S.B. No. 1198
  relating to decedents' estates.
         SECTION 1.01.  Section 4D, Texas Probate Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (b-1) and amending Subsections (e) and (g) to
  read as follows:
         (b-1)  If a judge of a county court requests the assignment
  of a statutory probate court judge to hear a contested matter in a
  probate proceeding on the judge's own motion or on the motion of a
  party to the proceeding as provided by this section, the judge may
  request that the statutory probate court judge be assigned to the
  entire proceeding on the judge's own motion or on the motion of a
         (e)  A statutory probate court judge assigned to a contested
  matter in a probate proceeding or to the entire proceeding under
  this section has the jurisdiction and authority granted to a
  statutory probate court by this code.  A statutory probate court
  judge assigned to hear only the contested matter in a probate
  proceeding shall, on [On] resolution of the [a contested] matter
  [for which a statutory probate court judge is assigned under this
  section], including any appeal of the matter, [the statutory
  probate court judge shall] return the matter to the county court for
  further proceedings not inconsistent with the orders of the
  statutory probate court or court of appeals, as applicable. A
  statutory probate court judge assigned to the entire probate
  proceeding as provided by Subsection (b-1) of this section shall,
  on resolution of the contested matter in the proceeding, including
  any appeal of the matter, return the entire proceeding to the county
  court for further proceedings not inconsistent with the orders of
  the statutory probate court or court of appeals, as applicable.
         (g)  If only the contested matter in a probate proceeding is
  assigned to a statutory probate court judge under this section, or
  if the contested matter in a probate proceeding is transferred to a
  district court under this section, the [The] county court shall
  continue to exercise jurisdiction over the management of the
  estate, other than a contested matter, until final disposition of
  the contested matter is made in accordance with this section.  Any
  [After a contested matter is transferred to a district court, any]
  matter related to a [the] probate proceeding in which a contested
  matter is transferred to a district court may be brought in the
  district court.  The district court in which a matter related to the
  [probate] proceeding is filed may, on its own motion or on the
  motion of any party, find that the matter is not a contested matter
  and transfer the matter to the county court with jurisdiction of the
  management of the estate.
         SECTION 1.02.  Section 4H, Texas Probate Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  statutory probate court has concurrent jurisdiction with the
  district court in:
               (1)  a personal injury, survival, or wrongful death
  action by or against a person in the person's capacity as a personal
               (2)  an action by or against a trustee;
               (3)  an action involving an inter vivos trust,
  testamentary trust, or charitable trust, including a charitable
  trust as defined by Section 123.001, Property Code;
               (4)  an action involving a personal representative of
  an estate in which each other party aligned with the personal
  representative is not an interested person in that estate;
               (5)  an action against an agent or former agent under a
  power of attorney arising out of the agent's performance of the
  duties of an agent; and
               (6)  an action to determine the validity of a power of
  attorney or to determine an agent's rights, powers, or duties under
  a power of attorney.
         SECTION 1.03.  The heading to Section 5B, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 1.04.  Section 6, Texas Probate Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  DECEDENTS]. Wills shall be admitted to probate, and letters
  testamentary or of administration shall be granted:
               (1)  in [(a) In] the county where the decedent
  [deceased] resided, if the decedent [he] had a domicile or fixed
  place of residence in this State;[.]
               (2)  if [(b) If] the decedent [deceased] had no
  domicile or fixed place of residence in this State but died in this
  State, then either in the county where the decedent's [his]
  principal estate [property] was at the time of the decedent's [his]
  death, or in the county where the decedent [he] died; or[.]
               (3)  if the decedent [(c) If he] had no domicile or
  fixed place of residence in this State, and died outside the limits
  of this State:
                     (A)  [, then] in any county in this State where the
  decedent's [his] nearest of kin reside; or[.]
                     (B)  [(d) But] if there are [he had] no kindred of
  the decedent in this State, then in the county where the decedent's
  [his] principal estate was situated at the time of the decedent's
  [his] death.
         [(e)     In the county where the applicant resides, when
  administration is for the purpose only of receiving funds or money
  due to a deceased person or his estate from any governmental source
  or agency; provided, that unless the mother or father or spouse or
  adult child of the deceased is applicant, citation shall be served
  personally on the living parents and spouses and adult children, if
  any, of the deceased person, or upon those who are alive and whose
  addresses are known to the applicant.]
         SECTION 1.05.  Chapter I, Texas Probate Code, is amended by
  adding Sections 6A, 6B, 6C, and 6D to read as follows:
  STATUTORY PROBATE COURT. Except as provided by Section 6B of this
  code, venue for any cause of action related to a probate proceeding
  pending in a statutory probate court is proper in the statutory
  probate court in which the decedent's estate is pending.
  REPRESENTATIVE. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
  chapter, the proper venue for an action by or against a personal
  representative for personal injury, death, or property damages is
  determined under Section 15.007, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
         Sec. 6C.  VENUE:  HEIRSHIP PROCEEDINGS. (a)  Venue for a
  proceeding to determine a decedent's heirs is in:
               (1)  the court of the county in which a proceeding
  admitting the decedent's will to probate or administering the
  decedent's estate was most recently pending; or
               (2)  the court of the county in which venue would be
  proper for commencement of an administration of the decedent's
  estate under Section 6 of this code if:
                     (A)  no will of the decedent has been admitted to
  probate in this state and no administration of the decedent's
  estate has been granted in this state; or
                     (B)  the proceeding is commenced by the trustee of
  a trust holding assets for the benefit of the decedent.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this section and
  Section 6 of this code, if there is no administration pending of the
  estate of a deceased ward who died intestate, venue for a proceeding
  to determine the deceased ward's heirs is in the probate court in
  which the guardianship proceedings with respect to the ward's
  estate were pending on the date of the ward's death. A proceeding
  described by this subsection may not be brought as part of the
  guardianship proceedings with respect to the ward's estate, but
  rather must be filed as a separate cause in which the court may
  determine the heirs' respective shares and interests in the estate
  as provided by the laws of this state.
  FIDUCIARY DUTY. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
  chapter, venue for a proceeding brought by the attorney general
  alleging breach of a fiduciary duty by a charitable entity or a
  fiduciary or managerial agent of a charitable trust is determined
  under Section 123.005, Property Code.
         SECTION 1.06.  Chapter I, Texas Probate Code, is amended by
  amending Section 8 and adding Sections 8A and 8B to read as follows:
  TRANSFER OF PROCEEDINGS]. (a)  Concurrent Venue.  When two or more
  courts have concurrent venue of [an estate or] a probate proceeding
  [to declare heirship under Section 48(a) of this code], the court in
  which the application for the [a] proceeding [in probate or
  determination of heirship] is first filed shall have and retain
  jurisdiction of the [estate or heirship] proceeding[, as
  appropriate,] to the exclusion of the other court or courts.  The
  proceeding shall be deemed commenced by the filing of an
  application averring facts sufficient to confer venue; and the
  proceeding first legally commenced shall extend to all of the
  property of the decedent or the decedent's estate.  Provided,
  however, that a bona fide purchaser of real property in reliance on
  any such subsequent proceeding, without knowledge of its
  invalidity, shall be protected in such purchase unless before the
  purchase the decree admitting the will to probate, determining
  heirship, or granting administration in the prior proceeding is
  [shall be] recorded in the office of the county clerk of the county
  in which such property is located.
         (b)  Probate Proceedings in More Than One County.  If probate
  proceedings involving the same estate are [a proceeding in probate
  or to declare heirship under Section 48(a) of this code is]
  commenced in more than one county, each [the] proceeding commenced
  in a county other than the county in which a proceeding was first
  commenced is [shall be] stayed [except in the county where first
  commenced] until final determination of venue by the court in the
  county where first commenced.  If the proper venue is finally
  determined to be in another county, the clerk, after making and
  retaining a true copy of the entire file in the case, shall transmit
  the original file to the proper county, and the proceeding shall
  thereupon be had in the proper county in the same manner as if the
  proceeding had originally been instituted therein.
         (c)  Jurisdiction to Determine Venue.  Subject to
  Subsections (a) and (b) of this section, a court in which an
  application for a probate proceeding is filed has jurisdiction to
  determine venue for the proceeding and for any matter related to the
  proceeding. A court's determination under this subsection is not
  subject to collateral attack.
  of Proceeding]. (a)  [(1)]  Transfer for Want of Venue.  If it
  appears to the court at any time before the final decree in a
  probate proceeding that the proceeding was commenced in a court
  which did not have priority of venue over such proceeding, the court
  shall, on the application of any interested person, transfer the
  proceeding to the proper county by transmitting to the proper court
  in such county the original file in such case, together with
  certified copies of all entries in the judge's probate docket
  theretofore made, and the proceeding [probate of the will,
  determination of heirship, or administration of the estate] in such
  county shall be completed in the same manner as if the proceeding
  had originally been instituted therein; but, if the question as to
  priority of venue is not raised before final decree in the
  proceedings is announced, the finality of such decree shall not be
  affected by any error in venue.
         (b) [(2)]  Transfer for Convenience [of the Estate].  If it
  appears to the court at any time before a probate proceeding [the
  estate is closed or, if there is no administration of the estate,
  when the proceeding in probate or to declare heirship] is concluded
  that it would be in the best interest of the estate or, if there is
  no administration of the estate, that it would be in the best
  interest of the heirs or beneficiaries of the decedent's will, the
  court, in its discretion, may order the proceeding transferred to
  the proper court in any other county in this State.  The clerk of the
  court from which the proceeding is transferred shall transmit to
  the court to which the proceeding is transferred the original file
  in the proceeding and a certified copy of the index.
         Sec. 8B.  VALIDATION OF PRIOR PROCEEDINGS [(d) Validation of
  Prior Proceedings].  When a probate proceeding is transferred to
  another county under any provision of [this] Section 8 or 8A of this
  Code, all orders entered in connection with the proceeding shall be
  valid and shall be recognized in the second court, provided such
  orders were made and entered in conformance with the procedure
  prescribed by this Code.
         [(e)     Jurisdiction to Determine Venue.   Any court in which
  there has been filed an application for a proceeding in probate or
  determination of heirship shall have full jurisdiction to determine
  the venue of the proceeding in probate or heirship proceeding, and
  of any proceeding relating thereto, and its determination shall not
  be subject to collateral attack.]
         SECTION 1.07.  Section 15, Texas Probate Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 15.  CASE FILES. The county clerk shall maintain a case
  file for each decedent's estate in which a probate proceeding has
  been filed. The case file must contain all orders, judgments, and
  proceedings of the court and any other probate filing with the
  court, including all:
               (1)  applications for the probate of wills and for the
  granting of administration;
               (2)  citations and notices, whether published or
  posted, with the returns thereon;
               (3)  wills and the testimony upon which the same are
  admitted to probate, provided that the substance only of
  depositions shall be recorded;
               (4)  bonds and official oaths;
               (5)  inventories, appraisements, and lists of claims;
               (5-a) affidavits in lieu of inventories, appraisements,
  and lists of claims;
               (6)  exhibits and accounts;
               (7)  reports of hiring, renting, or sale;
               (8)  applications for sale or partition of real estate
  and reports of sale and of commissioners of partition;
               (9)  applications for authority to execute leases for
  mineral development, or for pooling or unitization of lands,
  royalty, or other interest in minerals, or to lend or invest money;
               (10)  reports of lending or investing money.
         SECTION 1.08.  Section 37A, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  by amending Subsections (h) and (i) and adding Subsections (h-1)
  and (p) to read as follows:
         (h)  Time for Filing of Disclaimer. Unless the beneficiary
  is a charitable organization or governmental agency of the state, a
  written memorandum of disclaimer disclaiming a present interest
  shall be filed not later than nine months after the death of the
  decedent and a written memorandum of disclaimer disclaiming a
  future interest may be filed not later than nine months after the
  event determining that the taker of the property or interest is
  finally ascertained and his interest is indefeasibly vested.  If
  the beneficiary is a charitable organization or a governmental
  agency of the state, a written memorandum of disclaimer disclaiming
  a present or future interest shall be filed not later than the later
               (1)  the first anniversary of the date the beneficiary
  receives the notice required by Section 128A of this code;[,] or
               (2)  the expiration of the six-month period following
  the date the personal representative files:
                     (A)  the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims due or owing to the estate; or
                     (B)  the affidavit in lieu of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims[, whichever occurs later].
         (h-1)  Filing of Disclaimer. The written memorandum of
  disclaimer shall be filed in the probate court in which the
  decedent's will has been probated or in which proceedings have been
  commenced for the administration of the decedent's estate or which
  has before it an application for either of the same; provided,
  however, if the administration of the decedent's estate is closed,
  or after the expiration of one year following the date of the
  issuance of letters testamentary in an independent administration,
  or if there has been no will of the decedent probated or filed for
  probate, or if no administration of the decedent's estate has been
  commenced, or if no application for administration of the
  decedent's estate has been filed, the written memorandum of
  disclaimer shall be filed with the county clerk of the county of the
  decedent's residence, or, if the decedent is not a resident of this
  state but real property or an interest therein located in this state
  is disclaimed, a written memorandum of disclaimer shall be filed
  with the county clerk of the county in which such real property or
  interest therein is located, and recorded by such county clerk in
  the deed records of that county.
         (i)  Notice of Disclaimer.  Unless the beneficiary is a
  charitable organization or governmental agency of the state, copies
  of any written memorandum of disclaimer shall be delivered in
  person to, or shall be mailed by registered or certified mail to and
  received by, the legal representative of the transferor of the
  interest or the holder of legal title to the property to which the
  disclaimer relates not later than nine months after the death of the
  decedent or, if the interest is a future interest, not later than
  nine months after the date the person who will receive the property
  or interest is finally ascertained and the person's interest is
  indefeasibly vested.  If the beneficiary is a charitable
  organization or government agency of the state, the notices
  required by this section shall be filed not later than the later of:
               (1)  the first anniversary of the date the beneficiary
  receives the notice required by Section 128A of this code;[,] or
               (2)  the expiration of the six-month period following
  the date the personal representative files:
                     (A)  the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims due or owing to the estate; or
                     (B)  the affidavit in lieu of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims[, whichever occurs later].
         (p)  Extension of Time for Certain Disclaimers.
  Notwithstanding the periods prescribed by Subsections (h) and (i)
  of this section, a disclaimer with respect to an interest in
  property passing by reason of the death of a decedent dying after
  December 31, 2009, but before December 17, 2010, may be executed and
  filed, and notice of the disclaimer may be given, not later than
  nine months after December 17, 2010.  A disclaimer filed and for
  which notice is given during this extended period is valid and shall
  be treated as if the disclaimer had been filed and notice had been
  given within the periods prescribed by Subsections (h) and (i) of
  this section.  This subsection does not apply to a disclaimer made
  by a beneficiary that is a charitable organization or governmental
  agency of the state.
         SECTION 1.09.  The heading to Section 48, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 1.10.  Subsection (a), Section 48, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  When a person dies intestate owning or entitled to real
  or personal property in Texas, and there shall have been no
  administration in this State upon the person's [his] estate; or
  when it is necessary for the trustee of a trust holding assets for
  the benefit of a decedent to determine the heirs of the decedent; or
  when there has been a will probated in this State or elsewhere, or
  an administration in this State upon the estate of such decedent,
  and any real or personal property in this State has been omitted
  from such will or from such administration, or no final disposition
  thereof has been made in such administration, the court of the
  county in which [such proceedings were last pending, or in the event
  no will of such decedent has been admitted to probate in this State,
  and no administration has been granted in this State upon the estate
  of such decedent, then the court of the county in which] venue would
  be proper [for commencement of an administration of the decedent's
  estate] under Section 6C [6] of this code[,] may determine and
  declare in the manner hereinafter provided who are the heirs and
  only heirs of such decedent, and their respective shares and
  interests, under the laws of this State, in the estate of such
  decedent or, if applicable, in the trust, and proceedings therefor
  shall be known as proceedings to declare heirship.
         SECTION 1.11.  Subsection (a), Section 49, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Such proceedings may be instituted and maintained under
  a circumstance specified in Section 48(a) of this code [in any of
  the instances enumerated above] by the qualified personal
  representative of the estate of such decedent, by a party seeking
  the appointment of an independent administrator under Section 145
  of this code, by the trustee of a trust holding assets for the
  benefit of the decedent, by any person or persons claiming to be a
  secured creditor or the owner of the whole or a part of the estate of
  such decedent, or by the guardian of the estate of a ward, if the
  proceedings are instituted and maintained in the probate court in
  which the proceedings for the guardianship of the estate were
  pending at the time of the death of the ward. In such a case an
  application shall be filed in a proper court stating the following
               (1)  the name of the decedent and the time and place of
               (2)  the names and residences of the decedent's heirs,
  the relationship of each heir to the decedent, and the true interest
  of the applicant and each of the heirs in the estate of the decedent
  or in the trust, as applicable;
               (3)  all the material facts and circumstances within
  the knowledge and information of the applicant that might
  reasonably tend to show the time or place of death or the names or
  residences of all heirs, if the time or place of death or the names
  or residences of all the heirs are not definitely known to the
               (4)  a statement that all children born to or adopted by
  the decedent have been listed;
               (5)  a statement that each marriage of the decedent has
  been listed with the date of the marriage, the name of the spouse,
  and if the marriage was terminated, the date and place of
  termination, and other facts to show whether a spouse has had an
  interest in the property of the decedent;
               (6)  whether the decedent died testate and if so, what
  disposition has been made of the will;
               (7)  a general description of all the real and personal
  property belonging to the estate of the decedent or held in trust
  for the benefit of the decedent, as applicable; and
               (8)  an explanation for the omission of any of the
  foregoing information that is omitted from the application.
         SECTION 1.12.  Section 59, Texas Probate Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsection (a-1) to
  read as follows:
         (a)  Every last will and testament, except where otherwise
  provided by law, shall be in writing and signed by the testator in
  person or by another person for him by his direction and in his
  presence, and shall, if not wholly in the handwriting of the
  testator, be attested by two or more credible witnesses above the
  age of fourteen years who shall subscribe their names thereto in
  their own handwriting in the presence of the testator. Such a will
  or testament may, at the time of its execution or at any subsequent
  date during the lifetime of the testator and the witnesses, be made
  self-proved, and the testimony of the witnesses in the probate
  thereof may be made unnecessary, by the affidavits of the testator
  and the attesting witnesses, made before an officer authorized to
  administer oaths [under the laws of this State]. Provided that
  nothing shall require an affidavit or certificate of any testator
  or testatrix as a prerequisite to self-proof of a will or testament
  other than the certificate set out below. The affidavits shall be
  evidenced by a certificate, with official seal affixed, of such
  officer attached or annexed to such will or testament in form and
  contents substantially as follows:
         COUNTY OF ________________
         Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally
  appeared _______________, _______________, and _______________,
  known to me to be the testator and the witnesses, respectively,
  whose names are subscribed to the annexed or foregoing instrument
  in their respective capacities, and, all of said persons being by me
  duly sworn, the said _______________, testator, declared to me and
  to the said witnesses in my presence that said instrument is his
  last will and testament, and that he had willingly made and executed
  it as his free act and deed; and the said witnesses, each on his oath
  stated to me, in the presence and hearing of the said testator, that
  the said testator had declared to them that said instrument is his
  last will and testament, and that he executed same as such and
  wanted each of them to sign it as a witness; and upon their oaths
  each witness stated further that they did sign the same as witnesses
  in the presence of the said testator and at his request; that he was
  at that time eighteen years of age or over (or being under such age,
  was or had been lawfully married, or was then a member of the armed
  forces of the United States or of an auxiliary thereof or of the
  Maritime Service) and was of sound mind; and that each of said
  witnesses was then at least fourteen years of age.
         Subscribed and sworn to before me by the said ____________,
  testator, and by the said ________________ and _______________,
  witnesses, this ______ day of ________________ A.D.
                                 (Signed)  ___________________________
                                         (Official Capacity of Officer)
         (a-1)  As an alternative to the self-proving of a will by the
  affidavits of the testator and the attesting witnesses under
  Subsection (a) of this section, a will may be simultaneously
  executed, attested, and made self-proved before an officer
  authorized to administer oaths, and the testimony of the witnesses
  in the probate of the will may be made unnecessary, with the
  inclusion in the will of the following in form and contents
  substantially as follows:
         I, ______________________, as testator, after being duly
  sworn, declare to the undersigned witnesses and to the undersigned
  authority that this instrument is my will, that I have willingly
  made and executed it in the presence of the undersigned witnesses,
  all of whom were present at the same time, as my free act and deed,
  and that I have requested each of the undersigned witnesses to sign
  this will in my presence and in the presence of each other.  I now
  sign this will in the presence of the attesting witnesses and the
  undersigned authority on this ______ day of __________,
         The undersigned, __________ and __________, each being above
  fourteen years of age, after being duly sworn, declare to the
  testator and to the undersigned authority that the testator
  declared to us that this instrument is the testator's will and that
  the testator requested us to act as witnesses to the testator's will
  and signature.  The testator then signed this will in our presence,
  all of us being present at the same time.  The testator is eighteen
  years of age or over (or being under such age, is or has been
  lawfully married, or is a member of the armed forces of the United
  States or of an auxiliary thereof or of the Maritime Service), and
  we believe the testator to be of sound mind.  We now sign our names
  as attesting witnesses in the presence of the testator, each other,
  and the undersigned authority on this __________ day of __________,
         Subscribed and sworn to before me by the said _________,
  testator, and by the said _____________ and ______________,
  witnesses, this _____ day of __________, 20____________.
                                             (Signed) __________________
                                          (Official Capacity of Officer)
         (b)  An affidavit in form and content substantially as
  provided by Subsection (a) of this section is a "self-proving
  affidavit." A will with a self-proving affidavit subscribed and
  sworn to by the testator and witnesses attached or annexed to the
  will, or a will simultaneously executed, attested, and made
  self-proved as provided by Subsection (a-1) of this section, is a
  "self-proved will." Substantial compliance with the form provided
  by Subsection (a) or (a-1) of this section [form of such affidavit]
  shall suffice to cause the will to be self-proved. For this
  purpose, an affidavit that is subscribed and acknowledged by the
  testator and subscribed and sworn to by the witnesses would suffice
  as being in substantial compliance. A signature on a self-proving
  affidavit as provided by Subsection (a) of this section is
  considered a signature to the will if necessary to prove that the
  will was signed by the testator or witnesses, or both, but in that
  case, the will may not be considered a self-proved will.
         SECTION 1.13.  Section 64, Texas Probate Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 64.  FORFEITURE CLAUSE.  A provision in a will that
  would cause a forfeiture of [a devise] or void a devise or provision
  in favor of a person for bringing any court action, including
  contesting a will, is unenforceable if:
               (1)  just [probable] cause existed [exists] for
  bringing the action; and
               (2)  the action was brought and maintained in good
         SECTION 1.14.  Section 67, Texas Probate Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsection (e) to read
  as follows:
         (a)  Whenever a pretermitted child is not mentioned in the
  testator's will, provided for in the testator's will, or otherwise
  provided for by the testator, the pretermitted child shall succeed
  to a portion of the testator's estate as provided by Subsection
  (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section, except as limited by Subsection
  (e) of this section.
               (1)  If the testator has one or more children living
  when he executes his last will, and:
                     (A)  No provision is made therein for any such
  child, a pretermitted child succeeds to the portion of the
  testator's separate and community estate to which the pretermitted
  child would have been entitled pursuant to Section 38(a) of this
  code had the testator died intestate without a surviving spouse
  owning only that portion of his estate not devised or bequeathed to
  the other parent of the pretermitted child.
                     (B)  Provision, whether vested or contingent, is
  made therein for one or more of such children, a pretermitted child
  is entitled to share in the testator's estate as follows:
                           (i)  The portion of the testator's estate to
  which the pretermitted child is entitled is limited to the
  disposition made to children under the will.
                           (ii)  The pretermitted child shall receive
  such share of the testator's estate, as limited in Subparagraph
  (i), as he would have received had the testator included all
  pretermitted children with the children upon whom benefits were
  conferred under the will, and given an equal share of such benefits
  to each such child.
                           (iii)  To the extent that it is feasible, the
  interest of the pretermitted child in the testator's estate shall
  be of the same character, whether an equitable or legal life estate
  or in fee, as the interest that the testator conferred upon his
  children under the will.
               (2)  If the testator has no child living when he
  executes his last will, the pretermitted child succeeds to the
  portion of the testator's separate and community estate to which
  the pretermitted child would have been entitled pursuant to Section
  38(a) of this code had the testator died intestate without a
  surviving spouse owning only that portion of his estate not devised
  or bequeathed to the other parent of the pretermitted child.
         (b)  The pretermitted child may recover the share of the
  testator's estate to which he is entitled either from the other
  children under Subsection (a)(1)(B) or the testamentary
  beneficiaries under Subsections (a)(1)(A) and (a)(2) other than the
  other parent of the pretermitted child, ratably, out of the
  portions of such estate passing to such persons under the will. In
  abating the interests of such beneficiaries, the character of the
  testamentary plan adopted by the testator shall be preserved to the
  maximum extent possible.
         (e)  If a pretermitted child's other parent is not the
  surviving spouse of the testator, the portion of the testator's
  estate to which the pretermitted child is entitled under Subsection
  (a)(1)(A) or (a)(2) of this section may not reduce the portion of
  the testator's estate passing to the testator's surviving spouse by
  more than one-half.
         SECTION 1.15.  Subsection (a), Section 81, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  For Probate of a Written Will.  A written will shall, if
  within the control of the applicant, be filed with the application
  for its probate, and shall remain in the custody of the county clerk
  unless removed therefrom by order of a proper court.  An application
  for probate of a written will shall state:
               (1)  The name and domicile of each applicant.
               (2)  The name, age if known, and domicile of the
  decedent, and the fact, time, and place of death.
               (3)  Facts showing that the court has venue.
               (4)  That the decedent owned real or personal property,
  or both, describing the same generally, and stating its probable
               (5)  The date of the will, the name and residence of the
  executor named therein, if any, and if none be named, then the name
  and residence of the person to whom it is desired that letters be
  issued, and also the names and residences of the subscribing
  witnesses, if any.
               (6)  Whether a child or children born or adopted after
  the making of such will survived the decedent, and the name of each
  such survivor, if any.
               (7)  That such executor or applicant, or other person
  to whom it is desired that letters be issued, is not disqualified by
  law from accepting letters.
               (8)  Whether a marriage of the decedent was ever
  dissolved after the will was made[, whether by divorce, annulment,
  or a declaration that the marriage was void,] and if so, when and
  from whom.
               (9)  Whether the state, a governmental agency of the
  state, or a charitable organization is named by the will as a
         The foregoing matters shall be stated and averred in the
  application to the extent that they are known to the applicant, or
  can with reasonable diligence be ascertained by him, and if any of
  such matters is not stated or averred in the application, the
  application shall set forth the reason why such matter is not so
  stated and averred.
         SECTION 1.16.  Subsection (a), Section 83, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Where Original Application Has Not Been Heard. If, after
  an application for the probate of a will or for the appointment of a
  general personal representative has been filed, and before such
  application has been heard, an application for the probate of a will
  of the decedent, not theretofore presented for probate, is filed,
  the court shall hear both applications together and determine what
  instrument, if any, should be admitted to probate, or whether the
  decedent died intestate. The court may not sever or bifurcate the
  proceeding on the applications.
         SECTION 1.17.  Subsection (a), Section 84, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Self-Proved Will.  (1)  If a will is self-proved as
  provided in Section 59 of this Code or, if executed in another state
  or a foreign country, is self-proved in accordance with the laws of
  the state or foreign country of the testator's domicile at the time
  of the execution, no further proof of its execution with the
  formalities and solemnities and under the circumstances required to
  make it a valid will shall be necessary.
               (2)  For purposes of Subdivision (1) of this
  subsection, a will is considered self-proved if the will, or an
  affidavit of the testator and attesting witnesses attached or
  annexed to the will, provides that:
                     (A)  the testator declared that the testator
  signed the instrument as the testator's will, the testator signed
  it willingly or willingly directed another to sign for the
  testator, the testator executed the will as the testator's free and
  voluntary act for the purposes expressed in the instrument, the
  testator is of sound mind and under no constraint or undue
  influence, and the testator is eighteen years of age or over or, if
  under that age, was or had been lawfully married, or was then a
  member of the armed forces of the United States, an auxiliary of the
  armed forces of the United States, or the United States Maritime
  Service; and
                     (B)  the witnesses declared that the testator
  signed the instrument as the testator's will, the testator signed
  it willingly or willingly directed another to sign for the
  testator, each of the witnesses, in the presence and hearing of the
  testator, signed the will as witness to the testator's signing, and
  to the best of their knowledge the testator was of sound mind and
  under no constraint or undue influence, and the testator was
  eighteen years of age or over or, if under that age, was or had been
  lawfully married, or was then a member of the armed forces of the
  United States, an auxiliary of the armed forces of the United
  States, or the United States Maritime Service.
         SECTION 1.18.  Subsection (a), Section 89A, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A written will shall, if within the control of the
  applicant, be filed with the application for probate as a muniment
  of title, and shall remain in the custody of the county clerk unless
  removed from the custody of the clerk by order of a proper court.  An
  application for probate of a will as a muniment of title shall
               (1)  The name and domicile of each applicant.
               (2)  The name, age if known, and domicile of the
  decedent, and the fact, time, and place of death.
               (3)  Facts showing that the court has venue.
               (4)  That the decedent owned real or personal property,
  or both, describing the property generally, and stating its
  probable value.
               (5)  The date of the will, the name and residence of the
  executor named in the will, if any, and the names and residences of
  the subscribing witnesses, if any.
               (6)  Whether a child or children born or adopted after
  the making of such will survived the decedent, and the name of each
  such survivor, if any.
               (7)  That there are no unpaid debts owing by the estate
  of the testator, excluding debts secured by liens on real estate.
               (8)  Whether a marriage of the decedent was ever
  dissolved after the will was made[, whether by divorce, annulment,
  or a declaration that the marriage was void,] and if so, when and
  from whom.
               (9)  Whether the state, a governmental agency of the
  state, or a charitable organization is named by the will as a
         The foregoing matters shall be stated and averred in the
  application to the extent that they are known to the applicant, or
  can with reasonable diligence be ascertained by the applicant, and
  if any of such matters is not stated or averred in the application,
  the application shall set forth the reason why such matter is not so
  stated and averred.
         SECTION 1.18.  Section 128A, Texas Probate Code, as amended
  by Chapters 801 (S.B. 593) and 1170 (H.B. 391), Acts of the 80th
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2007, is reenacted and amended to
  read as follows:
  WILL.  (a)  In this section, "beneficiary" means a person, entity,
  state, governmental agency of the state, charitable organization,
  or trustee of a trust entitled to receive [real or personal]
  property under the terms of a decedent's will, to be determined for
  purposes of this section with the assumption that each person who is
  alive on the date of the decedent's death survives any period
  required to receive the bequest as specified by the terms of the
  will.  The term does not include a person, entity, state,
  governmental agency of the state, charitable organization, or
  trustee of a trust that would be entitled to receive property under
  the terms of a decedent's will on the occurrence of a contingency
  that has not occurred as of the date of the decedent's death.
         (a-1)  This section does not apply to the probate of a will as
  a muniment of title.
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (d) of this section,
  not later than the 60th day after the date of an order admitting a
  decedent's will to probate, the personal representative of the
  decedent's estate, including an independent executor or
  independent administrator, shall give notice that complies with
  Subsection (e) of this section to each beneficiary named in the will
  whose identity and address are known to the personal representative
  or, through reasonable diligence, can be ascertained.  If, after
  the 60th day after the date of the order, the personal
  representative becomes aware of the identity and address of a
  beneficiary who was not given notice on or before the 60th day, the
  personal representative shall give the notice as soon as possible
  after becoming aware of that information.
         (c)  Notwithstanding the requirement under Subsection (b) of
  this section that the personal representative give the notice to
  the beneficiary, the personal representative shall give the notice
  with respect to a beneficiary described by this subsection as
               (1)  if the beneficiary is a trustee of a trust, to the
  trustee, unless the personal representative is the trustee, in
  which case the personal representative shall, except as provided by
  Subsection (c-1) of this section, give the notice to the person or
  class of persons first eligible to receive the trust income, to be
  determined for purposes of this subdivision as if the trust were in
  existence on the date of the decedent's death;
               (2)  if the beneficiary has a court-appointed guardian
  or conservator, to that guardian or conservator;
               (3)  if the beneficiary is a minor for whom no guardian
  or conservator has been appointed, to a parent of the minor; and
               (4)  if the beneficiary is a charity that for any reason
  cannot be notified, to the attorney general.
         (c-1)  The personal representative is not required to give
  the notice otherwise required by Subsection (c)(1) of this section
  to a person eligible to receive trust income at the sole discretion
  of the trustee of a trust if:
               (1)  the personal representative has given the notice
  to an ancestor of the person who has a similar interest in the
  trust; and
               (2)  no apparent conflict exists between the ancestor
  and the person eligible to receive trust income.
         (d)  A personal representative is not required to give the
  notice otherwise required by this section to a beneficiary who:
               (1)  has made an appearance in the proceeding with
  respect to the decedent's estate before the will was admitted to
  probate; [or]
               (2)  is entitled to receive aggregate gifts under the
  will with an estimated value of $2,000 or less;
               (3)  has received all gifts to which the beneficiary is
  entitled under the will not later than the 60th day after the date
  of the order admitting the decedent's will to probate; or
               (4)  has received a copy of the will that was admitted
  to probate or a written summary of the gifts to the beneficiary
  under the will and has waived the right to receive the notice in an
  instrument that:
                     (A)  either acknowledges the receipt of the copy
  of the will or includes the written summary of the gifts to the
  beneficiary under the will;
                     (B)  is signed by the beneficiary; and
                     (C)  is filed with the court.
         (e)  The notice required by this section must include:
               (1)  [state:
                     [(A)]  the name and address of the beneficiary to
  whom the notice is given or, for a beneficiary described by
  Subsection (c) of this section, the name and address of the
  beneficiary for whom the notice is given and of the person to whom
  the notice is given;
               (2) [(B)]  the decedent's name;
               (3)  a statement [(C)]  that the decedent's will has
  been admitted to probate;
               (4)  a statement [(D)]  that the beneficiary to whom or
  for whom the notice is given is named as a beneficiary in the will;
               (5) [(E)]  the personal representative's name and
  contact information; and
               (6)  either:
                     (A)  [(2) contain as attachments] a copy of the
  will that was admitted to probate and the order admitting the will
  to probate; or
                     (B)  a summary of the gifts to the beneficiary
  under the will, the court in which the will was admitted to probate,
  the docket number assigned to the estate, the date the will was
  admitted to probate, and, if different, the date the court
  appointed the personal representative.
         (f)  The notice required by this section must be sent by
  registered or certified mail, return receipt requested.
         (g)  Not later than the 90th day after the date of an order
  admitting a will to probate, the personal representative shall file
  with the clerk of the court in which the decedent's estate is
  pending a sworn affidavit of the personal representative, or a
  certificate signed by the personal representative's attorney,
               (1)  for each beneficiary to whom notice was required
  to be given under this section, the name and address of the
  beneficiary to whom the personal representative gave the notice or,
  for a beneficiary described by Subsection (c) of this section, the
  name and address of the beneficiary and of the person to whom the
  notice was given;
               (2)  the name and address of each beneficiary to whom
  notice was not required to be given under Subsection (d)(2), (3), or
  (4) of this section [who filed a waiver of the notice];
               (3)  the name of each beneficiary whose identity or
  address could not be ascertained despite the personal
  representative's exercise of reasonable diligence; and
               (4)  any other information necessary to explain the
  personal representative's inability to give the notice to or for
  any beneficiary as required by this section.
         (h)  The affidavit or certificate required by Subsection (g)
  of this section may be included with any pleading or other document
  filed with the clerk of the court, including the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims, an affidavit in lieu of the
  inventory, appraisement, and list of claims, or an application for
  an extension of the deadline to file the inventory, appraisement,
  and list of claims or an affidavit in lieu of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims, provided that the pleading or
  other document with which the affidavit or certificate is included
  is filed not later than the date the affidavit or certificate is
  required to be filed as provided by Subsection (g) of this section.
         SECTION 1.20.  Section 143, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTED. Whenever, after the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims or the affidavit in lieu of the
  inventory, appraisement, and list of claims has been filed by a
  personal representative, it is established that the estate of a
  decedent, exclusive of the homestead and exempt property and family
  allowance to the surviving spouse and minor children, does not
  exceed the amount sufficient to pay the claims of Classes One to
  Four, inclusive, as claims are hereinafter classified, the personal
  representative shall, upon order of the court, pay the claims in the
  order provided and to the extent permitted by the assets of the
  estate subject to the payment of such claims, and thereafter
  present his account with an application for the settlement and
  allowance thereof. Thereupon the court, with or without notice,
  may adjust, correct, settle, allow or disallow such account, and,
  if the account is settled and allowed, may decree final
  distribution, discharge the personal representative, and close the
         SECTION 1.21.  Subsections (g) through (j), Section 145,
  Texas Probate Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (g)  The court may not appoint an independent administrator
  to serve in an intestate administration unless and until the
  parties seeking appointment of the independent administrator have
  been determined, through a proceeding to declare heirship under
  Chapter III of this code, to constitute all of the decedent's heirs 
  [In no case shall any independent administrator be appointed by any
  court to serve in any intestate administration until those parties
  seeking the appointment of said independent administrator offer
  clear and convincing evidence to the court that they constitute all
  of the said decedent's heirs].
         (h)  When an independent administration has been created,
  and the order appointing an independent executor has been entered
  by the county court, and the inventory, appraisement, and list
  aforesaid has been filed by the executor and approved by the county
  court or an affidavit in lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and
  list of claims has been filed by the executor, as long as the estate
  is represented by an independent executor, further action of any
  nature shall not be had in the county court except where this Code
  specifically and explicitly provides for some action in the county
         (i)  If a distributee described in Subsections (c) through
  (e) of this section is an incapacitated person, the guardian of the
  person of the distributee may sign the application on behalf of the
  distributee. If the county court finds that either the granting of
  independent administration or the appointment of the person, firm,
  or corporation designated in the application as independent
  executor would not be in the best interests of the incapacitated
  person, then, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in
  Subsections (c) through (e) of this section, the county court shall
  not enter an order granting independent administration of the
  estate. If such distributee who is an incapacitated person has no
  guardian of the person, the county court may appoint a guardian ad
  litem to make application on behalf of the incapacitated person if
  the county court considers such an appointment necessary to protect
  the interest of the distributees. Alternatively, if the
  distributee who is an incapacitated person is a minor and has no
  guardian of the person, the natural guardian or guardians of the
  minor may consent on the minor's behalf if there is no conflict of
  interest between the minor and the natural guardian or guardians.
         (j)  If a trust is created in the decedent's will, the person
  or class of persons first eligible to receive the income from the
  trust, when determined as if the trust were to be in existence on
  the date of the decedent's death, shall, for the purposes of
  Subsections (c) and (d) of this section, be deemed to be the
  distributee or distributees on behalf of such trust, and any other
  trust or trusts coming into existence upon the termination of such
  trust, and are authorized to apply for independent administration
  on behalf of the trusts without the consent or agreement of the
  trustee or any other beneficiary of the trust, or the trustee or any
  beneficiary of any other trust which may come into existence upon
  the termination of such trust. If a trust beneficiary who is
  considered to be a distributee under this subsection is an
  incapacitated person, the trustee or cotrustee may file the
  application or give the consent, provided that the trustee or
  cotrustee is not the person proposed to serve as the independent
         SECTION 1.22.  Part 4, Chapter VI, Texas Probate Code, is
  amended by adding Sections 145A, 145B, and 145C to read as follows:
  situation in which a decedent does not have a will or a decedent's
  will does not contain language authorizing the personal
  representative to sell real property or contains language that is
  not sufficient to grant the representative that authority, the
  court may include in an order appointing an independent executor
  under Section 145 of this code any general or specific authority
  regarding the power of the independent executor to sell real
  property that may be consented to by the beneficiaries who are to
  receive any interest in the real property in the application for
  independent administration or in their consents to the independent
  administration.  The independent executor, in such event, may sell
  the real property under the authority granted in the court order
  without the further consent of those beneficiaries.
