82R6861 JH-D
  By: Ellis S.C.R. No. 10
         WHEREAS, The legacy that the Honorable Barbara Jordan
  established in her service to the citizens of Texas and the United
  States of America remains a source of inspiration to countless
  people, and time cannot diminish the contributions of this
  admirable patriot, politician, teacher, mentor, friend, icon, and
  hero; and
         WHEREAS, Born on February 21, 1936, to Benjamin and Arlyne
  Jordan, Barbara Jordan was raised in Houston's Fifth Ward and
  graduated with honors from Phillis Wheatley High School in the
  Houston Independent School District; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Jordan attended Texas Southern University,
  where she majored in government and history and was a member of the
  debate team, winning numerous honors for her oratory skills; after
  graduating magna cum laude from TSU, she enrolled at the Boston
  University School of Law and received her law degree in 1959; and
         WHEREAS, In 1966, Ms. Jordan became the first black woman
  ever elected to the Texas Senate as well as the first African
  American to be elected as a state senator in the United States since
  1883; and
         WHEREAS, Following her successful run for a seat in the U.S.
  Congress in 1972, Ms. Jordan served in the House of Representatives
  from 1973 until 1979, during which time she enhanced her reputation
  as an evocative public speaker and arose as a leader on issues
  relating to voting rights, consumer protection, energy, and the
  environment; and
         WHEREAS, In her role as a member of the House Committee on the
  Judiciary, she gained national prominence during the Watergate
  impeachment proceedings against President Nixon in 1974; speaking
  before the committee, she movingly portrayed the intention of the
  framers of the U.S. Constitution and eloquently expressed her faith
  in that document, even as she noted that "We the People," the first
  words of the preamble to the Constitution, were not originally
  intended to apply to African Americans; and
         WHEREAS, In 1976, Congresswoman Jordan became the first
  female and the first African American to serve as the keynote
  speaker at the Democratic National Convention, and her speech
  reiterated her faith in the Constitution and the desire to form a
  national community that would fulfill the country's purpose of
  creating and sustaining a society in which all are equal; and
         WHEREAS, Ms. Jordan retired from elective office in 1979 and
  became a distinguished professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of
  Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin; for the
  remainder of her life, she focused on mentoring a new generation of
  aspiring leaders, encouraging them to excel and to commit
  themselves to public service; and
         WHEREAS, At the request of President Bill Clinton, she became
  chair of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform in the mid-1990s
  and held that office until her death; in 1994, President Clinton
  honored her for her patriotism and outstanding service by awarding
  her the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country's highest
  civilian honor; and
         WHEREAS, Barbara Jordan passed away in January 1996, but her
  lifelong commitment to freedom, integrity, equality, and justice
  resonates as powerfully today as it did in years past, and she is
  indeed deserving of special recognition, on the anniversary of her
  birth, in the state that she served so well; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 82nd Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby designate February 21 through 27 of each year from 2011
  through 2020 as Barbara Jordan Freedom Week.