WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize Kori Christian Polston, a Brazosport area
  homeschooler, on the occasion of her high school graduation on
  May 14, 2011; and
         WHEREAS, Kori has demonstrated exceptional diligence and
  determination in accomplishing the goals she set for herself, and
  she has fulfilled all the requirements for a high school diploma;
         WHEREAS, Having successfully faced the many challenges of
  a high school education, she now embarks on an adventure for
  which she is well prepared and that holds countless exciting
  opportunities; and
         WHEREAS, Kori's achievements reflect her dedication and
  her outstanding abilities, and she is the source of much pride
  for her family and her community; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 82nd
  Legislature, hereby commend Kori Christian Polston on her
  scholastic success and extend to her best wishes for the future
  on the occasion of her high school graduation; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  her as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on April 14, 2011.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate