COMMITTEE:   Energy Resources 

TIME & DATE: Upon lunch recess
Thursday, April 14, 2011 

PLACE:       House Chamber, Desk # 108 
CHAIR:       Rep. Jim Keffer 


The committee took up the following pending business:


HB 1629       Anchia
Relating to energy efficiency goals and public information regarding energy efficiency programs.

HB 2077       Rodriguez, Eddie
Relating to a pilot program under the loanstar revolving loan program to promote the use of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy technology by certain nonprofit organizations.

HB 3110       Craddick
Relating to air permitting requirements for certain oil and gas facilities.

HB 3134       Crownover
Relating to the process for refusing to renew an organization report for an operator that fails to plug an inactive oil or gas well.

SB 655        Hegar
Relating to the abolition of the Railroad Commission of Texas, the creation of the Texas Oil and Gas Commission, and the transfer of the powers and duties of the railroad commission to the oil and gas commission.

Notice of this meeting was announce from the house floor.