By: Lucio  S.B. No. 825
         (In the Senate - Filed February 21, 2011; March 1, 2011,
  read first time and referred to Committee on Intergovernmental
  Relations; March 17, 2011, rereferred to Committee on
  International Relations and Trade; April 7, 2011, reported
  adversely, with favorable Committee Substitute by the following
  vote:  Yeas 4, Nays 0; April 7, 2011, sent to printer.)
  relating to the provision of affordable housing in colonias, rural
  communities, and small municipalities.
         SECTION 1.01.  Subsections (a), (b), and (d), Section
  775.002, Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Contingent on the legislature's appropriation of
  sufficient funds, the Texas Department of Housing and Community
  Affairs shall [The governor may] designate the office established
  under Section 2306.302 or another office within the department with
  a focus on matters relating to colonias [an agency] to act as the
  state's colonia initiatives coordinator.
         (b)  The [If appointed under Subsection (a), the] colonia
  initiatives coordinator shall coordinate colonia initiatives
  within the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
  [agency] and with the other agencies and local officials involved
  in colonia projects in the state.
         (d)  The following agencies shall designate an officer or
  employee of the agency to serve as the agency's liaison for colonia
               (1)  the office of the attorney general;
               (2)  the Department of State Health Services;
               (3)  [the Texas Department of Housing and Community
               [(4)]  the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality;
               (4) [(5)]  the Texas Water Development Board;
               (5) [(6)]  the Texas Department of Rural Affairs;
               (6) [(7)]  the Office of State-Federal Relations;
               (7) [(8)]  the Texas Department of Insurance; and
               (8) [(9)]  the Texas Department of Transportation.
         SECTION 1.02.  Chapter 2306, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter N to read as follows:
         Sec. 2306.301.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "office"
  means the office established by Section 2306.302 to support rural
  community and small municipality housing initiatives.
         Sec. 2306.302.  ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE. (a)  The
  department shall establish an office to support rural community and
  small municipality housing initiatives.
         (b)  The department by rule shall define for purposes of this
               (1)  a rural community; and
               (2)  a small municipality.
         (c)  The office shall work with each regional council of
  government to:
               (1)  match housing sponsors to the housing needs of
  rural communities and small municipalities; and
               (2)  identify available sources of funds for those
  housing needs.
         (d)  The office shall use funds available from the housing
  trust fund established under Section 2306.201 to administer
  capacity building programs for rural communities and small
         (e)  The office shall coordinate a meeting at least two times
  each year between department program directors and representatives
  of rural communities and small municipalities to discuss best
  practices for rural community and small municipality housing
         (f)  The office shall establish an online clearinghouse of
  information relating to best practices for rural community and
  small municipality housing initiatives.
         (g)  Subject to available funding, the department by rule may
  establish as part of the office not more than seven field offices to
  assist political subdivisions and nonprofit entities in developing
  or administering affordable housing programs.
         (h)  The department by rule shall specify the duties for any
  field office established under Subsection (g).  The rules under
  this subsection must include the following duties for each field
               (1)  identifying affordable housing needs for the area
  of the state in which the field office is located;
               (2)  identifying state and federal programs that may
  address the needs identified under Subdivision (1);
               (3)  facilitating the development of relationships
  that will assist in building local capacity to address the needs
  identified under Subdivision (1); and
               (4)  providing information regarding state programs to
  assist in the development of affordable housing for the area of the
  state in which the field office is located.
         (i)  The director may assign additional duties to the office.
  (a)  The office may establish regional nonprofit housing
  development organizations that serve rural communities and small
  municipalities in accordance with the purposes of this subchapter.
         (b)  To implement this section, the department may use any
  money available to the department for the purposes of this
  subchapter, including gifts, grants, and donations and state and
  federal funds.
         Sec. 2306.304.  TRAINING. (a)  The office annually shall
  provide to elected officials, community organizations, nonprofit
  organizations, and private developers a training course that
  addresses housing programs and techniques that increase housing
  opportunities in rural communities and small municipalities.  The
  office shall provide the course at an appropriate location selected
  by the office and shall make the course available online in real
         (b)  The department periodically shall also provide to
  elected officials a training course regarding housing programs and
  sources of funding for those programs.