  APPROVAL.  Unless this code specifically provides otherwise, any
  action that a personal representative subject to court supervision
  may take with or without a court order may be taken by an
  independent executor without a court order.  The other provisions
  of this part are designed to provide additional guidance regarding
  independent administrations in specified situations, and are not
  designed to limit by omission or otherwise the application of the
  general principles set forth in this part.
  (a)  Definition.  In this section, "independent executor" does not
  include an independent administrator.
         (b)  General.  Unless limited by the terms of a will, an
  independent executor, in addition to any power of sale of estate
  property given in the will, and an independent administrator have
  the same power of sale for the same purposes as a personal
  representative has in a supervised administration, but without the
  requirement of court approval.  The procedural requirements
  applicable to a supervised administration do not apply.
         (c)  Protection of Person Purchasing Estate Property.  
  (1)  A person who is not a devisee or heir is not required to
  inquire into the power of sale of estate property of the independent
  executor or independent administrator or the propriety of the
  exercise of the power of sale if the person deals with the
  independent executor or independent administrator in good faith
                     (A)  a power of sale is granted to the independent
  executor in the will;
                     (B)  a power of sale is granted under Section 145A
  of this code in the court order appointing the independent executor
  or independent administrator; or
                     (C)  the independent executor or independent
  administrator provides an affidavit, executed and sworn to under
  oath and recorded in the deed records of the county where the
  property is located, that the sale is necessary or advisable for any
  of the purposes described in Section 341(1) of this code.
               (2)  As to acts undertaken in good faith reliance, the
  affidavit described by Subsection (c)(1)(C) of this section is
  conclusive proof, as between a purchaser of property from an
  estate, and the personal representative of the estate or the heirs
  and distributees of the estate, with respect to the authority of the
  independent executor or independent administrator to sell the
  property.  The signature or joinder of a devisee or heir who has an
  interest in the property being sold as described in this section is
  not necessary for the purchaser to obtain all right, title, and
  interest of the estate in the property being sold.
               (3)  This section does not relieve the independent
  executor or independent administrator from any duty owed to a
  devisee or heir in relation, directly or indirectly, to the sale.
         (d)  No Limitations.  This section does not limit the
  authority of an independent executor or independent administrator
  to take any other action without court supervision or approval with
  respect to estate assets that may take place in a supervised
  administration, for purposes and within the scope otherwise
  authorized by this code, including the authority to enter into a
  lease and to borrow money.
         SECTION 1.23.  Section 146, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  by adding Subsections (a-1) and (b-1) through (b-7) and amending
  Subsection (b) to read as follows:
         (a-1)  Statement in Notice of Claim.  To be effective, the
  notice provided under Subsection (a)(2) of this section must
  include, in addition to the other information required by Section
  294(d) of this code, a statement that a claim may be effectively
  presented by only one of the methods prescribed by this section.
         (b)  Secured Claims for Money. Within six months after the
  date letters are granted or within four months after the date notice
  is received under Section 295 of this code, whichever is later, a
  creditor with a claim for money secured by real or personal property
  of the estate must give notice to the independent executor of the
  creditor's election to have the creditor's claim approved as a
  matured secured claim to be paid in due course of administration.
  In addition to giving the notice within this period, a creditor
  whose claim is secured by real property shall record a notice of the
  creditor's election under this subsection in the deed records of
  the county in which the real property is located. If no [the]
  election to be a matured secured creditor is made, or the election
  is made, but not within the prescribed period, or is made within the
  prescribed period but the creditor has a lien against real property
  and fails to record notice of the claim in the deed records as
  required within the prescribed period [is not made], the claim
  shall be [is] a preferred debt and lien against the specific
  property securing the indebtedness and shall be paid according to
  the terms of the contract that secured the lien, and the claim may
  not be asserted against other assets of the estate. The independent
  executor may pay the claim before the claim matures if paying the
  claim before maturity is in the best interest of the estate.
         (b-1)  Matured Secured Claims.  (1)  A claim approved as a
  matured secured claim under Subsection (b) of this section remains
  secured by any lien or security interest against the specific
  property securing payment of the claim but subordinated to the
  payment from the property of claims having a higher classification
  under Section 322 of this code.  However, the secured creditor:
                     (A)  is not entitled to exercise any remedies in a
  manner that prevents the payment of the higher priority claims and
  allowances; and
                     (B)  during the administration of the estate, is
  not entitled to exercise any contractual collection rights,
  including the power to foreclose, without either the prior written
  approval of the independent executor or court approval.
               (2)  Subdivision (1) of this subsection may not be
  construed to suspend or otherwise prevent a creditor with a matured
  secured claim from seeking judicial relief of any kind or from
  executing any judgment against an independent executor.  Except
  with respect to real property, any third party acting in good faith
  may obtain good title with respect to an estate asset acquired
  through a secured creditor's extrajudicial collection rights,
  without regard to whether the creditor had the right to collect the
  asset or whether the creditor acted improperly in exercising those
  rights during an estate administration due to having elected
  matured secured status.
               (3)  If a claim approved or established by suit as a
  matured secured claim is secured by property passing to one or more
  devisees in accordance with Section 71A of this code, the
  independent executor shall collect from the devisees the amount of
  the debt and pay that amount to the claimant or shall sell the
  property and pay out of the sale proceeds the claim and associated
  expenses of sale consistent with the provisions of Section 306(c-1)
  of this code applicable to court supervised administrations.
         (b-2)  Preferred Debt and Lien Claims.  During an independent
  administration, a secured creditor whose claim is a preferred debt
  and lien against property securing the indebtedness under
  Subsection (b) of this section is free to exercise any judicial or
  extrajudicial collection rights, including the right to
  foreclosure and execution; provided, however, that the creditor
  does not have the right to conduct a nonjudicial foreclosure sale
  within six months after letters are granted.
         (b-3)  Certain Unsecured Claims; Barring of Claims.  An
  unsecured creditor who has a claim for money against an estate and
  who receives a notice under Section 294(d) of this code shall give
  to the independent executor notice of the nature and amount of the
  claim not later than the 120th day after the date the notice is
  received or the claim is barred.
         (b-4)  Notices Required by Creditors.  Notice to the
  independent executor required by Subsections (b) and (b-3) of this
  section must be contained in:
               (1)  a written instrument that is hand-delivered with
  proof of receipt, or mailed by certified mail, return receipt
  requested with proof of receipt, to the independent executor or the
  executor's attorney;
               (2)  a pleading filed in a lawsuit with respect to the
  claim; or
               (3)  a written instrument or pleading filed in the
  court in which the administration of the estate is pending.
         (b-5)  Filing Requirements Applicable.  Subsection (b-4) of
  this section does not exempt a creditor who elects matured secured
  status from the filing requirements of Subsection (b) of this
  section, to the extent those requirements are applicable.
         (b-6)  Statute of Limitations.  Except as otherwise provided
  by Section 16.062, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, the running of
  the statute of limitations shall be tolled only by a written
  approval of a claim signed by an independent executor, a pleading
  filed in a suit pending at the time of the decedent's death, or a
  suit brought by the creditor against the independent executor.  In
  particular, the presentation of a statement or claim, or a notice
  with respect to a claim, to an independent executor does not toll
  the running of the statute of limitations with respect to that
         (b-7)  Other Claim Procedures of Code Generally Do Not Apply.  
  Except as otherwise provided by this section, the procedural
  provisions of this code governing creditor claims in supervised
  administrations do not apply to independent administrations.  By
  way of example, but not as a limitation:
               (1)  Section 313 of this code does not apply to
  independent administrations, and consequently a creditor's claim
  may not be barred solely because the creditor failed to file a suit
  not later than the 90th day after the date an independent executor
  rejected the claim or with respect to a claim for which the
  independent executor takes no action; and
               (2)  Sections 306(f)-(k) of this code do not apply to
  independent administrations.
         SECTION 1.24.  Subsection (a), Section 149B, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In addition to or in lieu of the right to an accounting
  provided by Section 149A of this code, at any time after the
  expiration of two years from the date the court clerk first issues
  letters testamentary or of administration to any personal
  representative of an estate [that an independent administration was
  created and the order appointing an independent executor was
  entered], a person interested in the estate then subject to
  independent administration may petition the county court, as that
  term is defined by Section 3 of this code, for an accounting and
  distribution.  The court may order an accounting to be made with the
  court by the independent executor at such time as the court deems
  proper. The accounting shall include the information that the
  court deems necessary to determine whether any part of the estate
  should be distributed.
         SECTION 1.25.  Subsection (a), Section 149C, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The county court, as that term is defined by Section 3 of
  this code, on its own motion or on motion of any interested person,
  after the independent executor has been cited by personal service
  to answer at a time and place fixed in the notice, may remove an
  independent executor when:
               (1)  the independent executor fails to return within
  ninety days after qualification, unless such time is extended by
  order of the court, either an inventory of the property of the
  estate and list of claims that have come to the independent
  executor's knowledge or an affidavit in lieu of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims;
               (2)  sufficient grounds appear to support belief that
  the independent executor has misapplied or embezzled, or that the
  independent executor is about to misapply or embezzle, all or any
  part of the property committed to the independent executor's care;
               (3)  the independent executor fails to make an
  accounting which is required by law to be made;
               (4)  the independent executor fails to timely file the
  affidavit or certificate required by Section 128A of this code;
               (5)  the independent executor is proved to have been
  guilty of gross misconduct or gross mismanagement in the
  performance of the independent executor's duties; [or]
               (6)  the independent executor becomes an incapacitated
  person, or is sentenced to the penitentiary, or from any other cause
  becomes legally incapacitated from properly performing the
  independent executor's fiduciary duties; or
               (7)  the independent executor becomes incapable of
  properly performing the independent executor's fiduciary duties
  due to a material conflict of interest.
         SECTION 1.26.  Section 151, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  Closing Report or Notice of Closing Estate [Affidavit]. When all of
  the debts known to exist against the estate have been paid, or when
  they have been paid so far as the assets in the hands of the
  independent executor will permit, when there is no pending
  litigation, and when the independent executor has distributed to
  the persons entitled thereto all assets of the estate, if any,
  remaining after payment of debts, the independent executor may file
  with the court a closing report or a notice of closing of the
         (a-1)  Closing Report. An independent executor may file[:
               [(1)]  a closing report verified by affidavit that:
               (1)  shows:
                     (A)  the [(i) The] property of the estate which
  came into the possession [hands] of the independent executor;
                     (B)  the [(ii) The] debts that have been paid;
                     (C)  the [(iii) The] debts, if any, still owing by
  the estate;
                     (D)  the [(iv) The] property of the estate, if
  any, remaining on hand after payment of debts; and
                     (E)  the [(v) The] names and residences of the
  persons to whom the property of the estate, if any, remaining on
  hand after payment of debts has been distributed; and
               (2)  includes signed receipts or other proof of
  delivery of property to the distributees named in the closing
  report if the closing report reflects that there was property
  remaining on hand after payment of debts.
         (b)  Notice of Closing Estate. (1)  Instead of filing a
  closing report under Subsection (a-1) of this section, an
  independent executor may file a notice of closing estate verified
  by affidavit that states:
                     (A)  that all debts known to exist against the
  estate have been paid or have been paid to the extent permitted by
  the assets in the independent executor's possession;
                     (B)  that all remaining assets of the estate, if
  any, have been distributed; and
                     (C)  the names and addresses of the distributees
  to whom the property of the estate, if any, remaining on hand after
  payment of debts has been distributed.
               (2)  Before filing the notice, the independent executor
  shall provide to each distributee of the estate a copy of the notice
  of closing estate.  The notice of closing estate filed by the
  independent executor must include signed receipts or other proof
  that all distributees have received a copy of the notice of closing
         (c)  Effect of Filing Closing Report or Notice of Closing
  Estate [the Affidavit].  (1)  The independent administration of an
  estate is considered closed 30 days after the date of the filing of
  a closing report or notice of closing estate unless an interested
  person files an objection with the court within that time.  If an
  interested person files an objection within the 30-day period, the
  independent administration of the estate is closed when the
  objection has been disposed of or the court signs an order closing
  the estate.
               (2)  The closing of an [filing of such an affidavit and
  proof of delivery, if required, shall terminate the] independent
  administration by filing of a closing report or notice of closing
  estate terminates [and] the power and authority of the independent
  executor, but shall not relieve the independent executor from
  liability for any mismanagement of the estate or from liability for
  any false statements contained in the report or notice [affidavit].
               (3)  When a closing report or notice of closing estate
  [such an affidavit] has been filed, persons dealing with properties
  of the estate, or with claims against the estate, shall deal
  directly with the distributees of the estate; and the acts of the 
  [such] distributees with respect to the [such] properties or claims
  shall in all ways be valid and binding as regards the persons with
  whom they deal, notwithstanding any false statements made by the
  independent executor in the report or notice [such affidavit].
               (4) [(2)]  If the independent executor is required to
  give bond, the independent executor's filing of the closing report
  [affidavit] and proof of delivery, if required, automatically
  releases the sureties on the bond from all liability for the future
  acts of the principal. The filing of a notice of closing estate
  does not release the sureties on the bond of an independent
         (d) [(c)]  Authority to Transfer Property of a Decedent
  After Filing the Closing Report or Notice of Closing Estate
  [Affidavit].  An independent executor's closing report or notice of
  closing estate [affidavit closing the independent administration]
  shall constitute sufficient legal authority to all persons owing
  any money, having custody of any property, or acting as registrar or
  transfer agent or trustee of any evidence of interest,
  indebtedness, property, or right that belongs to the estate, for
  payment or transfer without additional administration to the
  distributees [persons] described in the will as entitled to receive
  the particular asset or who as heirs at law are entitled to receive
  the asset. The distributees [persons] described in the will as
  entitled to receive the particular asset or the heirs at law
  entitled to receive the asset may enforce their right to the payment
  or transfer by suit.
         (e) [(d)]  Delivery Subject to Receipt or Proof of Delivery.  
  An independent executor may not be required to deliver tangible or
  intangible personal property to a distributee unless the
  independent executor receives [shall receive], at or before the
  time of delivery of the property, a signed receipt or other proof of
  delivery of the property to the distributee. An independent
  executor may [shall] not require a waiver or release from the
  distributee as a condition of delivery of property to a
         SECTION 1.27.  Section 227, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  LIST OF CLAIMS. An appointee who has been qualified to succeed to a
  prior personal representative shall make and return to the court an
  inventory, appraisement, and list of claims of the estate or, if the
  appointee is an independent executor, shall make and return to the
  court that document or file an affidavit in lieu of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims, within ninety days after being
  qualified, in like manner as is provided for [required of] original
  appointees; and he shall also in like manner return additional
  inventories, appraisements, and lists of claims or file additional
  affidavits. In all orders appointing successor representatives of
  estates, the court shall appoint appraisers as in original
  appointments upon the application of any person interested in the
         SECTION 1.28.  Section 250, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  days after the representative's [his] qualification, unless a
  longer time shall be granted by the court, the representative shall
  prepare and file with the clerk of court a verified, full, and
  detailed inventory, in one written instrument, of all the property
  of such estate which has come to the representative's [his]
  possession or knowledge, which inventory shall include:
               (1) [(a)]  all real property of the estate situated in
  the State of Texas; and
               (2) [(b)]  all personal property of the estate wherever
         (b)  The representative shall set out in the inventory the
  representative's [his] appraisement of the fair market value of
  each item thereof as of the date of death in the case of grant of
  letters testamentary or of administration, as the case may be;
  provided that if the court shall appoint an appraiser or appraisers
  of the estate, the representative shall determine the fair market
  value of each item of the inventory with the assistance of such
  appraiser or appraisers and shall set out in the inventory such
  appraisement. The inventory shall specify what portion of the
  property, if any, is separate property and what portion, if any, is
  community property. [If any property is owned in common with
  others, the interest owned by the estate shall be shown, together
  with the names and relationship, if known, of co-owners.] Such
  inventory, when approved by the court and duly filed with the clerk
  of court, shall constitute for all purposes the inventory and
  appraisement of the estate referred to in this Code. The court for
  good cause shown may require the filing of the inventory and
  appraisement at a time prior to ninety days after the qualification
  of the representative.
         (c)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this section, if
  there are no unpaid debts, except for secured debts, taxes, and
  administration expenses, at the time the inventory is due,
  including any extensions, an independent executor may file with the
  court clerk, in lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims, an affidavit stating that all debts, except for secured
  debts, taxes, and administration expenses, are paid and that all
  beneficiaries have received a verified, full, and detailed
  inventory.  The affidavit in lieu of the inventory, appraisement,
  and list of claims must be filed within the 90-day period prescribed
  by Subsection (a) of this section, unless the court grants an
         (d)  In this section, "beneficiary" means a person, entity,
  state, governmental agency of the state, charitable organization,
  or trust entitled to receive real or personal property:
               (1)  under the terms of a decedent's will, to be
  determined for purposes of this subsection with the assumption that
  each person who is alive on the date of the decedent's death
  survives any period required to receive the bequest as specified by
  the terms of the will; or
               (2)  as an heir of the decedent.
         (e)  If the independent executor files an affidavit in lieu
  of filing an inventory, appraisement, and list of claims as
  authorized under Subsection (c) of this section:
               (1)  any person interested in the estate, including a
  possible heir of the decedent or a beneficiary under a prior will of
  the decedent, is entitled to receive a copy of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims from the independent executor on
  written request;
               (2)  the independent executor may provide a copy of the
  inventory, appraisement, and list of claims to any person the
  independent executor believes in good faith may be a person
  interested in the estate without liability to the estate or its
  beneficiaries; and
               (3)  a person interested in the estate may apply to the
  court for an order compelling compliance with Subdivision (1) of
  this subsection and the court, in its discretion, may compel the
  independent executor to provide a copy of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims to the interested person or may
  deny the application.
         SECTION 1.29.  Section 256, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 256.  DISCOVERY OF ADDITIONAL PROPERTY.  (a)  If, after
  the filing of the inventory and appraisement, property or claims
  not included in the inventory shall come to the possession or
  knowledge of the representative, the representative [he] shall
  forthwith file with the clerk of court a verified, full, and
  detailed supplemental inventory and appraisement.
         (b)  If, after the filing of an affidavit in lieu of the
  inventory and appraisement, property or claims not included in the
  inventory given to the beneficiaries shall come to the possession
  or knowledge of the representative, the representative shall
  forthwith file with the clerk of court a supplemental affidavit in
  lieu of the inventory and appraisement stating that all
  beneficiaries have received a verified, full, and detailed
  supplemental inventory and appraisement.
         SECTION 1.30.  Section 260, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  more than one representative qualified as such, any one or more of
  them, on the neglect of the others, may make and return an inventory
  and appraisement and list of claims or file an affidavit in lieu of
  an inventory, appraisement, and list of claims; and the
  representative so neglecting shall not thereafter interfere with
  the estate or have any power over same; but the representative so
  returning the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims or filing
  the affidavit in lieu of an inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims shall have the whole administration, unless, within sixty
  days after the return or the filing, the delinquent or delinquents
  shall assign to the court in writing and under oath a reasonable
  excuse which the court may deem satisfactory; and if no excuse is
  filed or if the excuse filed is not deemed sufficient, the court
  shall enter an order removing any and all such delinquents and
  revoking their letters.
         SECTION 1.31.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 271, Texas
  Probate Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Unless an affidavit is filed under Subsection (b) of
  this section, immediately after the inventory, appraisement, and
  list of claims have been approved or after the affidavit in lieu of
  the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims has been filed, the
  court shall, by order, set apart:
               (1)  the homestead for the use and benefit of the
  surviving spouse and minor children; and
               (2)  all other property of the estate that is exempt
  from execution or forced sale by the constitution and laws of this
  state for the use and benefit of the surviving spouse and minor
  children and unmarried children remaining with the family of the
         (b)  Before the approval of the inventory, appraisement, and
  list of claims or, if applicable, before the filing of the affidavit
  in lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims:
               (1)  a surviving spouse or any person who is authorized
  to act on behalf of minor children of the deceased may apply to the
  court to have exempt property, including the homestead, set aside
  by filing an application and a verified affidavit listing all of the
  property that the applicant claims is exempt; and
               (2)  any unmarried children remaining with the family
  of the deceased may apply to the court to have all exempt property
  other than the homestead set aside by filing an application and a
  verified affidavit listing all of the other property that the
  applicant claims is exempt.
