COMMITTEE:   Environmental Regulation 

TIME & DATE: 1:30 PM or upon final adjourn./recess
Wednesday, March 09, 2011 

PLACE:       E2.030
CHAIR:       Rep. Wayne Smith 


HB 125        Legler
Relating to the inclusion of a draft impact analysis in the notice of rules proposed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

HB 240        Parker
Relating to requiring the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to adopt rules preventing accidental or unintentional access to on-site sewage disposal systems.

HB 1145       Geren | et al.
Relating to air monitors in Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Regions 3 and 4 to be funded through the Texas emissions reduction plan.

HB 1242       Geren
Relating to the regulation of certain metal dealers; providing criminal penalties.

HCR 66        Hancock | et al.
Urging the United States Congress to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases for stationary sources.