  (a)  On the request of the commissioners court of a county, the
  office shall cooperate with and assist the county in:
               (1)  developing comprehensive housing plans for rural
  communities and small municipalities in that county;
               (2)  supporting housing development initiatives in
  those communities and municipalities; and
               (3)  identifying financial resources available for
  those plans or initiatives.
         (b)  On the request of the governing body of a small
  municipality, the office shall cooperate with and assist the
  municipality in:
               (1)  developing a comprehensive housing plan for the
               (2)  supporting housing development initiatives in the
  municipality; and
               (3)  identifying financial resources available for the
  plan or initiatives.
  HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PILOT PROJECTS. Notwithstanding other program
  rules and procedures of the department, the department may
  establish pilot projects to test and develop new approaches to
  providing housing in rural communities and small municipalities
               (1)  individuals and families of low income; and
               (2)  individuals and families of very low income.
  (a)  The office shall fund housing initiatives that serve
  agricultural workers and their families, including:
               (1)  new housing initiatives;
               (2)  housing rehabilitation initiatives; or
               (3)  tenant-based rental assistance.
         (b)  The office may designate as a pilot project a housing
  initiative implemented under this section for agricultural workers
  and their families.
         (c)  The office shall coordinate with appropriate divisions
  of the department to:
               (1)  document agricultural worker housing needs;
               (2)  determine whether a housing need documented by the
  department is critical; and
               (3)  develop initiatives to address those housing
         (d)  The department may use any available money to implement
  this section, including:
               (1)  gifts, grants, and donations;
               (2)  money in the housing trust fund; and
               (3)  money allocated to the department under the
  federal HOME Investment Partnerships program established under
  Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act
  (42 U.S.C. Section 12701 et seq.).
         (e)  In this section, "agricultural worker":
               (1)  means a person who receives a substantial portion
  of income from employment that involves:
                     (A)  the primary production of agricultural or
  aquacultural commodities; or
                     (B)  the handling of agricultural or aquacultural
  commodities in an unprocessed state, including handling those
  commodities in a feedlot or a meat processing plant; and
               (2)  includes a person who is retired or disabled but
  was employed as described by Subdivision (1) at the time of that
  person's retirement or disablement.
         SECTION 1.03.  Section 405.021, Government Code, is
  transferred to Subchapter Z, Chapter 2306, Government Code,
  redesignated as Section 2306.592, Government Code, and amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 2306.592  [405.021].  REPORT ON STATE-FUNDED PROJECTS
  SERVING COLONIAS. (a)  Notwithstanding Section 2306.581, in [In]
  this section, "colonia" means a geographic area that:
               (1)  is an economically distressed area as defined by
  Section 17.921, Water Code;
               (2)  is located in a county any part of which is within
  62 miles of an international border; and
               (3)  consists of 11 or more dwellings that are located
  in close proximity to each other in an area that may be described as
  a community or neighborhood.
         (b)  Based on information provided under Subsections (c) and
  (d), the department [secretary of state] shall establish and
  maintain a classification system that allows the department
  [secretary of state] to track the progress of state-funded projects
  in providing water or wastewater services, paved roads, and other
  assistance to colonias.
         (c)  The department [secretary of state] shall compile
  information received from offices within the department, the Texas
  Department of Rural Affairs, the Texas Water Development Board, the
  Texas Transportation Commission, [the Texas Department of Housing
  and Community Affairs,] the Department of State Health Services,
  the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the Health and Human
  Services Commission, the Texas Cooperative Extension, councils of
  governments, an institution of higher education that receives
  funding from the state for projects that provide assistance to
  colonias, and any other agency considered appropriate by the
  department [secretary of state] for purposes of the classification
         (d)  The department [secretary of state] shall compile
  information on colonias that is received from the colonia
  ombudspersons under Section 775.004.
