82R9694 VOO-F
  By: Davis S.B. No. 1642
  relating to transferring primary authority for the adoption of the
  public school curriculum and textbooks from the State Board of
  Education to the commissioner of education.
         SECTION 1.  Section 21.4511(b), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  The training under this section shall include training
  relating to implementing curriculum and instruction that is aligned
  with the foundation curriculum described by Section 28.002(a)(1)
  and standards and expectations for college readiness, as determined
  by commissioner [State Board of Education] rule under Section
         SECTION 2.  Section 28.001, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 28.001.  PURPOSE. It is the intent of the legislature
  that the essential knowledge and skills, as developed by a
  curriculum and textbook review team under Section 28.0024 and
  proposed for adoption by the commissioner to the State Board of
  Education under this subchapter, shall require all students to
  demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to read, write,
  compute, problem solve, think critically, apply technology, and
  communicate across all subject areas. The essential knowledge and
  skills shall also prepare and enable all students to continue to
  learn in postsecondary educational, training, or employment
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter A, Chapter 28, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 28.0011 to read as follows:
         Sec. 28.0011.  APPROVAL OF COMMISSIONER RULES.  The
  commissioner must submit a written copy of each rule the
  commissioner proposes to adopt under this chapter to the State
  Board of Education for review. The State Board of Education may
  reject a proposed rule by a vote of at least two-thirds of the
  members of the board present and voting. If the State Board of
  Education fails to reject a proposed rule before the 90th day after
  the date on which it receives the proposed rule, the proposed rule
  takes effect as a rule of the commissioner as provided by Chapter
  2001, Government Code. The State Board of Education may not modify a
  rule proposed by the commissioner under this chapter.
         SECTION 4.  Sections 28.002(b), (c), (f), (g), (h), (i),
  (j), (k), (l-1), (l-3), (n), (p), and (r), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The commissioner [State Board of Education by rule]
  shall propose rules to designate subjects constituting a
  well-balanced curriculum to be offered by a school district that
  does not offer kindergarten through grade 12.
         (c)  The commissioner [State Board of Education], with
  public participation, including the direct participation of
  educators, parents, subject matter experts [business and industry
  representatives], and employers, in accordance with Sections
  28.0024 and 28.0025, shall propose rules to [by rule] identify the
  essential knowledge and skills of each subject of the required
  curriculum that all students should be able to demonstrate and that
  will be used in evaluating textbooks under Chapter 31 and addressed
  on the assessment instruments required under Subchapter B, Chapter
  39. As a condition of accreditation, the commissioner [board]
  shall require each district to provide instruction in the essential
  knowledge and skills at appropriate grade levels.
         (f)  A school district may offer courses for local credit in
  addition to those in the required curriculum. The commissioner
  [State Board of Education] shall be flexible in approving a course
  for credit for high school graduation under this subsection.
         (g)  A local instructional plan may draw on state curriculum
  frameworks and program standards as appropriate. Each district is
  encouraged to exceed minimum requirements of law and commissioner
  [State Board of Education] rule. Each district shall ensure that
  all children in the district participate actively in a balanced
  curriculum designed to meet individual needs.
         (h)  The commissioner, the State Board of Education, and each
  school district shall foster the continuation of the tradition of
  teaching United States and Texas history and the free enterprise
  system in regular subject matter and in reading courses and in the
  adoption of textbooks. A primary purpose of the public school
  curriculum is to prepare thoughtful, active citizens who understand
  the importance of patriotism and can function productively in a
  free enterprise society with appreciation for the basic democratic
  values of our state and national heritage.
         (i)  The commissioner [State Board of Education] shall
  propose [adopt] rules for the implementation of this subchapter.
  Except as provided by Subsection (j), the commissioner [board] may
  not propose [adopt] rules that designate the methodology used by a
  teacher or the time spent by a teacher or a student on a particular
  task or subject.
         (j)  The commissioner [State Board of Education by rule] may
  propose rules to require laboratory instruction in secondary
  science courses and may require a specific amount or percentage of
  time in a secondary science course that must be laboratory
         (k)  The commissioner [State Board of Education], in
  consultation with the Department of State Health Services and the
  Texas Diabetes Council, shall develop a diabetes education program
  that a school district may use in the health curriculum under
  Subsection (a)(2)(B).
         (l-1)  In [adopting] rules relating to an activity described
  by Subsection (l)(2), the commissioner may permit an exemption for
  a student who participates in a school-related activity or an
  activity sponsored by a private league or club only if the student
  provides proof of participation in the activity.
         (l-3)(1)  This subsection may be cited as "Lauren's Law."
               (2)  The commissioner [State Board of Education], the
  Department of State Health Services, or a school district may not
  propose adoption of or adopt any rule, policy, or program under
  Subsection [Subsections] (a), (k), (l), (l-1), or (l-2) that would
  prohibit a parent or grandparent of a student from providing any
  food product of the parent's or grandparent's choice to:
                     (A)  children in the classroom of the child of the
  parent or grandparent on the occasion of the child's birthday; or
                     (B)  children at a school-designated function.
         (n)  The commissioner [State Board of Education] may propose
  rules to [by rule] develop and implement a plan designed to
  incorporate foundation curriculum requirements into the career and
  technology education curriculum under Subsection (a)(2)(F).
         (p)  The commissioner [State Board of Education], in
  conjunction with the office of the attorney general, shall develop
  a parenting and paternity awareness program that a school district
  shall use in the district's high school health curriculum.  A
  school district may use the program developed under this subsection
  in the district's middle or junior high school curriculum. At the
  discretion of the district, a teacher may modify the suggested
  sequence and pace of the program at any grade level.  The program
               (1)  address parenting skills and responsibilities,
  including child support and other legal rights and responsibilities
  that come with parenthood;
               (2)  address relationship skills, including money
  management, communication skills, and marriage preparation; and
               (3)  in district middle, junior high, or high schools
  that do not have a family violence prevention program, address
  skills relating to the prevention of family violence.
         (r)  In identifying [adopting] the essential knowledge and
  skills for the health curriculum under Subsection (a)(2)(B), the
  commissioner, in accordance with Sections 28.0024 and 28.0025, 
  [State Board of Education] shall propose adoption of [adopt]
  essential knowledge and skills that address the dangers, causes,
  consequences, signs, symptoms, and treatment of binge drinking and
  alcohol poisoning. The agency shall compile a list of
  evidence-based alcohol awareness programs from which a school
  district shall choose a program to use in the district's middle
  school, junior high school, and high school health curriculum. In
  this subsection, "evidence-based alcohol awareness program" means
  a program, practice, or strategy that has been proven to
  effectively prevent or delay alcohol use among students, as
  determined by evaluations that use valid and reliable measures and
  that are published in peer-reviewed journals.
         SECTION 5.  Section 28.002(d), Education Code, as added by
  Chapter 773 (S.B. 891), Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2009, is amended to read as follows:
         (d)  The physical education curriculum required under
  Subsection (a)(2)(C) must be sequential, developmentally
  appropriate, and designed, implemented, and evaluated to enable
  students to develop the motor, self-management, and other skills,
  knowledge, attitudes, and confidence necessary to participate in
  physical activity throughout life. Each school district shall
  establish specific objectives and goals the district intends to
  accomplish through the physical education curriculum. In
  identifying the essential knowledge and skills of physical
  education, the commissioner [State Board of Education] shall ensure
  that the curriculum:
               (1)  emphasizes the knowledge and skills capable of
  being used during a lifetime of regular physical activity;
               (2)  is consistent with national physical education
  standards for:
                     (A)  the information that students should learn
  about physical activity; and
                     (B)  the physical activities that students should
  be able to perform;
               (3)  requires that, on a weekly basis, at least 50
  percent of the physical education class be used for actual student
  physical activity and that the activity be, to the extent
  practicable, at a moderate or vigorous level;
               (4)  offers students an opportunity to choose among
  many types of physical activity in which to participate;
               (5)  offers students both cooperative and competitive
               (6)  meets the needs of students of all physical
  ability levels, including students who have a disability, chronic
  health problem, or other special need that precludes the student
  from participating in regular physical education instruction but
  who might be able to participate in physical education that is
  suitably adapted and, if applicable, included in the student's
  individualized education program;
               (7)  takes into account the effect that gender and
  cultural differences might have on the degree of student interest
  in physical activity or on the types of physical activity in which a
  student is interested;
               (8)  teaches self-management and movement skills;
               (9)  teaches cooperation, fair play, and responsible
  participation in physical activity;
               (10)  promotes student participation in physical
  activity outside of school; and
               (11)  allows physical education classes to be an
  enjoyable experience for students.
         SECTION 6.  Section 28.002(d), Education Code, as added by
  Chapter 895 (H.B. 3), Acts of the 81st Legislature, Regular
  Session, 2009, is redesignated as Section 28.002(c-2), Education
  Code, and amended to read as follows:
         (c-2) [(d)]  Each time the Texas Higher Education
  Coordinating Board revises the Internet database of the
  coordinating board's official statewide inventory of workforce
  education courses, the commissioner shall propose rules to [State
  Board of Education shall by rule] revise the essential knowledge
  and skills of any corresponding career and technology education
  curriculum as provided by Subsection (c).
         SECTION 7.  Sections 28.0023(b) and (c), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The commissioner, in accordance with Sections 28.0024
  and 28.0025, [State Board of Education by rule] shall propose rules
  to include elements relating to instruction in cardiopulmonary
  resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator as
  part of the essential knowledge and skills of the health curriculum
  under Section 28.002(a)(2)(B).
         (c)  This subsection applies only to a private school that
  receives an automated external defibrillator from the agency or
  receives funding from the agency to purchase or lease an automated
  external defibrillator.  A private school shall provide
  instruction to students in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the
  use of an automated external defibrillator in a manner consistent
  with the requirements of this section and commissioner [State Board
  of Education] rules [adopted] under this section.
         SECTION 8.  Subchapter A, Chapter 28, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Sections 28.0024 and 28.0025 to read as follows:
  (a)  For each subject undergoing a review for the purpose of
  identifying the essential knowledge and skills of a subject of the
  required curriculum under Section 28.002 or for the adoption of
  textbooks under Subchapter B, Chapter 31, the commissioner shall
  appoint a curriculum and textbook review team.
         (b)  The commissioner shall make appointments to a
  curriculum and textbook review team from among educators
  representing each regional education service center region,
  parents of public school students, and employers. Each educator
  appointed to a team must have at least five years of classroom
  teaching experience and a bachelor's degree or a more advanced
  degree in the subject under review.
         (c)  Each regional education service center region must be
  represented by at least two educator members on a curriculum and
  textbook review team.
         (d)  For each curriculum and textbook review team, the
  superintendent of each school district may nominate not more than
  three educators qualified under Subsection (b) to be considered for
  placement on the team. Each nomination must be submitted together
  with a document of not more than one page detailing the educator's
  experience, including specific experience with the subject under
  review by the team. A nomination made under this subsection must
  be submitted to the regional education service center that
  represents the district from which the educator is nominated.
         (e)  For each curriculum and textbook review team, a
  statewide organization representing public school employees may
  nominate not more than three educators qualified under Subsection
  (b) to be considered for placement on the team. Each nomination
  must be submitted together with a document of not more than one page
  detailing the educator's experience, including specific experience
  with the subject area under review by the team. A nomination made
  under this subsection must be submitted to the regional education
  service center that represents the region in which the educator
         (f)  The agency shall develop and post on the agency's
  Internet website a blind scoring system for ranking nominations
  made under Subsections (d) and (e) by level of expertise in the
  subject under review by the curriculum and textbook team. Using the
  posted ranking system, each regional education service center shall
  rank the nominations made under Subsections (d) and (e) and submit
  to the commissioner the 10 highest-ranked nominations based on
  that ranking system.
         (g)  The commissioner, based on the system developed under
  Subsection (f), shall make the educator appointments to each
  curriculum and textbook review team from among nominations
  submitted by each regional education service center under this
  section and shall select at least two members from each service
  center region.
         (h)  In selecting educator appointees for a curriculum and
  textbook review team, the commissioner shall attempt to achieve a
  balanced combination of educational perspectives in order to
  promote better alignment between curriculum and assessment and
  among all aspects of the public educational system. The
  commissioner shall attempt to include educators from:
               (1)  all grade levels, including educators working in
  gifted and talented, special education, and advanced placement and
  International Baccalaureate programs and programs for students of
  limited English proficiency;
               (2)  urban and rural school districts; and
               (3)  high-, middle-, and low-wealth level districts.
         (i)  Each curriculum and textbook review team shall, on the
  same review cycle as that established for review of the essential
  knowledge and skills or textbooks, as applicable, conduct reviews
  and make recommendations to the commissioner as to the
  identification of essential knowledge and skills or the adoption of
  textbooks for the subject under review. In making recommendations
  under this subsection, the curriculum and textbook review team
  shall consider the recommendations of the appropriate higher
  education curriculum review team appointed under Section 28.0025.
         (j)  The commissioner shall make decisions concerning the
  identification of essential knowledge and skills and adoption of
  textbooks, to the greatest extent practicable, on recommendations
  from the curriculum and textbook review team appointed for the
  subject under review. If the commissioner proposes for review
  identification of essential knowledge and skills or adoption of
  textbooks that differ from the recommendations of the team, the
  commissioner shall provide the team with a side-by-side comparison
  of the team's recommendations and the commissioner's proposals. The
  side-by-side comparison must include a statement justifying the
  commissioner's decision for each deviation by the commissioner
  from the recommendation of the team. After allowing the team
  adequate time to comment and before submitting the proposal to the
  State Board of Education for review, the commissioner shall make
  the side-by-side comparison and any comments made by the team
  available to the public. The commissioner shall then submit to the
  State Board of Education for review the commissioner's proposed
  rules identifying the essential knowledge and skills for the
  subject under review as provided by Section 28.0011 or the
  commissioner's proposed textbooks for adoption as provided under
  Section 31.003(b).
         (k)  The same members appointed to a curriculum and textbook
  review team to review essential knowledge and skills for a subject
  may, as determined by the commissioner, also be appointed to review
  textbooks for adoption for that subject.
  (a)  For each subject undergoing a review for the purpose of
  identification of the essential knowledge and skills of a subject
  of the required curriculum under Section 28.002, the commissioner
  of higher education shall appoint a higher education curriculum
  review team.
         (b)  Each higher education curriculum review team shall
  consist of not fewer than 5 and not more than 10 faculty members of
  institutions of higher education and private or independent
  institutions of higher education, as those terms are defined by
  Section 61.003. Each member appointed to a team must have:
               (1)  at least five years of higher education teaching
  experience in the subject under review and a terminal degree in that
  subject; or
               (2)  at least five years of higher education teaching
  experience in the field of education and a doctoral degree in
         (c)  For each higher education curriculum review team, a
  public institution of higher education may nominate one faculty
  member qualified under Subsection (b) to be considered for
  placement on the team.  A nomination made under this subsection must
  be submitted to the commissioner of higher education together with
  a document of not more than one page detailing the faculty member's
  experience, including specific experience with the subject under
  review by the team.
         (d)  The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall
  develop and post on the board's Internet website a blind scoring
  system for ranking nominations made under Subsection (c) by level
  of expertise in the subject under review by the higher education
  curriculum review team.
         (e)  The commissioner of higher education, based on the
  system developed under Subsection (d), shall make the appointments
  to each higher education curriculum review team from among persons
  nominated by institutions of higher education under this section.
         (f)  Notwithstanding Subsections (c) and (e), if the subject
  under review by the higher education curriculum review team is
  career and technical education:
               (1)  at least one member of the team must be selected
  from the Texas State Technical College System; and
               (2)  at least one member of the team must be selected
  from Lamar Institute of Technology.
         (g)  In selecting appointees for a higher education
  curriculum review team, the commissioner of higher education shall
  attempt to achieve a balanced combination of educational
         (h)  Each higher education curriculum review team shall, on
  the same review cycle as that established for review of the
  essential knowledge and skills, conduct reviews and make
  recommendations to the commissioner of education and the
  appropriate curriculum and textbook review team established under
  Section 28.0024 concerning the essential knowledge and skills for
  the subject under review.
         SECTION 9.  Sections 28.0051(b) and (c), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The commissioner shall propose rules to establish [by
  rule shall adopt]:
               (1)  minimum requirements for a dual language immersion
  program implemented by a school district;
               (2)  standards for evaluating:
                     (A)  the success of a dual language immersion
  program; and
                     (B)  the performance of schools that implement a
  dual language immersion program; and
               (3)  standards for recognizing:
                     (A)  schools that offer an exceptional dual
  language immersion program; and
                     (B)  students who successfully complete a dual
  language immersion program.
         (c)  A school district may implement a dual language
  immersion program in a manner and at elementary grade levels
  consistent with [rules adopted by the] commissioner rules under
  this section.
         SECTION 10.  Sections 28.008(d), (d-1), (e), and (f),
  Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (d)  The commissioner [State Board of Education] shall
  incorporate college readiness standards and expectations approved
  by the commissioner of education and the Texas Higher Education
  Coordinating Board under Subsection (b) into the essential
  knowledge and skills identified by the commissioner [board] under
  Section 28.002(c).
         (d-1)  Beginning with the 2008-2009 school year, the
  commissioner [State Board of Education] shall incorporate college
  readiness standards and expectations into the essential knowledge
  and skills of the foundation curriculum under Section 28.002(a)(1)
  for courses in which students in grades nine through 12 generally
  enroll, as determined by commissioner [board] rule.  This
  subsection expires December 1, 2012.
         (e)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section,
  the commissioner [State Board of Education] retains the [its]
  authority under Section 28.002 concerning the required curriculum.
         (f)  Not later than September 1, 2011, the vertical teams
  shall complete the development of or establish minimum standards
  for the curricula and related materials under Subsection
  (b)(5).  The vertical teams shall develop or establish minimum
  standards for the English language arts curricula and materials
  first, followed by mathematics, science, and social studies,
  respectively.  [The vertical teams shall complete the development
  of or establish minimum standards for the English language arts
  curricula and materials for approval by the State Board of
  Education not later than June 1, 2009.   The English language arts
  curricula and online materials must be made available to high
  school students beginning with the 2009 fall semester, with the
  mathematics, science, and social studies curricula and online
  materials respectively becoming available each subsequent fall
  semester.]  This subsection expires December 1, 2012.
         SECTION 11.  Section 28.009(d)(2), Education Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
               (2)  "Sequence of courses" means career and technical
  education courses approved by the commissioner [State Board of
  Education], innovative courses approved by the commissioner [State
  Board of Education] that are provided for local credit, or a
  tech-prep program of study under Section 61.852.
         SECTION 12.  Section 28.011(e), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (e)  Before proposing [adopting] rules identifying the
  essential knowledge and skills of a course offered under this
  section, the commissioner [State Board of Education] shall submit
  the proposed essential knowledge and skills to the attorney
  general. The attorney general shall review the proposed essential
  knowledge and skills to ensure that the course complies with the
  First Amendment to the United States Constitution, and the
  commissioner [board] may not propose [adopt] rules identifying the
  essential knowledge and skills of a course offered under this
  section without the attorney general's approval under this
         SECTION 13.  Sections 28.013(a) and (b), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner [State Board of Education] shall
  assist in developing a nature science curriculum, in accordance
  with this section, the following entities, acting jointly:
               (1)  the Outdoor School at Texas Tech University Center
  at Junction;
               (2)  the Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and
  Math (T-STEM) Center of Texas Tech University; and
               (3)  South Llano River State Park.
         (b)  The nature science curriculum must:
               (1)  be designed for instruction of students in grades
  six through 12;
               (2)  provide for grade-level appropriate instruction
  in essential knowledge and skills identified by the commissioner
  [State Board of Education] under Section 28.002 for:
                     (A)  science; and
                     (B)  mathematics, social studies, and language
  arts, to the extent practicable and relevant to nature science
               (3)  through participation in  outdoor experiential
  learning projects in state parks, provide for the scientific study
  by students of:
                     (A)  conservation, wildlife or aquatic biology,
  range ecology, or other areas of nature science; and
                     (B)  problems affecting nature, such as threats to
  the watershed, and possible solutions to those problems; and
               (4)  be designed to:
                     (A)  be capable of implementation in any state
                     (B)  use state park resources in providing
  instruction; and
                     (C)  be presented by classroom teachers and state
  park employees.
         SECTION 14.  Sections 28.014(a), (c), (e), and (f),
  Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The [commissioner of education and the] commissioner of
  higher education shall assist the commissioner of education in the
  development of the essential knowledge and skills to be adopted
  [develop and recommend to the State Board of Education for
  adoption] under Section 28.002 for [the essential knowledge and
  skills of] courses in college preparatory mathematics, science,
  social studies, and English language arts.  The courses must be
               (1)  for students at the 12th grade level who do not
  meet college readiness standards on an end-of-course assessment
  instrument required under Section 39.023(c); and
               (2)  to prepare students for success in entry-level
  college courses.
         (c)  The agency, in consultation with the Texas Higher
  Education Coordinating Board, shall adopt an end-of-course
  assessment instrument for each course developed under this section
  to ensure the rigor of the course.  A school district shall, in
  accordance with commissioner [State Board of Education] rules,
  administer the end-of-course assessment instrument to a student
  enrolled in a course developed under this section.  Each school
  district shall adopt a policy that requires a student's performance
  on the end-of-course assessment instrument to account for 15
  percent of the student's final grade for the course.  A student's
  performance on an end-of-course assessment instrument administered
  under this subsection may be used, on a scale of 0-40, in
  calculating whether the student satisfies the graduation
  requirements established under Section 39.025.
         (e)  The commissioner, with the approval of the State Board
  of Education, shall adopt instructional materials for a course
  developed under this section in accordance with Chapter 31.  The
  instructional materials must include technology resources that
  enhance the effectiveness of the course and draw on established
  best practices.
         (f)  To the extent applicable, the commissioner shall draw
  from curricula and instructional materials developed under
  Sections 28.008 and 61.0763 in developing a course and related
  instructional materials under this section.  [Not later than
  September 1, 2010, the State Board of Education shall adopt
  essential knowledge and skills for each course developed under this
  section.]  The commissioner [State Board of Education] shall make
  each course developed under this section and the related
  instructional materials available to school districts not later
  than the 2014-2015 school year.  As required by Subsection (c), a
  school district shall adopt a policy requiring a student's
  performance on an end-of-course assessment instrument administered
  under that subsection to account for 15 percent of the student's
  grade for a course developed under this section not later than the
  2014-2015 school year.  This subsection expires September 1, 2015.
         SECTION 15.  Section 28.023, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 28.023.  CREDIT BY EXAMINATION. (a) Using guidelines
  established by commissioner rule [the State Board of Education], a
  school district shall develop or select for commissioner [board]
  review examinations for acceleration for each primary school grade
  level and for credit for secondary school academic subjects. The
  guidelines must provide for the examinations to thoroughly test
  comprehension of the information presented in the applicable grade
  level or subject. The commissioner [board] shall approve
  examinations that satisfy commissioner [board] guidelines.
         (b)  A school district shall give a student in a primary
  grade level credit for a grade level and advance the student one
  grade level on the basis of a commissioner-approved
  [board-approved] examination for acceleration if:
               (1)  the student scores in the 90th percentile or above
  on each section of the examination;
               (2)  a district representative recommends that the
  student be advanced; and
               (3)  the student's parent or guardian gives written
  approval of the advancement.
         (c)  A school district shall give a student in grade level
  six or above credit for a subject on the basis of a
  commissioner-approved [board-approved] examination for credit in
  the subject if the student scores in the 90th percentile or above on
  the examination. If a student is given credit in a subject on the
  basis of an examination, the district shall enter the examination
  score on the student's transcript.
         (d)  Each district shall administer each examination not
  less than once a year, at times to be determined by the commissioner
  [State Board of Education].
         SECTION 16.  Sections 28.025(a), (b), (b-1), (b-2), (c),
  (d), and (e), Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner [State Board of Education by rule]
  shall propose rules to identify [determine] curriculum
  requirements for the minimum, recommended, and advanced high school
  programs that are consistent with the required curriculum under
  Section 28.002.  [Subject to Subsection (b-1), the State Board of
  Education shall designate the specific courses in the foundation
  curriculum required for a student participating in the minimum,
  recommended, or advanced high school program.   Except as provided
  by Subsection (b-1), the State Board of Education may not designate
  a specific course or a specific number of credits in the enrichment
  curriculum as requirements for the recommended program.]
         (b)  A school district shall ensure that each student enrolls
  in the courses necessary to complete the curriculum requirements
  identified by the commissioner [State Board of Education] under
  Subsection (a) for the recommended or advanced high school program
  unless the student, the student's parent or other person standing
  in parental relation to the student, and a school counselor or
  school administrator agree in writing signed by each party that the
  student should be permitted to take courses under the minimum high
  school program [and the student:
               [(1)  is at least 16 years of age;
               [(2)     has completed two credits required for graduation
  in each subject of the foundation curriculum under Section
  28.002(a)(1); or
               [(3)     has failed to be promoted to the tenth grade one
  or more times as determined by the school district].
