Honorable Eddie Lucio Jr., Chair, Senate Committee on International Relations & Trade
John S O'Brien, Director, Legislative Budget Board
SB1462 by Lucio (Relating to the enforcement of subdivision platting requirements in certain counties near the international border of this state.), As Introduced
No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.
The bill would amend the Local Government Code to authorize counties near an international border to take necessary action in a court of competent jurisdiction on behalf of the affected county and affected county residents to recover funds paid with interest, freeze assets, and void contracts of a subdivider who violates certain platting requirements. If the state or county is party to the claim, funds recovered would be divided so that 50 percent is paid to affected residents and 50 percent is paid to affected governmental entities.
Local Government Impact
There could be significant costs associated with bringing a suit to recover funds, but the amount would vary depending on the number of suits filed. In addition, there could be a revenue gain if a court awarded funds to a local government that is a party to the claim, but the amount would vary depending on the amount awarded and the amount offset by costs associated with a trial.