         (e)  The department [secretary of state] shall:
               (1)  with the assistance of the office of the attorney
  general, prepare a report on the progress of state-funded projects
  in providing water or wastewater services, paved roads, and other
  assistance to colonias; and
               (2)  submit the report to the presiding officer of each
  house of the legislature not later than:
                     (A)  December 1 of each even-numbered year, if
  funds are appropriated specifically for the purpose of preparing
  and submitting the report; or
                     (B)  if funds are not appropriated as described by
  Paragraph (A), December 1, 2010, and December 1 of every fourth year
  following that date.
         (f)  The report to the legislature must include a list of
  colonias with the highest health risk to colonia residents, based
  on factors identified by the department [secretary of state].
         (g)  In conjunction with the establishment of the
  classification system required by this section, the department
  [secretary of state] shall establish and maintain a statewide
  system for identifying colonias.
         (h)  The department [secretary of state] may contract with a
  third party to develop the classification system or the
  identification system or to compile or maintain the relevant
  information required by this section.
         SECTION 2.01.  The heading to Section 51.0052, Education
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.02.  Subsections (b), (c), and (d), Section
  51.0052, Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  To assist the Texas Department of Housing and Community
  Affairs [secretary of state] in preparing the report required under
  Section 2306.592 [405.021], Government Code, an institution of
  higher education on a quarterly basis shall provide a report to the
  Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of
  state] detailing any projects funded by the institution of higher
  education that provide assistance to colonias.
         (c)  The report must include:
               (1)  a description of any relevant projects;
               (2)  the location of each project;
               (3)  the number of colonia residents served by each
               (4)  the exact amount spent or the anticipated amount
  to be spent on each colonia served by each project;
               (5)  a statement of whether each project is completed
  and, if not, the expected completion date of the project; and
               (6)  any other information, as determined appropriate
  by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary
  of state].
         (d)  The institution of higher education shall require an
  applicant for funds administered by the institution to submit to
  the institution a colonia classification number, if one exists, for
  each colonia that may be served by the project proposed in the
  application.  If a colonia does not have a classification number,
  the institution of higher education may contact the Texas
  Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of state or
  the secretary of state's representative] to obtain the
  classification number.  On request of the institution, the Texas
  Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of state or
  the secretary of state's representative] shall assign a
  classification number to the colonia.
         SECTION 2.03.  The heading to Section 487.060, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.04.  Subsections (b), (c), and (d), Section
  487.060, Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  To assist the Texas Department of Housing and Community
  Affairs [secretary of state] in preparing the report required under
  Section 2306.592 [405.021], the department on a quarterly basis
  shall provide a report to the Texas Department of Housing and
  Community Affairs [secretary of state] detailing any projects
  funded by the department that serve colonias by providing water or
  wastewater services, paved roads, or other assistance.
         (c)  The report must include:
               (1)  a description of any relevant projects;
               (2)  the location of each project;
               (3)  the number of colonia residents served by each
               (4)  the exact amount spent or the anticipated amount
  to be spent on each colonia served by each project;
               (5)  a statement of whether each project is completed
  and, if not, the expected completion date of the project; and
               (6)  any other information, as determined appropriate
  by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary
  of state].
         (d)  The department shall require an applicant for funds
  administered by the department to submit to the department a
  colonia classification number, if one exists, for each colonia that
  may be served by the project proposed in the application.  If a
  colonia does not have a classification number, the department may
  contact the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
  [secretary of state or the secretary of state's representative] to
  obtain a number.  On request of the department, the Texas Department
  of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of state or the
  secretary of state's representative] shall assign a classification
         SECTION 2.05.  The heading to Section 531.0141, Government
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.06.  Subsections (b), (c), and (d), Section
  531.0141, Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  To assist the Texas Department of Housing and Community
  Affairs [secretary of state] in preparing the report required under
  Section 2306.592 [405.021], the commission on a quarterly basis
  shall provide a report to the Texas Department of Housing and
  Community Affairs [secretary of state] detailing any projects
  funded by the commission that provide assistance to colonias.
         (c)  The report must include:
               (1)  a description of any relevant projects;
               (2)  the location of each project;
               (3)  the number of colonia residents served by each
               (4)  the exact amount spent or the anticipated amount
  to be spent on each colonia served by each project;
               (5)  a statement of whether each project is completed
  and, if not, the expected completion date of the project; and
               (6)  any other information, as determined appropriate
  by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary
  of state].
         (d)  The commission shall require an applicant for funds
  administered by the commission to submit to the commission a
  colonia classification number, if one exists, for each colonia that
  may be served by the project proposed in the application.  If a
  colonia does not have a classification number, the commission may
  contact the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
  [secretary of state or the secretary of state's representative] to
  obtain the classification number.  On request of the commission,
  the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of
  state or the secretary of state's representative] shall assign a
  classification number to the colonia.
         SECTION 2.07.  Subsections (a), (b), and (c), Section
  775.004, Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The colonia ombudspersons shall gather information
  about the colonias in the counties for which the ombudspersons were
  appointed and provide the information to the Texas Department of
  Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of state], to assist the
  Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of
  state] in preparing the report required under Section 2306.592
         (b)  To the extent possible, the ombudspersons shall gather
  information regarding:
               (1)  the platting of each colonia;
               (2)  the infrastructure of each colonia;
               (3)  the availability of health care services;
               (4)  the availability of financial assistance; and
               (5)  any other appropriate topic as requested by the
  Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of
         (c)  The ombudspersons shall provide the information to the
  Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of
  state] not later than September 1 of each even-numbered year.
         SECTION 2.08.  The heading to Section 1001.033, Health and
  Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.09.  Subsections (b), (c), and (d), Section
  1001.033, Health and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  To assist the Texas Department of Housing and Community
  Affairs [secretary of state] in preparing the report required under
  Section 2306.592 [405.021], Government Code, the commissioner on a
  quarterly basis shall provide a report to the Texas Department of
  Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of state] detailing any
  projects funded by the department that provide assistance to
         (c)  The report must include:
               (1)  a description of any relevant projects;
               (2)  the location of each project;
               (3)  the number of colonia residents served by each
               (4)  the exact amount spent or the anticipated amount
  to be spent on each colonia served by each project;
               (5)  a statement of whether each project is completed
  and, if not, the expected completion date of the project; and
               (6)  any other information, as determined appropriate
  by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary
  of state].
         (d)  The commission shall require an applicant for funds
  administered by the commission to submit to the commission a
  colonia classification number, if one exists, for each colonia that
  may be served by the project proposed in the application.  If a
  colonia does not have a classification number, the commission may
  contact the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
  [secretary of state or the secretary of state's representative] to
  obtain the classification number.  On request of the commission,
  the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of
  state or the secretary of state's representative] shall assign a
  classification number to the colonia.
         SECTION 2.10.  The heading to Section 391.00951, Local
  Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.11.  Subsections (b), (c), and (d), Section
  391.00951, Local Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  To assist the Texas Department of Housing and Community
  Affairs [secretary of state] in preparing the report required under
  Section 2306.592 [405.021], Government Code, the commission on a
  quarterly basis shall provide a report to the Texas Department of
  Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of state] detailing any
  projects funded by the commission that provide assistance to
         (c)  The report must include:
               (1)  a description of any relevant projects;
               (2)  the location of each project;
               (3)  the number of colonia residents served by each
               (4)  the exact amount spent or the anticipated amount
  to be spent on each colonia served by each project;
               (5)  a statement of whether each project is completed
  and, if not, the expected completion date of the project; and
               (6)  any other information, as determined appropriate
  by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary
  of state].
         (d)  The commission shall require an applicant for funds
  administered by the commission to submit to the commission a
  colonia classification number, if one exists, for each colonia that
  may be served by the project proposed in the application.  If a
  colonia does not have a classification number, the commission may
  contact the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
  [secretary of state or the secretary of state's representative] to
  obtain the classification number.  On request of the commission,
  the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of
  state or the secretary of state's representative] shall assign a
  classification number to the colonia.
         SECTION 2.12.  The heading to Section 201.116,
  Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.13.  Subsections (b), (c), and (d), Section
  201.116, Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  To assist the Texas Department of Housing and Community
  Affairs [secretary of state] in preparing the report required under
  Section 2306.592 [405.021], Government Code, the commission on a
  quarterly basis shall provide a report to the Texas Department of
  Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of state] detailing any
  projects funded by the department that serve colonias by providing
  paved roads or other assistance.
