82R20571 CLG-F
  By: Carona S.B. No. 1166
  Substitute the following for S.B. No. 1166:  No.
  relating to prepaid funeral benefits contracts and the prepaid
  funeral contract guaranty fund.
         SECTION 1.  Section 154.351(a), Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  The commission by rule shall establish and the
  department shall maintain a fund to guarantee performance by
  sellers of prepaid funeral benefits contracts and funeral providers
  under those contracts of their obligations to the purchasers.
         SECTION 2.  Section 154.353, Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 154.353.  DEPOSIT OF FUND OR PORTION OF FUND. (a) The
  fund or a portion of the fund may be deposited [with]:
               (1)  with the comptroller;
               (2)  with a federally insured financial institution
  that has its main office or a branch in this state; or
               (3)  in trust with a financial institution that has its
  main office or a branch in this state and is authorized to act as a
  fiduciary in this state.
         (b)  If the fund or a portion of the fund is deposited with
  the comptroller, the comptroller shall manage the deposit [fund] as
  trustee of money outside the state treasury.
         SECTION 3.  Section 154.355, Finance Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (d) to read as
         (a)  An advisory council composed of the following
  individuals shall supervise the operation and maintenance of the
               (1)  the commissioner or the commissioner's
               (2)  [the attorney general or the attorney general's
               [(3)]  two representatives of the prepaid funeral
  industry appointed by the commission, one of whom represents
  trust-funded prepaid funeral benefits contract sellers and one of
  whom represents insurance-funded prepaid funeral benefits contract
  sellers; and
               (3) [(4)]  one consumer representative appointed by
  the commission.
         (d)  Notwithstanding Chapter 551, Government Code, or any
  other law, the advisory council may hold an open or closed meeting
  by telephone conference call, videoconference, or other similar
  telecommunication method if:
               (1)  notice is given for the meeting as for other
               (2)  the notice specifies a location for the meeting at
  which the public may attend;
               (3)  each part of the meeting that is required to be
  open to the public is audible to the public at the location
  specified in the notice of the meeting; and
               (4)  the meeting is recorded by electronic or other
  means and the recording of each portion of the meeting that is
  required to be open to the public is made available to the public.
         SECTION 4.  Section 154.357, Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  DEPOSITORY. The department may assert a claim against a seller,
  funeral provider, or depository that commits a violation of this
  chapter that could result in a claim against the fund.
         SECTION 5.  Section 154.358(b), Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  A claim against the fund may be made by:
               (1)  a purchaser of a prepaid funeral benefits
               (2)  a purchaser's estate;
               (3)  a permit holder or funeral provider who assumes or
  performs a contract; or
               (4)  a claimant for the benefit of a group of purchasers
  of prepaid funeral benefits contracts as part of a plan to arrange
  for another permit holder or funeral provider to assume the
  contract obligations.
         SECTION 6.  Section 154.359(a), Finance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  In addition to uses authorized by Section 154.354, the
  fund may be used to pay:
               (1)  a loss attributable to the failure or inability of
  a permit holder or funeral provider to perform its [the permit
  holder's] obligations under a prepaid funeral benefits contract;
               (2)  expenses of a plan to arrange for another permit
  holder or funeral provider to assume the obligations of the permit
  holder or funeral provider under a prepaid funeral benefits
  contract or a group of prepaid funeral benefits contracts if the
  commissioner finds, with the advice and consent of the advisory
  council, that the plan is reasonable and in the best interests of
  the contract beneficiaries;
               (3)  administrative expenses related to servicing and
  handling outstanding prepaid funeral benefits contracts:
                     (A)  that have not been assumed by another permit
  holder; or
                     (B)  the obligations under which have not been
  assumed by another funeral provider;
               (4)  expenses for administering the receivership of an
  insolvent permit holder or funeral provider if the permit holder's
  or funeral provider's assets are insufficient to pay those
  expenses; and
               (5)  expenses to employ and compensate a consultant, an
  agent, legal counsel, an accountant, and any other person
  appropriate and consistent with the purpose of the fund, as
  determined by the advisory council.
         SECTION 7.  Subchapter H, Chapter 154, Finance Code, is
  amended by adding Section 154.3595 to read as follows:
         Sec. 154.3595.  DEFAULT BY FUNERAL PROVIDER. (a)  This
  section applies to a permit holder that administers a prepaid
  funeral benefits contract for which:
               (1)  the permit holder is not the funeral provider; and
               (2)  there is an actual or anticipated failure or
  inability of the funeral provider to perform its obligations under
  the contract.
         (b)  A permit holder to which this section applies shall make
  a reasonable effort to find a substitute funeral provider willing
  to assume the contractual obligations of the defaulting funeral
  provider. A reasonable effort includes:
               (1)  identifying and contacting at least three funeral
  providers within the same community or geographic service area as
  the defaulting funeral provider;
               (2)  if at least three funeral providers do not exist
  within the same community or geographic service area, identifying
  and contacting at least three funeral providers within a 50-mile
  radius of the defaulting funeral provider; and
               (3)  for both Subdivisions (1) and (2), first
  contacting those funeral providers that the permit holder considers
  have services and facilities that are comparable to the defaulting
  funeral provider.
         (c)  A permit holder that is unable to locate a substitute
  funeral provider as required by Subsection (b) shall submit
  information to the advisory council describing or identifying:
               (1)  all prepaid funeral benefits contracts to which
  the defaulting funeral provider is a party;
               (2)  to the extent known, the circumstances underlying
  the default by the original funeral provider and any attempt by the
  permit holder to address the default with the defaulting funeral
               (3)  any effort by the permit holder to find a
  substitute funeral provider, including:
                     (A)  the location and identity of each contacted
  funeral provider;
                     (B)  the terms offered to the funeral provider;
                     (C)  the terms of any counteroffer or other
  response made by the funeral provider; and
               (4)  other information known to the permit holder that
  the permit holder believes may be relevant or useful to the advisory
         (d)  The permit holder shall cooperate with the department
  and the advisory council in facilitating selection of a substitute
  funeral provider by complying with any reasonable request for:
               (1)  additional information;
               (2)  assistance in negotiating with a potential
  substitute funeral provider; or
               (3)  assistance in communicating with a purchaser of an
  affected prepaid funeral benefits contract.
         SECTION 8.  The changes in law made by this Act to Subchapter
  H, Chapter 154, Finance Code, do not apply to a loss under a prepaid
  funeral benefits contract sold before the effective date of this
  Act that arises from or relates to the occurrence of one of the
  following events:
               (1)  an event of default under the contract
  attributable to the funeral provider unless the funeral provider is
  also the contract seller; or
               (2)  the bankruptcy, receivership, seizure, or other
  failure of the funeral provider unless the funeral provider is also
  the contract seller.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.