relating to energy efficiency reports by municipally owned |
utilities and electric cooperatives. |
SECTION 1. Section 39.9051, Utilities Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (f) and adding Subsections (g) and (h) to read |
as follows: |
(f) Beginning April [Not later than September] 1, 2012 |
[2009], a municipally owned utility must report each year to the |
State Energy Conservation Office, on [in] a standardized form |
developed by [and manner determined by the utility in consultation
with] the office, information regarding the combined effects of the |
energy efficiency activities of the utility from the previous |
calendar year, including the utility's annual goals, programs |
enacted to achieve those goals, and any achieved energy demand or |
savings goals. |
(g) The State Energy Conservation Office shall provide the |
reports made under Subsection (f) to the energy systems laboratory. |
The laboratory shall calculate the energy savings and estimated |
pollution reductions that resulted from the reported activities. |
(h) The energy systems laboratory shall share the results of |
the analysis with the Public Utility Commission of Texas, ERCOT, |
the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and the Texas |
Commission on Environmental Quality. |
SECTION 2. Section 39.9052, Utilities Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (c) and (d) to read |
as follows: |
(b) Beginning April [Not later than September] 1, 2012 |
[2009], an electric cooperative that had retail sales of more than |
500,000 megawatt hours in 2005 must report each year to the State |
Energy Conservation Office, on [in] a standardized form developed |
by [and manner determined by the electric cooperative in
consultation with] the office, information regarding the combined |
effects of the energy efficiency activities of the electric |
cooperative from the previous calendar year, including the electric |
cooperative's annual goals, programs enacted to achieve those |
goals, and any achieved energy demand or savings goals. |
(c) The State Energy Conservation Office shall provide the |
reports made under Subsection (b) to the energy systems laboratory. |
The laboratory shall calculate the energy savings and estimated |
pollution reductions that resulted from the reported activities. |
(d) The energy systems laboratory shall share the results of |
the analysis with the Public Utility Commission of Texas, ERCOT, |
the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and the Texas |
Commission on Environmental Quality. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |