WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize the 149th Air National Guard for its valuable
  contributions to the people of Bexar County and this state
  through its mission at Lackland Air Force Base; and
         WHEREAS, The federal mission of the 149th Air National
  Guard provides training of F-16 pilots and combat personnel for
  worldwide operations; and
         WHEREAS, In 2009, the mission of the 149th Air National
  Guard at Lackland Air Force Base provided an economic impact to
  the San Antonio area of over $100 million and more than 1,000
  directly and indirectly related jobs; and
         WHEREAS, In addition, the 149th Medical Group serves the
  State of Texas in several capacities; it is the on-call medical
  team for the Federal Emergency Management Agency Region 6 for
  emergencies and was the lead medical unit responding to recent
  hurricanes, including Hurricane Katrina; and
         WHEREAS, The 149th Air National Guard is currently flying
  the aging F-16 airframe and is in the process of retiring it and
  replacing it with the F-35, Lightning II airframe in order to
  secure a vibrant, frontline fighter mission; and
         WHEREAS, The 149th Air National Guard's mission is of
  supreme importance to our state and nation and has been a welcome
  benefit to the welfare of our state, and it is important that
  Texas lend its support to the F-35 airframe transition and
  proudly advocate that Lackland Air Force Base be on the next list
  of basing locations; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 82nd
  Legislature, hereby extend its full support to the 149th Air
  National Guard's transition from the F-16 airframe to the F-35,
  Lightning II Fighter aircraft and advocate that the United States
  Department of Defense name Lackland Air Force Base to the next
  list of the F-35 base locations; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared as an
  expression of admiration and appreciation for the 149th Air
  National Guard.
  Van de Putte
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on April 11, 2011.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate