WHEREAS, Many notable citizens of Lubbock are visiting
  Austin on January 25, 2011, to pay tribute to their city's rich
  heritage and to celebrate Lubbock Day at the State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, A thriving region of the state, the Lubbock area
  is one of the oldest inhabited places in Texas; archeologists
  have discovered evidence of some 12,000 years of continuous
  habitation at the Lubbock Lake Landmark site, a national historic
  and state archeological preserve; and
         WHEREAS, The City of Lubbock was incorporated more than 100
  years ago on March 16, 1909; the railroads stimulated the city's
  growth as a trade center, but residents also wanted the benefits
  of an institution of higher learning; when legislation creating
  Texas Technological College was finally passed in 1923, the site
  selection committee, impressed by the enthusiasm and hospitality
  of its citizens, chose Lubbock for its location; and
         WHEREAS, Today a city of approximately 220,000 people,
  Lubbock is home to the Texas Tech University System and its
  flagship institution, Texas Tech University, a university well
  deserving of tier one status; and
         WHEREAS, Lubbock enjoys a diverse economy that draws its
  strength from agribusiness, manufacturing, and commerce, as well
  as from educational and medical facilities, boasting the largest
  medical infrastructure between Dallas and Phoenix; with the
  growth of cotton culture on the High Plains, Lubbock has become
  one of the world's primary centers for the processing of
  cottonseed and hybrid grain sorghum seed; and
         WHEREAS, Lubbock also offers a wealth of cultural and
  recreational opportunities, including the Lubbock Symphony
  Orchestra, the Lubbock Civic Ballet, the Museum and Planetarium
  of Texas Tech University, the Silent Wings Museum, and many other
  cultural offerings at Texas Tech University; and
         WHEREAS, Those wanting a glimpse of the frontier can find
  it in the restored structures at the Ranching Heritage Center, a
  15-acre site tracing the evolution of ranch architecture and the
  history of the cattle industry; the region's history is also
  celebrated at the American Museum of Agriculture; and
         WHEREAS, The talented musicians who have come from the
  Lubbock area include Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, the Maines family,
  Virgil Johnson and the Velvets, Waylon Jennings, Tanya Tucker,
  Joe Ely, Jimmie Dale Gilmore, and Butch Hancock; their rich and
  diverse contributions have earned Lubbock recognition as "The
  Music Crossroads of Texas"; and
         WHEREAS, Lubbock's business community is represented by
  the largest business federation on the Texas South Plains, the
  Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, which is one of fewer than 70
  chambers of commerce to be accredited at the five star level by
  the United States Chamber of Commerce; and
         WHEREAS, Among the delegation visiting the Capitol today
  are proud members of the Leadership Lubbock Class of 2010-2011
  and Focus Lubbock Class of 2010-2011, who represent the future
  business and community leaders of Lubbock; and
         WHEREAS, The citizens of Lubbock have truly kept faith with
  the founders of their West Texas community; renowned for their
  friendliness and warmth as well as their hardiness and
  determination, they have helped to build a vital urban center
  that serves not only a large part of West Texas but also eastern
  New Mexico; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 82nd
  Legislature, hereby recognize January 25, 2011, as Lubbock Day at
  the State Capitol and extend to the members of the visiting
  delegation and all their fellow citizens sincere appreciation
  for the bright luster they add to the Lone Star State.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on January 25, 2011.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate