TO: | Honorable John Whitmire, Chair, Senate Committee on Criminal Justice |
FROM: | John S O'Brien, Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | HB1137 by Darby (Relating to the transmission of records regarding over-the-counter sales of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and norpseudoephedrine and a person's civil liability for certain acts arising from the sale of those products.), As Engrossed |
The bill would amend the Health and Safety Code to require businesses who sell over-the-counter products containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or norpseudoephedrine to transmit certain information to a real-time electronic logging system. The bill would also require the administrators of the logging system to make available to the Department of Public Safety (DPS) a copy of each record of every applicable sale submitted by a business in this state upon request. The administrator of the logging system would be required to provide real-time access of the system to DPS. The bill would also restrict the amounts of the applicable over-the-counter drugs available for purchase within certain time limits. The bill would take effect September 1, 2011.
Source Agencies: | 405 Department of Public Safety, 515 Board of Pharmacy, 537 State Health Services, Department of
LBB Staff: | JOB, ESi, GG