Austin, Texas
Revision 1
April 20, 2011

Honorable Florence Shapiro, Chair, Senate Committee on Education
John S O'Brien, Director, Legislative Budget Board
SB570 by Shapiro (Relating to beginning teacher induction and mentoring programs for public schools.), Committee Report 1st House, Substituted

Estimated Two-year Net Impact to General Revenue Related Funds for SB570, Committee Report 1st House, Substituted: a negative impact of ($22,989,398) through the biennium ending August 31, 2013.

Fiscal Year Probable Net Positive/(Negative) Impact to General Revenue Related Funds
2012 ($262,831)
2013 ($22,726,567)
2014 ($22,726,567)
2015 ($22,726,567)
2016 ($22,726,567)

Fiscal Year Probable Savings/(Cost) from
General Revenue Fund
Change in Number of State Employees from FY 2011
2012 ($262,831) 3.0
2013 ($22,726,567) 3.0
2014 ($22,726,567) 3.0
2015 ($22,726,567) 3.0
2016 ($22,726,567) 3.0

Fiscal Analysis

The bill is related to beginning teacher and mentoring program for public schools and repeals Section 21.458, Education Code.


The bill amends Subchapter 21, Education Code by adding Subchapter N to establish beginning teacher induction and mentoring programs.


New Sec. 21.651, Subchapter N, defines beginning teacher as one with less than two complete years of experience teaching their assigned subject of grade level, or less than three years and identified as in need of assistance under an appraisal system developed under Section 21.351 or 21.352.  


The bill would require the TEA Commissioner to establish, by rule, a beginning teacher inductions and mentoring program. School districts’ participation in the program is voluntary, but a participating district will receive program grants from TEA for planning and providing programs. A district that does not participate must still ensure that beginning teachers have access to high-quality induction and mentoring consistent with guidelines developed under a later section. Subsection (b) requires the Commissioner to develop guidelines, in consultation with a committee established under Subsection (c). The committee will consist of agency staff, education policy makers, representatives of educator preparation programs and educator associations, and educators who work under beginning teacher induction programs. Subsection (d) requires the Commissioner to provide for participating school districts to receive technical assistance and planning and program guidance. Program guidelines and rules would have to be adopted by January 1, 2012 with implementation beginning with the 2012-13 school year.


The bill would require program guidelines to establish quality indicators for these required components: research-based program standards; mentoring standards; performance standards; ongoing professional development requirements; standards-based formative assessments; and provisions for partnership and collaboration between participating districts and appropriate educator preparation programs. The bill would also require the commissioner to adopt guidelines for funding the program, including requiring a participating district to provide matching funds in an amount determined by the commissioner.


The bill would require the Commissioner to conduct a periodic evaluation of the program and report the program results to each member of the legislature by January 1, 2015.


The bill would repeal Section 21.458, Education Code, related to mentors that may be assigned to beginning teachers.


The bill would take effect immediately upon passage with the necessary voting margins. 


TEA estimated costs would include three new full-time equivalent (FTE) positions totaling $158,429 per year to develop and maintain the mentoring program, provide evaluations of local programs, provide technical assistance, and administer the grant program. 


Other operating costs for cubicle, phone, PC lease, and supplies are estimated at $16,000 per position for the first year of employment. After the first year, the cost per position for phone, PC lease, and supplies is estimated at $8,000 per position.


Based on 2009–2010 Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data, it is estimated that between 50,000 and 100,000 beginning teachers (0–5 years experience) statewide could benefit from a mentoring program. For purposes of this analysis, TEA assumed a minimum participation of 30,000 beginning teachers requiring at least 15,000 mentors to maintain the required ratio of one mentor to two beginning teachers. Estimated costs include 15,000 mentors each receiving $1,500 for a total annual cost of approximately $22,500,000 beginning in fiscal year 2013. The agency assumed that other costs associated with local programs would be the responsibility of the school district as part of the school district matching contribution.


TEA assumed that the commissioner would appoint a committee that would include up to six representatives outside of the Austin area that would be required to travel to attend four meetings. Estimated travel cost per person for one meeting is $511 ($300 airfare, $104 hotel, and $107 meals and incidentals). Total cost for six attendees for one meeting is estimated at $3,066 x four meetings in fiscal year 2012 is approximately $12,264.


According to TEA, the bill has no identifiable effect technology costs.

Local Government Impact

School districts would be required to use beginning teacher induction and mentoring programs that met guidelines provided by the TEA even if they did not apply for funding. School districts could apply for grant funding to implement sustainable beginning teacher induction and mentoring programs.


School districts would be required to provide matching funds when applying for grant funding to implement local beginning teacher induction and mentoring programs. These costs would be determined locally and would be incurred voluntarily.

Source Agencies:
701 Central Education Agency
LBB Staff: