82R5781 BPG-F
  By: Ellis S.C.R. No. 46
         WHEREAS, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is
  marking its 70th anniversary in 2011, and this occasion provides an
  ideal opportunity to recognize the remarkable achievements of this
  noteworthy institution; and
         WHEREAS, Over the past seven decades, MD Anderson has served
  more than 800,000 people, the majority of whom have been Texas
  residents, and patients in every corner of the world have benefited
  from medical discoveries at the center; public education and
  community outreach programs initiated by MD Anderson now reach more
  than 1.4 million Texans annually and address the needs of those at
  increased risk for cancer, particularly underserved and minority
  populations; and
         WHEREAS, For many years, MD Anderson has received more grants
  from the National Cancer Institute and conducted more clinical
  trials to evaluate new treatments than any other institution; the
  center sets the standard in developing new therapies targeted to
  the cancer-related genes and proteins associated with each
  patient's disease; moreover, MD Anderson has expanded the continuum
  of care beyond diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients to
  encompass major programs in cancer prevention and to address the
  special needs of cancer survivors; and
         WHEREAS, Rising to meet the health care challenges of the
  21st century, MD Anderson excels as a degree-granting institution;
  it awards baccalaureate degrees in eight allied health disciplines
  and master's and doctoral degrees in biomedical research; more than
  85,000 physicians, scientists, nurses, and health care
  professionals have been trained at the center; and
         WHEREAS, President John Mendelsohn, M.D., has guided MD
  Anderson for the past 15 years, building on the strong foundation
  built by his predecessors, Charles A. LeMaistre, M.D., and R. Lee
  Clark, M.D.; Dr. Mendelsohn provides inspired leadership to a staff
  of more than 17,000 dedicated professionals, along with
  approximately 1,200 hospital volunteers; their efforts are
  supported by the skillful direction of The University of Texas
  System Board of Regents, the work of citizen volunteers of The
  University Cancer Foundation Board of Visitors, and the generosity
  of thousands of donors; and
         WHEREAS, Internationally recognized for its excellence, The
  University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center has been named the
  nation's number one cancer hospital by US News & World Report; the
  exceptional reputation of this institution is a reflection of its
  immeasurable contributions to the advancement of medical science
  and of the outstanding care that has made a positive difference in
  the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients and their families
  over the past seven decades; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 82nd Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby commemorate the 70th anniversary of The University of Texas
  MD Anderson Cancer Center and extend to all those associated with
  the institution sincere best wishes for continued success in their
  vital endeavors; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center as an
  expression of high regard by the Texas Senate and House of