82R6239 CLG-F
  By: Eltife S.B. No. 1126
  relating to the regulatory authority of the consumer credit
         SECTION 1.  Section 14.2015, Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  Except as provided by Subsection (b), information or material
  obtained or compiled by the commissioner in relation to an
  examination or investigation by the commissioner or the
  commissioner's representative of a license holder, [or]
  registrant, applicant, or other person under Subtitle B or C, Title
  4, or Chapter 394 is confidential and may not be disclosed by the
  commissioner or an officer or employee of the Office of Consumer
  Credit Commissioner, including:
               (1)  information obtained from a license holder, [or]
  registrant, applicant, or other person examined or investigated
  under Subtitle B or C, Title 4, or Chapter 394;
               (2)  work performed by the commissioner or the
  commissioner's representative on information obtained from a
  license holder, [or] registrant, applicant, or other person for the
  purposes of an examination or investigation conducted under
  Subtitle B or C, Title 4, or Chapter 394;
               (3)  a report on an examination or investigation of a
  license holder, [or] registrant, applicant, or other person
  conducted under Subtitle B or C, Title 4, or Chapter 394; and
               (4)  any written communications between the license
  holder, [or] registrant, applicant, or other person, as applicable,
  and the commissioner or the commissioner's representative relating
  to or referencing an examination or investigation conducted under
  Subtitle B or C, Title 4, or Chapter 394.
         (b)  The commissioner or the commissioner's representative
  may disclose the confidential information or material described by
  Subsection (a):
               (1)  to a department, agency, or instrumentality of
  this state or the United States if the commissioner considers
  disclosure to be necessary or proper to the enforcement of the laws
  of this state or the United States and in the best interest of the
               (2)  if the license holder, [or] registrant, applicant,
  or other person consents to the release of the information or has
  published the information contained in the release; or
               (3)  if the commissioner determines that release of the
  information is required for an administrative hearing.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter E, Chapter 14, Finance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 14.2016 to read as follows:
  AGENCIES. To ensure consistent enforcement of law and minimization
  of regulatory burdens, the commissioner may share information,
  including criminal history or confidential information, relating
  to a license holder, registrant, applicant, or other person
  investigated or examined under the commissioner's authority with a
  department, agency, or instrumentality of this state, another
  state, or the United States if the commissioner considers the
  disclosure of the information to be necessary or proper to the
  enforcement of the laws of this state or the United States and in
  the best interest of the public. Information otherwise confidential
  remains confidential after the information is shared under this
         SECTION 3.  Section 411.081(i), Government Code, as amended
  by Chapters 183 (H.B. 1830), 780 (S.B. 1056), 816 (S.B. 1599), and
  1027 (H.B. 4343), Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular Session,
  2009, is reenacted and amended to read as follows:
         (i)  A criminal justice agency may disclose criminal history
  record information that is the subject of an order of nondisclosure
  under Subsection (d) to the following noncriminal justice agencies
  or entities only:
               (1)  the State Board for Educator Certification;
               (2)  a school district, charter school, private school,
  regional education service center, commercial transportation
  company, or education shared service arrangement;
               (3)  the Texas Medical Board;
               (4)  the Texas School for the Blind and Visually
               (5)  the Board of Law Examiners;
               (6)  the State Bar of Texas;
               (7)  a district court regarding a petition for name
  change under Subchapter B, Chapter 45, Family Code;
               (8)  the Texas School for the Deaf;
               (9)  the Department of Family and Protective Services;
               (10)  the Texas Youth Commission;
               (11)  the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative
               (12)  the Department of State Health Services, a local
  mental health service, a local mental retardation authority, or a
  community center providing services to persons with mental illness
  or retardation;
               (13)  the Texas Private Security Board;
               (14)  a municipal or volunteer fire department;
               (15)  the Texas Board of Nursing;
               (16)  a safe house providing shelter to children in
  harmful situations;
               (17)  a public or nonprofit hospital or hospital
               (18)  the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission;
               (19)  the securities commissioner, the banking
  commissioner, the savings and mortgage lending commissioner, the
  consumer credit commissioner, or the credit union commissioner;
               (20)  the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy;
               (21)  the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation;
               (22)  the Health and Human Services Commission;
               (23)  the Department of Aging and Disability Services;
               (24)  the Texas Education Agency; [and]
               (25)  the Guardianship Certification Board; [and]
               (26)  a county clerk's office in relation to a
  proceeding for the appointment of a guardian under Chapter XIII,
  Texas Probate Code;
               (27) [(25)]  the Department of Information Resources
  but only regarding an employee, applicant for employment,
  contractor, subcontractor, intern, or volunteer who provides
  network security services under Chapter 2059 to:
                     (A)  the Department of Information Resources; or
                     (B)  a contractor or subcontractor of the
  Department of Information Resources;
               (28) [(25)]  the Court Reporters Certification Board;
               (29) [(25)]  the Texas Department of Insurance.
         SECTION 4.  Section 53.0211(a), Occupations Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  This section does not apply to an applicant for a
  license that would allow the applicant to provide:
               (1)  law enforcement services;
               (2)  public health, education, or safety services; or
               (3)  financial services in an industry regulated by the
  securities commissioner, the banking commissioner, the savings and
  mortgage lending commissioner, the consumer credit commissioner,
  or the credit union commissioner.
         SECTION 5.  The change in law made by this Act to Section
  53.0211(a), Occupations Code, applies only to an application for a
  license filed on or after the effective date of this Act. An
  application for a license filed before the effective date of this
  Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the application was
  filed, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 6.  To the extent of any conflict, this Act prevails
  over another Act of the 82nd Legislature, Regular Session, 2011,
  relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted
         SECTION 7.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.