Honorable Joe Straus, Speaker of the House, House of Representatives
John S O'Brien, Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB397 by Gonzales, Veronica (Relating to the creation of the Bureau for Economic Development of the Border Region. ), As Passed 2nd House
No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill creates the Bureau for Economic Development of the Border Region, which is a colloboration of participating entities administered by an institution of higher education. The bill includes provisions on which institutions would administer the Bureau, composition of the bureau's steering committee and duties of the bureau. The bureau or members of the bureau's steering committee could solicit pledges, gifts and endowments from private sources to support the bureau's functions. Under provisions of the bill, the legislature could not make an appropriation for the duties or functions of the bureau.
Local Government Impact
No fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated.
Source Agencies:
710 Texas A&M University System Administrative and General Offices, 720 The University of Texas System Administration