TO: | Honorable David Dewhurst, Lieutenant Governor, Senate |
FROM: | John S O'Brien, Director, Legislative Budget Board |
IN RE: | SB8 by Nelson (Relating to improving the quality and efficiency of health care. ), As Passed 2nd House |
Estimated Two-year Net Impact to General Revenue Related Funds for SB8, As Passed 2nd House: a negative impact of ($6,020,558) through the biennium ending August 31, 2013.
This negative impact only reflects certain provisions of the bill. The provisions in House Floor Amendment 3rd Reading 1 are anticipated to result in costs and savings, but there is not sufficient information available at this time to estimate those fiscal implications.
Fiscal Year | Probable Net Positive/(Negative) Impact to General Revenue Related Funds |
2012 | ($1,752,749) |
2013 | ($4,267,809) |
2014 | ($3,142,735) |
2015 | ($3,142,335) |
2016 | ($3,142,735) |
Fiscal Year | Probable Savings/(Cost) from General Revenue Fund 1 |
Probable Savings/(Cost) from Federal Funds 555 |
Probable (Cost) from Dept Ins Operating Acct 36 |
Probable (Cost) from Insurance Maint Tax Fees 8042 |
2012 | ($1,752,749) | ($4,122,027) | ($383,203) | ($214,396) |
2013 | ($4,267,809) | ($2,655,161) | ($924,465) | ($578,375) |
2014 | ($3,142,735) | $0 | ($896,966) | ($560,042) |
2015 | ($3,142,335) | $0 | ($898,118) | ($560,810) |
2016 | ($3,142,735) | $0 | ($899,308) | ($561,604) |
Fiscal Year | Probable Revenue Gain from Dept Ins Operating Acct 36 |
Probable Revenue Gain from Insurance Maint Tax Fees 8042 |
2012 | $383,203 | $214,396 |
2013 | $924,465 | $578,375 |
2014 | $896,966 | $560,042 |
2015 | $898,118 | $560,810 |
2016 | $899,308 | $561,604 |
Fiscal Year | Change in Number of State Employees from FY 2011 |
2012 | 7.6 |
2013 | 17.6 |
2014 | 17.6 |
2015 | 17.6 |
2016 | 17.6 |
This analysis assumes all rulemaking at HHSC could be accomplished within existing resources.
SECTIONS 2.01 – 2.03: According to HHSC, the dissolution of the Texas Health Care Policy Council and formation of the Institute would result in a neutral fiscal impact to the state. The agencies currently contributing funding to the Council would contribute the same amount to HHSC via interagency contract for operation of the Institute. According to HHSC, the agency would require two new full-time equivalents (FTEs), but these FTEs would not represent a net increase in state FTEs due to dissolution of the Council at the Office of the Governor. This analysis assumes the duties related to selection of nominees to serve on the Institute’s board can be accomplished within existing resources at the Office of the Governor. HFA 2nd Reading 4: The University of Texas System indicated the impact to health-related institutes to provide administrative support to the Institute is unknown. The Texas A&M University System and Texas Tech University indicated no significant fiscal impact to provide administrative support to the Institute.
SECTION 3.01: TDI indicates the department will require 8.0 positions to implement the provisions of the bill in fiscal year 2012, at a total cost of $535,991 (costs are phased-in for year 2012 and include salaries, benefits, travel, and other operating expenses). Based on the assumption that 25 health care collaboratives would apply for licensure per year in fiscal years 2013 to 2016, the department indicates it would require 3.0 attorneys to provide legal and support services, 1.0 program specialist to conduct implementation activities, 1.0 attorney and 1.0 economist to develop rules and licensing infrastructure related to anti-trust requirements, and 1.0 investigator and 1.0 administrative assistant to conduct anti-fraud related activities.
In fiscal year 2013, TDI indicates the department will require 16.0 positions at a total cost of $1,445,937. These positions include all of the staff from fiscal year 2012 and 8.0 additional staff (2.0 financial examiners, 2.0 attorneys, 1.0 legal assistant, 1.0 program specialist, 1.0 actuary, and 1.0 insurance specialist).
