WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize Joe G. Rivera and Aurora De La Garza on the occasion of
  the dedication of the Joe G. Rivera Aurora De La Garza Cameron
  County Building; and
         WHEREAS, The San Benito Annex Building is being renamed in
  honor of these two people who have contributed significantly
  through their work to Cameron County and its residents; and
         WHEREAS, Joe Rivera has served the residents of Cameron
  County for over 30 years in the position of county clerk; he is
  responsible for filings of official records, such as real estate
  deeds, business names, vital statistics, military discharge
  papers, and hundreds of other types of documentation; his primary
  responsibility is to support the three county courts at law and
  to serve as the administrator of staff, records, and fees
  collections for civil, probate, and criminal cases; the county
  clerk is also clerk of the commissioners court; and
         WHEREAS, Joe is currently chairman of the Cameron County
  Bail Bond Board; he is a leader in the community who is active in
  several organizations, including serving as a member of the
  Jaycees and Knights of Columbus, as president of the Mr. Amigo
  Association, and as president of United Way of Southern Cameron
  County; he has received numerous awards for his outstanding
  professional and community service, and he has repeatedly been
  named Volunteer of the Year by United Way of Southern Cameron
  County; and
         WHEREAS, Aurora De La Garza has served as Cameron County's
  district clerk for over 30 years; she is an active member of the
  County and District Clerks Association of Texas and has served on
  its board of directors; she has also hosted numerous regional and
  state conferences for the association; throughout her career,
  she has earned a number of certificates and awards, including the
  title of District Clerk of the Year for the State of Texas in
  1998; she provides excellent service to the public and is an
  advocate for children through her Child Support Division and Jury
  Donation Forms; due to her initiatives, clerks throughout Texas
  are mandated to give jurors the choice to donate their juror
  reimbursement to local charities; and
         WHEREAS, A well-known community leader, she is a former den
  mother and was the 2009 recipient of the Distinguished Citizen
  Award from the Boy Scouts of America; she has been an active
  participant in many organizations, including Niños Head Start,
  Zonta Club, Rotary Club, and the Mr. Amigo Association; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 82nd
  Legislature, hereby commend Joe G. Rivera and Aurora De La Garza
  on their outstanding leadership and exceptional accomplishments
  on behalf of Cameron County and extend to them congratulations
  on the dedication of the Joe G. Rivera Aurora De La Garza Cameron
  County Building; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  Joe Rivera and Aurora De La Garza as an expression of esteem from
  the Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on April 13, 2011.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate