82R11396 KYF-F
  By: Williams S.B. No. 1777
  relating to the composition and appointment of the board of
  directors of a corporation to which the board of regents of The
  University of Texas System delegates investment authority for the
  permanent university fund or other funds under the control of the
  board of regents.
         SECTION 1.  Section 66.08, Education Code, is amended by
  amending Subsections (d) and (e) and adding Subsection (e-1) to
  read as follows:
         (d)  The board of directors of the corporation shall have
  nine members, determined as follows:
               (1)  six[.  The board shall appoint and remove all]
  members appointed by the board, of which [of the board of directors
  of the corporation.   At least] three must be members of the board;
               (2)  [and] the chancellor of The University of Texas
  System; and
               (3)  two members appointed by the board of regents of
  The Texas A&M University System [shall be appointed as directors].
         (e)  Each appointed member of the board of directors of the
  corporation is subject to removal and replacement by and at the
  pleasure of the appointing entity [The board shall select one or
  more of the members of the board of directors of the corporation
  from a list of candidates with substantial background and expertise
  in investments that is submitted to the board by the board of
  regents of The Texas A&M University System].
         (e-1)  A vote of at least four-fifths of the members of the
  board of directors shall be required to:
               (1)  hire or terminate the employment of the chief
  executive officer of the corporation;
               (2)  approve the corporation's annual budget;
               (3)  award executive compensation, including bonuses;
               (4)  change the corporation's asset allocation; and
               (5)  change the investment policies of the
         SECTION 2.  (a) Not later than January 1, 2012, the board of
  regents of The Texas A&M University System shall appoint the
  required number of members of the board of directors of a
  corporation established under Section 66.08, Education Code, in
  accordance with the change in law made by this Act to Section
         (b)  Not later than January 1, 2012, the board of regents of
  The University of Texas System shall appoint the required number of
  members of the board of directors of a corporation established
  under Section 66.08, Education Code.  For that purpose, the board of
  regents may reappoint a sitting member of the board of directors.
         (c)  Until January 1, 2012, the composition of the board of
  directors of a corporation established under Section 66.08,
  Education Code, is as provided by the law in effect immediately
  before the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2011.