         (c)  The report must include:
               (1)  a description of any relevant projects;
               (2)  the location of each project;
               (3)  the number of colonia residents served by each
               (4)  the exact amount spent or the anticipated amount
  to be spent on each colonia served by each project;
               (5)  a statement of whether each project is completed
  and, if not, the expected completion date of the project; and
               (6)  any other information, as determined appropriate
  by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary
  of state].
         (d)  The commission shall require an applicant for funds
  administered by the commission to submit to the commission a
  colonia classification number, if one exists, for each colonia that
  may be served by the project proposed in the application.  If a
  colonia does not have a classification number, the commission may
  contact the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
  [secretary of state or the secretary of state's representative] to
  obtain the classification number.  On request of the commission,
  the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of
  state or the secretary of state's representative] shall assign a
  classification number to the colonia.
         SECTION 2.14.  The heading to Section 5.1781, Water Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.15.  Subsections (b), (c), and (d), Section
  5.1781, Water Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  To assist the Texas Department of Housing and Community
  Affairs [secretary of state] in preparing the report required under
  Section 2306.592 [405.021], Government Code, the commission on a
  quarterly basis shall provide a report to the Texas Department of
  Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of state] detailing any
  projects funded by the commission that provide assistance to
         (c)  The report must include:
               (1)  a description of any relevant projects;
               (2)  the location of each project;
               (3)  the number of colonia residents served by each
               (4)  the exact amount spent or the anticipated amount
  to be spent on each colonia served by each project;
               (5)  a statement of whether each project is completed
  and, if not, the expected completion date of the project; and
               (6)  any other information, as determined appropriate
  by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary
  of state].
         (d)  The commission shall require an applicant for funds
  administered by the commission to submit to the commission a
  colonia classification number, if one exists, for each colonia that
  may be served by the project proposed in the application.  If a
  colonia does not have a classification number, the commission may
  contact the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
  [secretary of state or the secretary of state's representative] to
  obtain the classification number.  On request of the commission,
  the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of
  state or the secretary of state's representative] shall assign a
  classification number to the colonia.
         SECTION 2.16.  The heading to Section 6.1565, Water Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.17.  Subsections (b), (c), and (d), Section
  6.1565, Water Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  To assist the Texas Department of Housing and Community
  Affairs [secretary of state] in preparing the report required under
  Section 2306.592 [405.021], Government Code, the board on a
  quarterly basis shall provide a report to the Texas Department of
  Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of state] detailing any
  projects funded by the board that serve colonias by providing water
  or wastewater services or other assistance.
         (c)  The report must include:
               (1)  a description of any relevant projects;
               (2)  the location of each project;
               (3)  the number of colonia residents served by each
               (4)  the exact amount spent or the anticipated amount
  to be spent on each colonia served by each project;
               (5)  a statement of whether each project is completed
  and, if not, the expected completion date of the project; and
               (6)  any other information, as determined appropriate
  by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary
  of state].
         (d)  The board shall require an applicant for funds
  administered by the board to submit to the board a colonia
  classification number, if one exists, for each colonia that may be
  served by the project proposed in the application.  If a colonia
  does not have a classification number, the board may contact the
  Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of
  state or the secretary of state's representative] to obtain the
  classification number.  On request of the board, the Texas
  Department of Housing and Community Affairs [secretary of state or
  the secretary of state's representative] shall assign a
  classification number to the colonia.
         SECTION 3.01.  Section 2306.083, Government Code, is
         SECTION 3.02.  (a)  Not later than October 1, 2011, the
  Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs shall adopt the
  rules required by Subchapter N, Chapter 2306, Government Code, as
  added by this Act.
         (b)  As soon as practicable after the effective date of this
  Act, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs shall
  establish the classification system required by Subsection (b),
  Section 2306.592, Government Code, as designated and amended by
  this Act.  For purposes of this subsection, the department may use
  an applicable classification system already in effect.
         SECTION 3.03.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.
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