Because the bill does not specify the amount of the fees and the number of health care collaborative seeking a certificate of authority from TDI is unknown, the Comptroller of Public Accounts could not estimate the fee revenue gain. However, because TDI indicates it would use funds from General Revenue-Dedicated Texas Department of Insurance Fund 36 and General Revenue – Insurance Maintenance Tax and Insurance Department Fees in the implementation of the bill’s requirements, both self-leveling accounts, this analysis assumes there would be no net fiscal impact to TDI to implement the bill. Since both funds are self-leveling accounts, this analysis also assumes that any additional revenue resulting from the implementation of the bill would accumulate in the account fund balances and that the department would adjust the assessment of the maintenance tax or other fees accordingly in the following year.
The Office of the Attorney General indicates any increase in agency workload as a result of this bill can be handled within existing resources.
SECTION 4.01: According to DSHS, development of a standardized patient risk identification system would not have a significant fiscal impact.
SECTIONS 5.03 and 5.04: DSHS indicates the reporting requirements related to NHSN would not have a significant fiscal impact.
SECTION 5.05: Assuming availability of data, DSHS indicates the additional public reporting of data and study of adverse health conditions that occur in long-term care facilities would not have a significant fiscal impact.
SECTION 5.08: DSHS assumes there is no significant fiscal impact to study the recognition program.
SECTIONS 5.09 and 6.01-6.06: DSHS assumes there is no significant fiscal impact related to the disclosure of data collected under Chapter 108. The department assumes the additional reporting from rural providers would result in a cost, as the department contracts for data collection under Chapter 108, but that the cost could be absorbed within existing resources.
HFA 2nd Reading 1: This analysis assumes the additional study would have no significant fiscal impact.
HFA 2nd Reading 5: This analysis assumes the additional study requirement for the Institute would not have a significant fiscal impact.
HFA 2nd Reading 11: This analysis assumes the interim study would not have a significant fiscal impact.
HFA 2nd Reading 13: This analysis assumes extension of the expiration date for the health and human services eligibility system legislative oversight committee would not have a significant fiscal impact.
HFA 2nd Reading 14: HHSC estimates the total cost of implementing the pilot project to be $5.8 million in All Funds, including $1.7 million in General Revenue Funds in fiscal year 2012 and $3.8 million in All Funds, including $1.1 million in General Revenue Funds in fiscal year 2013. For purposes of this estimate, the pilot is assumed to begin on September 1, 2011 although HHSC indicates it may not be possible to implement on this timeline, which would shift costs from fiscal year 2012 into fiscal year 2013 and from fiscal year 2013 into fiscal year 2014.
According to HHSC, the proposed pilot project is estimated to impact approximately 56,708 of currently projected CHIP enrollees in fiscal year 2012, declining to 38,801 in fiscal year 2013 due to limiting enrollment in the pilot to the first year. Provisions of the pilot are assumed to increase enrollment by 2 percent or 1,134 in fiscal year 2012 and 776 in fiscal year 2013. HHSC estimates the base per member per month cost for the CHIP program to be $143 in fiscal year 2012 and $148 in fiscal year 2013; the requirement in the bill that primary care services be reimbursed at a rate comparable to Medicare is estimated to increase per member per month costs by $4.77 in fiscal year 2012 and $4.93 in fiscal year 2013. The total increased client services cost for serving additional clients and higher per member per month costs for all clients enrolled in the pilot is estimated to be $5.3 million in All Funds in fiscal year 2012 and $3.7 million in All Funds in fiscal year 2013. HHSC estimates increased costs related to eligibility determination for the increased caseload, systems modifications, and other implementation costs of $0.6 million in All Funds, including $0.2 million in General Revenue Funds in the fiscal 2012-13 biennium. It is assumed that any costs to prepare the required reports can be absorbed within available resources.
