82R3368 ACP-D
  By: Carona S.B. No. 781
  relating to the functions and responsibilities of certain
  legislative oversight committees.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 39.907(e), (g), (i), and (k), Utilities
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (e)  The committee shall:
               (1)  at the call of the joint chairs, meet [at least
  annually] with the commission;
               (2)  receive information about rules relating to
  electric utility restructuring proposed by the commission and may
  submit comments to the commission on those proposed rules;
               (3)  review recommendations for legislation proposed
  by the commission;
               (4)  monitor the effectiveness of electric utility
  restructuring, including the fairness of rates, the reliability of
  service, and the effect of stranded costs, market power, and
  regulation on the normal forces of competition; and
               (5)  study and seek policies to ensure that fuel
  resources available to the state are used in a balanced and
  efficient manner and consider the reliability, economic viability,
  and environmental impact of new fuels and generation technologies.
         (g)  At the times the committee considers appropriate [Not
  later than November 15 of each even-numbered year], the committee
  may [shall] report to the governor, lieutenant governor, and
  speaker of the house of representatives on the committee's
  activities under Subsection (e). If the committee submits a report
  under this subsection, the [The] report shall include:
               (1)  an analysis of any problems caused by electric
  utility restructuring; and
               (2)  recommendations of any legislative action
  necessary to address those problems and to further retail
  competition within the electric power industry.
         (i)  In addition to the duties under Subsection (e), the
  committee may, at the call of the joint chairs, [shall] meet [at
  least twice annually] to encourage cooperation and coordination
  with the following entities:
               (1)  the commission;
               (2)  the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality;
               (3)  the Railroad Commission of Texas;
               (4)  the Electric Reliability Council of Texas; and
               (5)  the office of the comptroller of public accounts.
         (k)  At the times the committee considers appropriate [Not
  later than November 15 of each even-numbered year], the committee
  may [shall] report to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and
  the speaker of the house of representatives on the committee's
  activities under Subsection (j).
         SECTION 2.  Sections 65.252(a) and (g), Utilities Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The committee may, at the call of the chair, [shall]
  conduct joint public hearings with the commission [at least
  annually] regarding the introduction of full competition to
  telecommunications services in this state.
         (g)  At the times the committee considers appropriate [Not
  later than November 15 of each even-numbered year], the committee
  may [shall] report to the governor, lieutenant governor, and
  speaker of the house of representatives on the committee's
  activities under this subchapter.  If the committee submits a
  report under this subsection, the [The] report must include:
               (1)  an analysis of any problems caused by
  telecommunications deregulation; and
               (2)  recommendations for any legislative action
  necessary to address those problems and to further competition
  within the telecommunications industry.
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 1801, Insurance Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.