By: Zaffirini  S.B. No. 1448
         (In the Senate - Filed March 10, 2011; March 22, 2011, read
  first time and referred to Committee on Health and Human Services;
  May 6, 2011, reported favorably by the following vote:  Yeas 9,
  Nays 0; May 6, 2011, sent to printer.)
  relating to consent for treatment for chemical dependency in a
  treatment facility and required training for the facility's intake
         SECTION 1.  Subsections (e) and (g), Section 462.009, Health
  and Safety Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (e)  Consent given by a patient or by a person authorized by
  law to consent to treatment on the patient's behalf for the
  administration of a medication, therapy, or treatment is valid only
               (1)  the consent is given voluntarily and without
  coercive or undue influence;
               (2)  before administration of the medication, therapy,
  or treatment, the treating physician or a psychologist, social
  worker, professional counselor, or chemical dependency counselor
  explains to the patient and to the person giving consent, in simple,
  nontechnical language:
                     (A)  the specific condition to be treated;
                     (B)  the beneficial effects on that condition
  expected from the medication, therapy, or treatment;
                     (C)  the probable health and mental health
  consequences of not consenting to the medication, therapy, or
                     (D)  the side effects and risks associated with
  the medication, therapy, or treatment;
                     (E)  the generally accepted alternatives to the
  medication, therapy, or treatment, if any, and whether an
  alternative might be appropriate for the patient; and
                     (F)  the proposed course of the medication,
  therapy, or treatment; and
               (3)  the informed consent is evidenced in the patient's
  clinical record by a signed form prescribed by the commission for
  this purpose or by a statement of the treating physician or the
  psychologist, social worker, professional counselor, or chemical
  dependency counselor that documents that consent was given by the
  appropriate person and the circumstances under which the consent
  was obtained.
         (g)  Consent given by a patient or by a person authorized by
  law to consent to treatment on the patient's behalf applies to a
  series of doses of medication or to multiple therapies or
  treatments for which consent was previously granted. If the
  treating physician or the psychologist, social worker,
  professional counselor, or chemical dependency counselor obtains
  new information relating to a medication, therapy, or treatment for
  which consent was previously obtained, the physician or the
  psychologist, social worker, professional counselor, or chemical
  dependency counselor must explain the new information and obtain
  new consent.
         SECTION 2.  Subsection (e), Section 462.025, Health and
  Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (e)  In accordance with commission rule, a treatment
  facility shall provide [annually] a minimum of eight hours of
  inservice training regarding intake and assessment for persons who
  will be conducting an intake or assessment for the facility. A
  person may not conduct intake or assessments without having
  completed the [initial and applicable annual] inservice training.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.
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