         (b-1)  The commissioner [State Board of Education by rule]
  shall propose rules to require that:
               (1)  except as provided by Subsection (b-2), the
  curriculum requirements for the recommended and advanced high
  school programs under Subsection (a) include a requirement that
  students successfully complete[:
                     [(A)]  four courses [credits] in each subject of
  the foundation curriculum under Section 28.002(a)(1)[, including
  at least one-half credit in government and at least one-half credit
  in economics to meet the social studies requirement;
                     [(B)     for the recommended high school program, two
  credits in the same language in a language other than English under
  Section 28.002(a)(2)(A) and, for the advanced high school program,
  three credits in the same language in a language other than English
  under Section 28.002(a)(2)(A)]; and
                     [(C)     for the recommended high school program, six
  elective credits and, for the advanced high school program, five
  elective credits;]
               (2)  one or more courses [credits] offered in the
  required curriculum for the recommended and advanced high school
  programs include a research writing component[; and
               [(3)     the curriculum requirements for the minimum,
  recommended, and advanced high school programs under Subsection (a)
  include a requirement that students successfully complete:
                     [(A)     one credit in fine arts under Section
  28.002(a)(2)(D); and
                     [(B)     one credit in physical education under
  Section 28.002(a)(2)(C)].
         (b-2)  In proposing [adopting] rules under Subsection (b-1),
  the commissioner [State Board of Education] shall allow a student
  to comply with the curriculum requirements for a mathematics course
  under Subsection (b-1)(1) taken after the successful completion of
  an Algebra II course or science course under Subsection (b-1)(1)
  taken after the successful completion of a physics course by
  successfully completing an advanced career and technical course
  designated by the commissioner [State Board of Education] as
  containing substantively similar and rigorous academic content.  A
  student may use the option provided by this subsection for not more
  than two courses.
         (c)  A person may receive a diploma if the person is eligible
  for a diploma under Section 28.0251.  In other cases, a student may
  graduate and receive a diploma only if:
               (1)  the student successfully completes the curriculum
  requirements identified by the commissioner [State Board of
  Education] under Subsection (a) and complies with Section 39.025;
               (2)  the student successfully completes an
  individualized education program developed under Section 29.005.
         (d)  A school district may issue a certificate of coursework
  completion to a student who successfully completes the curriculum
  requirements identified by the commissioner [State Board of
  Education] under Subsection (a) but who fails to comply with
  Section 39.025.  A school district may allow a student who receives
  a certificate to participate in a graduation ceremony with students
  receiving high school diplomas.
         (e)  Each school district shall report the academic
  achievement record of students who have completed a minimum,
  recommended, or advanced high school program on transcript forms
  adopted by commissioner rule [the State Board of Education]. The
  transcript forms adopted by the commissioner [board] must be
  designed to clearly differentiate between each of the high school
  programs and identify whether a student received a diploma or a
  certificate of coursework completion.
         SECTION 17.  Section 28.051(2), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
               (2)  "College advanced placement course" means a
  commissioner-approved [board-approved] high-school-level
  preparatory course for a college advanced placement test that
  incorporates all topics specified by the college board on its
  standard syllabus for a given subject area.
         SECTION 18.  Section 28.054, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  entitled to a subsidy for a fee paid by the student to take a college
  advanced placement test or an international baccalaureate
  examination if the student demonstrates financial need. The
  commissioner, in consultation with the Texas Higher Education
  Coordinating Board, [board] shall adopt guidelines for determining
  financial need consistent with the definition of financial need
  adopted by the college board or the International Baccalaureate
         (b)  To obtain a subsidy under this section, a student must:
               (1)  pay the fee for each test or examination for which
  the student seeks a subsidy; and
               (2)  submit to the commissioner [board] through the
  student's guidance counselor a written application on a form
  prescribed by the commissioner demonstrating financial need and the
  amount of the fee paid by the student for each test or examination.
         (c)  On approval by the commissioner [board], the agency may
  pay each eligible applicant an equal amount, not to exceed $25 for
  each applicant.
         SECTION 19.  Section 28.055(b), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  To obtain an award under the program, a school must
  submit to the commissioner [board] a written application in a form,
  manner, and time prescribed by the commissioner.
         SECTION 20.  Section 28.056, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  REIMBURSEMENTS. To obtain an award or reimbursement for training
  expenses under the program, a teacher must submit to the
  commissioner [board] a written application in a form, manner, and
  time prescribed by the commissioner.
         SECTION 21.  Section 30A.102(b), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  To ensure that a full range of electronic courses,
  including advanced placement courses, are offered to students in
  this state, the administering authority:
               (1)  shall create a list of those subjects and courses
  designated by the commissioner [board] under Subchapter A, Chapter
  28, for which the commissioner [board] has identified essential
  knowledge and skills or for which the commissioner [board] has
  designated content requirements under Subchapter A, Chapter 28;
               (2)  shall enter into agreements with school districts,
  open-enrollment charter schools, and public or private
  institutions of higher education for the purpose of offering the
  courses through the state virtual school network; and
               (3)  may develop or authorize the development of
  additional electronic courses that:
                     (A)  are needed to complete high school graduation
  requirements; and
                     (B)  are not otherwise available through the state
  virtual school network.
         SECTION 22.  Section 31.003, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 31.003.  RULES.  (a)  The commissioner may propose to
  the State Board of Education as provided by Subsection (b) [may
  adopt] rules, consistent with this chapter, for the adoption of
  textbooks under Subchapter B.  The State Board of Education may
  adopt rules consistent with this chapter regarding textbooks for
  purposes of Subchapters B-1, C, D, and E [, requisition,
  distribution, care, use, and disposal of textbooks].
         (b)  The commissioner must submit a written copy of each of
  the commissioner's proposed rules for the adoption of textbooks
  under Subchapter B, other than as provided under Section 31.0231,
  to the State Board of Education for review.  The State Board of
  Education may reject a proposed rule by a vote of at least
  two-thirds of the members of the board present and voting.  If the
  State Board of Education fails to reject a proposed rule before the
  75th day after the date on which it receives the proposed rule, the
  proposed rule takes effect as a rule of the commissioner as provided
  by Chapter 2001, Government Code.  The State Board of Education may
  not modify a rule proposed by the commissioner under Subchapter B.
         SECTION 23.  Section 31.022, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 31.022.  TEXTBOOK REVIEW AND ADOPTION. (a) The
  commissioner [State Board of Education] shall propose rules to 
  adopt a review and adoption cycle for textbooks for elementary
  grade levels, including prekindergarten, and secondary grade
  levels, for each subject in the required curriculum under Section
         (b)  The commissioner [board] shall organize the cycle for
  subjects in the foundation curriculum so that not more than
  one-sixth of the textbooks for subjects in the foundation
  curriculum are reviewed each year. The commissioner [board] shall
  propose [adopt] rules to provide for a full and complete
  investigation of textbooks for each subject in the foundation
  curriculum at least every six years. The adoption of textbooks for
  a subject in the foundation curriculum may be extended beyond the
  six-year period only if the content of textbooks for a subject is
  sufficiently current.
         (c)  The commissioner [board] shall propose [adopt] rules to
  provide for a full and complete investigation of textbooks for each
  subject in the enrichment curriculum on a cycle the commissioner
  [board] considers appropriate.
         (d)  At least 24 months before the beginning of the school
  year for which textbooks for a particular subject and grade level
  will be purchased under the review and adoption cycle [adopted by
  the board], the commissioner [board] shall publish notice of the
  review and adoption cycle for those textbooks.
         (e)  The commissioner [board] shall designate a request for
  production of textbooks in a subject area and grade level by the
  school year in which the textbooks are intended to be made available
  in classrooms and not by the school year in which the commissioner
  [board] makes the request for production.
         (f)  The commissioner [board] shall amend any request for
  production issued for the purchase of textbooks to conform to the
  textbook funding levels provided by the General Appropriations Act
  for the year of implementation.
         SECTION 24.  Section 31.0221(a), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner [State Board of Education] shall
  propose [adopt] rules for the midcycle review and adoption of a
  textbook for a subject for which textbooks are not currently under
  review by the commissioner [board] under Section 31.022.  The rules
  must require:
               (1)  the publisher of the textbook to pay a fee to the
  commissioner [board] to cover the cost of the midcycle review and
  adoption of the textbook;
               (2)  the publisher of the textbook to enter into a
  contract with the commissioner [board] concerning the textbook for
  a term that ends at the same time as any contract entered into by the
  commissioner [board] for another textbook for the same subject and
  grade level; and
               (3)  a commitment from the publisher to provide the
  textbook to school districts in the manner specified by the
  publisher, which may include:
                     (A)  providing the textbook to any district in a
  regional education service center area identified by the publisher;
                     (B)  providing a certain maximum number of
  textbooks specified by the publisher.
         SECTION 25.  Section 31.0222, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 31.0222.  BUDGET-BALANCED CYCLE. In determining the
  review and adoption cycle of textbooks under Section 31.022, the
  commissioner [State Board of Education] shall:
               (1)  consult with the Legislative Budget Board and the
  governor's office of budget, planning, and policy before approving
  and publishing any notice or amendment of a cycle;
               (2)  review and consider:
                     (A)  historic average funding levels for
  textbooks purchased in previous bienniums;
                     (B)  expected average costs of future textbook
                     (C)  anticipated student enrollment in future
                     (D)  scheduled revisions to curriculum; and
                     (E)  the impact on the state budget of the
  adoption of textbooks in all or some grade levels in a subject area;
               (3)  limit the cycle to subject areas for which
  textbooks can be purchased with the funding anticipated to be
  available in the state textbook fund for the school year in which
  the textbooks are to be adopted.
         SECTION 26.  Section 31.023(a), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  For each subject and grade level, the commissioner, in
  accordance with Sections 28.0024 and 28.0025, shall propose for
  adoption to the State Board of Education in the same manner as rules
  are proposed under Section 31.003(b), [shall adopt] two lists of
  textbooks.  The conforming list includes each textbook submitted
  for the subject and grade level that meets applicable physical
  specifications established [adopted] by commissioner rule [the
  State Board of Education] and contains material covering each
  element of the essential knowledge and skills of the subject and
  grade level in the student version of the textbook, as well as in
  the teacher version of the textbook, as determined [by the State
  Board of Education] under Section 28.002 and adopted under Section
  31.024.  The nonconforming list includes each textbook submitted
  for the subject and grade level that:
               (1)  meets applicable physical specifications
  established [adopted] by commissioner rule [the State Board of
               (2)  contains material covering at least half, but not
  all, of the elements of the essential knowledge and skills of the
  subject and grade level in the student version of the textbook, as
  well as in the teacher version of the textbook; and
               (3)  is adopted under Section 31.024.
         SECTION 27.  Section 31.024, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 31.024.  ADOPTION [BY STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION]. (a)
  The commissioner, after using the process under Section 31.023, [By
  majority vote, the State Board of Education] shall:
               (1)  place each submitted textbook on a conforming or
  nonconforming list; or
               (2)  reject a textbook submitted for placement on a
  conforming or nonconforming list.