         SECTION 1.32.  Section 286, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  (a)  Unless an affidavit is filed under Subsection (b) of this
  section, immediately after the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims have been approved or the affidavit in lieu of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims has been filed, the court shall fix
  a family allowance for the support of the surviving spouse and minor
  children of the deceased.
         (b)  Before the approval of the inventory, appraisement, and
  list of claims or, if applicable, before the filing of the affidavit
  in lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims, a
  surviving spouse or any person who is authorized to act on behalf of
  minor children of the deceased may apply to the court to have the
  court fix the family allowance by filing an application and a
  verified affidavit describing the amount necessary for the
  maintenance of the surviving spouse and minor children for one year
  after the date of the death of the decedent and describing the
  spouse's separate property and any property that minor children
  have in their own right. The applicant bears the burden of proof by
  a preponderance of the evidence at any hearing on the application.
  The court shall fix a family allowance for the support of the
  surviving spouse and minor children of the deceased.
         SECTION 1.33.  Section 293, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  there be no personal property of the deceased that the surviving
  spouse or guardian is willing to take for such allowance, or not a
  sufficiency of them, and if there be no funds or not sufficient
  funds in the hands of such executor or administrator to pay such
  allowance, or any part thereof, then the court, as soon as the
  inventory, appraisement, and list of claims are returned and
  approved or, if applicable, the affidavit in lieu of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims is filed, shall order a sale of so
  much of the estate for cash as will be sufficient to raise the
  amount of such allowance, or a part thereof, as the case requires.
         SECTION 1.34.  The heading to Section 322, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 1.35.  Subsection (a), Section 385, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Application for Partition.  When a husband or wife shall
  die leaving any community property, the survivor may, at any time
  after letters testamentary or of administration have been granted,
  and an inventory, appraisement, and list of the claims of the estate
  have been returned or an affidavit in lieu of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims has been filed, make application
  in writing to the court which granted such letters for a partition
  of such community property.
         SECTION 1.36.  Section 436, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  by adding Subdivision (2-a) and amending Subdivisions (7) and (11)
  to read as follows:
               (2-a)  "Charitable organization" means any
  corporation, community chest, fund, or foundation that is exempt
  from federal income tax under Section 501(a) of the Internal
  Revenue Code of 1986 by being listed as an exempt organization in
  Section 501(c)(3) of that code.
               (7)  "Party" means a person who, by the terms of the
  account, has a present right, subject to request, to payment from a
  multiple-party account. A P.O.D. payee, including a charitable
  organization, or beneficiary of a trust account is a party only
  after the account becomes payable to the P.O.D payee or beneficiary 
  [him] by reason of the P.O.D payee or beneficiary [his] surviving
  the original payee or trustee. Unless the context otherwise
  requires, it includes a guardian, personal representative, or
  assignee, including an attaching creditor, of a party. It also
  includes a person identified as a trustee of an account for another
  whether or not a beneficiary is named, but it does not include a
  named beneficiary unless the beneficiary has a present right of
               (11)  "P.O.D. payee" means a person or charitable
  organization designated on a P.O.D. account as one to whom the
  account is payable on request after the death of one or more
         SECTION 1.37.  Subsection (a), Section 439, Texas Probate
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Sums remaining on deposit at the death of a party to a
  joint account belong to the surviving party or parties against the
  estate of the decedent if, by a written agreement signed by the
  party who dies, the interest of such deceased party is made to
  survive to the surviving party or parties. Notwithstanding any
  other law, an agreement is sufficient to confer an absolute right of
  survivorship on parties to a joint account under this subsection if
  the agreement states in substantially the following form: "On the
  death of one party to a joint account, all sums in the account on the
  date of the death vest in and belong to the surviving party as his or
  her separate property and estate." A survivorship agreement will
  not be inferred from the mere fact that the account is a joint
  account or that the account is designated as JT TEN, Joint Tenancy,
  or joint, or with other similar language. If there are two or more
  surviving parties, their respective ownerships during lifetime
  shall be in proportion to their previous ownership interests under
  Section 438 of this code augmented by an equal share for each
  survivor of any interest the decedent may have owned in the account
  immediately before his death, and the right of survivorship
  continues between the surviving parties if a written agreement
  signed by a party who dies so provides.
         SECTION 1.38.  Section 452, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 452.  FORMALITIES.  (a)  An agreement between spouses
  creating a right of survivorship in community property must be in
  writing and signed by both spouses. If an agreement in writing is
  signed by both spouses, the agreement shall be sufficient to create
  a right of survivorship in the community property described in the
  agreement if it includes any of the following phrases:
               (1)  "with right of survivorship";
               (2)  "will become the property of the survivor";
               (3)  "will vest in and belong to the surviving spouse";
               (4)  "shall pass to the surviving spouse."
         (b)  An agreement that otherwise meets the requirements of
  this part, however, shall be effective without including any of
  those phrases.
         (c)  A survivorship agreement will not be inferred from the
  mere fact that the account is a joint account or that the account is
  designated as JT TEN, Joint Tenancy, or joint, or with other similar
         SECTION 1.39.  Section 471, Texas Probate Code, is amended
  by amending Subdivision (2) and adding Subdivision (2-a) to read as
               (2)  "Divorced individual" means an individual whose
  marriage has been dissolved, [regardless of] whether by divorce,
  [or] annulment, or a declaration that the marriage is void.
               (2-a)  "Relative" means an individual who is related to
  another individual by consanguinity or affinity, as determined
  under Sections 573.022 and 573.024, Government Code, respectively.
         SECTION 1.40.  Sections 472 and 473, Texas Probate Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
  ON DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE. (a)  Except as otherwise provided by a
  court order, the express terms of a trust instrument executed by a
  divorced individual before the individual's marriage was
  dissolved, or an express provision of a contract relating to the
  division of the marital estate entered into between a divorced
  individual and the individual's former spouse before, during, or
  after the marriage, the dissolution of the marriage revokes the
               (1)  a revocable disposition or appointment of property
  made by a divorced individual to the individual's former spouse or
  any relative of the former spouse who is not a relative of the
  divorced individual in a trust instrument executed before the
  dissolution of the marriage;
               (2)  a provision in a trust instrument executed by a
  divorced individual before the dissolution of the marriage that
  confers a general or special power of appointment on the
  individual's former spouse or any relative of the former spouse who
  is not a relative of the divorced individual; and
               (3)  a nomination in a trust instrument executed by a
  divorced individual before the dissolution of the marriage that
  nominates the individual's former spouse or any relative of the
  former spouse who is not a relative of the divorced individual to
  serve in a fiduciary or representative capacity, including as a
  personal representative, executor, trustee, conservator, agent, or
         (b)  After the dissolution of a marriage, an interest granted
  in a provision of a trust instrument that is revoked under
  Subsection (a)(1) or (2) of this section passes as if the former
  spouse of the divorced individual who executed the trust instrument
  and each relative of the former spouse who is not a relative of the
  divorced individual disclaimed the interest granted in the
  provision, and an interest granted in a provision of a trust
  instrument that is revoked under Subsection (a)(3) of this section
  passes as if the former spouse and each relative of the former
  spouse who is not a relative of the divorced individual died
  immediately before the dissolution of the marriage.
  PROPERTY. (a)  A bona fide purchaser of property from a divorced
  individual's former spouse or any relative of the former spouse who
  is not a relative of the divorced individual or a person who
  receives from a divorced individual's former spouse or any relative
  of the former spouse who is not a relative of the divorced
  individual a payment, benefit, or property in partial or full
  satisfaction of an enforceable obligation:
               (1)  is not required by this chapter to return the
  payment, benefit, or property; and
               (2)  is not liable under this chapter for the amount of
  the payment or the value of the property or benefit.
         (b)  A divorced individual's former spouse or any relative of
  the former spouse who is not a relative of the divorced individual
  who, not for value, receives a payment, benefit, or property to
  which the former spouse or the relative of the former spouse who is
  not a relative of the divorced individual is not entitled as a
  result of Section 472(a) of this code:
               (1)  shall return the payment, benefit, or property to
  the person who is otherwise entitled to the payment, benefit, or
  property as provided by this chapter; or
               (2)  is personally liable to the person described by
  Subdivision (1) of this subsection for the amount of the payment or
  the value of the benefit or property received.
         SECTION 1.41.  Section 25.0022, Government Code, is amended
  by amending Subsection (i) and adding Subsection (t-1) to read as
         (i)  A judge assigned under this section has the
  jurisdiction, powers, and duties given by Sections 4A, 4C, 4D, 4F,
  4G, 4H, 5B, 606, 607, and 608, Texas Probate Code, to statutory
  probate court judges by general law.
         (t-1)  The service requirement in Subsection (t)(4) is 72
  months instead of 96 months.
         SECTION 1.41A.  Section 74.141, Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         Sec. 74.141.  DEFENSE OF JUDGES. The attorney general shall
  defend a state district judge, a presiding judge of an
  administrative region, the presiding judge of the statutory probate
  courts, or an active, retired, or former judge assigned under this
  chapter in any action or suit in any court in which the judge is a
  defendant because of his office as judge if the judge requests the
  attorney general's assistance in the defense of the suit.
         SECTION 1.42.  (a)  Subsection (c), Section 48, Section 70,
  and Subsection (f), Section 251, Texas Probate Code, are repealed.
         (b)  Notwithstanding the transfer of Section 5, Texas
  Probate Code, to the Estates Code and redesignation as Section 5 of
  that code effective January 1, 2014, by Section 2, Chapter 680 (H.B.
  2502), Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular Session, 2009, Section
  5, Texas Probate Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 1.43.  (a)  The changes in law made by Sections 4D,
  4H, 6, 8, 48, and 49, Texas Probate Code, as amended by this
  article, and Sections 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 8A, and 8B, Texas Probate
  Code, as added by this article, apply only to an action filed or
  other proceeding commenced on or after the effective date of this
  Act. An action filed or other proceeding commenced before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the
  date the action was filed or the proceeding was commenced, and the
  former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (b)  The changes in law made by Subsection (p), Section 37A,
  Texas Probate Code, as added by this article, apply to all
  disclaimers made after December 31, 2009, for decedents dying after
  December 31, 2009, but before December 17, 2010.
         (c)  The changes in law made by Sections 64, 67, 84, 128A,
  143, 145, 146, 149C, 227, 250, 256, 260, 271, 286, 293, 385, 471,
  472, and 473, Texas Probate Code, as amended by this article, and
  Sections 145A, 145B, and 145C, Texas Probate Code, as added by this
  article, apply only to the estate of a decedent who dies on or after
  the effective date of this Act. The estate of a decedent who dies
  before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in
  effect on the date of the decedent's death, and the former law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         (d)  The changes in law made by this article to Section 59,
  Texas Probate Code, apply only to a will executed on or after the
  effective date of this Act.  A will executed before the effective
  date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the
  will was executed, and the former law is continued in effect for
  that purpose.
         (d-1)  The changes in law made by this article to Subsection
  (a), Section 83, Texas Probate Code, apply only to an application
  for the probate of a will or administration of the estate of a
  decedent that is pending or filed on or after the effective date of
  this Act.
         (e)  The changes in law made by this article to Section 149B,
  Texas Probate Code, apply only to a petition for an accounting and
  distribution filed on or after the effective date of this Act.  A
  petition for an accounting and distribution filed before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the
  date the petition is filed, and the former law is continued in
  effect for that purpose.
         (f)  The changes in law made by this article to Section 151,
  Texas Probate Code, apply only to a closing report or notice of
  closing of an estate filed on or after the effective date of this
  Act.  A closing report or notice of closing of an estate filed
  before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in
  effect on the date the closing report or notice is filed, and the
  former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         (g)  The changes in law made by this article to Sections 436
  and 439, Texas Probate Code, apply only to multiple-party accounts
  created or existing on or after the effective date of this Act and
  are intended to clarify existing law.
         (h)  The changes in law made by this article to Section 452,
  Texas Probate Code, apply only to agreements created or existing on
  or after the effective date of this Act, and are intended to
  overturn the ruling of the Texas Supreme Court in Holmes v. Beatty,
  290 S.W.3d 852 (Tex. 2009).
         SECTION 1.44.  Subsection (p), Section 37A, Texas Probate
  Code, as added by this article, takes effect immediately if this Act
  receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
  effect, Subsection (p), Section 37A, Texas Probate Code, as added
  by this article, takes effect September 1, 2011.
         SECTION 2.01.  The heading to Subtitle A, Title 2, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.02.  Section 32.003, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended by adding Subsection (b-1) and amending
  Subsections (e) and (g) to read as follows:
         (b-1)  If a judge of a county court requests the assignment
  of a statutory probate court judge to hear a contested matter in a
  probate proceeding on the judge's own motion or on the motion of a
  party to the proceeding as provided by this section, the judge may
  request that the statutory probate court judge be assigned to the
  entire proceeding on the judge's own motion or on the motion of a
         (e)  A statutory probate court judge assigned to a contested
  matter in a probate proceeding or to the entire proceeding under
  this section has the jurisdiction and authority granted to a
  statutory probate court by this subtitle.  A statutory probate
  court judge assigned to hear only the contested matter in a probate
  proceeding shall, on [On] resolution of the [a contested] matter
  [for which a statutory probate court judge is assigned under this
  section], including any appeal of the matter, [the statutory
  probate court judge shall] return the matter to the county court for
  further proceedings not inconsistent with the orders of the
  statutory probate court or court of appeals, as applicable. A
  statutory probate court judge assigned to the entire probate
  proceeding as provided by Subsection (b-1) shall, on resolution of
  the contested matter in the proceeding, including any appeal of the
  matter, return the entire proceeding to the county court for
  further proceedings not inconsistent with the orders of the
  statutory probate court or court of appeals, as applicable.
         (g)  If only the contested matter in a probate proceeding is
  assigned to a statutory probate court judge under this section, or
  if the contested matter in a probate proceeding is transferred to a
  district court under this section, the [The] county court shall
  continue to exercise jurisdiction over the management of the
  estate, other than a contested matter, until final disposition of
  the contested matter is made in accordance with this section.  Any
  [After a contested matter is transferred to a district court, any]
  matter related to a [the] probate proceeding in which a contested
  matter is transferred to a district court may be brought in the
  district court.  The district court in which a matter related to the
  [probate] proceeding is filed may, on its own motion or on the
  motion of any party, find that the matter is not a contested matter
  and transfer the matter to the county court with jurisdiction of the
  management of the estate.
         SECTION 2.03.  Section 32.007, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  A statutory probate court has concurrent jurisdiction with the
  district court in:
               (1)  a personal injury, survival, or wrongful death
  action by or against a person in the person's capacity as a personal
               (2)  an action by or against a trustee;
               (3)  an action involving an inter vivos trust,
  testamentary trust, or charitable trust, including a charitable
  trust as defined by Section 123.001, Property Code;
               (4)  an action involving a personal representative of
  an estate in which each other party aligned with the personal
  representative is not an interested person in that estate;
               (5)  an action against an agent or former agent under a
  power of attorney arising out of the agent's performance of the
  duties of an agent; and
               (6)  an action to determine the validity of a power of
  attorney or to determine an agent's rights, powers, or duties under
  a power of attorney.
         SECTION 2.04.  Subtitle A, Title 2, Estates Code, as
  effective January 1, 2014, is amended by adding Chapter 33 to read
  as follows:
  TESTAMENTARY AND OF ADMINISTRATION. Venue for a probate proceeding
  to admit a will to probate or for the granting of letters
  testamentary or of administration is:
               (1)  in the county in which the decedent resided, if the
  decedent had a domicile or fixed place of residence in this state;
               (2)  with respect to a decedent who did not have a
  domicile or fixed place of residence in this state:
                     (A)  if the decedent died in this state, in the
  county in which:
                           (i)  the decedent's principal estate was
  located at the time of the decedent's death; or
                           (ii)  the decedent died; or
                     (B)  if the decedent died outside of this state:
                           (i)  in any county in this state in which the
  decedent's nearest of kin reside; or
                           (ii)  if there is no next of kin of the
  decedent in this state, in the county in which the decedent's
  principal estate was located at the time of the decedent's death.
  STATUTORY PROBATE COURT. Except as provided by Section 33.003,
  venue for any cause of action related to a probate proceeding
  pending in a statutory probate court is proper in the statutory
  probate court in which the decedent's estate is pending.
  REPRESENTATIVE. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
  chapter, the proper venue for an action by or against a personal
  representative for personal injury, death, or property damages is
  determined under Section 15.007, Civil Practice and Remedies Code.
         Sec. 33.004.  HEIRSHIP PROCEEDINGS. (a)  Venue for a
  proceeding to determine a decedent's heirs is in:
               (1)  the court of the county in which a proceeding
  admitting the decedent's will to probate or administering the
  decedent's estate was most recently pending; or
               (2)  the court of the county in which venue would be
  proper for commencement of an administration of the decedent's
  estate under Section 33.001 if:
                     (A)  no will of the decedent has been admitted to
  probate in this state and no administration of the decedent's
  estate has been granted in this state; or
                     (B)  the proceeding is commenced by the trustee of
  a trust holding assets for the benefit of the decedent.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a) and Section 33.001, if
  there is no administration pending of the estate of a deceased ward
  who died intestate, venue for a proceeding to determine the
  deceased ward's heirs is in the probate court in which the
  guardianship proceedings with respect to the ward's estate were
  pending on the date of the ward's death. A proceeding described by
  this subsection may not be brought as part of the guardianship
  proceedings with respect to the ward's estate, but rather must be
  filed as a separate cause in which the court may determine the
  heirs' respective shares and interests in the estate as provided by
  the laws of this state.
  DUTY. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, venue
  for a proceeding brought by the attorney general alleging breach of
  a fiduciary duty by a charitable entity or a fiduciary or managerial
  agent of a charitable trust is determined under Section 123.005,
  Property Code.
  [Sections 33.006-33.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 33.051.  COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDING. For purposes of
  this subchapter, a probate proceeding is considered commenced on
  the filing of an application for the proceeding that avers facts
  sufficient to confer venue on the court in which the application is
         Sec. 33.052.  CONCURRENT VENUE. (a)  If applications for
  probate proceedings involving the same estate are filed in two or
  more courts having concurrent venue, the court in which a
  proceeding involving the estate was first commenced has and retains
  jurisdiction of the proceeding to the exclusion of the other court
  or courts in which a proceeding involving the same estate was
         (b)  The first commenced probate proceeding extends to all of
  the decedent's property, including the decedent's estate property.
  If probate proceedings involving the same estate are commenced in
  more than one county, each proceeding commenced in a county other
  than the county in which a proceeding was first commenced is stayed
  until the court in which the proceeding was first commenced makes a
  final determination of venue.
         Sec. 33.054.  JURISDICTION TO DETERMINE VENUE. (a)  Subject
  to Sections 33.052 and 33.053, a court in which an application for a
  probate proceeding is filed has jurisdiction to determine venue for
  the proceeding and for any matter related to the proceeding.
         (b)  A court's determination under this section is not
  subject to collateral attack.
  Notwithstanding Section 33.052, a bona fide purchaser of real
  property who relied on a probate proceeding that was not the first
  commenced proceeding, without knowledge that the proceeding was not
  the first commenced proceeding, shall be protected with respect to
  the purchase unless before the purchase an order rendered in the
  first commenced proceeding admitting the decedent's will to
  probate, determining the decedent's heirs, or granting
  administration of the decedent's estate was recorded in the office
  of the county clerk of the county in which the purchased property is
  [Sections 33.056-33.100 reserved for expansion]
  PROPER. If probate proceedings involving the same estate are
  commenced in more than one county and the court making a
  determination of venue as provided by Section 33.053 determines
  that venue is proper in another county, the court clerk shall make
  and retain a copy of the entire file in the case and transmit the
  original file to the court in the county in which venue is proper.
  The court to which the file is transmitted shall conduct the
  proceeding in the same manner as if the proceeding had originally
  been commenced in that county.
         Sec. 33.102.  TRANSFER FOR WANT OF VENUE. (a)  If it appears
  to the court at any time before the final order in a probate
  proceeding is rendered that the court does not have priority of
  venue over the proceeding, the court shall, on the application of an
  interested person, transfer the proceeding to the proper county by
  transmitting to the proper court in that county:
               (1)  the original file in the case; and
               (2)  certified copies of all entries that have been
  made in the judge's probate docket in the proceeding.
         (b)  The court of the county to which a probate proceeding is
  transferred under Subsection (a) shall complete the proceeding in
  the same manner as if the proceeding had originally been commenced
  in that county.
         (c)  If the question as to priority of venue is not raised
  before a final order in a probate proceeding is announced, the
  finality of the order is not affected by any error in venue.
         Sec. 33.103.  TRANSFER FOR CONVENIENCE. (a)  The court may
  order that a probate proceeding be transferred to the proper court
  in another county in this state if it appears to the court at any
  time before the proceeding is concluded that the transfer would be
  in the best interest of:
               (1)  the estate; or
               (2)  if there is no administration of the estate, the
  decedent's heirs or beneficiaries under the decedent's will.
         (b)  The clerk of the court from which the probate proceeding
  described by Subsection (a) is transferred shall transmit to the
  court to which the proceeding is transferred:
               (1)  the original file in the proceeding; and
               (2)  a certified copy of the index.
  orders entered in connection with a probate proceeding that is
  transferred to another county under a provision of this subchapter
  are valid and shall be recognized in the court to which the
  proceeding is transferred if the orders were made and entered in
  conformance with the procedure prescribed by this code.
         SECTION 2.05.  Subsection (b), Section 52.052, Estates Code,
  as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Each case file must contain each order, judgment, and
  proceeding of the court and any other probate filing with the court,
  including each:
               (1)  application for the probate of a will;
               (2)  application for the granting of administration;
               (3)  citation and notice, whether published or posted,
  including the return on the citation or notice;
               (4)  will and the testimony on which the will is
  admitted to probate;
               (5)  bond and official oath;
               (6)  inventory, appraisement, and list of claims;
               (6-a)  affidavit in lieu of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims;
               (7)  exhibit and account;
               (8)  report of renting;
               (9)  application for sale or partition of real estate;
               (10)  report of sale;
               (11)  report of the commissioners of partition;
               (12)  application for authority to execute a lease for
  mineral development, or for pooling or unitization of lands,
  royalty, or other interest in minerals, or to lend or invest money;
               (13)  report of lending or investing money.
         SECTION 2.06.  Section 112.052, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as
         (d)  A survivorship agreement may not be inferred from the
  mere fact that an account is a joint account or that an account is
  designated as JT TEN, Joint Tenancy, or joint, or with other similar
         SECTION 2.07.  Section 113.001, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended by adding Subdivision (2-a) and
  amending Subdivision (5) to read as follows:
               (2-a)  "Charitable organization" means any
  corporation, community chest, fund, or foundation that is exempt
  from federal income tax under Section 501(a) of the Internal
  Revenue Code of 1986 by being listed as an exempt organization in
  Section 501(c)(3) of that code.
               (5)  "P.O.D. payee" means a person or charitable
  organization designated on a P.O.D. account as a person to whom the
  account is payable on request after the death of one or more
         SECTION 2.08.  Subsection (b), Section 113.002, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A P.O.D. payee, including a charitable organization, or
  beneficiary of a trust account is a party only after the account
  becomes payable to the P.O.D. payee or beneficiary by reason of the
  P.O.D. payee or beneficiary surviving the original payee or
         SECTION 2.09.  Subsection (c), Section 113.151, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (c)  A survivorship agreement may not be inferred from the
  mere fact that the account is a joint account or that the account is
  designated as JT TEN, Joint Tenancy, or joint, or with other similar
         SECTION 2.10.  Subsection (c), Section 122.055, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (c)  If the beneficiary is a charitable organization or a
  governmental agency of the state, a written memorandum of
  disclaimer of a present or future interest must be filed not later
  than the later of:
               (1)  the first anniversary of the date the beneficiary
  receives the notice required by Subchapter A, Chapter 308; or
               (2)  the expiration of the six-month period following
  the date the personal representative files:
                     (A)  the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims due or owing to the estate; or
                     (B)  the affidavit in lieu of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims.
         SECTION 2.11.  Subsection (b), Section 122.056, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  If the beneficiary is a charitable organization or a
  governmental agency of this state, notice of a disclaimer required
  by Subsection (a) must be filed not later than the later of:
               (1)  the first anniversary of the date the beneficiary
  receives the notice required by Subchapter A, Chapter 308; or
               (2)  the expiration of the six-month period following
  the date the personal representative files:
                     (A)  the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims due or owing to the estate; or
                     (B)  the affidavit in lieu of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims.
         SECTION 2.12.  Subchapter B, Chapter 122, Estates Code, as
  effective January 1, 2014, is amended by adding Section 122.057 to
  read as follows:
  (a)  This section does not apply to a disclaimer made by a
  beneficiary that is a charitable organization or governmental
  agency of the state.
         (b)  Notwithstanding the periods prescribed by Sections
  122.055 and 122.056, a disclaimer with respect to an interest in
  property passing by reason of the death of a decedent dying after
  December 31, 2009, but before December 17, 2010, may be executed and
  filed, and notice of the disclaimer may be given, not later than
  nine months after December 17, 2010.
         (c)  A disclaimer filed and for which notice is given during
  the extended period described by Subsection (b) is valid and shall
  be treated as if the disclaimer had been filed and notice had been
  given within the periods prescribed by Sections 122.055 and
         SECTION 2.13.  Section 123.051, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended by amending Subdivision (2) and adding
  Subdivision (2-a) to read as follows:
               (2)  "Divorced individual" means an individual whose
  marriage has been dissolved by divorce, [or] annulment, or a
  declaration that the marriage is void.
               (2-a)  "Relative" means an individual who is related to
  another individual by consanguinity or affinity, as determined
  under Sections 573.022 and 573.024, Government Code, respectively.
         SECTION 2.14.  Subsection (a), Section 123.052, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The dissolution of the marriage revokes a provision in a
  trust instrument that was executed by a divorced individual before
  the divorced individual's marriage was dissolved and that:
               (1)  is a revocable disposition or appointment of
  property made to the divorced individual's former spouse or any
  relative of the former spouse who is not a relative of the divorced 
               (2)  confers a general or special power of appointment
  on the divorced individual's former spouse or any relative of the
  former spouse who is not a relative of the divorced individual; or
               (3)  nominates the divorced individual's former spouse
  or any relative of the former spouse who is not a relative of the
  divorced individual to serve:
                     (A)  as a personal representative, trustee,
  conservator, agent, or guardian; or
                     (B)  in another fiduciary or representative
         SECTION 2.15.  Section 123.053, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 123.053.  EFFECT OF REVOCATION.  (a)  An interest
  granted in a provision of a trust instrument that is revoked under
  Section 123.052(a)(1) or (2) passes as if the former spouse of the
  divorced individual who executed the trust instrument and each
  relative of the former spouse who is not a relative of the divorced
  individual disclaimed the interest granted in the provision.
         (b)  An interest granted in a provision of a trust instrument
  that is revoked under Section 123.052(a)(3) passes as if the former
  spouse and each relative of the former spouse who is not a relative
  of the divorced individual died immediately before the dissolution
  of the marriage.
         SECTION 2.16.  Section 123.054, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  of property from a divorced individual's former spouse or any
  relative of the former spouse who is not a relative of the divorced
  individual or a person who receives from the former spouse or any
  relative of the former spouse who is not a relative of the divorced
  individual a payment, benefit, or property in partial or full
  satisfaction of an enforceable obligation:
               (1)  is not required by this subchapter to return the
  payment, benefit, or property; and
               (2)  is not liable under this subchapter for the amount
  of the payment or the value of the property or benefit.
         SECTION 2.17.  Section 123.055, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  PAYMENTS, BENEFITS, OR PROPERTY.  A divorced individual's former
  spouse or any relative of the former spouse who is not a relative of
  the divorced individual who, not for value, receives a payment,
  benefit, or property to which the former spouse or the relative of
  the former spouse who is not a relative of the divorced individual
  is not entitled as a result of Sections 123.052(a) and (b):
               (1)  shall return the payment, benefit, or property to
  the person who is entitled to the payment, benefit, or property
  under this subchapter; or
               (2)  is personally liable to the person described by
  Subdivision (1) for the amount of the payment or the value of the
  benefit or property received, as applicable.
         SECTION 2.18.  Section 202.001, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  PROCEEDING TO DECLARE HEIRSHIP.  In the manner provided by this
  chapter, a court may determine through a proceeding to declare
               (1)  the persons who are a decedent's heirs and only
  heirs; and
               (2)  the heirs' respective shares and interests under
  the laws of this state in the decedent's estate or, if applicable,
  in the trust.
         SECTION 2.19.  Section 202.002, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  DECLARE HEIRSHIP IS AUTHORIZED.  A court may conduct a proceeding to
  declare heirship when:
               (1)  a person dies intestate owning or entitled to
  property in this state and there has been no administration in this
  state of the person's estate; [or]
               (2)  there has been a will probated in this state or
  elsewhere or an administration in this state of a [the] decedent's
  estate, but:
                     (A)  property in this state was omitted from the
  will or administration; or
                     (B)  no final disposition of property in this
  state has been made in the administration; or
               (3)  it is necessary for the trustee of a trust holding
  assets for the benefit of a decedent to determine the heirs of the
         SECTION 2.20.  Section 202.004, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  DECLARE HEIRSHIP.  A proceeding to declare heirship of a decedent
  may be commenced and maintained under a circumstance specified by
  Section 202.002 by:
               (1)  the personal representative of the decedent's
               (2)  a person claiming to be a secured creditor or the
  owner of all or part of the decedent's estate; [or]
               (3)  if the decedent was a ward with respect to whom a
  guardian of the estate had been appointed, the guardian of the
  estate, provided that the proceeding is commenced and maintained in
  the probate court in which the proceedings for the guardianship of
  the estate were pending at the time of the decedent's death;
               (4)  a party seeking the appointment of an independent
  administrator under Section 401.003; or
               (5)  the trustee of a trust holding assets for the
  benefit of a decedent.
         SECTION 2.21.  Section 202.005, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  HEIRSHIP.  A person authorized by Section 202.004 to commence a
  proceeding to declare heirship must file an application in a court
  specified by Section 33.004 [202.003] to commence the proceeding.  
  The application must state:
               (1)  the decedent's name and time and place of death;
               (2)  the names and residences of the decedent's heirs,
  the relationship of each heir to the decedent, and the true interest
  of the applicant and each of the heirs in the decedent's estate or
  in the trust, as applicable;
               (3)  if the time or place of the decedent's death or the
  name or residence of an heir is not definitely known to the
  applicant, all the material facts and circumstances with respect to
  which the applicant has knowledge and information that might
  reasonably tend to show the time or place of the decedent's death or
  the name or residence of the heir;
               (4)  that all children born to or adopted by the
  decedent have been listed;
               (5)  that each of the decedent's marriages has been
  listed with:
                     (A)  the date of the marriage;
                     (B)  the name of the spouse;
                     (C)  the date and place of termination if the
  marriage was terminated; and
                     (D)  other facts to show whether a spouse has had
  an interest in the decedent's property;
               (6)  whether the decedent died testate and, if so, what
  disposition has been made of the will;
               (7)  a general description of all property belonging to
  the decedent's estate or held in trust for the benefit of the
  decedent, as applicable; and
               (8)  an explanation for the omission from the
  application of any of the information required by this section.
         SECTION 2.22.  Section 251.101, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 251.101.  SELF-PROVED WILL.  A self-proved will is a
               (1)  to which a self-proving affidavit subscribed and
  sworn to by the testator and witnesses is attached or annexed; or
               (2)  that is simultaneously executed, attested, and
  made self-proved as provided by Section 251.1045 [is a self-proved
         SECTION 2.23.  Subsection (a), Section 251.102, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A self-proved will may be admitted to probate without
  the testimony of any subscribing witnesses if:
               (1)  the testator and witnesses execute a self-proving
  affidavit; or
               (2)  the will is simultaneously executed, attested, and
  made self-proved as provided by Section 251.1045.
         SECTION 2.24.  Subsection (b), Section 251.104, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A self-proving affidavit must be made by the testator
  and by the attesting witnesses before an officer authorized to
  administer oaths [under the laws of this state].  The officer shall
  affix the officer's official seal to the self-proving affidavit.
         SECTION 2.25.  Subchapter C, Chapter 251, Estates Code, as
  effective January 1, 2014, is amended by adding Section 251.1045 to
  read as follows:
  SELF-PROVING.  (a)  As an alternative to the self-proving of a will
  by the affidavits of the testator and the attesting witnesses as
  provided by Section 251.104, a will may be simultaneously executed,
  attested, and made self-proved before an officer authorized to
  administer oaths, and the testimony of the witnesses in the probate
  of the will may be made unnecessary, with the inclusion in the will
  of the following in form and contents substantially as follows:
         I, ______________________, as testator, after being duly
  sworn, declare to the undersigned witnesses and to the undersigned
  authority that this instrument is my will, that I have willingly
  made and executed it in the presence of the undersigned witnesses,
  all of whom were present at the same time, as my free act and deed,
  and that I have requested each of the undersigned witnesses to sign
  this will in my presence and in the presence of each other.  I now
  sign this will in the presence of the attesting witnesses and the
  undersigned authority on this ______ day of __________,
         The undersigned, __________ and __________, each being at
  least fourteen years of age, after being duly sworn, declare to the
  testator and to the undersigned authority that the testator
  declared to us that this instrument is the testator's will and that
  the testator requested us to act as witnesses to the testator's will
  and signature.  The testator then signed this will in our presence,
  all of us being present at the same time.  The testator is eighteen
  years of age or over (or being under such age, is or has been
  lawfully married, or is a member of the armed forces of the United
  States or of an auxiliary of the armed forces of the United States
  or of the United States Maritime Service), and we believe the
  testator to be of sound mind.  We now sign our names as attesting
  witnesses in the presence of the testator, each other, and the
  undersigned authority on this __________ day of __________,
         Subscribed and sworn to before me by the said _________,
  testator, and by the said _____________ and ______________,
  witnesses, this _____ day of __________, 20____________.
                                       (Official Capacity of Officer)   
         (b)  A will that is in substantial compliance with the form
  provided by Subsection (a) is sufficient to self-prove a will.
         SECTION 2.26.  Chapter 254, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended by adding Section 254.005 to read as
         Sec. 254.005.  FORFEITURE CLAUSE.  A provision in a will that
  would cause a forfeiture of or void a devise or provision in favor
  of a person for bringing any court action, including contesting a
  will, is unenforceable if:
               (1)  just cause existed for bringing the action; and
               (2)  the action was brought and maintained in good
         SECTION 2.27.  Subsection (a), Section 255.053, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  If no provision is made in the testator's last will for
  any child of the testator who is living when the testator executes
  the will, a pretermitted child succeeds to the portion of the
  testator's separate and community estate, other than any portion of
  the estate devised to the pretermitted child's other parent, to
  which the pretermitted child would have been entitled under Section
  201.001 if the testator had died intestate without a surviving
  spouse, except as limited by Section 255.056.
         SECTION 2.28.  Section 255.054, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  HAS NO LIVING CHILD AT WILL'S EXECUTION.  If a testator has no child
  living when the testator executes the testator's last will, a
  pretermitted child succeeds to the portion of the testator's
  separate and community estate, other than any portion of the estate
  devised to the pretermitted child's other parent, to which the
  pretermitted child would have been entitled under Section 201.001
  if the testator had died intestate without a surviving spouse,
  except as limited by Section 255.056.
         SECTION 2.29.  Subchapter B, Chapter 255, Estates Code, as
  effective January 1, 2014, is amended by adding Section 255.056 to
  read as follows:
  SURVIVING SPOUSE. If a pretermitted child's other parent is not the
  surviving spouse of the testator, the portion of the testator's
  estate to which the pretermitted child is entitled under Section
  255.053(a) or 255.054 may not reduce the portion of the testator's
  estate passing to the testator's surviving spouse by more than
         SECTION 2.30.  (a)  Subsection (a), Section 256.052,
  Estates Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as
         (a)  An application for the probate of a written will must
  state and aver the following to the extent each is known to the
  applicant or can, with reasonable diligence, be ascertained by the
               (1)  each applicant's name and domicile;
               (2)  the testator's name, domicile, and, if known, age,
  on the date of the testator's death;
               (3)  the fact, time, and place of the testator's death;
               (4)  facts showing that the court with which the
  application is filed has venue;
               (5)  that the testator owned property, including a
  statement generally describing the property and the property's
  probable value;
               (6)  the date of the will;
               (7)  the name and residence of:
                     (A)  any executor named in the will or, if no
  executor is named, of the person to whom the applicant desires that
  letters be issued; and
                     (B)  each subscribing witness to the will, if any;
               (8)  whether one or more children born to or adopted by
  the testator after the testator executed the will survived the
  testator and, if so, the name of each of those children;
               (9)  whether a marriage of the testator was ever
  dissolved after the will was made [divorced] and, if so, when and
  from whom;
               (10)  whether the state, a governmental agency of the
  state, or a charitable organization is named in the will as a
  devisee; and
               (11)  that the executor named in the will, the
  applicant, or another person to whom the applicant desires that
  letters be issued is not disqualified by law from accepting the
         (b)  If the amendment to Section 256.052(a), Estates Code,
  made by this section conflicts with an amendment to Section
  256.052(a), Estates Code, made by another Act of the 82nd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2011, relating to nonsubstantive
  additions to and corrections in enacted codes, the amendment made
  by this section controls, and the amendment made by the other Act
  has no effect.
         SECTION 2.31.  Section 256.101, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  application for the probate of a decedent's will or the appointment
  of a personal representative for the decedent's estate has been
  filed but before the application is heard, an application is filed
  for the probate of a will of the same decedent that has not
  previously been presented for probate, the court shall:
               (1)  hear both applications together; and
               (2)  determine:
                     (A)  if both applications are for the probate of a
  will, which will should be admitted to probate, if either, or
  whether the decedent died intestate; or
                     (B)  if only one application is for the probate of
  a will, whether the will should be admitted to probate or whether
  the decedent died intestate.
         (b)  The court may not sever or bifurcate the proceeding on
  the applications described in Subsection (a).
         SECTION 2.32.  Section 256.152, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  WILL. (a)  An applicant for the probate of a will must prove the
  following to the court's satisfaction, in addition to the proof
  required by Section 256.151, to obtain the probate:
               (1)  the testator did not revoke the will; and
               (2)  if the will is not self-proved [as provided by this
  title], the testator:
                     (A)  executed the will with the formalities and
  solemnities and under the circumstances required by law to make the
  will valid; and
                     (B)  at the time of executing the will, was of
  sound mind and:
                           (i)  was 18 years of age or older;
                           (ii)  was or had been married; or
                           (iii)  was a member of the armed forces of
  the United States, an auxiliary of the armed forces of the United
  States, or the United States Maritime Service.
         (b)  A will that is self-proved as provided by Subchapter C,
  Chapter 251, or, if executed in another state or a foreign country,
  is self-proved in accordance with the laws of the state or foreign
  country of the testator's domicile at the time of the execution
  [this title] is not required to have any additional proof that the
  will was executed with the formalities and solemnities and under
  the circumstances required to make the will valid.
         (c)  For purposes of Subsection (b), a will is considered
  self-proved if the will, or an affidavit of the testator and
  attesting witnesses attached or annexed to the will, provides that:
               (1)  the testator declared that the testator signed the
  instrument as the testator's will, the testator signed it willingly
  or willingly directed another to sign for the testator, the
  testator executed the will as the testator's free and voluntary act
  for the purposes expressed in the instrument, the testator is of
  sound mind and under no constraint or undue influence, and the
  testator is eighteen years of age or over or, if under that age, was
  or had been lawfully married, or was then a member of the armed
  forces of the United States, an auxiliary of the armed forces of the
  United States, or the United States Maritime Service; and
               (2)  the witnesses declared that the testator signed
  the instrument as the testator's will, the testator signed it
  willingly or willingly directed another to sign for the testator,
  each of the witnesses, in the presence and hearing of the testator,
  signed the will as witness to the testator's signing, and to the
  best of their knowledge the testator was of sound mind and under no
  constraint or undue influence, and the testator was eighteen years
  of age or over or, if under that age, was or had been lawfully
  married, or was then a member of the armed forces of the United
  States, an auxiliary of the armed forces of the United States, or
  the United States Maritime Service.
         SECTION 2.33.  (a)  Subsection (a), Section 257.051,
  Estates Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as
         (a)  An application for the probate of a will as a muniment of
  title must state and aver the following to the extent each is known
  to the applicant or can, with reasonable diligence, be ascertained
  by the applicant:
               (1)  each applicant's name and domicile;
               (2)  the testator's name, domicile, and, if known, age,
  on the date of the testator's death;
               (3)  the fact, time, and place of the testator's death;
               (4)  facts showing that the court with which the
  application is filed has venue;
               (5)  that the testator owned property, including a
  statement generally describing the property and the property's
  probable value;
               (6)  the date of the will;
               (7)  the name and residence of:
                     (A)  any executor named in the will; and
                     (B)  each subscribing witness to the will, if any;
               (8)  whether one or more children born to or adopted by
  the testator after the testator executed the will survived the
  testator and, if so, the name of each of those children;
               (9)  that the testator's estate does not owe an unpaid
  debt, other than any debt secured by a lien on real estate;
               (10)  whether a marriage of the testator was ever
  dissolved after the will was made [divorced] and, if so, when and
  from whom; and
               (11)  whether the state, a governmental agency of the
  state, or a charitable organization is named in the will as a
         (b)  If the amendment to Section 257.051(a), Estates Code,
  made by this section conflicts with an amendment to Section
  257.051(a), Estates Code, made by another Act of the 82nd
  Legislature, Regular Session, 2011, relating to nonsubstantive
  additions to and corrections in enacted codes, the amendment made
  by this section controls, and the amendment made by the other Act
  has no effect.
         SECTION 2.34.  Section 308.001, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 308.001.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter,
  "beneficiary" means a person, entity, state, governmental agency of
  the state, charitable organization, or trustee of a trust entitled
  to receive property under the terms of a decedent's will, to be
  determined for purposes of this subchapter with the assumption that
  each person who is alive on the date of the decedent's death
  survives any period required to receive the bequest as specified by
  the terms of the will.  The term does not include a person, entity,
  state, governmental agency of the state, charitable organization,
  or trustee of a trust that would be entitled to receive property
  under the terms of a decedent's will on the occurrence of a
  contingency that has not occurred as of the date of the decedent's
         SECTION 2.35.  Subchapter A, Chapter 308, Estates Code, as
  effective January 1, 2014, is amended by adding Section 308.0015 to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 308.0015.  APPLICATION. This subchapter does not apply
  to the probate of a will as a muniment of title.
         SECTION 2.36.  Section 308.002, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended by amending Subsections (b) and (c) and
  adding Subsection (b-1) to read as follows:
         (b)  Notwithstanding the requirement under Subsection (a)
  that the personal representative give the notice to the
  beneficiary, the representative shall give the notice with respect
  to a beneficiary described by this subsection as follows:
               (1)  if the beneficiary is a trustee of a trust, to the
  trustee, unless the representative is the trustee, in which case
  the representative shall, except as provided by Subsection (b-1),
  give the notice to the person or class of persons first eligible to
  receive the trust income, to be determined for purposes of this
  subdivision as if the trust were in existence on the date of the
  decedent's death;
               (2)  if the beneficiary has a court-appointed guardian
  or conservator, to that guardian or conservator;
               (3)  if the beneficiary is a minor for whom no guardian
  or conservator has been appointed, to a parent of the minor; and
               (4)  if the beneficiary is a charity that for any reason
  cannot be notified, to the attorney general.
         (b-1)  The personal representative is not required to give
  the notice otherwise required by Subsection (b)(1) to a person
  eligible to receive trust income at the sole discretion of the
  trustee of a trust if:
               (1)  the representative has given the notice to an
  ancestor of the person who has a similar interest in the trust; and
               (2)  no apparent conflict exists between the ancestor
  and the person eligible to receive trust income.
         (c)  A personal representative is not required to give the
  notice otherwise required by this section to a beneficiary who:
               (1)  has made an appearance in the proceeding with
  respect to the decedent's estate before the will was admitted to
  probate; [or]
               (2)  is entitled to receive aggregate gifts under the
  will with an estimated value of $2,000 or less;
               (3)  has received all gifts to which the beneficiary is
  entitled under the will not later than the 60th day after the date
  of the order admitting the decedent's will to probate; or
               (4)  has received a copy of the will that was admitted
  to probate or a written summary of the gifts to the beneficiary
  under the will and has waived the right to receive the notice in an
  instrument that:
                     (A)  either acknowledges the receipt of the copy
  of the will or includes the written summary of the gifts to the
  beneficiary under the will;
                     (B)  is signed by the beneficiary; and
                     (C)  is filed with the court.
         SECTION 2.37.  Section 308.003, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 308.003.  CONTENTS OF NOTICE. The notice required by
  Section 308.002 must include:
               (1)  [state:
                     [(A)]  the name and address of the beneficiary to
  whom the notice is given or, for a beneficiary described by Section
  308.002(b), the name and address of the beneficiary for whom the
  notice is given and of the person to whom the notice is given;
               (2) [(B)]  the decedent's name;
               (3)  a statement [(C)] that the decedent's will has been
  admitted to probate;
               (4)  a statement [(D)] that the beneficiary to whom or
  for whom the notice is given is named as a beneficiary in the will;
               (5) [(E)]  the personal representative's name and
  contact information; and
               (6)  either:
                     (A) [(2)  contain as attachments] a copy of the
  will that was admitted to probate and of the order admitting the
  will to probate; or
                     (B)  a summary of the gifts to the beneficiary
  under the will, the court in which the will was admitted to probate,
  the docket number assigned to the estate, the date the will was
  admitted to probate, and, if different, the date the court
  appointed the personal representative.
         SECTION 2.38.  Section 308.004, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 308.004.  AFFIDAVIT OR CERTIFICATE. (a)  Not later
  than the 90th day after the date of an order admitting a will to
  probate, the personal representative shall file with the clerk of
  the court in which the decedent's estate is pending a sworn
  affidavit of the representative or a certificate signed by the
  representative's attorney stating:
               (1)  for each beneficiary to whom notice was required
  to be given under this subchapter, the name and address of the
  beneficiary to whom the representative gave the notice or, for a
  beneficiary described by Section 308.002(b), the name and address
  of the beneficiary and of the person to whom the notice was given;
               (2)  the name and address of each beneficiary to whom
  notice was not required to be given under Section 308.002(c)(2),
  (3), or (4) [who filed a waiver of the notice];
               (3)  the name of each beneficiary whose identity or
  address could not be ascertained despite the representative's
  exercise of reasonable diligence; and
               (4)  any other information necessary to explain the
  representative's inability to give the notice to or for any
  beneficiary as required by this subchapter.
         (b)  The affidavit or certificate required by Subsection (a)
  may be included with any pleading or other document filed with the
  court clerk, including the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims, an affidavit in lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and
  list of claims, or an application for an extension of the deadline
  to file the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims or an
  affidavit in lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims, provided that the pleading or other document is filed not
  later than the date the affidavit or certificate is required to be
  filed under Subsection (a).
         SECTION 2.39.  The heading to Subchapter B, Chapter 309,
  Estates Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as
         SECTION 2.40.  Subsection (a), Section 309.051, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (c) or unless a longer
  period is granted by the court, before the 91st day after the date
  the personal representative qualifies, the representative shall
  prepare and file with the court clerk a single written instrument
  that contains a verified, full, and detailed inventory of all
  estate property that has come into the representative's possession
  or of which the representative has knowledge.  The inventory must:
               (1)  include:
                     (A)  all estate real property located in this
  state; and
                     (B)  all estate personal property regardless of
  where the property is located; and
               (2)  specify[:
                     [(A)]  which portion of the property, if any, is
  separate property and which, if any, is community property[; and
                     [(B)     if estate property is owned in common with
  others, the interest of the estate in that property and the names
  and relationship, if known, of the co-owners].
         SECTION 2.41.  Section 309.052, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 309.052.  LIST OF CLAIMS.  A complete list of claims due
  or owing to the estate must be attached to the inventory and
  appraisement required by Section 309.051.  The list of claims must
               (1)  the name and, if known, address of each person
  indebted to the estate; and
               (2)  regarding each claim:
                     (A)  the nature of the debt, whether by note,
  bill, bond, or other written obligation, or by account or verbal
                     (B)  the date the debt was incurred;
                     (C)  the date the debt was or is due;
                     (D)  the amount of the claim, the rate of interest
  on the claim, and the period for which the claim bears interest; and
                     (E)  whether the claim is separate property or
  community property[; and
                     [(F)     if any portion of the claim is held in common
  with others, the interest of the estate in the claim and the names
  and relationships, if any, of the other part owners].
         SECTION 2.42.  Section 309.055, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  than one personal representative qualifies to serve, any one or
  more of the representatives, on the neglect of the other
  representatives, may make and file an inventory, appraisement, and
  list of claims or an affidavit in lieu of an inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims.
         (b)  A personal representative who neglects to make or file
  an inventory, appraisement, and list of claims or an affidavit in
  lieu of an inventory, appraisement, and list of claims may not
  interfere with and does not have any power over the estate after
  another representative makes and files an inventory, appraisement,
  and list of claims or an affidavit in lieu of an inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims.
         (c)  The personal representative who files the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims or the affidavit in lieu of an
  inventory, appraisement, and list of claims is entitled to the
  whole administration unless, before the 61st day after the date the
  representative files the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims or the affidavit in lieu of an inventory, appraisement, and
  list of claims, one or more delinquent representatives file with
  the court a written, sworn, and reasonable excuse that the court
  considers satisfactory.  The court shall enter an order removing
  one or more delinquent representatives and revoking those
  representatives' letters if:
               (1)  an excuse is not filed; or
               (2)  the court does not consider the filed excuse
         SECTION 2.43.  Subchapter B, Chapter 309, Estates Code, as
  effective January 1, 2014, is amended by adding Section 309.056 to
  read as follows:
  AND LIST OF CLAIMS.  (a)  In this section, "beneficiary" means a
  person, entity, state, governmental agency of the state, charitable
  organization, or trust entitled to receive property:
               (1)  under the terms of a decedent's will, to be
  determined for purposes of this section with the assumption that
  each person who is alive on the date of the decedent's death
  survives any period required to receive the bequest as specified by
  the terms of the will; or
               (2)  as an heir of the decedent.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Sections 309.051 and 309.052, if there
  are no unpaid debts, except for secured debts, taxes, and
  administration expenses, at the time the inventory is due,
  including any extensions, an independent executor may file with the
  court clerk, in lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims, an affidavit stating that all debts, except for secured
  debts, taxes, and administration expenses, are paid and that all
  beneficiaries have received a verified, full, and detailed
  inventory and appraisement.  The affidavit in lieu of the
  inventory, appraisement, and list of claims must be filed within
  the 90-day period prescribed by Section 309.051(a), unless the
  court grants an extension.
         (c)  If the independent executor files an affidavit in lieu
  of the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims as authorized
  under Subsection (b):
               (1)  any person interested in the estate, including a
  possible heir of the decedent or a beneficiary under a prior will of
  the decedent, is entitled to receive a copy of the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims from the independent executor on
  written request;
               (2)  the independent executor may provide a copy of the
  inventory, appraisement, and list of claims to any person the
  independent executor believes in good faith may be a person
  interested in the estate without liability to the estate or its
  beneficiaries; and
               (3)  a person interested in the estate may apply to the
  court for an order compelling compliance with Subdivision (1), and
  the court, in its discretion, may compel the independent executor
  to provide a copy of the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims
  to the interested person or may deny the application.
         SECTION 2.44.  Section 309.101, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
  (a)  If after the filing of the inventory, appraisement, and list
  of claims the personal representative acquires possession or
  knowledge of property or claims of the estate not included in the
  inventory, appraisement, and list of claims the representative
  shall promptly file with the court clerk a verified, full, and
  detailed supplemental inventory, appraisement, and list of claims.
         (b)  If after the filing of the affidavit in lieu of the
  inventory, appraisement, and list of claims the personal
  representative acquires possession or knowledge of property or
  claims of the estate not included in the inventory and appraisement
  given to the beneficiaries, the representative shall promptly file
  with the court clerk a supplemental affidavit in lieu of the
  inventory, appraisement, and list of claims stating that all
  beneficiaries have received a verified, full, and detailed
  supplemental inventory and appraisement.
         SECTION 2.45.  Section 352.004, Estates Code, as effective
  January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 352.004.  DENIAL OF COMPENSATION.  The court may, on
  application of an interested person or on the court's own motion,
  wholly or partly deny a commission allowed by this subchapter if:
               (1)  the court finds that the executor or administrator
  has not taken care of and managed estate property prudently; or
               (2)  the executor or administrator has been removed
  under Section 149C or Subchapter B, Chapter 361.
         SECTION 2.46.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 353.051,
  Estates Code, as effective January 1, 2014, are amended to read as
         (a)  Unless an application and verified affidavit are filed
  as provided by Subsection (b), immediately after the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims of an estate are approved or after
  the affidavit in lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims is filed, the court by order shall set aside:
               (1)  the homestead for the use and benefit of the
  decedent's surviving spouse and minor children; and
               (2)  all other estate property that is exempt from
  execution or forced sale by the constitution and laws of this state
  for the use and benefit of the decedent's:
                     (A)  surviving spouse and minor children; and
                     (B)  unmarried children remaining with the
  decedent's family.
         (b)  Before the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims
  of an estate are approved or, if applicable, before the affidavit in
  lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims is filed:
               (1)  the decedent's surviving spouse or any other
  person authorized to act on behalf of the decedent's minor children
  may apply to the court to have exempt property, including the
  homestead, set aside by filing an application and a verified
  affidavit listing all property that the applicant claims is exempt;
               (2)  any of the decedent's unmarried children remaining
  with the decedent's family may apply to the court to have all exempt
  property, other than the homestead, set aside by filing an
  application and a verified affidavit listing all property, other
  than the homestead, that the applicant claims is exempt.
         SECTION 2.47.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 353.101,
  Estates Code, as effective January 1, 2014, are amended to read as
         (a)  Unless an application and verified affidavit are filed
  as provided by Subsection (b), immediately after the inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims of an estate are approved or after
  the affidavit in lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims is filed, the court shall fix a family allowance for the
  support of the decedent's surviving spouse and minor children.
         (b)  Before the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims
  of an estate are approved or, if applicable, before the affidavit in
  lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims is filed,
  the decedent's surviving spouse or any other person authorized to
  act on behalf of the decedent's minor children may apply to the
  court to have the court fix the family allowance by filing an
  application and a verified affidavit describing:
               (1)  the amount necessary for the maintenance of the
  surviving spouse and the decedent's minor children for one year
  after the date of the decedent's death; and
               (2)  the surviving spouse's separate property and any
  property that the decedent's minor children have in their own
         SECTION 2.48.  Subsection (a), Section 353.107, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The court shall, as soon as the inventory, appraisement,
  and list of claims are returned and approved or the affidavit in
  lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims is filed,
  order the sale of estate property for cash in an amount that will be
  sufficient to raise the amount of the family allowance, or a portion
  of that amount, as necessary, if:
               (1)  the decedent had no personal property that the
  surviving spouse or the guardian of the decedent's minor children
  is willing to take for the family allowance or the decedent had
  insufficient personal property; and
               (2)  there are not sufficient estate funds in the
  executor's or administrator's possession to pay the amount of the
  family allowance or a portion of that amount, as applicable.
         SECTION 2.49.  Subsection (a), Section 354.001, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  If, after a personal representative of an estate has
  filed the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims or the
  affidavit in lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims as provided [required] by Chapter 309, it is established
  that the decedent's estate, excluding any homestead, exempt
  property, and family allowance to the decedent's surviving spouse
  and minor children, does not exceed the amount sufficient to pay the
  claims against the estate classified as Classes 1 through 4 under
  Section 355.102, the representative shall:
               (1)  on order of the court, pay those claims in the
  order provided and to the extent permitted by the assets of the
  estate subject to the payment of those claims; and
               (2)  after paying the claims in accordance with
  Subdivision (1), present to the court the representative's account
  with an application for the settlement and allowance of the
         SECTION 2.50.  Subsection (a), Section 360.253, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  If a spouse dies leaving community property, the
  surviving spouse, at any time after letters testamentary or of
  administration have been granted and an inventory, appraisement,
  and list of claims of the estate have been returned or an affidavit
  in lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims has been
  filed, may apply in writing to the court that granted the letters
  for a partition of the community property.
         SECTION 2.51.  The heading to Section 361.155, Estates Code,
  as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 2.52.  Subsection (a), Section 361.155, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  An appointee who has qualified to succeed a former
  personal representative, before the 91st day after the date the
  personal representative qualifies, shall make and return to the
  court an inventory, appraisement, and list of claims of the estate
  or, if the appointee is an independent executor, shall make and
  return to the court that document or file an affidavit in lieu of
  the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims [before the 91st
  day after the date the personal representative qualifies], in the
  manner provided for [required of] an original appointee, and shall
  also return additional inventories, appraisements, and lists of
  claims and additional affidavits in the manner provided for 
  [required of] an original appointee.
         SECTION 2.53.  Subtitle I, Title 2, Estates Code, as
  effective January 1, 2014, is amended by adding Chapters 401, 402,
  403, 404, and 405 to read as follows:
  (a)  Any person capable of making a will may provide in the person's
  will that no other action shall be had in the probate court in
  relation to the settlement of the person's estate than the
  probating and recording of the will and the return of an inventory,
  appraisement, and list of claims of the person's estate.
         (b)  Any person capable of making a will may provide in the
  person's will that no independent administration of his or her
  estate may be allowed.  In such case the person's estate, if
  administered, shall be administered and settled under the direction
  of the probate court as other estates are required to be settled and
  not as an independent administration.
  (a)  Except as provided in Section 401.001(b), if a decedent's will
  names an executor but the will does not provide for independent
  administration as provided in Section 401.001(a), all of the
  distributees of the decedent may agree on the advisability of
  having an independent administration and collectively designate in
  the application for probate of the decedent's will the executor
  named in the will to serve as independent executor and request in
  the application that no other action shall be had in the probate
  court in relation to the settlement of the decedent's estate other
  than the probating and recording of the decedent's will and the
  return of an inventory, appraisement, and list of claims of the
  decedent's estate.  In such case the probate court shall enter an
  order granting independent administration and appointing the
  person, firm, or corporation designated in the application as
  independent executor, unless the court finds that it would not be in
  the best interest of the estate to do so.
         (b)  Except as provided in Section 401.001(b), in situations
  where no executor is named in the decedent's will, or in situations
  where each executor named in the will is deceased or is disqualified
  to serve as executor or indicates by affidavit filed with the
  application for administration of the decedent's estate the
  executor's inability or unwillingness to serve as executor, all of
  the distributees of the decedent may agree on the advisability of
  having an independent administration and collectively designate in
  the application for probate of the decedent's will a qualified
  person, firm, or corporation to serve as independent administrator
  and request in the application that no other action shall be had in
  the probate court in relation to the settlement of the decedent's
  estate other than the probating and recording of the decedent's
  will and the return of an inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims of the decedent's estate.  In such case the probate court
  shall enter an order granting independent administration and
  appointing the person, firm, or corporation designated in the
  application as independent administrator, unless the court finds
  that it would not be in the best interest of the estate to do so.