HFA 2nd Reading 20: The amendment requires that contracting entities register with TDI and allows for the regulation of certain health care provider network contract arrangements relating to the delivery of and payment for health care services to individuals covered under a health benefit plan. Based on the analysis provided by TDI, it is assumed that 200 contracting entities will seek registration for the non workers’ compensation healthcare. Implementation will require 1.0 full-time-equivalent position (FTE), an Insurance Specialist III, to perform the registration process and periodic updates for contracting entities. Based on the analysis provided by TDI, the 1.0 FTE would cost $42,881 in salaries and wages, $11,947 in benefit costs, $1,850 for telephones and consumables, and $225 in other operating expenses each fiscal year in GR-D Fund 36. One-time equipment expenditures are anticipated to be $4,705 in fiscal year 2012.
Implementation would require TDI to set a reasonable fee by rule as necessary to administer the registration process. Since GR-D Fund 36 is a self-leveling account, this analysis also assumes that any additional revenue resulting from the implementation of the bill would accumulate in the account fund balances and that the department would adjust the assessment of the maintenance tax or other fees accordingly in the following year.
HFA 2nd Reading 21: DSHS indicates that the cost of the website posting would be minimal and could be absorbed using current resources.
HFA 2nd Reading 22: For the purposes of this analysis, partnerships with graduate nursing programs and graduate medical programs are considered. The Higher Education Coordinating Board anticipates costs to establish rules for the program, conduct a grants competition as needed and at an interval to be determined, administer and monitor grant awards, and approve partnership programs. These costs are estimated to be $102,430 for the 2012-13 biennium.
The Higher Education Coordinating Board estimates the following costs based on other partnership programs it administers. They include personnel requirements of 0.35 FTE Program Director and 0.25 FTE Administrative Assistant III (0.6 FTE total) and other costs to administer the program for a total of $99,630 for the 2012-13 biennium. Travel costs for the Program Director to evaluate the grantees on-site assume an average of $400 per site visit, with seven visits starting in 2013 and eight visits in 2014, for a total of 15 site visits over each two-year grant period. The total travel costs for the 2012-13 biennium would total $2,800 since the site visits would not start until the second year of the biennium. It is assumed that all 15 nonmilitary Level 1 Trauma Centers in Texas would participate in the program.
It is assumed the Higher Education Coordinating Board would not start awarding grants until fiscal year 2013 after it has established the rules and guidelines and for the participating partnerships to be developed. It is anticipated approximately 50 physicians for the fellowship would participate starting in fiscal year 2013. The estimated costs are $60,000 per year per fellow for fiscal year 2013 for a total of $3 million for the 2012-13 biennium. In addition, it is anticipated the Higher Education Coordinating Board would provide $10,000 per year per nurse to cover tuition and fees for a post-graduate certificate program. It assumes up to ten nurses could participate in the program starting in fiscal year 2013 for a cost of $100,000 for the 2012-13 biennium.
HFA 3rd Reading 1: For the purpose of this analysis, it is assumed the amendment would have a significant impact on the agencies that provide Medicaid services within the state of Texas. The extent of the costs or cost savings, which could include a potential significant loss of federal funds, cannot be determined at this time.
HFA 3rd Reading 3: The Board of Chiropractic Examiners indicates provisions could be accomplished within existing resources.
HFA 2nd Reading 14: One-time costs for modifications to the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign Systems (TIERS) related to the CHIP pilot project are estimated to be $102,000 in fiscal year 2012.
HFA 2nd Reading 20: A technology impact of $1,225 at TDI is anticipated to occur in fiscal year 2012.
Source Agencies: | 302 Office of the Attorney General, 304 Comptroller of Public Accounts, 454 Department of Insurance, 529 Health and Human Services Commission, 308 State Auditor's Office, 508 Board of Chiropractic Examiners, 710 Texas A&M University System Administrative and General Offices, 720 The University of Texas System Administration, 733 Texas Tech University, 781 Higher Education Coordinating Board
LBB Staff: | JOB, CL, JI, LL