         (b)  Not later than December 1 of the year preceding the
  school year for which the textbooks for a particular subject and
  grade level will be purchased under the cycle adopted [by the board]
  under Section 31.022, the commissioner [board] shall provide the
  lists of adopted textbooks to each school district. Each
  nonconforming list must include the reasons an adopted textbook is
  not eligible for the conforming list.
         SECTION 28.  Section 31.025(a), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner [State Board of Education] shall set a
  limit on the cost that may be paid from the state textbook fund for a
  textbook placed on the conforming or nonconforming list for a
  particular subject and grade level. The commissioner [board] may
  not reject a textbook for placement on the conforming or
  nonconforming list because the textbook's price exceeds the limit
  established under this subsection.
         SECTION 29.  Sections 31.026(a) and (b), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner [State Board of Education] shall
  execute a contract:
               (1)  for the purchase of each adopted textbook other
  than an electronic textbook; and
               (2)  for the purchase or licensing of each adopted
  electronic textbook.
         (b)  A contract must require the publisher to provide the
  number of textbooks required by school districts in this state for
  the term of the contract, which must coincide with the
  commissioner's [board's] adoption cycle.
         SECTION 30.  Sections 31.028(a), (b), and (c), Education
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The commissioner [State Board of Education] may
  purchase special textbooks for the education of blind and visually
  impaired students in public schools. In addition, for a teacher who
  is blind or visually impaired, the commissioner [board] shall
  provide a teacher's edition in Braille or large type, as requested
  by the teacher, for each textbook the teacher uses in the
  instruction of students. The teacher edition must be available at
  the same time the student textbooks become available.
         (b)  The publisher of an adopted textbook shall provide the
  agency with computerized textbook files for the production of
  Braille textbooks or other versions of textbooks to be used by
  students with disabilities, on request of the commissioner [State
  Board of Education]. A publisher shall arrange computerized
  textbook files in one of several optional formats specified by the
  commissioner [State Board of Education].
         (c)  The commissioner [board] may also enter into agreements
  providing for the acceptance, requisition, and distribution of
  special textbooks and instructional aids pursuant to 20 U.S.C.
  Section 101 et seq. for use by students enrolled in:
               (1)  public schools; or
               (2)  private nonprofit schools, if state funds, other
  than for administrative costs, are not involved.
         SECTION 31.  Section 31.029, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 31.029.  BILINGUAL TEXTBOOKS. The commissioner [board]
  shall purchase or otherwise acquire textbooks for use in bilingual
  education classes.
         SECTION 32.  Section 31.030, Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 31.030.  USED TEXTBOOKS. The commissioner [State Board
  of Education] shall propose [adopt] rules to ensure that used
  textbooks sold to school districts and open-enrollment charter
  schools are not sample copies that contain factual errors. The
  rules may provide for the imposition of an administrative penalty
  in accordance with Section 31.151 against a seller of used
  textbooks who knowingly violates this section.
         SECTION 33.  Sections 31.035(a), (b), and (f), Education
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter,
  the commissioner [State Board of Education] may, in accordance with
  Sections 28.0024 and 28.0025, propose for adoption to the State
  Board of Education, in the same manner as rules are proposed under
  Section 31.003(b), [adopt] supplemental textbooks that are not on
  the conforming or nonconforming list under Section 31.023.  The
  commissioner [State Board of Education] may propose for adoption 
  [adopt] a supplemental textbook under this section only if the
               (1)  contains material covering one or more primary
  focal points or primary topics of a subject in the required
  curriculum under Section 28.002[, as determined by the State Board
  of Education];
               (2)  is not designed to serve as the sole textbook for a
  full course;
               (3)  meets applicable physical specifications
  established [adopted] by commissioner rule [the State Board of
  Education]; and
               (4)  is free from factual errors.
         (b)  The commissioner, in accordance with Sections 28.0024
  and 28.0025, [State Board of Education] shall identify the
  essential knowledge and skills identified under Section 28.002 that
  are covered by a supplemental textbook adopted [by the board] under
  this section.
         (f)  A school district or open-enrollment charter school
  that requisitions supplemental textbooks under Subsection (d)(2)
  shall certify to the agency that the supplemental textbooks, in
  combination with any other textbooks or supplemental textbooks used
  by the district or school, cover the essential knowledge and skills
  identified under Section 28.002 [by the State Board of Education]
  for the subject and grade level for which the district or school is
  requisitioning the supplemental textbooks.
         SECTION 34.  Section 28.051(1), Education Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 35.  A rule, form, policy, procedure, or decision of
  the State Board of Education that relates to the adoption of
  curriculum under Chapter 28, Education Code, or the adoption of
  textbooks under Subchapter B, Chapter 31, Education Code, continues
  in effect as a rule, form, policy, procedure, or decision of the
  commissioner of education and remains in effect until changed by
  the commissioner of education in accordance, as necessary, with
  Chapter 28, Education Code, as amended by this Act, or Subchapter B,
  Chapter 31, Education Code, as amended by this Act.
         SECTION 36.  This Act applies beginning with the 2011-2012
  school year.
         SECTION 37.  This Act takes effect immediately if it
  receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
  house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  
  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
  effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2011.