Honorable Florence Shapiro, Chair, Senate Committee on Education
John S O'Brien, Director, Legislative Budget Board
HB1555 by Thompson (Relating to the first day of instruction in certain school districts that provide additional days of instruction financed with local funds.), Committee Report 2nd House, Substituted
No fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
Local Government Impact
Because the bill would not have statewide impact on units of local government of the same type or class, no comment from this office is required by the rules of the House/Senate as to its probable fiscal implication on units of local government. The bill would apply only to the Dallas and Houston Independent School Districts. Data were not available to identify the number of Dallas ISD campuses that would meet the specific criteria of local board designation as undergoing comprehensive reform that would authorize such campuses to lengthen the school year. However, the Texas Education Agency indicates that Houston ISD has approximately 60 qualifying campuses, about 20 percent of Houston ISD campuses, that would be authorized under the bill to lengthen the school year using local funds to provide instruction before the fourth Monday in August.