contains the information
  prescribed by the Finance Commission of Texas.
         (j)  After one year from the date on which a tax lien
  transferred as provided by this section is recorded in all counties
  in which the property is located, the transferee of the lien may
  foreclose the lien in the manner provided by Subsection (c) unless a
  contract between the holder of the lien and the owner of the
  property encumbered by the lien provides otherwise. [If a
  foreclosure suit results in foreclosure of the lien, the transferee
  is entitled to recover attorney's fees in an amount not to exceed 10
  percent of the judgment.] The proceeds of a sale following a
  judicial foreclosure as provided by this subsection shall be
  applied first to the payment of court costs, then to payment of the
  judgment, including accrued interest, and then to the payment of
  any attorney's fees fixed in the judgment. Any remaining proceeds
  shall be paid to other holders of liens on the property in the order
  of their priority and then to the person whose property was sold at
  the tax sale.
         SECTION 2.  Section 33.445(b), Tax Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
         (b)  In consideration of the payment by the transferee of
  those taxes and charges, each joined taxing unit shall transfer its
  tax lien to the transferee in the form and manner provided by
  Section 32.06(b) and enter its disclaimer in the suit. The transfer
  of a tax lien under this subsection does not require authorization
  by the property owner.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter A, Chapter 351, Finance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 351.0021 to read as follows:
         Sec. 351.0021.  AUTHORIZED CHARGES. (a)  The contract
  between a property tax lender and a property owner may require the
  property owner to pay the following costs after closing:
               (1)  a reasonable fee for filing the release of a tax
  lien authorized under Section 32.06(b), Tax Code;
               (2)  a reasonable fee for a payoff statement authorized
  under Section 32.06(f-3), Tax Code;
               (3)  a reasonable fee for providing information
  regarding the current balance owed by the property owner authorized
  under Section 32.06(g), Tax Code;
               (4)  reasonable and necessary attorney's fees,
  recording fees, and court costs for actions that are legally
  required to perform a foreclosure, including fees required to be
  paid to an official and fees for an attorney ad litem;
               (5)  to the extent permitted by the United States
  Bankruptcy Code, attorney's fees and court costs for services
  performed after the property owner files a voluntary bankruptcy
               (6)  a reasonable fee for title examination and
  preparation of an abstract of title by an attorney, a title company,
  or a property search company authorized to do business in this
               (7)  a processing fee for insufficient funds, as
  authorized under Section 3.506, Business & Commerce Code;
               (8)  a fee for collateral protection insurance, as
  authorized under Chapter 307;
               (9)  a prepayment penalty, if the lien transferred is
  on a property other than one owned and used by the owner for
  personal, family, or household purposes;
               (10)  recording expenses incurred in connection with a
  modification necessary to preserve a borrower's ability to avoid a
  foreclosure proceeding; and
               (11)  fees for copies of transaction documents
  requested by the property owner.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)(11), a property tax
  lender shall provide a property owner:
               (1)  one free copy of the transaction documents at
  closing; and
               (2)  an additional free copy of the transaction
  documents on the property owner's request following closing.
         (c)  A property tax lender may not charge:
               (1)  any fee, other than interest, after closing in
  connection with the transfer of a tax lien against property owned
  and used by the property owner for personal, family, or household
  purposes unless the fee is expressly authorized under this section;
               (2)  any interest that is not expressly authorized
  under Section 32.06, Tax Code.
         (d)  Except for charges authorized under Subsections (a)(1),
  (2), (3), and (11), any amount charged by a property tax lender
  after closing must be for services performed by a person that is not
  an employee of the property tax lender.
         (e)  The finance commission may adopt rules implementing and
  interpreting this section.
         SECTION 4.  Section 351.006, Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 351.006.  ENFORCEMENT. (a)  In addition to any other
  applicable enforcement provisions, Subchapters E, F, and G, Chapter
  14, apply to a violation of this chapter or Section 32.06 or 32.065,
  Tax Code, in connection with property tax loans.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Section 14.251, the commissioner may
  assess an administrative penalty under Subchapter F, Chapter 14,
  against a person who violates Section 32.06(b-1), Tax Code,
  regardless of whether the violation is knowing or wilful.
         SECTION 5.  Section 351.051(a), Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  A person must hold a license issued under this chapter
               (1)  engage in the business of making, transacting, or
  negotiating property tax loans; or
               (2)  contract for, charge, or receive, directly or
  indirectly, in connection with a property tax loan subject to this
  chapter, a charge, including interest, compensation,
  consideration, or another expense, authorized under this chapter or
  Chapter 32, Tax Code [that in the aggregate exceeds the charges
  authorized under other law].
         SECTION 6.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
  the transfer of an ad valorem tax lien that occurs on or after the
  effective date of this Act. A transfer of an ad valorem tax lien
  that occurs before the effective date of this Act is governed by the
  law in effect at the time the transfer occurred, and the former law
  is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.