82R6595 CAS-D
  By: Deuell S.B. No. 835
  relating to prevention, treatment, and management of concussions
  affecting public and private school students participating in
  interscholastic athletics.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 38, Education Code, is amended by adding
  Subchapter D to read as follows:
         Sec. 38.151.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Advanced practice nurse" has the meaning assigned
  by Section 301.152, Occupations Code.
               (2)  "Athletic trainer" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 451.001, Occupations Code.
               (3)  "Coach" includes an assistant coach.
               (4)  "Concussion" means a brain injury resulting from
  an impact to the head or body and causing a change in brain function
  and a temporary or prolonged altered mental state.
               (5)  "Neuropsychologist" means a person who:
                     (A)  holds a license to engage in the practice of
  psychology issued under Section 501.252, Occupations Code; and
                     (B)  specializes in the practice of
               (6)  "Physician" means a person who holds a license to
  practice medicine in this state.
               (7)  "Physician assistant" means a person who holds a
  license issued under Chapter 204, Occupations Code.
         Sec. 38.152.  APPLICABILITY. Except as provided by Section
  38.158, this subchapter applies to an interscholastic athletic
  activity, including practice and competition, sponsored or
  sanctioned by:
               (1)  a school district, public school, including an
  open-enrollment charter school, or private school;
               (2)  the University Interscholastic League; or
               (3)  the Texas Association of Private and Parochial
  Schools or a successor organization.
  INFORMATION. A student may not participate in an interscholastic
  athletic activity for a school year until both the student and the
  student's parent, guardian, or other person with legal authority to
  make medical decisions for the student have signed a form for that
  school year that acknowledges receiving and reading written
  information that explains concussion prevention, symptoms,
  treatment, and management and that includes guidelines for safely
  resuming participation in an athletic activity following a
  concussion. The form must be approved by the University
  Interscholastic League or by the Texas Association of Private and
  Parochial Schools or a successor organization, as applicable.
         Sec. 38.154.  CONCUSSION MANAGEMENT TEAM. (a)  The
  governing body of each school district, open-enrollment charter
  school, and private school with students enrolled who participate
  in an interscholastic athletic activity shall designate a
  concussion management team.
         (b)  Each concussion management team must include a
  physician and, to the greatest extent practicable, an athletic
  trainer and a neuropsychologist. If it is not practicable to
  include on the team an athletic trainer or a neuropsychologist, the
  team must include a physician assistant or advanced practice nurse.
  Each member of the team must have training in the evaluation,
  treatment, and management of concussions.
         (c)  To be eligible to serve on a concussion management team,
  a person must comply with Section 38.156(e).
  COMPETITION FOLLOWING CONCUSSION. (a)  A student who a coach,
  athletic trainer, or physician believes might have sustained a
  concussion during an interscholastic athletics practice or
  competition shall be removed from the practice or competition
  immediately and may not be permitted to practice or compete during
  the 24-hour period following the impact that is believed to have
  caused a concussion. Before the student may be allowed to practice
  or compete after that period:
               (1)  the student must be evaluated, using established
  medical protocols based on peer-reviewed scientific evidence, by
  the physician on the concussion management team designated under
  Section 38.154 and by at least one other member of the team;
               (2)  a return-to-play protocol based on peer-reviewed
  scientific evidence for the student's return to practice and
  competition must be developed by the concussion management team, in
  collaboration with the student, the student's parent, guardian, or
  other person with legal authority to make medical decisions for the
  student, and appropriate school employees;
               (3)  the physician on the concussion management team
  and at least one other member of the team must sign a statement
  indicating that, in the professional judgment of the person
  signing, it is safe for the student to return to practice and
  competition; and
               (4)  both the student and the student's parent,
  guardian, or other person with legal authority to make medical
  decisions for the student must sign a consent form indicating that
  the person signing:
                     (A)  participated in the return-to-play protocol
  development process;
                     (B)  understands the risks associated with
  returning to practice or competition; and
                     (C)  will comply with each directive established
  by the protocol.
         (b)  An athletic trainer, if an athletic trainer is a member
  of the concussion management team, or other person employed by a
  school district, open-enrollment charter school, or private school
  to perform the duties generally performed by an athletic trainer
  shall enforce each directive established by the return-to-play
         (c)  The school district superintendent or the
  superintendent's designee or, in the case of an open-enrollment
  charter school or private school, a person who serves the function
  of a superintendent or that person's designee shall supervise the
  enforcement of the return-to-play protocol by the person
  responsible for enforcement under Subsection (b).  The person who
  has supervisory responsibilities under this subsection may not be a
  coach of an interscholastic athletic team.