  (a)  All of the distributees of a decedent dying intestate may
  agree on the advisability of having an independent administration
  and collectively designate in the application for administration of
  the decedent's estate a qualified person, firm, or corporation to
  serve as independent administrator and request in the application
  that no other action shall be had in the probate court in relation
  to the settlement of the decedent's estate other than the return of
  an inventory, appraisement, and list of claims of the decedent's
  estate.  In such case the probate court shall enter an order
  granting independent administration and appointing the person,
  firm, or corporation designated in the application as independent
  administrator, unless the court finds that it would not be in the
  best interest of the estate to do so.
         (b)  The court may not appoint an independent administrator
  to serve in an intestate administration unless and until the
  parties seeking appointment of the independent administrator have
  been determined, through a proceeding to declare heirship under
  Chapter 202, to constitute all of the decedent's heirs.
  (a)  This section applies to the creation of an independent
  administration under Section 401.002 or 401.003.
         (b)  All distributees shall be served with citation and
  notice of the application for independent administration unless the
  distributee waives the issuance or service of citation or enters an
  appearance in court.
         (c)  If a distributee is an incapacitated person, the
  guardian of the person of the distributee may sign the application
  on behalf of the distributee.  If the probate court finds that
  either the granting of independent administration or the
  appointment of the person, firm, or corporation designated in the
  application as independent executor would not be in the best
  interest of the incapacitated person, then, notwithstanding
  anything to the contrary in Section 401.002 or 401.003, the court
  may not enter an order granting independent administration of the
  estate.  If a distributee who is an incapacitated person has no
  guardian of the person, the probate court may appoint a guardian ad
  litem to make application on behalf of the incapacitated person if
  the court considers such an appointment necessary to protect the
  interest of the distributees.  Alternatively, if the distributee
  who is an incapacitated person is a minor and has no guardian of the
  person, the natural guardian or guardians of the minor may consent
  on the minor's behalf if there is no conflict of interest between
  the minor and the natural guardian or guardians.
         (d)  If a trust is created in the decedent's will, the person
  or class of persons first eligible to receive the income from the
  trust, when determined as if the trust were to be in existence on
  the date of the decedent's death, shall, for the purposes of Section
  401.002, be considered to be the distributee or distributees on
  behalf of the trust, and any other trust or trusts coming into
  existence on the termination of the trust, and are authorized to
  apply for independent administration on behalf of the trusts
  without the consent or agreement of the trustee or any other
  beneficiary of the trust, or the trustee or any beneficiary of any
  other trust which may come into existence on the termination of the
  trust.  If a trust beneficiary who is considered to be a distributee
  under this subsection is an incapacitated person, the trustee or
  cotrustee may file the application or give the consent, provided
  that the trustee or cotrustee is not the person proposed to serve as
  the independent executor.
         (e)  If a life estate is created either in the decedent's
  will or by law, the life tenant or life tenants, when determined as
  if the life estate were to commence on the date of the decedent's
  death, shall, for the purposes of Section 401.002 or 401.003, be
  considered to be the distributee or distributees on behalf of the
  entire estate created, and are authorized to apply for independent
  administration on behalf of the estate without the consent or
  approval of any remainderman.
         (f)  If a decedent's will contains a provision that a
  distributee must survive the decedent by a prescribed period of
  time in order to take under the decedent's will, then, for the
  purposes of determining who shall be the distributee under Section
  401.002 and under Subsection (c), it shall be presumed that the
  distributees living at the time of the filing of the application for
  probate of the decedent's will survived the decedent by the
  prescribed period.
         (g)  In the case of all decedents, whether dying testate or
  intestate, for the purposes of determining who shall be the
  distributees under Section 401.002 or 401.003 and under Subsection
  (c), it shall be presumed that no distributee living at the time the
  application for independent administration is filed shall
  subsequently disclaim any portion of the distributee's interest in
  the decedent's estate.
         (h)  If a distributee of a decedent's estate dies and if by
  virtue of the distributee's death the distributee's share of the
  decedent's estate becomes payable to the distributee's estate, the
  deceased distributee's personal representative may sign the
  application for independent administration of the decedent's
  estate under Section 401.002 or 401.003 and under Subsection (c).
         Sec. 401.005.  BOND; WAIVER OF BOND.  (a)  If an independent
  administration of a decedent's estate is created under Section
  401.002 or 401.003, then, unless the probate court waives bond on
  application for waiver, the independent executor shall be required
  to enter into bond payable to and to be approved by the judge and the
  judge's successors in a sum that is found by the judge to be
  adequate under all circumstances, or a bond with one surety in a sum
  that is found by the judge to be adequate under all circumstances,
  if the surety is an authorized corporate surety.
         (b)  This section does not repeal any other section of this
         Sec. 401.006.  GRANTING POWER OF SALE BY AGREEMENT.  In a
  situation in which a decedent does not have a will, or a decedent's
  will does not contain language authorizing the personal
  representative to sell real property or contains language that is
  not sufficient to grant the representative that authority, the
  court may include in an order appointing an independent executor
  under Section 401.002 or 401.003 any general or specific authority
  regarding the power of the independent executor to sell real
  property that may be consented to by the beneficiaries who are to
  receive any interest in the real property in the application for
  independent administration or in their consents to the independent
  administration.  The independent executor, in such event, may sell
  the real property under the authority granted in the court order
  without the further consent of those beneficiaries.
         Sec. 401.007.  NO LIABILITY OF JUDGE.  Absent proof of fraud
  or collusion on the part of a judge, no judge may be held civilly
  liable for the commission of misdeeds or the omission of any
  required act of any person, firm, or corporation designated as an
  independent executor under Section 401.002 or 401.003.  Section
  351.354 does not apply to the appointment of an independent
  executor under Section 401.002 or 401.003.
         Sec. 401.008.  PERSON DECLINING TO SERVE.  A person who
  declines to serve or resigns as independent executor of a
  decedent's estate may be appointed an executor or administrator of
  the estate if the estate will be administered and settled under the
  direction of the court.
         Sec. 402.001.  GENERAL SCOPE AND EXERCISE OF POWERS.  When an
  independent administration has been created, and the order
  appointing an independent executor has been entered by the probate
  court, and the inventory, appraisement, and list of claims has been
  filed by the independent executor and approved by the court or an
  affidavit in lieu of the inventory, appraisement, and list of
  claims has been filed by the independent executor, as long as the
  estate is represented by an independent executor, further action of
  any nature may not be had in the probate court except where this
  title specifically and explicitly provides for some action in the
  APPROVAL.  Unless this title specifically provides otherwise, any
  action that a personal representative subject to court supervision
  may take with or without a court order may be taken by an
  independent executor without a court order.  The other provisions
  of this subtitle are designed to provide additional guidance
  regarding independent administrations in specified situations, and
  are not designed to limit by omission or otherwise the application
  of the general principles set forth in this chapter.
  [Sections 402.003-402.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 402.051.  DEFINITION OF INDEPENDENT EXECUTOR.  In this
  subchapter, "independent executor" does not include an independent
  Unless limited by the terms of a will, an independent executor, in
  addition to any power of sale of estate property given in the will,
  and an independent administrator have the same power of sale for the
  same purposes as a personal representative has in a supervised
  administration, but without the requirement of court approval.  The
  procedural requirements applicable to a supervised administration
  do not apply.
  PROPERTY.  (a)  A person who is not a devisee or heir is not
  required to inquire into the power of sale of estate property of the
  independent executor or independent administrator or the propriety
  of the exercise of the power of sale if the person deals with the
  independent executor or independent administrator in good faith
               (1)  a power of sale is granted to the independent
  executor in the will;
               (2)  a power of sale is granted under Section 401.006 in
  the court order appointing the independent executor or independent
  administrator; or
               (3)  the independent executor or independent
  administrator provides an affidavit, executed and sworn to under
  oath and recorded in the deed records of the county where the
  property is located, that the sale is necessary or advisable for any
  of the purposes described in Section 356.251(1).
         (b)  As to acts undertaken in good faith reliance, the
  affidavit described by Subsection (a)(3) is conclusive proof, as
  between a purchaser of property from the estate, and the personal
  representative of an estate or the heirs and distributees of the
  estate, with respect to the authority of the independent executor
  or independent administrator to sell the property.  The signature
  or joinder of a devisee or heir who has an interest in the property
  being sold as described in this section is not necessary for the
  purchaser to obtain all right, title, and interest of the estate in
  the property being sold.
         (c)  This subchapter does not relieve the independent
  executor or independent administrator from any duty owed to a
  devisee or heir in relation, directly or indirectly, to the sale.
         Sec. 402.054.  NO LIMITATION ON OTHER ACTION.  This
  subchapter does not limit the authority of an independent executor
  to take any other action without court supervision or approval with
  respect to estate assets that may take place in a supervised
  administration, for purposes and within the scope otherwise
  authorized by this title, including the authority to enter into a
  lease and to borrow money.
  The independent executor shall set aside and deliver to those
  entitled exempt property and allowances for support, and allowances
  in lieu of exempt property, as prescribed in this title, to the same
  extent and result as if the independent executor's actions had been
  accomplished in, and under orders of, the court.
  [Sections 403.002-403.050 reserved for expansion]
         Sec. 403.051.  DUTY OF INDEPENDENT EXECUTOR.  (a)  An
  independent executor, in the administration of an estate,
  independently of and without application to, or any action in or by
  the court:
               (1)  shall give the notices required under Sections
  308.051 and 308.053;
               (2)  may give the notice to an unsecured creditor with a
  claim for money permitted under Section 308.054 and bar a claim
  under Section 403.055; and
               (3)  may approve or reject any claim, or take no action
  on a claim, and shall classify and pay claims approved or
  established by suit against the estate in the same order of
  priority, classification, and proration prescribed in this title.
         (b)  To be effective, the notice prescribed under Subsection
  (a)(2) must include, in addition to the other information required
  by Section 308.054, a statement that a claim may be effectively
  presented by only one of the methods prescribed by this subchapter.
         Sec. 403.052.  SECURED CLAIMS FOR MONEY.  Within six months
  after the date letters are granted or within four months after the
  date notice is received under Section 308.053, whichever is later,
  a creditor with a claim for money secured by property of the estate
  must give notice to the independent executor of the creditor's
  election to have the creditor's claim approved as a matured secured
  claim to be paid in due course of administration.  In addition to
  giving the notice within this period, a creditor whose claim is
  secured by real property shall record a notice of the creditor's
  election under this section in the deed records of the county in
  which the real property is located.  If no election to be a matured
  secured creditor is made, or the election is made, but not within
  the prescribed period, or is made within the prescribed period but
  the creditor has a lien against real property and fails to record
  notice of the claim in the deed records as required within the
  prescribed period, the claim shall be a preferred debt and lien
  against the specific property securing the indebtedness and shall
  be paid according to the terms of the contract that secured the
  lien, and the claim may not be asserted against other assets of the
  estate.  The independent executor may pay the claim before maturity
  if it is determined to be in the best interest of the estate to do
         Sec. 403.053.  MATURED SECURED CLAIMS.  (a)  A claim
  approved as a matured secured claim under Section 403.052 remains
  secured by any lien or security interest against the specific
  property securing payment of the claim but subordinated to the
  payment from the property of claims having a higher classification
  under Section 355.102.  However, the secured creditor:
               (1)  is not entitled to exercise any remedies in a
  manner that prevents the payment of the higher priority claims and
  allowances; and
               (2)  during the administration of the estate, is not
  entitled to exercise any contractual collection rights, including
  the power to foreclose, without either the prior written approval
  of the independent executor or court approval.
         (b)  Subsection (a) may not be construed to suspend or
  otherwise prevent a creditor with a matured secured claim from
  seeking judicial relief of any kind or from executing any judgment
  against an independent executor.  Except with respect to real
  property, any third party acting in good faith may obtain good title
  with respect to an estate asset acquired through a secured
  creditor's extrajudicial collection rights, without regard to
  whether the creditor had the right to collect the asset or whether
  the creditor acted improperly in exercising those rights during an
  estate administration due to having elected matured secured status.
         (c)  If a claim approved or established by suit as a matured
  secured claim is secured by property passing to one or more devisees
  in accordance with Subchapter G, Chapter 255, the independent
  executor shall collect from the devisees the amount of the debt and
  pay that amount to the claimant or shall sell the property and pay
  out of the sale proceeds the claim and associated expenses of sale
  consistent with the provisions of Sections 355.153(b), (c), (d),
  and (e) applicable to court supervised administrations.
         Sec. 403.054.  PREFERRED DEBT AND LIEN CLAIMS.  During an
  independent administration, a secured creditor whose claim is a
  preferred debt and lien against property securing the indebtedness
  under Section 403.052 is free to exercise any judicial or
  extrajudicial collection rights, including the right to
  foreclosure and execution; provided, however, that the creditor
  does not have the right to conduct a nonjudicial foreclosure sale
  within six months after letters are granted.
  An unsecured creditor who has a claim for money against an estate
  and who receives a notice under Section 308.054 shall give to the
  independent executor notice of the nature and amount of the claim
  not later than the 120th day after the date the notice is received
  or the claim is barred.
         Sec. 403.056.  NOTICES REQUIRED BY CREDITORS.  (a)  Notice
  to the independent executor required by Sections 403.052 and
  403.055 must be contained in:
               (1)  a written instrument that is hand-delivered with
  proof of receipt, or mailed by certified mail, return receipt
  requested with proof of receipt, to the independent executor or the
  executor's attorney;
               (2)  a pleading filed in a lawsuit with respect to the
  claim; or
               (3)  a written instrument or pleading filed in the
  court in which the administration of the estate is pending.
         (b)  This section does not exempt a creditor who elects
  matured secured status from the filing requirements of Section
  403.052, to the extent those requirements are applicable.
         Sec. 403.057.  STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.  Except as otherwise
  provided by Section 16.062, Civil Practice and Remedies Code, the
  running of the statute of limitations shall be tolled only by a
  written approval of a claim signed by an independent executor, a
  pleading filed in a suit pending at the time of the decedent's
  death, or a suit brought by the creditor against the independent
  executor.  In particular, the presentation of a statement or claim,
  or a notice with respect to a claim, to an independent executor does
  not toll the running of the statute of limitations with respect to
  that claim.
  APPLY.  Except as otherwise provided by this subchapter, the
  procedural provisions of this title governing creditor claims in
  supervised administrations do not apply to independent
  administrations.  By way of example, but not as a limitation:
               (1)  Sections 355.064 and 355.066 do not apply to
  independent administrations, and consequently a creditor's claim
  may not be barred solely because the creditor failed to file a suit
  not later than the 90th day after the date an independent executor
  rejected the claim or with respect to a claim for which the
  independent executor takes no action; and
               (2)  Sections 355.156, 355.157, 355.158, 355.159, and
  355.160 do not apply to independent administrations.
  PAYMENT OF A CLAIM.  An independent executor, in the administration
  of an estate, may pay at any time and without personal liability a
  claim for money against the estate to the extent approved and
  classified by the independent executor if:
               (1)  the claim is not barred by limitations; and
               (2)  at the time of payment, the independent executor
  reasonably believes the estate will have sufficient assets to pay
  all claims against the estate.
         Sec. 403.059.  ENFORCEMENT OF CLAIMS BY SUIT.  Any person
  having a debt or claim against the estate may enforce the payment of
  the same by suit against the independent executor; and, when
  judgment is recovered against the independent executor, the
  execution shall run against the estate of the decedent in the
  possession of the independent executor that is subject to the debt.  
  The independent executor shall not be required to plead to any suit
  brought against the executor for money until after six months after
  the date that an independent administration was created and the
  order appointing the executor was entered by the probate court.
         Sec. 403.060.  REQUIRING HEIRS TO GIVE BOND.  When an
  independent administration is created and the order appointing an
  independent executor is entered by the probate court, any person
  having a debt against the estate may, by written complaint filed in
  the probate court in which the order was entered, cause all
  distributees of the estate, heirs at law, and other persons
  entitled to any portion of the estate under the will, if any, to be
  cited by personal service to appear before the court and execute a
  bond for an amount equal to the amount of the creditor's claim or
  the full value of the estate, as shown by the inventory and list of
  claims, whichever is smaller.  The bond must be payable to the
  judge, and the judge's successors, and be approved by the judge, and
  conditioned that all obligors shall pay all debts that shall be
  established against the estate in the manner provided by law.  On
  the return of the citation served, unless a person so entitled to
  any portion of the estate, or some of them, or some other person for
  them, shall execute the bond to the satisfaction of the probate
  court, the estate shall be administered and settled under the
  direction of the probate court as other estates are required to be
  settled.  If the bond is executed and approved, the independent
  administration shall proceed.  Creditors of the estate may sue on
  the bond, and shall be entitled to judgment on the bond for the
  amount of their debt, or they may have their action against those in
  possession of the estate.
         Sec. 404.001.  ACCOUNTING.  (a)  At any time after the
  expiration of 15 months after the date that an independent
  administration was created and the order appointing an independent
  executor was entered by the probate court, any person interested in
  the estate may demand an accounting from the independent executor.  
  The independent executor shall furnish to the person or persons
  making the demand an exhibit in writing, sworn and subscribed by the
  independent executor, setting forth in detail:
               (1)  the property belonging to the estate that has come
  into the executor's possession as executor;
               (2)  the disposition that has been made of the property
  described by Subdivision (1);
               (3)  the debts that have been paid;
               (4)  the debts and expenses, if any, still owing by the
               (5)  the property of the estate, if any, still
  remaining in the executor's possession;
               (6)  other facts as may be necessary to a full and
  definite understanding of the exact condition of the estate; and
               (7)  the facts, if any, that show why the
  administration should not be closed and the estate distributed.
         (a-1)  Any other interested person shall, on demand, be
  entitled to a copy of any exhibit or accounting that has been made
  by an independent executor in compliance with this section.
         (b)  Should the independent executor not comply with a demand
  for an accounting authorized by this section within 60 days after
  receipt of the demand, the person making the demand may compel
  compliance by an action in the probate court.  After a hearing, the
  court shall enter an order requiring the accounting to be made at
  such time as it considers proper under the circumstances.
         (c)  After an initial accounting has been given by an
  independent executor, any person interested in an estate may demand
  subsequent periodic accountings at intervals of not less than 12
  months, and such subsequent demands may be enforced in the same
  manner as an initial demand.
         (d)  The right to an accounting accorded by this section is
  cumulative of any other remedies which persons interested in an
  estate may have against the independent executor of the estate.
  When it has been provided by will, regularly probated, that an
  independent executor appointed by the will shall not be required to
  give bond for the management of the estate devised by the will, or
  the independent executor is not required to give bond because bond
  has been waived by court order as authorized under Section 401.005,
  then the independent executor may be required to give bond, on
  proper proceedings had for that purpose as in the case of personal
  representatives in a supervised administration, if it be made to
  appear at any time that the independent executor is mismanaging the
  property, or has betrayed or is about to betray the independent
  executor's trust, or has in some other way become disqualified.
         Sec. 404.003.  REMOVAL OF INDEPENDENT EXECUTOR.  (a)  The
  probate court, on its own motion or on motion of any interested
  person, after the independent executor has been cited by personal
  service to answer at a time and place fixed in the notice, may
  remove an independent executor when:
               (1)  the independent executor fails to return within 90
  days after qualification, unless such time is extended by order of
  the court, either an inventory of the property of the estate and
  list of claims that have come to the independent executor's
  knowledge or an affidavit in lieu of the inventory, appraisement,
  and list of claims;
               (2)  sufficient grounds appear to support belief that
  the independent executor has misapplied or embezzled, or that the
  independent executor is about to misapply or embezzle, all or any
  part of the property committed to the independent executor's care;
               (3)  the independent executor fails to make an
  accounting which is required by law to be made;
               (4)  the independent executor fails to timely file the
  affidavit or certificate required by Section 308.004;
               (5)  the independent executor is proved to have been
  guilty of gross misconduct or gross mismanagement in the
  performance of the independent executor's duties;
               (6)  the independent executor becomes an incapacitated
  person, or is sentenced to the penitentiary, or from any other cause
  becomes legally incapacitated from properly performing the
  independent executor's fiduciary duties; or
               (7)  the independent executor becomes incapable of
  properly performing the independent executor's fiduciary duties
  due to a material conflict of interest.
         (b)  The order of removal shall state the cause of removal
  and shall direct by order the disposition of the assets remaining in
  the name or under the control of the removed executor.  The order of
  removal shall require that letters issued to the removed executor
  shall be surrendered and that all letters shall be canceled of
  record.  If an independent executor is removed by the court under
  this section, the court may, on application, appoint a successor
  independent executor as provided by Section 404.005.
         (c)  An independent executor who defends an action for the
  independent executor's removal in good faith, whether successful or
  not, shall be allowed out of the estate the independent executor's
  necessary expenses and disbursements, including reasonable
  attorney's fees, in the removal proceedings.
         (d)  Costs and expenses incurred by the party seeking removal
  that are incident to removal of an independent executor appointed
  without bond, including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses,
  may be paid out of the estate.
  INDEPENDENT EXECUTOR.  (a)  Whenever a person has died, or shall
  die, testate, owning property in this state, and the person's will
  has been or shall be admitted to probate by the court, and the
  probated will names an independent executor or executors, or
  trustees acting in the capacity of independent executors, to
  execute the terms and provisions of that will, and the will grants
  to the independent executor, or executors, or trustees acting in
  the capacity of independent executors, the power to raise or borrow
  money and to mortgage, and the independent executor, or executors,
  or trustees, have died or shall die, resign, fail to qualify, or be
  removed from office, leaving unexecuted parts or portions of the
  will of the testator, and an administrator with the will annexed is
  appointed by the probate court, and an administrator's bond is
  filed and approved by the court, then in all such cases, the court
  may, in addition to the powers conferred on the administrator under
  other provisions of the laws of this state, authorize, direct, and
  empower the administrator to do and perform the acts and deeds,
  clothed with the rights, powers, authorities, and privileges, and
  subject to the limitations, set forth in the subsequent provisions
  of this section.
         (b)  The court, on application, citation, and hearing, may,
  by its order, authorize, direct, and empower the administrator to
  raise or borrow such sums of money and incur such obligations and
  debts as the court shall, in its said order, direct, and to renew
  and extend same from time to time, as the court, on application and
  order, shall provide; and, if authorized by the court's order, to
  secure such loans, obligations, and debts, by pledge or mortgage on
  property or assets of the estate, real, personal, or mixed, on such
  terms and conditions, and for such duration of time, as the court
  shall consider to be in the best interests of the estate, and by its
  order shall prescribe; and all such loans, obligations, debts,
  pledges, and mortgages shall be valid and enforceable against the
  estate and against the administrator in the administrator's
  official capacity.
         (c)  The court may order and authorize the administrator to
  have and exercise the powers and privileges set forth in Subsection
  (a) or (b) only to the extent that same are granted to or possessed
  by the independent executor, or executors, or trustees acting in
  the capacity of independent executors, under the terms of the
  probated will of the decedent, and then only in such cases as it
  appears, at the hearing of the application, that at the time of the
  appointment of the administrator, there are outstanding and unpaid
  obligations and debts of the estate, or of the independent
  executor, or executors, or trustees, chargeable against the estate,
  or unpaid expenses of administration, or when the court appointing
  the administrator orders the business of the estate to be carried on
  and it becomes necessary, from time to time, under orders of the
  court, for the administrator to borrow money and incur obligations
  and indebtedness in order to protect and preserve the estate.
         (d)  The court, in addition, may, on application, citation,
  and hearing, order, authorize, and empower the administrator to
  assume, exercise, and discharge, under the orders and directions of
  the court, made from time to time, all or such part of the rights,
  powers, and authorities vested in and delegated to, or possessed
  by, the independent executor, or executors, or trustees acting in
  the capacity of independent executors, under the terms of the will
  of the decedent, as the court finds to be in the best interests of
  the estate and shall, from time to time, order and direct.
         (e)  The granting to the administrator by the court of some,
  or all, of the powers and authorities set forth in this section
  shall be on application filed by the administrator with the county
  clerk, setting forth such facts as, in the judgment of the
  administrator, require the granting of the power or authority
         (f)  On the filing of an application under Subsection (e),
  the clerk shall issue citation to all persons interested in the
  estate, stating the nature of the application, and requiring those
  persons to appear on the return day named in such citation and show
  cause why the application should not be granted, should they choose
  to do so.  The citation shall be served by posting.
         (g)  The court shall hear the application and evidence on the
  application, on or after the return day named in the citation, and,
  if satisfied a necessity exists and that it would be in the best
  interests of the estate to grant the application in whole or in
  part, the court shall so order; otherwise, the court shall refuse
  the application.
  EXECUTOR.  (a)  If the will of a person who dies testate names an
  independent executor who, having qualified, fails for any reason to
  continue to serve, or is removed for cause by the court, and the
  will does not name a successor independent executor or if each
  successor executor named in the will fails for any reason to qualify
  as executor or indicates by affidavit filed with the application
  for an order continuing independent administration the successor
  executor's inability or unwillingness to serve as successor
  independent executor, all of the distributees of the decedent as of
  the filing of the application for an order continuing independent
  administration may apply to the probate court for the appointment
  of a qualified person, firm, or corporation to serve as successor
  independent executor.  If the probate court finds that continued
  administration of the estate is necessary, the court shall enter an
  order continuing independent administration and appointing the
  person, firm, or corporation designated in the application as
  successor independent executor, unless the probate court finds that
  it would not be in the best interest of the estate to do so.  The
  successor independent executor shall serve with all of the powers
  and privileges granted to the successor's predecessor independent
         (b)  If a distributee described in this section is an
  incapacitated person, the guardian of the person of the distributee
  may sign the application on behalf of the distributee.  If the
  probate court finds that either the continuing of independent
  administration or the appointment of the person, firm, or
  corporation designated in the application as successor independent
  executor would not be in the best interest of the incapacitated
  person, then, notwithstanding Subsection (a), the court may not
  enter an order continuing independent administration of the estate.  
  If the distributee is an incapacitated person and has no guardian of
  the person, the court may appoint a guardian ad litem to make
  application on behalf of the incapacitated person if the probate
  court considers such an appointment necessary to protect the
  interest of that distributee.
         (c)  If a trust is created in the decedent's will, the person
  or class of persons first eligible to receive the income from the
  trust, determined as if the trust were to be in existence on the
  date of the filing of the application for an order continuing
  independent administration, shall, for the purposes of this
  section, be considered to be the distributee or distributees on
  behalf of the trust, and any other trust or trusts coming into
  existence on the termination of the trust, and are authorized to
  apply for an order continuing independent administration on behalf
  of the trust without the consent or agreement of the trustee or any
  other beneficiary of the trust, or the trustee or any beneficiary of
  any other trust which may come into existence on the termination of
  the trust.
         (d)  If a life estate is created either in the decedent's
  will or by law, and if a life tenant is living at the time of the
  filing of the application for an order continuing independent
  administration, then the life tenant or life tenants, determined as
  if the life estate were to commence on the date of the filing of the
  application for an order continuing independent administration,
  shall, for the purposes of this section, be considered to be the
  distributee or distributees on behalf of the entire estate created,
  and are authorized to apply for an order continuing independent
  administration on behalf of the estate without the consent or
  approval of any remainderman.
         (e)  If a decedent's will contains a provision that a
  distributee must survive the decedent by a prescribed period of
  time in order to take under the decedent's will, for the purposes of
  determining who shall be the distributee under this section, it
  shall be presumed that the distributees living at the time of the
  filing of the application for an order continuing independent
  administration of the decedent's estate survived the decedent for
  the prescribed period.
         (f)  In the case of all decedents, for the purposes of
  determining who shall be the distributees under this section, it
  shall be presumed that no distributee living at the time the
  application for an order continuing independent administration of
  the decedent's estate is filed shall subsequently disclaim any
  portion of the distributee's interest in the decedent's estate.
         (g)  If a distributee of a decedent's estate should die, and
  if by virtue of the distributee's death the distributee's share of
  the decedent's estate shall become payable to the distributee's
  estate, then the deceased distributee's personal representative
  may sign the application for an order continuing independent
  administration of the decedent's estate under this section.
         (h)  If a successor independent executor is appointed under
  this section, then, unless the probate court shall waive bond on
  application for waiver, the successor independent executor shall be
  required to enter into bond payable to and to be approved by the
  judge and the judge's successors in a sum that is found by the judge
  to be adequate under all circumstances, or a bond with one surety in
  an amount that is found by the judge to be adequate under all
  circumstances, if the surety is an authorized corporate surety.
         (i)  Absent proof of fraud or collusion on the part of a
  judge, the judge may not be held civilly liable for the commission
  of misdeeds or the omission of any required act of any person, firm,
  or corporation designated as a successor independent executor under
  this section.  Section 351.354 does not apply to an appointment of a
  successor independent executor under this section.
         Sec. 405.001.  ACCOUNTING AND DISTRIBUTION.  (a)  In
  addition to or in lieu of the right to an accounting provided by
  Section 404.001, at any time after the expiration of two years after
  the date the court clerk first issues letters testamentary or of
  administration to any personal representative of an estate, a
  person interested in the estate then subject to independent
  administration may petition the court for an accounting and
  distribution.  The court may order an accounting to be made with the
  court by the independent executor at such time as the court
  considers proper.  The accounting shall include the information
  that the court considers necessary to determine whether any part of
  the estate should be distributed.
         (b)  On receipt of the accounting and, after notice to the
  independent executor and a hearing, unless the court finds a
  continued necessity for administration of the estate, the court
  shall order its distribution by the independent executor to the
  distributees entitled to the property.  If the court finds there is
  a continued necessity for administration of the estate, the court
  shall order the distribution of any portion of the estate that the
  court finds should not be subject to further administration by the
  independent executor.  If any portion of the estate that is ordered
  to be distributed is incapable of distribution without prior
  partition or sale, the court shall order partition and
  distribution, or sale, in the manner provided for the partition and
  distribution of property incapable of division in supervised
         (c)  If all the property in the estate is ordered distributed
  by the court and the estate is fully administered, the court may
  also order the independent executor to file a final account with the
  court and may enter an order closing the administration and
  terminating the power of the independent executor to act as
  INDEPENDENT EXECUTOR.  (a)  An independent executor may not be
  required to deliver tangible or intangible personal property to a
  distributee unless the independent executor receives, at or before
  the time of delivery of the property, a signed receipt or other
  proof of delivery of the property to the distributee.
         (b)  An independent executor may not require a waiver or
  release from the distributee as a condition of delivery of property
  to a distributee.
  (a)  After an estate has been administered and if there is no
  further need for an independent administration of the estate, the
  independent executor of the estate may file an action for
  declaratory judgment under Chapter 37, Civil Practice and Remedies
  Code, seeking to discharge the independent executor from any
  liability involving matters relating to the past administration of
  the estate that have been fully and fairly disclosed.
         (b)  On the filing of an action under this section, each
  beneficiary of the estate shall be personally served with citation,
  except for a beneficiary who has waived the issuance and service of
         (c)  In a proceeding under this section, the court may
  require the independent executor to file a final account that
  includes any information the court considers necessary to
  adjudicate the independent executor's request for a discharge of
  liability.  The court may audit, settle, or approve a final account
  filed under this subsection.
         (d)  On or before filing an action under this section, the
  independent executor must distribute to the beneficiaries of the
  estate any of the remaining assets or property of the estate that
  remains in the independent executor's possession after all of the
  estate's debts have been paid, except for a reasonable reserve of
  assets that the independent executor may retain in a fiduciary
  capacity pending court approval of the final account.  The court may
  review the amount of assets on reserve and may order the independent
  executor to make further distributions under this section.
         (e)  Except as ordered by the court, the independent executor
  is entitled to pay from the estate legal fees, expenses, or other
  costs incurred in relation to a proceeding for judicial discharge
  filed under this section.  The independent executor shall be
  personally liable to refund any amount of such fees, expenses, or
  other costs not approved by the court as a proper charge against the
  known to exist against the estate have been paid, or when they have
  been paid so far as the assets in the independent executor's
  possession will permit, when there is no pending litigation, and
  when the independent executor has distributed to the distributees
  entitled to the estate all assets of the estate, if any, remaining
  after payment of debts, the independent executor may file with the
  court a closing report or a notice of closing of the estate.
         Sec. 405.005.  CLOSING REPORT.  An independent executor may
  file a closing report verified by affidavit that:
               (1)  shows:
                     (A)  the property of the estate that came into the
  independent executor's possession;
                     (B)  the debts that have been paid;
                     (C)  the debts, if any, still owing by the estate;
                     (D)  the property of the estate, if any, remaining
  on hand after payment of debts; and
                     (E)  the names and addresses of the distributees
  to whom the property of the estate, if any, remaining on hand after
  payment of debts has been distributed; and
               (2)  includes signed receipts or other proof of
  delivery of property to the distributees named in the closing
  report if the closing report reflects that there was property
  remaining on hand after payment of debts.
         Sec. 405.006.  NOTICE OF CLOSING ESTATE.  (a)  Instead of
  filing a closing report under Section 405.005, an independent
  executor may file a notice of closing estate verified by affidavit
  that states:
               (1)  that all debts known to exist against the estate
  have been paid or have been paid to the extent permitted by the
  assets in the independent executor's possession;
               (2)  that all remaining assets of the estate, if any,
  have been distributed; and
               (3)  the names and addresses of the distributees to
  whom the property of the estate, if any, remaining on hand after
  payment of debts has been distributed.
         (b)  Before filing the notice, the independent executor
  shall provide to each distributee of the estate a copy of the notice
  of closing estate.  The notice of closing estate filed by the
  independent executor must include signed receipts or other proof
  that all distributees have received a copy of the notice of closing
  CLOSING ESTATE.  (a)  The independent administration of an estate
  is considered closed 30 days after the date of the filing of a
  closing report or notice of closing estate unless an interested
  person files an objection with the court within that time.  If an
  interested person files an objection within the 30-day period, the
  independent administration of the estate is closed when the
  objection has been disposed of or the court signs an order closing
  the estate.
         (b)  The closing of an independent administration by filing
  of a closing report or notice of closing estate terminates the power
  and authority of the independent executor, but does not relieve the
  independent executor from liability for any mismanagement of the
  estate or from liability for any false statements contained in the
  report or notice.
         (c)  When a closing report or notice of closing estate has
  been filed, persons dealing with properties of the estate, or with
  claims against the estate, shall deal directly with the
  distributees of the estate; and the acts of the distributees with
  respect to the properties or claims shall in all ways be valid and
  binding as regards the persons with whom they deal, notwithstanding
  any false statements made by the independent executor in the report
  or notice.
         (d)  If the independent executor is required to give bond,
  the independent executor's filing of the closing report and proof
  of delivery, if required, automatically releases the sureties on
  the bond from all liability for the future acts of the principal.  
  The filing of a notice of closing estate does not release the
  sureties on the bond of an independent executor.
         (e)  An independent executor's closing report or notice of
  closing estate shall constitute sufficient legal authority to all
  persons owing any money, having custody of any property, or acting
  as registrar or transfer agent or trustee of any evidence of
  interest, indebtedness, property, or right that belongs to the
  estate, for payment or transfer without additional administration
  to the distributees described in the will as entitled to receive the
  particular asset or who as heirs at law are entitled to receive the
  asset.  The distributees described in the will as entitled to
  receive the particular asset or the heirs at law entitled to receive
  the asset may enforce their right to the payment or transfer by
  PROPERTY INCAPABLE OF DIVISION.  If the will does not distribute the
  entire estate of the testator or provide a means for partition of
  the estate, or if no will was probated, the independent executor
  may, but may not be required to, petition the probate court for
  either a partition and distribution of the estate or an order of
  sale of any portion of the estate alleged by the independent
  executor and found by the court to be incapable of a fair and equal
  partition and distribution, or both.  The estate or portion of the
  estate shall either be partitioned and distributed or sold, or
  both, in the manner provided for the partition and distribution of
  property and the sale of property incapable of division in
  supervised estates.
  APPLICATION BY DISTRIBUTEE.  (a)  At any time after an estate has
  been fully administered and there is no further need for an
  independent administration of the estate, any distributee may file
  an application to close the administration; and, after citation on
  the independent executor, and on hearing, the court may enter an
               (1)  requiring the independent executor to file a
  closing report meeting the requirements of Section 405.005;
               (2)  closing the administration;
               (3)  terminating the power of the independent executor
  to act as independent executor; and
               (4)  releasing the sureties on any bond the independent
  executor was required to give from all liability for the future acts
  of the principal.
         (b)  The order of the court closing the independent
  administration shall constitute sufficient legal authority to all
  persons owing any money, having custody of any property, or acting
  as registrar or transfer agent or trustee of any evidence of
  interest, indebtedness, property, or right that belongs to the
  estate, for payment or transfer without additional administration
  to the distributees described in the will as entitled to receive the
  particular asset or who as heirs at law are entitled to receive the
  asset.  The distributees described in the will as entitled to
  receive the particular asset or the heirs at law entitled to receive
  the asset may enforce their right to the payment or transfer by
         Sec. 405.010.  ISSUANCE OF LETTERS.  At any time before the
  authority of an independent executor has been terminated in the
  manner set forth in this subtitle, the clerk shall issue such number
  of letters testamentary as the independent executor shall request.
         Sec. 405.011.  RIGHTS AND REMEDIES CUMULATIVE.  The rights
  and remedies conferred by this chapter are cumulative of other
  rights and remedies to which a person interested in the estate may
  be entitled under law.
         Sec. 405.012.  CLOSING PROCEDURES NOT REQUIRED.  An
  independent executor is not required to close the independent
  administration of an estate under Section 405.003 or Sections
  405.004 through 405.007.
         SECTION 2.54.  (a)  Sections 202.003 and 255.201, Estates
  Code, as effective January 1, 2014, are repealed.
         (b)  The following sections of the Texas Probate Code are
               (1)  Sections 4D, 4H, 48, 49, 59, 64, 67, 83(a), 84,
  250, 260, 436, 439, 452, 471, 472, and 473, as amended by Article 1
  of this Act; and
               (2)  Sections 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 8A, 8B, 145A, 145B, and
  145C, as added by Article 1 of this Act.
         (c)  Notwithstanding the transfer of Sections 6 and 8, Texas
  Probate Code, to the Estates Code and redesignation as Sections 6
  and 8 of that code effective January 1, 2014, by Section 2, Chapter
  680 (H.B. 2502), Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular Session,
  2009, Sections 6 and 8, Texas Probate Code, as amended by Article 1
  of this Act, are repealed.
         (d)  Notwithstanding the transfer of Sections 145 through
  154A, Texas Probate Code, to the Estates Code and redesignation as
  Sections 145 through 154A of that code effective January 1, 2014, by
  Section 3, Chapter 680 (H.B. 2502), Acts of the 81st Legislature,
  Regular Session, 2009, the following sections are repealed:
               (1)  Sections 145, 146, 149B, 149C, and 151, Texas
  Probate Code, as amended by Article 1 of this Act; and
               (2)  Sections 147, 148, 149, 149A, 149D, 149E, 149F,
  149G, 150, 152, 153, 154, and 154A, Texas Probate Code.
         SECTION 2.55.  This article takes effect January 1, 2014.
         SECTION 3.01.  To the extent of any conflict, this Act
  prevails over another Act of the 82nd Legislature, Regular Session,
  2011, relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in
  enacted codes.
         SECTION 3.02.  Except as otherwise provided by this Act,
  this Act takes effect September 1, 2011.
  ______________________________ ______________________________
     President of the Senate Speaker of the House     
         I hereby certify that S.B. No. 1198 passed the Senate on
  May 5, 2011, by the following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0; and that the
  Senate concurred in House amendment on May 29, 2011, by the
  following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0.
  Secretary of the Senate    
         I hereby certify that S.B. No. 1198 passed the House, with
  amendment, on May 23, 2011, by the following vote: Yeas 145,
  Nays 0, two present not voting.
  Chief Clerk of the House   