Honorable John Whitmire, Chair, Senate Committee on Criminal Justice
John S O'Brien, Director, Legislative Budget Board
SB905 by Patrick (Relating to the application of certain concealed handgun license laws to statewide elected officials, certain current and former members of the legislature, and certain federal and state employees. ), Committee Report 1st House, Substituted
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend the Penal Code by providing a defense to prosecution related to the carrying of a concealed handgun by certain statewide elected officials, current and former members of the legislature, noncommissioned employees of the Department of Public Safety, and United States attorneys or assistant United States attorneys for the offense of unlawful carrying of handgun by license holder. At present, the offense of unlawful carrying of handgun by license holder is punishable as a Class A Misdemeanor or a felony of the third degree. No significant fiscal impact to the state is anticipated from this bill.
The change in law made by this Act would apply only to an offense committed on or after September 1, 2011.
Local Government Impact
No significant fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated.