82R9876 TRH-F
  By: Hegar S.B. No. 1291
  relating to the budget of certain divisions of the Texas Department
  of Insurance.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 401, Insurance Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter F to read as follows:
         Sec. 401.251.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Actuarial division" means the division within the
  financial program that conducts actuarial examinations of insurers
  and other entities regulated by the department and administers
  state laws relating to the level of reserves required of an insurer.
               (2)  "Examination cost" means a cost associated with
  salary, travel, or other personnel expenses associated with the
  examination of insurers and other entities regulated by the
  department by the financial examinations division or actuarial
               (3)  "Financial examinations division" means the
  division within the financial program that conducts financial and
  market conduct examinations of insurers and other entities
  regulated by the department.
               (4)  "Financial program" means the program within the
  department through which the department regulates the financial and
  operating conditions of, and issues licenses to, domestic and
  foreign insurers and other entities regulated by the department.
         Sec. 401.252.  SELF-DIRECTED BUDGET. (a) The senior
  associate commissioner of the financial program shall submit to the
  commissioner an annual budget of examination costs using generally
  accepted accounting principles. Notwithstanding any other
  provision of law, the budget may be adopted and approved only by the
         (b)  The commissioner shall submit the budget to the
  Legislative Budget Board for approval not later than July 1 of each
  year. If the Legislative Budget Board does not object to the budget
  in writing as provided by Subsection (c) before July 31 of the same
  year, the commissioner shall approve the budget.
         (c)  If the Legislative Budget Board objects to the budget,
  that board shall provide the commissioner with a written statement
  describing changes to the budget that would result in the board not
  objecting to the budget. The commissioner shall, not later than
  August 31 of the year in which the budget was submitted to the
  board, submit to the board a budget that conforms with this
         (d)  The financial program is solely responsible for all
  examination costs. The financial program may not directly or
  indirectly cause the Texas Department of Insurance operating
  account to incur any examination cost.
         (e)  Subject to any limitations in this code or another
  insurance law of this state, the department may set the amounts of
  fees required or permitted by statute or rule as necessary to:
               (1)  carry out the functions of the financial
  examinations and actuarial divisions relating to the examination of
  insurers and other regulated entities; and
               (2)  fund the budget adopted and approved under
  Subsection (b).
         (f)  Notwithstanding this section, the financial program may
  receive funds appropriated from the state to fund costs other than
  examination costs.
         (g)  An assessment, fee, charge, or other source of revenue
  collected by the financial program relating to the examination of
  insurers and other regulated entities by the financial examinations
  division or actuarial division shall be deposited to the credit of
  the account described by Section 401.156(a) for the purposes
  described by that section.
         Sec. 401.253.  AUDITS. This subchapter does not affect the
  duty of the state auditor to audit the financial program.
         Sec. 401.254.  RECORDS; REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. (a) The
  financial program shall keep financial and statistical information
  as necessary to disclose completely and accurately the financial
  program's receipts and examination costs.
         (b)  The financial program shall submit to the commissioner
  and the Legislative Budget Board an annual report that states:
               (1)  the revenue received by the financial program from
  assessments and fees collected by the department relating to the
  examination of insurers and other regulated entities;
               (2)  the total salary for each financial program
  employee who performs examinations of insurers and other regulated
               (3)  the portion of the salary paid to each employee
  from the self-directed budget approved under Section 401.252;
               (4)  the portion of the salary paid to each employee
  from funds appropriated to the financial program by the state;
               (5)  the total travel expenses incurred by each
  employee who performs examinations of insurers and other regulated
               (6)  the portion of travel expenses paid for each
  employee from the self-directed budget approved under Section
               (7)  the portion of travel expenses paid for each
  employee from funds appropriated to the financial program by the
  state; and
               (8)  all other examination costs of the financial
         SECTION 2.  Section 401.151(d), Insurance Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (d)  In determining the amount of the assessment under
  Subsection (c), the department:
               (1)  shall consider:
                     (A)  the insurer's total annual premium receipts
  or admitted assets, or both, that are not attributable to 90 percent
  of pension plan contracts as defined by Section 818(a), Internal
  Revenue Code of 1986; or
                     (B)  the total amount of the insurer's insurance
  in force; and
               (2)  may not consider insurance premiums for insurance
  contracted for by a state or federal governmental entity to provide
  welfare benefits to designated welfare recipients or contracted for
  in accordance with or in furtherance of Title 2, Human Resources
  Code, or the federal Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 301 et
         SECTION 3.  Section 401.156, Insurance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 401.156.  DEPOSIT AND USE OF ASSESSMENT AND FEE.  (a)
  The department shall deposit any assessments or fees [an assessment
  or fee] collected under this subchapter relating to the examination
  of insurers and other regulated entities by the financial
  examinations division or actuarial division, as those terms are
  defined by Section 401.251, to the credit of an account with the
  Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company, to be used exclusively to
  pay examination costs, as defined by Section 401.251 [the Texas
  Department of Insurance operating account].
         (b)  Revenue that is not related to the examination of
  insurers or other regulated entities by the financial examinations
  division or actuarial division shall be deposited to the credit of
  the Texas Department of Insurance operating account  [Money
  deposited under this section shall be used to pay the     salaries and
  expenses of actuaries and examiners and all other expenses relating
  to examinations of insurers].
         (c)  To the extent that another provision of law conflicts
  with this section, this section controls.
         SECTION 4.  Section 651.005, Insurance Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 651.005.  DEPOSIT AND USE OF FEES. (a) Except as
  provided by Subsection (b), each [Each] fee collected under this
               (1)  shall be deposited to the credit of the Texas
  Department of Insurance operating account; and
               (2)  may be used by the department to enforce this
         (b)  An assessment or fee associated with examination costs,
  as defined by Section 401.251, shall be deposited to the account
  described by Section 401.156(a).
         SECTION 5.  Section 843.154, Insurance Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (b-1) to read as
         (b)  Except for fees collected under Subsections (e) and (f),
  fees [Fees] collected under this section shall be deposited to the
  credit of the Texas Department of Insurance operating account.
         (b-1)  A fee collected under Subsection (e) or (f) shall be
  deposited to the credit of the account described by Section
         SECTION 6.  Section 4151.206, Insurance Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (c) to read as
         (b)  The commissioner shall deposit a fee collected under
  Subsection (a)(1) or (2) [this section] to the credit of the Texas
  Department of Insurance operating account.
         (c)  The commissioner shall deposit a fee collected under
  Subsection (a)(3) to the credit of the account described by Section
         SECTION 7.  To provide a reasonable period for the financial
  program, as defined by Section 401.251, Insurance Code, as added by
  this Act, to establish a self-directed budget, for the one-year
  period following the effective date of this Act, the Texas
  Department of Insurance may spend not more than 50 percent of the
  money appropriated to the department out of the general revenue
  fund for the purposes of the financial program for the state fiscal
  year ending August 31, 2011. Subject to Section 401.252, Insurance
  Code, as added by this Act, this money may be spent as the
  department directs and shall be repaid to the general revenue fund
  by the department as funds become available.
         SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.