         Sec. 38.156.  TRAINING COURSE. (a)  The agency shall
  establish the Training and Education Advisory Council to develop a
  training course in concussion management, including evaluation of a
  student following an impact sustained by the student during an
  athletic activity and diagnosis of, prevention of, symptoms of,
  appropriate medical treatment for, risks associated with, and
  long-term effects of a concussion. The training course must be
  designed to be presented for at least three hours.
         (b)  The commissioner shall appoint members to the advisory
  council as follows:
               (1)  at least one but not more than three members must
  be persons recommended by the Texas Medical Association or a
  successor organization;
               (2)  at least one but not more than three members must
  be members of the Texas State Athletic Trainers' Association or a
  successor organization; and
               (3)  one member must be an employee of the agency.
         (c)  The training course developed under this section,
  including any modification to the course, may not be offered until
  approved by the Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers. A person may
  not serve as a provider of the training course until the person is
  approved as a course provider by the board. The board shall
  maintain and post on the board's Internet website an updated list of
  approved providers.
         (d)  The following persons must take the training course at
  least once every two years:
               (1)  a coach of an interscholastic athletic activity;
               (2)  an athletic trainer employed by a school district,
  open-enrollment charter school, or private school;
               (3)  a person employed to perform the duties generally
  performed by an athletic trainer if an athletic trainer is not
  employed by a school district, open-enrollment charter school, or
  private school; and
               (4)  a health care professional who serves as a member
  of a concussion management team regardless of whether the person is
  an employee of a school district, open-enrollment charter school,
  or private school.
         (e)  Before a person described by Subsection (d) may serve
  or continue to serve on a concussion management team, the person
  must submit to the school district superintendent or the
  superintendent's designee or, in the case of an open-enrollment
  charter school or private school, a person who serves the function
  of a superintendent or that person's designee, proof of timely
  completion of an approved training course.
         Sec. 38.157.  REPORT TO GOVERNING BODY. (a)  Each public
  school and private school, including an open-enrollment charter
  school, to which this subchapter applies shall, in the time and
  manner required by commissioner rule, submit to the board of
  trustees of the school district in which the school is located or
  other governing body, as applicable, an annual report for the
  school that includes:
               (1)  the age and grade level of and athletic activity
  participated in and position played by each student who, during the
  year for which the report is submitted, sustained a concussion;
               (2)  the number of students who, during the year for
  which the report is submitted, sustained more than one concussion;
               (3)  a list of the names of the persons who serve on the
  concussion management team and, for each person, the person's job
  title, relevant qualifications, and current compliance status with
  the training requirements established under Section 38.156;
               (4)  the amount of time per concussion that each
  student was kept out of practice and competition; and
               (5)  the number of students who were unable to return to
  practice and competition due to the concussion that resulted in
  removal from play.
         (b)  The board of trustees or other governing body shall
  maintain the report submitted under Subsection (a) for a period of
  not less than five years and make each report maintained available
  for review and audit at the request of the agency.
         (c)  If the board of trustees or other governing body fails
  to maintain the reports as required by Subsection (b) or make a
  report required to be maintained available at the request of the
  agency, all interscholastic activities of the school district,
  open-enrollment charter school, or private school shall be
  suspended until the governing body establishes compliance with this
         Sec. 38.158.  CONDITIONS FOR IMMUNITY. A school district or
  open-enrollment charter school is immune from liability for the
  injury to or death of a person participating, on property owned by
  the district or used for a charter school campus, as an athlete in a
  private, nonprofit athletics program for primary or secondary
  students that is caused by the act or omission of a person employed
  by or under contract with the athletics program if:
               (1)  the district or charter school is not violating
  any law regarding the district's or school's participation in the
  athletics program; and
               (2)  the nonprofit sports program provides to the
  district or charter school:
                     (A)  proof of insurance; and
                     (B)  a statement that the program complies with
  district or school policies for concussion management under this
         Sec. 38.159.  RULES. The commissioner shall adopt rules as
  necessary to administer this subchapter.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter D, Chapter 33, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 33.085 to read as follows:
  SCHOOL. (a)  In this section, "athletic trainer" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 451.001, Occupations Code.
         (b)  The commissioner may develop and by rule establish
  guidelines for the employment of an athletic trainer by a school
  district or open-enrollment charter school.
         (c)  Guidelines adopted by the commissioner under Subsection
  (b) may include guidelines for:
               (1)  the ratio of athletic trainers to student
               (2)  differentiated ratios based on school
  enrollments; and
               (3)  strategies for coordination of athletic training
  services between a school district or open-enrollment charter
  school and another appropriate organization such as a regional
  education service center.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter D, Chapter 38, Education Code, as
  added by this Act, applies beginning with the 2011-2012 school
         SECTION 4.  Notwithstanding Section 38.156(e), Education
  Code, as added by this Act, a person required under Section
  38.156(d), Education Code, as added by this Act, to take a
  concussion management training course must initially complete the
  training course not later than September 1, 2012.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.